Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 470: Defeated Chief of the Black Lion Legion

Chapter 470 Defeated the Commander of the Black Lion Army

Heads of awe-inspiring black flaming lions appeared in front of him, densely packed.

"There is a problem with these black flames!" Lin Hao secretly said in his heart.

While in the Heavenly Cold Sect, he released his sword **** aura with all his strength, and frightened twenty black flaming lions to the ground without daring to get up.

But now, after Lin Hao released his aura, these black flames were not affected at all.

Lin Hao's expression condensed, and the next moment his figure flashed, he rushed towards the black flame lion in front of him.

In this passage, it doesn't make much sense to use the body technique.

Even if Lin Hao's speed is so fast that these black flamed lions can't see his movement trajectory clearly, he must pass the block of these black flamed lions.

The dense black fire lions roared in the passage, and the black flame surged to occupy the entire passage.

Lin Hao rushed into the black flames. These black flames can burn the vitality. Once the warrior with the stronger the vitality is contaminated, the more terrifying flames will burn on his body.

Therefore, Lin Hao did not use a trace of vitality at this time, but purely used physical power to smash it out with one punch.


A black flamed lion was blasted out immediately, crashed into the black flamed lion group behind, its body exploded, and the surrounding black flamed lion was blown off.

However, there are too many black fire lions here, and they are attacking Lin Hao like a tide. Although Lin Hao's physical strength is not afraid of this black flame, and these black fire lions can't get close to Lin Hao at all. They would be bombarded, but after a full quarter of an hour, the number of Black Flame Lions did not decrease.

"It turns out that they are all fake!"

At this time, Lin Hao finally discovered the problem.

All this is an illusion.

Very real illusion!

Even his martial arts real eye, for a while, did not see the clue.

Lin Hao yelled loudly, and the sound wave rolled away, shook away the black flame lions rushing to his side, and then punched out!


Several fist marks floated out of Lin Hao's fist, and this passage seemed to be unable to withstand this force, and there was a tremor.

The fist marks landed on different areas, and the power of the explosion spread, and then, the surrounding mirror-like passage with waves of water made a creaking sound and began to shatter!

And those black flames also began to fall apart.


The passage was completely shattered, countless fragments smashed down, making a crisp sound, and these fragments, in the blink of an eye, turned into a burst of special power, drifting away and disappearing.

Not only is the black flame lion a phantom just now, but even the passage that appeared at the beginning is also an illusion!

Lin Hao walked out of the illusion and stood on a deserted land.

In front of him, there appeared a black flamed lion that was three or four times larger than an ordinary black flamed lion. On the black flamed lion, a man wearing black armor and holding a black patterned spear!

"A good method, the illusion is surrounded by rings, between the false and the real." Lin Hao said while speaking.

Just now, those illusions were not completely false. If Lin Hao thought they were illusions and ignored them, then he would bear a real attack.

The man riding on the back of that huge black lion couldn’t help but complimented: “As expected of Lin Hao, you are the first person who can discover the illusion in a quarter of an hour and then rush out. It’s just a shame. , Such a Tianjiao, but so stubborn, wants to oppose our Shangguan family."

Lin Hao smiled and said, "Do it."

The man riding on the back of the black flame lion nodded his head with a solemn expression, and said: "Shangguan family, the eighth generation commander of the black flame lion army, Shangguanrong, please enlighten me!"

When the voice fell, this Shang Guanrong, riding the Black Flame Lion, suddenly launched a charge towards Lin Hao!

The Black Flame Lion Legion of the Shangguan family is very famous, and it is their first combat power. It can become the commander of the Black Flame Lion Legion. This Shangguan Rong is not an easy one. The cultivation base is the fourth level of the Yuan Dynasty. With an incomparably horrible atmosphere of killing, a shot swept out, with a thousand troops ahead, and an imposing momentum!


Lin Hao didn't dare to be careless, he suddenly took out the Tianhen Sword, held it in his hand, and slashed it out!

You want to sweep the army with one shot!

I will cut your spear with one sword!

The boundless line of the sky and the earth opened, the sword light was extremely fast, flashed past, with a clang, Lin Hao broke through the momentum of Shang Guanrong's long spear, and the tip of the spear shot towards the distance.

Shangguan Rong was defeated by a single blow, and he suddenly changed to a stabbing. Even if the spear lost its tip, its sharpness was still unstoppable!

Lin Hao's figure flashed, and the Wanhua sword was unfolded. With a flick of the long sword, Shang Guanrong's attack power was removed, and Jian Feng pointed directly at Shang Guanrong's throat.

Shangguanrong’s palms suddenly slapped the black flamed lion’s back and retreated violently. The Tianhen sword in Lin Hao’s hand shot out, like an arrow, with a chuckle, piercing the shoulder blade of Shangguanrong, It was nailed to the stone wall.


And the huge black flame lion roared at this moment, opened its blood basin, and bit down towards Lin Hao.

Lin Hao gave a cold snort, then smashed out with another punch. A fist stamp rushed into the mouth of the black flamed lion, breaking all the sharp fangs of the black flamed lion, and the power of the punch was poured into this The black flamed lion's body immediately exploded with a bang. The black flamed lion's body was torn apart, and the intestines and internal organs were scattered all over the ground.

As Lin Hao stretched out his arm, the Tianhen Sword nailing Shangguanrong to the stone wall made a sound of sword hum, and then flew back to Lin Hao's hand.

Shangguan Rong looked depressed, sitting on the ground, the previous aura vanished, and said: "I... defeated!"

After that, Shangguan Rong slapped the ground with a palm in his hand, and the cobweb-like cracks spread, and then the ground collapsed. Lin Hao's figure also fell with the collapsed ground and was submerged by earth and rocks. The next moment, he appeared. In another space, surrounded by beautiful mountains and clear waters, birds and flowers, completely different from the barrenness just now!

at this time.

In the Xuanshui Hall.

Shangguan Mingyao, the lord of the Shangguan family, appeared in front of him with a rippling mirror. Through this mirror, he saw Lin Hao's every move.

Lin Hao broke through the illusion so quickly, and almost instantly defeated Shangguan Rong, the Black Flame Lion Legion commander of their Shangguan family, which really shocked Shangguan Mingyao.

And the more shocked he was, the more determined he was.

Lin Hao this person.

If you can't use it for yourself.

Then, we must kill!

To avoid future troubles!

"Lin Hao, now, it's just an appetizer. The show has just begun. If you can't get out, then you will always be lost in this thousand illusion mountains!" Shangguan Mingyao said to himself.

This thousand fantasy mountains.

It is a treasure of the Shangguan family apart from the pseudo-sacred artifact Xuanshui Realm. A damaged first-order pseudo-sacred tool was used by another Heavenly Orderer family in the Eastern Origin Realm. However, as the Orderer family was destroyed that day, these thousand Huanshan fell into the hands of the Shangguan family.

Even if the fake artifact has been damaged, its power cannot be underestimated, and Lin Hao is now in the internal space of this fake artifact.

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