Chapter 673: A Trap In A Trap, but Before A Trap
Meanwhile, the Seer went straight into her chambers to have her bath. The maids took down her clothes and as she stepped into the bath, they came with scented warm water to wash her body.
As they did, a figure stepped into the room. It was none other then Thalus. he walked about the room. He was the one person aside from the seer that had access to every part of this castle, or in fact, the holy church.
he walked over to her side. he looked at her body. This was the seer in all her nude. She was flawless with skin that would make men have sleepless nights in lust. However, his eyes did not reveal such lewd desires. Such a person was not him.
"I do not like the idea of bringing that abomination into the castle." he stated clearly.
"Oh... my niece!? Come on now. We both know why I brought her in here."
Thalus adjusted his glasses. "I still do not like it. How sure are you to trust the words of the young lady of the patience family?"
"As long as she remains a part of my Holy church, I trust her capabilities. Besides, one should not underestimate that runt. In the whole Beyond the Veil, she is the only one that could compete with me even though she does not have access to Fate's strings."
Thalus nodded. He turned and left. As he did, he had only taken a few steps along the corridor when he paused, and then he turned slowly. Looking down the empty corridor, he sighed.
One that was not familiar with this Castle would not know this, but they are usually gold rank and silver ranked guards all around this place. but the Seer had given orders to empty the castle when they had left for the nether realm.
He adjusted his glasses one more time as he faced his front and continued on his way.
Not so far behind him, cloudy smoke passed to the side in an abnormal manner. As if it was trying to hide itself.
on it, the faint image of a girl with a cunny expression could be seen.
She navigated the castle through and through, searching for her prey. However, she did not notice that after she had left, thalus looked in her direction and gave a light smile, "I really hope you know what you are doing, Seer!" he walked away, going about his busines.s.
However, in a while later, the demon daughter found a particular room. The security in this room was much different. For one, they were two guards of the silver rank guarding it and secondly, it was fortified with runes and traps.
she had watched from the side as an ant, that had been searching for food had crawled too close and then it was immediately electrocuted to nothingness.
from this room, the tears of a man could be heard. But the guards outside, big, bulky and ready for battle did not care.
"please... help me. Please... i am still a member of the Holy Church. Why I'm I being treated like this. Please!"
Of course, this was none other than the man that was currently the center of battle of the great powers. It was none other than Dona, Chiron's uncle.
At the moment, he was spread in the center of the room, made to suspend in mid air, held in place by runes. His limbs had long been severed off by Manu madayaki back then. And now, he was just a man with a head, thorso, and a waist. It was really terrible to see.
In this place, Dona had regreted a lot of things. He had regreted ever stealing Nora's talent. He had regreted underestimating Chiron. He had regreted not choosing the oportunity to just pack up his things and travel to far away land to live out his days.
After all, he had significant strength. He would have still become lord a land some where, remarried and lived the rest of his life in happiness.
but now, he was nothing but a tool. Even the Holy church that he had joined did not value him as much as he thought they did. The master he had sworn new loyalty to, Knight Sheyi, ended up also being a pawn in the grand scheme of things.
At the moment, never in this man's life had he desired peace like the way he did now. In fact, even death would not be a bad option for him. He would happily jump on the offer.
But he could not even die, and he tried many times already, biting his tongue again and again, but A curse had been placed in his mouth, such that he could not kill himself even if he wanted to. Surely, Manu Madayaki was a very cruel man.
The Demon daughter came close to the ears of the guards. a part of her self slowly entering into their ears and and then their bodies slumped over, and when they awoke, their hair had changed color to the white of demons, and so were their eyes. the Guard placed a hand on the seal on the room and the runes deactivated.
Soon, by some other tactics, the demon daughter managed to leave the castle, sneaking away with Dona in her embrace. However, a careful observation in teh directeion she had move din and one could tell that she was not heading back to the Nether realm. Rather, she was going towards the lands of the Zodaic Families.
The Seer, still having her bath, smiled at this. "That Brat really does not waste time. Now... lets see how this plays out." She rested into her bathing water to relax.
Meanwhile, Chiron having scrolled through the different abilities had come to understand that some complimented the others, and a use of some would not allow him access to the others, not until he managed to reach the god realm at least...