Radiant Prism

[Route Choice 01 – Yuuna] – A Peaceful Day


Radiant Age, April 4, 1127


“You know what… I’ll stay in today.”

I decided as I took my coat in my hand. I sat it on the table and started to mend all the cuts from last night. The morning sun was shining through the window as I calmly knitted my jacket. Outside, the birds chirped, the wildlife was busy, but inside my home… it was peaceful.

I looked at my bookshelf and took out a book. It was a novel I found as I traveled to Radiant City. It was about a prisoner of war back in the 400s. They escaped and made it back to their platoon, miraculously.  I enjoyed historical stories like these. After washing my clothes and hanging them up, I lied on my comfortable bed and enjoyed the story.




Everything was peaceful, just like Maxwell instructed me to live. Now around 12 PM, I stood up. I decided to have fish tonight, so I took my fishing pole, hoisted it over my shoulder, and took a bag of bait. For protection, I took my katana off the wall and made my way outside.

After walking for a mile, I came to a small lake in the woods. It was a spot I found while I lived here for the last few months. The water was deep blue and glistened off the sun. The grass was a vibrant green, the sky was clear, and the lush plants only added to how Maxwell described this place.

This was a land that flowed with honey. A land where resources were plentiful and life blooms, unlike how the forest became before I left. I cast my line and relaxed. The fish were biting, and before I knew it, I had around 3 of them. After being here for 2 hours, I called it a day. The smile on my face couldn't be mirrored. I… enjoyed this tranquil life.

With the fish in hand, I walked back to my cabin. I set out the food and put it in the cooling box for later. Afterward, I grabbed my clothing from the line outside. When I stepped back inside, I looked out the window and saw someone I wasn't expecting to see.

She ran across the field of my cabin and raced into the forest. The brightness in her eyes was full of passion. Her pink hair bounced, backpack and all sprung with her. When I stepped outside, I saw her circling the cabin, chasing after a squirrel. Slowly, I approached her.

“Do you think… Yuu Yuu is a kind person, Mr. Squirrel? She isn’t, is she?”



I watched from a distance as that pink hair bunny tenderly examined the creature in front of her. With my hands behind my back… I silently observed like I had done the other two times. I didn’t intend to see her today, but when I spotted her, my wonderful day… became even more magical. I… wanted to see her now that I thought about it more. Maybe that's why I stayed home that day, to see if I could spot her running around and playing.

“Mr. Squirrel… I want… Yuu Yuu wants to be gentle and help people… but she can’t, can she?”

She petted the squirrel with her fingers.

“… Sorry, I don’t know how to be gentle to people… like animals.”

She sounded conflicted, and it rustled at my heart. With my hands on my hip, I closed my eyes and brought out the sweetest voice I could.

“I think you are gentle, Yuu Yuu.”



Surprised, she turned back to me, causing the squirrel to run away. I didn’t mean to startle her… but she seemed to be the kind of person who would stay in her own little world until I did.

“O-Oh… ah… F-Feodora…”

She blushed, causing my heart to race slightly. We were alone, only staring into each other’s eyes. My face became warm as I tried my best to bring out a calm smile. She was the only person I’ve met since I came here that always… made me feel calm.

“Sorry… I didn’t mean to scare Mr. Squirrel away.”

She shook her head.

“Oh no… he’ll be back one day… ah…”

She looked over her shoulder and turned back to me.

“W-What are you doing here, F-Feodoa?”

The pink bunny eyes widened as she dug her feet into the dirt. She asked a good question; I wasn’t sure what I was doing here… yet here I am.

“I’m just… looking around?”

I lied. In this silent awkwardness, we both looked away. It’s not like we were friends… or even acquaintances for that matter. Just two strangers who had a chance meeting… a few times throughout the last few days.

“Ah… do you want to play with me? Oh… it’s okay if you don’t, F-Feodora.”

Her timid voice reminded me of flowers dancing in the wind, beautiful but ever so fragile.

“Ah… Yeah, if you want to play… I don’t mind.”

That sounded so awkward. I felt like the 12 years of me being isolated and only chatting with Maxwell was showing… and it caused me to grow embarrassed. Coyly… she approached me.

I turned to her, and she shrieked by stiffening her back.

“Oh… Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you, Yuu Yuu.”

She looked over her shoulder, pushed her head down, and walked over to me. Her slender fingers reached out and took mine. She felt soft like she never worked hard with her hands. They were like marshmallows as she tugged at me, gently.





“I… want to show you one of my favorite places.”

Her scent wafted into my nose. She smelled like strawberries, and it only made me want to follow her closely. Slowly, In the afternoon, we walked into the forest together. Her fingers were still pulling me along with her.

“Ah… W-Why do you live alone, Feodora?”

She struggled, but she asked. I couldn’t see her face, but I saw her ears turn a reddish tone.

“I prefer it.”

I answered a tad insecurely.

“I’ve lived alone for most of my life… and I prefer it. What about you, Yuu Yuu? Do you live with someone?”

As she guided me in the woods, deeper and deeper, she nodded.

“I… live with one other person.”

She confessed as we made our way down a hill.

“She’s… like my mentor.”

Suddenly, she clenched my hand tighter as she turned back to me. 

“… I like coming out here… a-and playing with the animals though.”

She lowered her head.

“They… don’t talk back and make me feel bad. Animals are kind… "

With her free hand, she curled her pink hair and gazed at me.

“You… remind me… of a small animal, F-Feodora.”

She confessed with a slight smile.

“T-That’s why… I wanted to pet you yesterday.”

I wasn't expecting her to be so honest, and it caused my heart to race. So, I looked away slightly. I could feel her hands warm up as she tugged my finger all the more.

“Ah… I… I like being alone… but… something about you made me… want to chat with you.”

I couldn’t understand why I was saying this, why the blood in my body was feeling so warm. As our eyes connected, my mouth opened slightly.

“… Hehehe.”

She didn't say anything… She just laughed. I didn't know what to make of this as she turned around. The bunny let go of my finger and pointed to the space behind us. There lay an area full of large colorful mushrooms. The blue river flowed wonderfully as animals and wildlife flourished together. She turned around and tilted her head.




She pushed out of her thin lips and then ran off. I could still feel her warm breath hit my cheeks.


I…. haven’t played tag since the first day I was in the orphanage. It was before they… realized how I screamed at night. From then on, they called me a banshee. Now I watched her shapely back as she ran from me. Her white skirt kicked up as she raced around the corner of a few trees. My heart began to race a bit.

“Oh… I should catch her… "

I awkwardly raced after her. The ground below me was soft like a cloud. Animals didn’t scatter when I ran past either. On this wonderful afternoon, I caught her white uniform as she peaked out from behind a tree. That bright pink hair blew in the warm win as she giggled and ran away.

“I’m going to catch you!”

I cried out playfully. It felt like I was a kid again as I ran after her. She jumped away before I could touch her, rolled to the ground, kicked back up, and ran towards the lake. She was fast… really fast. But something in me…

Wanted to…

Touch her…

We came to a clearing that opened up. There was a wonderful lake that glowed bright blue. Its water stretched out as far as the eye could see. Animals danced and drank from it. I could clearly see fish swimming about… This place was nothing short of amazing. As I watched the beautiful landscape, that pink bunny took off her shoes and ran across the lake. She kicked up water, causing the drops to dance in the air. It felt… magical.



“You can’t catch me!”

She cried with a bright smile on her face. It felt like when she was playing, she didn't have to worry about the conversation. This… must have been Yuu Yuu’s safe place. So, I removed my shoes too and placed them next to hers. When I touched the water with my feet, it was cold. That only added to my excitement.

“You don’t think I’ll catch you, do you Yuu Yuu?”

I smirked as she returned her smile.


She teased as she turned and frolicked away. She got to the middle of the lake and kept skipping in the water. I picked up the pace and followed her. Before I knew it, I saw her back once again. I was on her tail, and then finally, I reached out and missed.

“Oh! T-That was close.”

She giggled as she sped away. I reacted fast as I ran at her. The water flowed with me as I got closer and closer. With both my hands out, I wrapped them around her waist and pulled her to me. She was as soft as a cloud as I brushed her body against mine.

“Got you!”



It felt a tad uncharacteristically of me… but then no, it felt like this was right. It reminded me of when I was in the orphanage. I was a bit aggressive and played rough with the boys. Before I became their enemy… I… had fun with people.


She screamed as she giggled and fell to the side. The bunny pulled me along as we both fell into the water. For a moment, we were both submerged into the ice-cold water. We stood up in knee-deep water, staring at one another. Her hair was wet and made it stick to her face. Everything in me wanted to reach out, brush it away but I... stopped myself.

“Are you... it?”

I asked… earning a giggle from her. Her cheeks were reddish as we both looked away momentarily.

“When I get wet in the river from playing, I dry off before I catch a cold… else… M-my mentor would be mad.”

She looked over her shoulder as she grabbed my fingers again. Forcefully, she pulled me along, out of the river. We rounded a corner in the forest. There was a place with a campfire that's been burnt out. Dry wood collected on the side as if everything was placed out for us. So, we silently made a fire to warm up our cold bodies. As I watched Yuu Yuu do this... she looked as though she's done this a million times.

“Do you live near here, Yuu Yuu?”

Before I knew it, the sunset was here. It added an orange hue to our fire. Yuu Yuu waited for a bit, looked over her shoulder, then turned back to me with that reddish face.

“Yes. I-I live in a cabin nearby…”

After we made the fire, the twilight started to come in. In the middle of this campsite, we quietly watched the fire go, drying us off.

“… With your mentor, right? Who is your mentor, Yuu Yuu?”

“… I don’t speak of the unspeakable.”

Bizarrely, she firmly stated. Her eyes were fierce and for a moment, she looked a tad panicked as she watched the fire. Maybe I breached a subject that wasn't the best... so I closed my eyes and thought of another question.

“How old are you?”

“Oh? I’m 18.”

She smiled as she looked at me.

“How old are you, Feodora?”

“I’m 20.”

The pink bunny nodded.

“You’re older than me…”

She giggled.

“That makes me feel… safe. I like… being with people older than me.”

Something about her drew me in, and I found myself inching closer to her. In the twilight, I wanted to know more about this mysterious rabbit.

“Why do you live out here, Yuu Yuu?”

I asked, prying just a little bit more.

“… I’m here… for work…”


I thought about Vivian who said the same thing the other day. She was here for work.

“What is your job?”

Her eyes darkened for a bit as she pushed her body close to mine.

“I work… for… I-I… ah…”

She paused then after a bit she confessed.

“The Light Camp.”

“Light Camp?”

I asked.



"I work for… the Light Camp. We… are… like contractors who do... odd jobs. My job is to help people… "

She pushed out.  That explosion from the day before came back to mind. Yuu Yuu was there, running about. We caught our eyes with one another. It made sense, she must have been helping people.

“Are you a doctor?”

She nodded.

“I provide aid! I… always wanted to… be… a… person who helps people.”

Her eyes shined as she bitterly bit her lip. Her coy nature only added to the charm that she exuded. Yuu Yuu wanted to help people.

“Feodora… H-Have we…”

She looked at me and tilted her head.

“H-Have… we…”



Suddenly, the moonlight reflected over her gaze. Tenderly, she searched my eyes. I found myself looking at her closer now. She had a small nose and round cheeks that made me see how… soft she was. That's when she turned to the side, looked behind her, and stood up abruptly. With her hands on her chest, she lunged to the side as if the wind was pushing her away.


She cried, then sporadically began running away. It was so sudden that it took me a moment to react.

“Ah, wait! Yuu Yuu!”

Her shoulders sharpened when she came to a sudden halt. Her body turned like rusted gears as she rigidly turned back to me.

“Ah… I had fun, Yuu Yuu. I-I don’t know why you need to leave… "

I swallowed, trying to gain the courage to ask…

“B-But… do you want to do it again someday?”

Her eyes felt dark as she rubbed her shoes into the ground. With her arms behind her back, she swayed from side to side. Her white skirt to dance. She was… nothing short of cute like this.

“Really? You had fun with Yuu Yuu… I mean… you had fun with me?”

But before I could reply, she looked back over her shoulder. I felt like I saw her expression darken once more as she didn’t wait for me to answer and ran off, deeper into the woods. Unexpectedly, the world got colder, the fire burnt out, and I was left in the darkness of the night. However, I could see clearly.

“I wanted… to get to know her a little better...”

I felt guilty because I was breaking away from the creed that I promised my mentor. I shook my head and stood up too.

"Sorry, Maxwell…"

I mumbled. Yuu Yuu wasn’t like the other people I met here at Radiant City. Something in me… drove me to search her out, unlike people I've met before. I… wanted to keep playing tag with her… and get to know her better. She was like a mystery that needed solving, and that… interested me. But I also knew what happened when I got close to people…

They see the true side of me… those night terrors that scares people away. And if that doesn’t make them hate me…

…They might vanish or go away… leaving a hole in my heart…

…Just like Maxwell did.


Slowly, I walked back home. I got home faster than I thought I would. Maybe it was me being deep in thought the entire way that I didn’t notice the distance I traveled. When I got home, I cooked one of my fish for dinner, took a bath, and lied in bed. That pink bunny was still on my mind, how one minute we were enjoying ourselves, then the next she ran away without explanation. But despite that…

“…What a fun day.”

I confessed. My heart still beats rapidly from all the running and playing with Yuu Yuu. I closed my eyes and let the horrible night terrors take over my body.




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