Rebirth begins at Skull Island

Chapter 329 The Disaster Continues

Chapter 329 The Disaster Continues
Sudan, Tokyo, Cambodia, Munich.

Nearly two dozen cities around the world were devastated at nearly the same time.

The number of casualties cannot be calculated, and the direct losses can be estimated in trillions.

Countless people have been displaced and countless families have been destroyed.

Pain, cry, mourn, wail.

Negative emotions of all kinds are spreading throughout the planet.

At this time, the people on the earth realized it.

Humans may really not be the masters of the earth.

at this time.

It is located inside a barren hill more than ten kilometers outside of Boston.

Jonah Allen was standing in front of the big screen with his arms folded, staring coldly at everything on the screen.

The city was destroyed, and every move of the monster caused countless casualties.

But such a tragic event can't have any negative impact on his mood.

Even, when he saw an eight-headed giant snake biting a giant steel mecha, a strange smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, he muttered to himself:

"Struggle, cry, destroy"

"This alternative world should not be dominated by humans."

"Only monsters are the masters of the earth"

As he spoke, the smile on the corner of his mouth grew wider and wider.

But at this moment, a series of rapid sirens rang through the entire base.

"Woo-doo! Woo-doo! Woo-doo! Woo-doo!"

Jonah turned his head and set his eyes on the sergeants behind him.

The sergeant sensed his gaze, and after manipulating the computer for a while, one of them raised his head and said in an incredible tone:

"Boss, Mothra is gone!"


Jonah also seemed a little surprised. He turned his head and looked at the table a few meters away.

The army green desk has a high platform for documents, but on the top, there is a small computer with a strange shape.

'Oka' is still there.

What about 'Mothra'?

Although he didn't understand, Jonah asked directly from a rational point of view:
"Is 'Mothra' doing anything?"

"Yes, southwest!"

"What's in the southwest!?"

Facing Jonah's questioning, the sergeant didn't reply right away, but hesitated for a while before saying:
"New York, Baltimore, Washington, Stateswell, Atlanta, and New Orleans"

Heard so many city names.

Suddenly, Jonah seemed to remember something, raised his head, and focused his eyes on the one in the upper right corner of the many screens in front of him.

The screen, like other cities, is full of ruins and devastated.

But one thing is different.

In the upper right corner of the screen, the giant ape with pure white body hair just sat quietly on the ruins.

Like contemplation, like thinking.


"Woo-doo! Woo-doo! Woo-doo! Woo-doo!"

In the busy White House, a series of sudden sirens made everyone subconsciously put down the busy things in their hands.

Immediately afterwards, a series of urgent warnings came from the radio.

"Alert! Alert!"

"Emergency Evacuation! Emergency Evacuation!"

"All personnel go to the White House shelter immediately!"

"Repeat! All personnel go to the White House Emergency Shelter immediately!"

Spurred by this broadcast, almost everyone in the White House began an emergency evacuation.

At this time in the Oval Office of the President of the White House.

The sudden intrusion of several bodyguards brought the noisy atmosphere in the office to a sudden stop.

"What's wrong?" Obap asked, looking up.

Facing the president's question, the head of the bodyguard directly said in a deep voice:
"A titan has appeared over Boston, flying southwest!"

"It's expected to arrive in New York in 3 minutes and over Washington in 7 minutes!"


For an instant.

The office exploded again.

Because you know, what was being discussed in the office just now was the destruction of Atlanta and other cities around the world by monsters.

Originally, each of them was a little relaxed.

After all, only a few cities in the continental United States were attacked by monsters.

Compared with other countries in the world, the loss is really much smaller.

But one reason they haven't discussed yet is that a new monster has attacked.

And the path was still heading straight for them.

How can this make people not panic?
When the crowd was in a panic, the head of the bodyguard directly passed the panicked crowd, came to the president, and said:

"Your Excellency, time is running out, please evacuate as soon as possible."

Yes, evacuate!

With this introduction, most people in the office turned their attention to the head of the bodyguard.

Instead, only the president sat calmly on the chair, put the cap on the pen gently, sighed, and said:
"Is it still here?"

Perhaps his voice was a little low, and the head of the bodyguard couldn't hear what he was saying, so he asked:
"Your Excellency, what did you say?"

"Nothing, let's go."

After speaking, Obapu got up, patted his clothes, and walked forward quietly.

When he slowly walked to the corner and was about to enter the elevator, a voice suddenly appeared.

"Your Excellency."

When Obapu heard the sound, he turned around and saw that it was his old subordinate, General Kaibar.

I saw the old general touching his military cap, standing straight up, and in front of him, said in a firm tone:
"Don't worry, Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard."

"They will swear to the death to defend their homeland!"

After finishing speaking, a military salute with a "snap" represented the determination of the old general.

Be quiet for a moment.

The black president also put up a military salute silently, as if responding, and also seemed to be answering the other party's determination.

'Defend your homeland to the death! '

this moment.

All U.S. forces were ordered to assemble, including the six aircraft carrier battle groups patrolling the open sea.


"Assemble! Assemble! Assemble!"

"All personnel, immediately return to their posts!"

"Repeat! All personnel! Return to your work immediately!"

Outside Skull Island, inside the USS Roosevelt.

Emma is in the cockpit, using limited tools, welding something.

Suddenly, the cabin door was opened, and a young girl ran in from the door, opened her mouth and said hurriedly:
"Mom! The aircraft carrier is going back to China!"

Back home?

Emma raised her head, came back to her senses, looked at her panting daughter, and suddenly smiled and said:

"The aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt has only been out of the island for more than two months, how can it return to China?"

"Madison, you're being naughty again."

"Really! Mom! If you don't believe me, listen!"

Seeing her daughter's determined appearance, Emma also stood up somewhat uncertainly, went to the window, and looked out through the glass.

Sure enough, not far away, warships were billowing thick smoke.

That's when the engine power is maximized.

Really back home?
Aren't there three Titans on the island?

Just ignore it?

Emma felt something was wrong when she thought about it, she immediately put down the things in her hands, and walked quickly to the door.

the other side.

On the edge of the city of Atlanta, as a burst of rubble was lifted, a large sunken pit and the few figures in distress were revealed.

"Cough cough cough..."

", are you all right?"

(End of this chapter)

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