Rebirth 90s: Sweetheart Cub

Chapter 21

Chapter 21 – Bewitched

Chapter 21 Bewitched in the ground

July 10, sunny.

The sky is slightly bright, and the dream is not awake.

The voice of the old village head came out from the loudspeaker in the village again, sonorous, powerful and impassioned, “Villagers of Taoxi Village, tomorrow is the day to collect the goods in the city, we have to pick all the things in the field before people come. Get ready! Hurry up, get up! Go to the field! Get busy!”

The whole village seemed to be activated in an instant. Soon, the sounds of washing, footsteps, and shouting from every household merged into one, enthusiastic and positive.

Qiqi and Zhang Xifeng also actively responded to the call. The old and the young got up, ate something, took farm tools and sacks, and set off.

Along the way, you can see villagers catching up and overtaking everywhere, all in groups.

Everyone had bright smiles on their faces as they rushed to the ground.

This scene made people laugh unconsciously after seeing it.

Qiqi pursed her lips, her eyes slightly curved, “Mother-in-law, we will all be able to earn money tomorrow.”

Zhang Xifeng said with a smile, “Yes, you will be able to earn money tomorrow. If you have hope and ambition, you can be more than ten years younger.”

For example, she, don’t look at her little feet, holding the baby in one hand and carrying a **** in the other, she is walking with wind now.

The sun has not yet risen, and the fields around the entrance of the village are already full of excitement.

In order to complete the project as soon as possible, men, women and children from all households joined the battle, and even the little dolls who were able to work were all used.

The big guys chatted loudly while working, and it was very lively and lively.

Infected by this atmosphere, Qiqi felt that she was full of energy.

Arriving at her own sweet potato field, Qi Qi took the sickle down to the field and started cutting sweet potato vines.

“Grandma, let’s finish cutting the sweet potato vines first, then you **** the ground to loosen the soil, and I will follow behind to pick out the sweet potatoes.” She opened her mouth and arranged the work clearly.

Zhang Xifeng smiled and agreed, even if she didn’t, the baby also had her own ideas, and would always compete with her for jobs.

Next to Zhang Xifeng’s house is the sweet potato field of the old Li Tou’s house in the village. The old couple put aside their busy work and brought their little grandson Li Goudan with them.

Seeing Qiqi also coming, Li Goudan immediately shouted, “Qiqi, I will help you later!”

Grandma Goudan spat at him, “As long as you don’t have anything left over from what you eat and what you can do, how dare you ask Qiqi to help? Qiqi can do as much as you both!”

Everyone around burst into laughter when they heard this.

While laughing, someone suddenly ran over from the ridge, with hurried steps and a strange expression on his face, “Hurry up, those who have cut the vines, quickly dig out your sweet potatoes and have a look!”

The implication of these words made everyone stop laughing, and their hearts skipped a beat.

“What’s the matter?” Someone asked anxiously.

“Don’t ask, just dig!”

The people on the ridge didn’t leave, they just kept urging them, their expressions getting more and more strange.

The commotion made people in the field panic, Lao Li took the two-toothed **** and dug into the ground, loosening the soil, and the sweet potatoes buried underneath were exposed.

Old Li’s face changed, and his wife turned pale with fright.

“What’s the matter? Could it be that the sweet potato plant has gone bad?”

Old Li shook his head, staring straight at the sweet potatoes in the pit, and then stuttered after a while, “Six, six…”

“What six?”

“Six nests! Our sweet potatoes have six nests!” Old Li Tou yelled violently, followed by the hoe, and dug half a ridge in one breath, “Five, seven , six, nine!…”

Grandma Goudan squatted in the field, her eyes glazed over.

Seeing this, the people around hurriedly picked up their hoes and hoeed their own fields. When they saw nests full of sweet potatoes, “…”

The person who came to the field first to talk sat down at this moment, and laughed wildly, “Hahahaha! I just dug two ridges in my field, and the sweet potatoes that came out were all five or six or seven nests. I thought my house was bewitched—”

Before he finished speaking, mud **** from the field fell on him like rain.

“Zhang Gousheng! Did you **** do it on purpose? He co-authored it to scare us!”

“Smash this **** to death! It’s so good that I don’t know how to talk, but I’m like someone who whetted my appetite!”

“What a tantalizing thing, he was frightened by himself, and he came here to make up for it! Smash it!”

Zhang Gouyue ran away with his head in his arms.

Even then, he couldn’t escape, and was chased and kicked after being kicked and kicked.

With a row of sweet potatoes being dug out, without exception, each plant has a high yield, and it is rare to have less than four.

And this year’s sweet potatoes are quite different from previous years in appearance.

Although the size is still not too big, half the thickness of an adult’s palm, but the shape is well-proportioned, making it pleasing to the eye and comfortable at first glance.

Someone made an estimate on the spot of the sweet potato field that he had dug. This time, the yield of sweet potato per mu was close to 7,000 catties!

It is more than twice that of previous years!

The villagers of Taoxi Village in the sweet potato field went crazy.

Le crazy.

At three cents a catty, they can earn two hundred yuan per acre of land!

In previous years, this was something that everyone dared not even think about!

Besides, due to land and labor problems in their village, each household planted less paddy fields, and the most planted, besides watermelon, is sweet potato!

Every household grows more than two acres of sweet potatoes!

Zhang Xifeng and Qiqi also planted half a row of sweet potatoes, and the minimum number in a litter was no less than five.

Zhang Xifeng squatted there, holding a nest of sweet potatoes in his hand, scrutinized and sized it up carefully, but didn’t speak, but a tinge of red appeared at the end of his eyes.

“Mother-in-law, are you unhappy?” Beside her, a worried little boy came to ask, with a soft and soft voice.

Zhang Xifeng blinked away the moisture in his eyes, and said with a smile, “No, my mother-in-law is happy, our sweet potato harvest is also bumper, and I can earn a lot of money.”

Speaking of which, Zhang Xifeng lowered her head, touched the forehead with the little baby next to her affectionately, her eyes were kind and loving, “Since the arrival of Qiqi, mother-in-law not only has hope in life, but also seems to have improved her luck. Say no That’s right, Qiqi is my mother-in-law’s little lucky star.”

Being praised again, and also said to be a little lucky star, Qi Qi was so happy that she showed her teeth, “Eggy, my mother-in-law said that I am a little lucky star!”

In the sea of consciousness, the little egg man snorted, “Rare is more strange.”

“Maybe it’s true? Look at the sweet potato harvest, and my mother-in-law is so happy that her nose and eyes are red.”

“…” The little egg man looked at the savings pool with a serious expression, and made up his mind that he must never let the stupid boy know that she has the ability to “open the mouth”.

Outside, the little boy was still silly and happy, “When I sold garbage for the first time before, I was happier than the people in the village.”

“How much did you earn your first money?”

“Twenty-seven cents!”

“…” The little egg man turned over and closed his eyes, it shouldn’t talk to stupid cubs.

However, it is also in a good mood.

The empty space at the bottom of the savings pool has been replenished, and the energy is still growing slowly and continuously.

When the things of the villagers are sold and the villagers earn money, there should be a “huge sum” in the account.

The little egg man squinted his eyes, and began to look forward to it.

(end of this chapter)

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