Re: Rabbit Eyes (A Yandere Harem)

[Vol 0] Chapter 12

White woke up, and he instinctively moved his hand to the side to grab his phone. When he realized that it wasn't there, his eyes closed again and his mind began to work itself out.

(Ah, that's right... I have been...)

Sighing to himself, White got up while scratching his hair.

After letting out a few yawns, he felt a little less lethargic. Or rather, it was clearly all gone. This inn had a comfortable environment for someone like him to rest in, and he immediately felt that the money was worth it. White flipped his body up and tidied up the bed sheets. While doing so, he also pondered over what he should do for the rest of the day.

First he retrieved the clothes from the washing machine. It was convenient that they had also turned dry from the fire magic infused into it to regulate the heat after each wash. Since the simple-looking pajamas were complimentary with each visit, he kept it with him and changed back into his original set of clothes.

When he was sure he had not left anything behind, White left his room. He headed downstairs and returned the room key to a new face at the receptionist table. After putting his hood back on, the young man decided to walk around outside for a bit.



Walking around the streets, passing through a plaza and a few more large buildings, he found out that this place wasn't very active in the morning. Most likely due to the work cycles of the adventurers, as adventurers tend to extend deep into the night, businesses would bend the timing of their operations to fit with such a lifestyle. 

Although there wasn't much stores open yet, he knew of a place that was open in the morning. White circled around the streets near the inn a few times before deciding to go to the restaurant called Yunosu Diner. 

He entered the recommended diner and looked around. Since there was no one to receive him, White decided to sit down on an empty seat first. They must still be busy with the morning preparations, there were only a few people around.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, welcome to Yunosu Diner!"

An apron-wearing girl approached his seat after a few minutes. He could see a cowlick sprouting out from her bed hair.

(Did she just wake up...?) White mused.

The girl suddenly paused and stared at his face.

“...Hm, you have a very rare hair color. Ah I see, Nii-chan you must be new here!"

The girl spoke with a hearty sense of familiarity, it gave him a sense of welcome.

"Y-Yeah, I am."

(Rare hair color? ...Speaking of which, I really didn't see anyone with black hair since yesterday. Is this the reason why people have been staring at me? ...I'm afraid this might reveal the fact that I'm an otherworlder. If it's possible, I should bleach it...)

He began to make plans for himself in his head. It felt a little strange to be seen this way, and honestly a little uncomfortable. It was as if he was being observed like an endangered animal in the zoo. However the girl didn't seem to hold any ill intentions when she said it, and it finally revealed why people were taking second glances at him, so he didn't think badly of her. But he still wasn't used to her eyes on his face.

"In that case... would you like a recommendation instead? The names of our dishes are... well, pretty strange if I do say so myself... ahahaha..." Hiding the menu behind her back, the waitress girl laughed sheepishly.

"Oi, you lass! I heard that!"

From the back, White could heard someone yell at her.

"Shut up, old geezer! If you have time to complain, then do something about the name [Wall-climbing Duck]!"


(W-Wall-climbing... what?)

"There must be fewer customers because of the stupid names you make!"


When she felt like there was no longer any complaints in the kitchen, the waitress focused her attention on White again.

"...Why, I'm sorry for having you witness such a scene, nii-chan..."

The girl laughed dryly as she scratched her cheeks.

"...It's okay... uhm...I-I'll just have the recommended set."

"Okay! On it!"

Recommendations were great, just like how fast-food worked, he could use simple lines like "whatever you recommend" or "the newest burger" and end the conversation easily.

Feeling that his plan had succeeded, White sighed inwardly. It would be some time before he was able to get over his social anxiety completely.

"Then, does our morning salad-combo sound good? There's our roasted vegetables & scallops with marinated savory gravy over it. Although the price is on the higher end, I can guarantee its taste that will definitely bring you back for more!"

He didn't really get it, but it sounded amazing. Perhaps he shouldn't skimp on food.

"Our veggie dishes are famous Halvan specialties since it has a unique fragrance that brings out the freshness of our seafood~ Usually it is limited to 20 servings but today we made a little bit extra!"

“I-Is that so... ...Well then, in that case I'll have... one please.”

Daunted by the overenthusiastic girl, White decided to order what was recommended without thinking too hard about it.

The girl also appreciated that her customer had made up her mind quickly, and beamed with delight.

“Got it, one pickled forest salad~"

“Also uhm... Could you give me an up-size on the servings?”

Just in case, he would have a bigger portion since it wasn't as filling as it sounded. Hearing that there was an upsized order, the girl grinned having had more business.

“Okay, a big serving at that~!”

With that, she went back inside the shop. While waiting, White played around with his status window. After a few minutes, the waitress came back with a big plate of palatable greens with a sprinkle of scallops, as well as a bowl of soup and drink.

“Here you go, nii-chan! The drink is on the house~"

"O-Oh, thank you..."

White surveyed the dishes more carefully before him and widened his eyes. It was an adult's portion with more to spare, could he even finish it? Even still, it looked really amazing.

"...U-Uhm, how much does it cost?”

“This would be 8 copper coins.”

(8 copper coins? ... I can afford that.)

It was definitely a little pricey, but it was still reasonable like what the inn person told him. She had assured him that he was paying for quality food.

Deciding to pay first to avoid any hassle later when the diner became crowded, White reached into his pockets and took out the coins for payment. Having received the correct amount, the girl smiled and placed her hands on her waist.

"Thank you for your patronage! Well then, enjoy your meal~"

The waitress girl bowed lightly again before skipping away to the entrance of the restaurant to start pulling in new customers.

"...Yeah, thanks..."

After a delayed response, White stopped spacing out while staring at her energetic back. He picked up the cutlery and started to eat.

(...! Delicious!)

Though being only a recommendation, it was amazingly delicious. Somehow it got a nostalgic taste to it, restaurant. No, it had a homely taste to it. The lettuce spread with seafood were crispy and savory, with each bite he could taste the burst of flavors filling his mouth. The food was wolfed down greedily, and White finished it in no time.

The soup and then tasting the fresh fruit punch alongside the meal. Having cooled down from the meal, White hiccuped in satisfication. He stood up slowly and decided it was time to leave.

"I'll come again."

After the satisfactory meal, White left an extra copper coin at the counter as a tip and left quietly. He didn't want to draw attention to himself too much.



White thought of the things he wanted to do today.

After obtaining his permit to stay in the city as an adventurer, he now had to do things befitting one. But there were a few things he had to obtain before he could do so.

Although Heinesia had already told him of the general outline of what his guild card does, he was still expected to pay another visit since he didn't know more than what Shinri had taught him before.

He was only taught how to 'dodge' and pay attention to hidden dangers in the forest, but because they were all very specific lessons centered around the Rotting Forest, White did not necessarily know where to begin as a fledgling adventurer.

This was probably why she had told him to learn the essentials from the guild instead.

But of course, he could do the minimum amount of preparation before going there again. White didn't want to look like someone who was too inexperienced to make their own decisions themselves. 

White inspected his body.

He was given a dagger currently strapped on his chest armor, but the armor in question was on the verge of being destroyed. It was in a sorry state.

Seeing his current gear, White made up his mind for his next destination.



Following his map, White arrived at a blacksmith shop. Located at the corner of a less-frequented road, the building was of the usual drab unpainted flat lumber, and the roof covered with cedar shingles. It looked like a shed from the outside.

Since the door was unlocked, he knocked two times before entering. The wide front door light came through windows on both sides of the building, giving him some trouble adjusting his eyes to the dimness of the place.

When he got used to it, he realized that no one was around. This was a big room on the first floor where all the blacksmith’s equipment was kept, appearing to be the forge. There were anvils, pounding hammers laying on rusty metal benches, thick gloves hanging on racks, tongs and even blade stocks.

Although the place was a little messy, White was a little excited. That's right, the young man had came here instead of a normal store at the inner district because he wanted a custom-made weapon just for himself. 

Thinking that the blacksmith was probably out for a break, he sat down on a nearby bench and looked around in the meantime. The finished products hung on the walls of this room proudly; From swords to shields, White admired their worksmanship fully. 

Eqp Sword Todd's Sword Mk. 6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ♦ Craft ✠ Equipment - One-handed Sword ♦ 540 Attack ♦ Light attribute 〛 

Eqp Steel Tower Shield  Todd's Shield Mk. 3 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ♦ Craft ✠ Equipment - Shield ♦ Light attribute 〛 

After some time, someone else entered the store and was surprised to see someone inside. Although he had the height of a midget, but it was clear from his well-toned body that he was more of an adult than a child. 

(...Is this a dwarf?)

"Who are you."

Casting a suspicious glare towards White, the young man bowed and hastily gave his greetings. He realized he had rude as he was caught staring for too long.

"H-Hello senior. I am looking for a blacksmi---"



"I said leave." 

The dwarf replied with a snort. He had a grumpy expression on his face.

"I'm not in a good mood to do business with you, we're closed for today."

"Ah... w-wait---"

But before he knew it, White was thrown outside and the doors were shut tightly in front of him.

(...What the hell...) 

Why did Shinri-san recommend such a strange person?

Feeling a little dispirited from the sudden, and irresponsible behavior of the dwarf, White left the shed and thought that he had no other choice than to buy a weapon normally from a store that had better customer service. He had eyed a few good ones while window-shopping around before so he had alternatives in case something unexpected happened. However, he didn't really believe that it would actually happen.

And to think he was looking forward to have a custom-made weapon too. Shaking off the disappointment he was feeling, White entered the inner district after a few minutes. 



The mirage of roadside trees forming and gently fluctuating in the distance made his eyes heavy---- Not even taking into account that White was originally of the "midnight" race, anyone directly exposed to the two suns in this world would instantaneously start to sweat. As the young man walked on the asphalt road with the map in his hands, he began to feel his steps turning weary.

The young man desperately took in a large breath of fresh air blowing against his nose, and a smell of sea salt came alongside the drifting scent of spices. Apparently this city was close to a harbor, that was why there were more products that came from the sea and were cheaper.

But the winds coming from the harbor close to the city was barely enough. For a habitual recluse like White, heavy sunlight was his Achilles' heel.

"It's so freaking... hot..."

The young man had not counted how many times he had uttered the same words this way.

As he went even deeper into the city, White could also tell that the wind wasn't as strong too. The structure of how the districts were partitioned also made it hard for wind to pass through the high-rise buildings.

“Haah... haaah... drink... I need a drink...”

His footsteps had long turned sluggish and wavering slightly. Since White was truly unable to bear the heat wave that was scorching him alive, the young man was attracted towards a vendor that was selling cold refreshments.

"Yaa, here for a cold one?"

White nodded and peered at his products. There was surprisingly an ice box in this world. There was a mist resembling that of dry ice leaking out of it, but there didn't seem to be any ice in it.

(Ice magic?) White pondered to himself.

(How convenient. Ah, how nice. I also want to learn ice magic...)

But before he could even use them, he had to reach Level 5 at least to obtain his class. Thinking about the far road ahead, White sighed and returned to the conversation meekly.

"Uhm... what do you have? A non-alcoholic drink would be nice..."

The man grinned and stated, "How about this one. It's the only one that's not alcoholic."

(Seriously? ...Well, ...I can't be picky.)

White purchased the recommended drink. It was a wooden bowl of ice, and in the center there was a cyan-colored drink.

Use Body & Physics Medicine ♦ Spearmint Ale ♦ Common Grade ✠ Consumable: Recovers 3 Stamina over 20 seconds.〛

"Please come again!"

The man hollered with a smile. After paying 3 coppers for the refreshment, White looked into the amount of coins left in the pouch and sighed again.

(This little expense should be fine right?) He chided himself.

From the look that seemed rather satisfied as the young man walked away, White could tell that this was the general attitude the shop owners had towards people.

He decided to act more straightforward when he reached the weapon store. 



(This is the place this time.)

White cross-checked the location on the map Shinri had given him, and he marked a new point on his own in case he forgot how to come here.

This store wasn't very big like most of the buildings at the inner district, but the doorstep to the entrance still exuded a similarly wealthy feel to the place. There were carvings on the door, and a sign with unintelligible letters that probably meant "Welcome".

Taking a deep breath, White was about to push open the door when he heard a commotion from inside.


He didn't think to intrude on something possibly private, so White placed his ear against the door and listened for a while----

"...unused... come here... ...refund!"

(An argument?)

White thought that he wanted no part of it, and was about to back away from the door when... it suddenly burst open!

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