Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 334

Chapter 334 Sweden plan completed

Kevin knew that he could not directly answer that he would not consider living in Sweden. After all, that would hurt the atmosphere and the hearts of the readers here. So, after thinking for a moment, he said:

“Sweden is a country full of charm, and I have tried to tell everyone several times that everything here is so beautiful, and I enjoy my time here. So, if I have the opportunity, I will not hesitate to consider it. Living here. After all, I have my dearest of you here. Thank you.”

After Kevin finished speaking, there was another wave of applause from the audience. Kevin was also quite satisfied with his answer. After all, he didn’t explicitly reject or explicitly say for sure. He just said that there was an opportunity, and the opportunity was very vague.

“Mr. Kevin, you just said that this is your first visit to Sweden. Will you consider writing down your feelings about coming to Sweden after you go back or in a few years?” the next reader asked.

“There is no doubt that this is necessary. As a writer, I don’t think he will miss any beautiful moments, and there are dearest of you here.” Kevin simply replied.

After Kevin answered these three questions, he continued to answer the questions of other readers, and the questioning session ended after the planned 20 minutes. After the questioning session was over, they immediately proceeded to the signing session.

At this time, Kevin also began to seriously sign his own name for every reader who came up with The Collection of All Living Beings. Once he got tired, he would take a break while drinking a drink.

This signing session lasted almost 2 hours before it ended, although it is still not possible to sign all readers with their own names one by one. But for Kevin to be here for such a long time, President Latis and Mirotic are also quite satisfied.

“Kevin, thank you very much. Thank you for giving the students here a valuable lesson. Maybe after they interact with you, they will know how to face the various things in life.” After the event, Principal Mirotic held Kevin’s touch and said.

“Dear Principal Mirotic, don’t say that. I just did what I was supposed to do. If you insist on saying thank you, perhaps the person who should say thank you most is me. Because you made me feel the return. There are so many people who like my poems. Thank you.” Kevin also said sincerely.

“Haha, we still don’t want to thank you for coming and thanking you for going, let’s go, tonight’s dinner counts mine.”

Every time I go to an activity. The organizer is responsible for eating this aspect. Therefore, this time is no exception. The evening dinner was arranged by the University of Gothenburg.

After the event in Gothenburg, Kevin had to go to Malmö and Uppsala. According to the plan, the two cities also stayed for one day. After all, Kevin only needs to stay in Sweden for 2 more days.

Two days later, Kevin’s plan to come to Sweden was basically completed. Latis was very happy at this time. Because of Kevin’s visit to Sweden this time, the sales of “The Collection of All Beings” have soared. Now “The Collection of All Beings” is the best-selling book in Sweden so far this year.

After the event in Uppsala, Latis invited Kevin back to Stockholm. Kevin also readily agreed, because he wanted to go back to the Beihai Caotang there to take a look at the garden structure belonging to China.

After returning to Stockholm, Latis took everyone to the Beihai Caotang for a round tour, and then took them back to the meeting room of the Swedish Translation Publishing House.

“Dear Mr. Louis, Mr. Kevin, this time I’m back to Translation Publishing House. I have one more thing to discuss with you.” Latis said after pouring everyone a cup of tea.

“Oh. I don’t know what else Mr. Latis needs to discuss with us?” Kevin asked curiously.

“That’s it. We learned that in addition to “The Collection of All Living Beings”, Mr. Kevin also wrote a lot of best-selling works. Among them, “Jane Eyre” is one of your representative works. And when you gave a lecture at Stockholm University I have also mentioned this work many times. We have all known about this work, and I think it is very good.” Latis said.

“What does Latis mean?”

“I mean if “Jane Eyre” can also have a Swedish version and be published in the Swedish book market, it will definitely be popular with readers, just like the current “Collection of All Beings”. So, I think This time I took advantage of your time in Sweden to talk to you about the Swedish copyright of “Jane Eyre”.” Latis finally stated his purpose.

Yes it is. Before Kevin came to Sweden, Latis was already doing this calculation. Now that Kay’s Diploma of “The Collection of All Beings” can have so many readers in Sweden, this proves that Kevin’s literary charm is very large, and “Jane Eyre” is his first work. It also represents his purest talent, plus Kevin said this work many times in his speech.

If the Swedish Translation Publishing House can publish “Jane Eyre” in the Swedish market, it will inevitably arouse readers’ frenzy. So, thinking of this, Latis invited Kevin and Louis back to Stockholm, intending to sign the Swedish copyright of “Jane Eyre” on this occasion.

Louis has been in the publishing industry for many years. Before going to Sweden, he also had a type of prediction in his mind. Therefore, he was not surprised at this request made by Latis suddenly. Anyway, they can sign up to the Swedish copyright, and it is their publishing house that makes money, so at this time, Louis only looks at Kevin’s meaning. After all, in accordance with the laws of this parallel world, the consent of the original author must be obtained when signing other copyrights.

“Everyone, Mr. Latis really likes the work “Jane Eyre” He has recommended it to people in the company several times. So, I think if this work can be If it is published and published in Sweden, it might be as popular as “The Collection of All Living Beings”.” Seeing that Kevin and Louis hadn’t spoken yet, Latis’ assistant said.

“Dear Mr. Latis, I was simply surprised by this incident, but as an original author, I am very happy to hear someone willing to sign the Swedish copyright of Jane Eyre.” Kevin said.

“Kevin, what do you mean is that you agreed to let “Jane Eyre” be published in Sweden, which is great. Come on, I will try my best to meet all the conditions you need.”

When signing the Swedish copyright of “The Collection of All Beings”, Latis paid a price of 2 million pounds to get it. Therefore, he is also very clear that the price of “Jane Eyre” this time will naturally not be less than this amount. After all, “Jane Eyre” belongs to the novel category, and there are far more channels for the novel category than poetry, such as movies and games.

Latis saw this, so he decided to sign the Swedish copyright of Jane Eyre anyway. What he is thinking is that with Kevin’s current fan popularity in Sweden, if this work develops other channels at that time, it must also be very smooth, and then it will be the time to make a lot of money. (To be continued.)

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