Rebirth: Ancient Sword God

Chapter 403: Sword Spirit

The 403rd chapter of the town of magic sword spirit

When Wu Xiong said his whole plan, Raksha nodded after hearing it, and said, "I believe you again."

After Wu Xiong got his eldest sister known as the Wujia Rakshasa to approve of his plan, his hidden ambitions instantly burned. Once this plan succeeds, after helping the eldest sister Raksha avenge, he will also gain heaven. A big benefit, becoming the Patriarch of the Wu Family is just around the corner!

"Sister, then I will go to heal first, and prepare for things in three months' time." Wu Xiong said.

Raksha did not look at Wu Xiong again, and was too lazy to respond, turned and walked towards the house.

Wu Xiong knew her eldest sister's temper very well. If she stayed here again at this time, and if she accidentally caused disgust, she could not easily convince her that her efforts would turn into a bubble, so he hurriedly left.

Rakshasa returned to the house.

Sitting in front of the dressing table.

Looking at myself in the bronze mirror.

Her expression showed sorrow.

"Daolang, I can give you everything, but you just want to be strong and want to break the world by yourself.

I said that in my whole life, I only put on red makeup for you, and now that you are no longer there, then all this can disappear! "

When the voice fell, Luo Sha suddenly hit the bronze mirror in front of him.

There was a click.

The bronze mirror shattered.

Luo Sha's hand firmly grasped the fragment of the bronze mirror. She deliberately let the bronze mirror pierce her palm, watching the gurgling blood flowing from her palm, her eyes flashed with crazy light.

"Daolang, don't worry, I will make everyone involved in this matter pay the price of their lives!"

"Lin Hao, Tianhan Sect, as long as there are other people involved in your death, I won't let it go!"

"Whoever stops me, I will kill completely!"

Rakshasa's voice was cold and merciless.

She agreed to Wu Xiong's plan, but it was an illusion.

In her mind, it was clear that Lin Hao was the murderer who killed Dao Wuji directly. In fact, Dao Wuji was used by the Wu Family because of himself, and was involved in the vortex of the Heavenly Order Clan and other forces, and eventually became a Victim.

She opened her palms slowly, looking at the **** palms, her expression began to soften, and in her mind, she recalled scenes that had happened with Dao Wuji.

three years ago.

Wujia has not yet been born.

However, her name as a Rakshasa has been achieved, and everyone in the Wu family is afraid of it.

One day, she was in the family, because of some things, she killed a respected elder, and wiped out all the blood of that elder’s direct line, but she still had the intent to kill in her heart, so she went out. The family traveled, and then met Dao Wuji.

She didn't know why.

Having always hated men, he was always murderous, and the first time he saw Dao Wuji, he touched a touch of softness in his heart.

She told Dao Wuji that she could give him everything he wanted.

But Dao Wuji refused. He said he had to rely on himself to create a world.

In fact, Raksha knew in his heart that Dao Wou-ki knew his identity, and, like other people, he also had fear of himself and fear of himself.

However, this does not affect Rakshasa's liking for Dao Wuji.

She felt that perhaps one day, Dao Wuji broke out into the world, with extremely strong strength and extremely high status, and she would no longer be afraid of herself.

Therefore, Rakshasa began to return to the family, and after the birth of the Wu family, he arranged the power of the family to support the crazy knife gate where Dao Wuji was.

But who would have thought that in the end, it has become the situation it is now.

Dao Wuji died.

Thinking of this, all the pictures in Raksha's mind have also shattered and turned into a fragmented world. In this world, the yin and wind roars, the sea of ​​blood rolls, the bones are dense, countless sharp shouts one after hell!

And Rakshasa stood in this shattered hell-like space, exuding a terrifying arrogance.

"Blood Demon, come out to me!"

Raksha screamed.

The next moment, the sea of ​​blood rolled over, condensing a huge body with a height of a thousand meters, devilishly soaring.

"Raksha, I have been waiting for you for a long time." The Gorefiend said grimly.

"Don't think I don't know, you have done anything to my Daolang. Now my Daolang is dead. Believe it or not, I will kill you now even if I try to die together!" Luo Sha coldly yelled.

This so-called blood demon.

It was the demon clan who bewitched Dao Wuji before!

The Gorefiend laughed strangely and said: "You are the one who provided me with the opportunity to contact Dao Wuji, and you know that I turned him into my demon servant, but you turned a blind eye to it. With my strength, to help that Dao Wuji achieve a career, but you have counted everything and failed.

Now, what you need to do is not to die with me. You know better than anyone else that there are many people who killed Dao Wu Ji. If you want to avenge him, you must use my power, right? "

Raksha looked cold, and said: "My account with you will be calculated in the future. Now, I need your strength!"

"I'm happy to help you, but you must also make a promise to unlock the seal of your Wujia Town Magic Sword on me, and then find a way to help me with the Shangguan family, the Shen family, and the Murong family. The seal power is weakened!" the blood demon said.

"What I can promise you is to completely remove the seal of Wujia Town Demon Sword. I won't help you with other things." Luo Sha said.

The Gorefiend paused for a moment, and then continued to speak: "Okay, that's OK, but I have to see your sincerity first."

Luo Sha nodded and said, "What do you want me to do."

"Although your Wu Family has repeatedly sealed my seals, the Sword Sword is the most important thing. As the reincarnated sword spirit of the Sword Sword, you must first lift the seal of the Sword Sword. "

"You remembered it for me! I can lift the seal of the Sword Demon Sword on you, and the same can also seal you. Before my business is done, you'd better be honest with me!" Luo Sha left this sentence. After speaking, he escaped from the space like a sea of ​​blood and hell.

That blood sea world is the spiritual world of Rakshasa.

At the same time, it was also an important secret of the four great families of the Eastern Origin Realm.

Back then, the four great families sealed the four demons by using the power of the Heavenly Order divine tool.

The Wu Family's artifact of the Order of Heaven is the Sword of Demon!

And this Rakshasa's other identity is the reincarnation of the sword spirit of the Sword Demon Sword!

At the beginning, in order to better help Dao Wuji in the dark, she quietly opened a string of seals, causing the blood demon to leave a mark on Dao Wuji.

Originally, her original intention was to use the power of the blood demon to help Dao Wuji. As the reincarnated sword spirit of the Sword Demon Sword, even if Dao Wuji became the servant of the blood demon, she still had a way to take the Dao Wuji's servant later. The mark was removed, but with the death of Dao Wuji, all of Raksha's plans were disrupted.

Nowadays, Rakshasa has been completely swallowed up by hatred. She wants revenge. Not only will she kill Lin Hao and exterminate the Heavenly Han Sect, but also deal with those in Wu Family who use Dao Wu Ji, and will encounter many possibilities. People who would stop her, and even the huge Jiang family, so desperately, she had this plan in her heart to seek skin from a tiger!

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