Raditz of Dragon Ball Attack

Chapter 39 The Slave of the Machine

Chapter 39 The Slave of the Machine

Vegeta believes that after training in the gravity room, his strength should be improved to the point where even the Ginuit team is afraid. Dealing with this kind of robot is not a piece of cake, but the real situation is completely different from what he thought.

The big guy actually absorbs his energy and transforms it into its own strength!
After a rainstorm of attacks, the metal giant suffered very little damage, but absorbed so much energy that it grew in size, and Vegeta could be blown away with a punch.

"Bastard! I'm going to tear you apart!" Vegeta flew towards the giant again, and he was ready to fight hand-to-hand as he couldn't use energy bombs.

But the metal giant didn't intend to fight him. It retracted its body and fell into the cave again. It even retracted those mechanical arms until the cracks in the ground closed.

The scattered fragments still remained on the ground, but the main body disappeared. Vegeta jumped into the air and "cut" fiercely.

"What's going on?" Raditz muttered to himself, very puzzled, and looked back at the landing spacecraft, startled, "Could it be that its purpose is only this spaceship? What is going on with this planet? "

Many questions popped up in his mind, but Raditz couldn't answer them.

Piccolo was also thinking seriously, scanning the dead metal planet with a look of guard on his face.

"Why did the spaceship land? Raditz." Vegeta flew over with a questioning tone.He resisted the metal giant and suffered a blow, but in the end he still couldn't let the spaceship fly away, and a burst of anger naturally rose in his heart.

"The power system is overheated and temporarily unable to fly."


Goku scratched his head, "So how long are we going to stay here?"

"I'm afraid it will take another five hours. The program has a self-inspection process, and the mandatory safety process cannot be skipped." Raditz looked deeply at the spaceship that landed firmly, "But the problem is, we can't guarantee the power system yet. After recovering, you can take off. In addition, we don’t know what the purpose of the metal planet is, so be careful.”

"Hmph, next time that kind of guy appears again, I will get rid of it."

Vegeta uttered bold words, but he also knew that it was not that simple. The fight just now made him understand a very shocking fact.The metal giant is connected to the whole planet!In addition to absorbing his energy bombs, he saw that the broken places were quickly filled with new metal, at an amazing speed visible to the naked eye!

If so, trying to get rid of it is equivalent to destroying the entire planet.

"Let's talk about it, go back and rest first." Raditz couldn't confirm how the situation would develop, so he had to think about it in the long run.

Goku and Piccolo glanced at each other and followed, and finally Vegeta, who turned around to look at the crack in the ground, struggled for a long time, but finally had no impulse.

The spaceship rested quietly behind the metal pillars, the surface damage was not serious, most of them were scratches.The injector at the rear and the energy plate on the top are hot, but the rest are fine.

The people inside also disembarked from the spaceship. Although the temperature, gravity, and atmospheric composition were not much different from those on Earth, everyone still shuddered for no reason in the face of the desolate metal planet.

After all, this place is too weird!

"I'll stay in this ghost place for five hours..."

"It's gone in a blink of an eye, everyone bear with it."

"It's as if it just sucked us in and then stopped moving."

Everyone was talking about it, but they didn't dare to take the initiative to explore it. They could only wait and see what happened.

What makes Raditz difficult to understand is that the spacecraft has fallen into its hands, but it has not acted for a long time. What is going on?

While in doubt, Tianjin Fan suddenly exclaimed: "Look! Someone!"

With his extraordinary eyesight, he pointed to the opposite side, and there were indeed several shadows moving across several tall buildings made of alloy.But what it is, everyone can't see clearly.

Kelin tried his best to open his eyes wide and looked around: "Is it really a human? It can't be those machines again?"

"I can't make a mistake." Tianjin Fan was very confident in his eyesight.

Raditz gritted his teeth and flew into the sky, "I'll go and see, if it's really human, I'll tell you when I come back." He knew that if he didn't know the truth about the strange planet, it would be difficult to escape even if the spaceship regained power, so he contacted Whether it is machinery or human beings on the planet, they are all necessary!

He flew over the heads of those figures from the sky, his eyes cast on them, and he was slightly taken aback.

Really human!
The appearance is almost the same as that of humans on the earth. Their limbs, facial features, and body shape are all similar. They also have tall, short, fat, thin, old and young men and women, but the only difference is that they are locked by an electronic chain. move forward.

There were more than 20 of them in total, and they staggered forward in a long line, followed by some armored tracked machines.

"They are criminals? No matter what, it means that there are people on this planet. Even if they are criminals, there should be people who judge them." Raditz muttered to himself for a while, and decided to ask them.

Anyway, the Dragon Ball world speaks the common language of the universe. The native language of the Namekians is one of the few exceptions, and all major races can communicate with each other.Thinking about it this way, although Kaiwangshen is not very useful, his contribution to cultural undertakings is not small!
Raditz smiled slightly, thinking that it would be awkward for me to appear like this, so I had to be friendly.

As soon as he landed, he reached out to greet these people.

After shaking their hands twice in front of them, these people were really shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "It's actually a human being!"

"Quick! Run!"

For a moment, before Raditz could react, he thought he had frightened them, and was about to explain, when the machine beside him stabbed out a long barrel, and all the black muzzles were aimed at him.

"Da da da da da da!!!" The red lotus bloomed, the gunfire rumbled, and the bullets from the muzzle spewed out like a long dragon.The hard ground was beaten into pits.

"Hey! I didn't want to rob a prison... Bah, I didn't want to rob a prisoner!"

"Stop shooting!"

"How to stop them? I was wrong! I was wrong!"

Raditz was being chased by these machines, running back and forth, and the machines also seemed to have some format, lining up to follow Raditz as he ran back and forth, all the while shooting non-stop.

"Bastard! Fly if you can!" Raditz jumped high and suspended in the air. He could see that although these heavy tracked machines had the ability to attack, they definitely couldn't go to the sky.

But three seconds later, he was dumbfounded.

The heavy and heavily armored machines made a sound of gear friction. With the sound of mechanical friction, these guys actually deformed... Their tracks were disassembled, the barrels shrunk, and the heavy armor was raised, gradually standing on their feet. Arose and took human form.

"Fuck, Transformers? Cybertron??"

Raditz was dumbfounded, as if he was frozen.

(End of this chapter)

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