Radiant Prism

Chapter 5 – When the Dark Comes to Light (4/6) [Yuuna Version]


Groggily, I woke up from my sleep. When I rubbed my eyes, blood was covering my fingers. Confused, I stood up and saw the camp on fire.

“What the hell?!”

The Baron members were scattered around, and blood was covering the scene. I ran up to one of them and touched their cold body.

“What happened?!”



When I turned her around to face me, her eyes were gouged out, and an orange symbol was drawn across their face. It was a circle with a dot in the middle. There was no denying it…

Another symbol of the dark arts.



Horridly, the body began to bloat. Its skin turned bright green, and its eye sockets swelled like a balloon. A screeching rang out as I tried to step away, but its hand gripped me. Its nails cut into my arm as what used to be a person became a horrid monster.


My throat clogged as I tried to breathe. My mind was sucked in, and before I knew it, I was on the ground, tied down by bloated dead members of the Baron group.

“What’s going on?! Let go of me.”

A black creature held an ax in its hand. It slogged towards me as I tried to struggle. The world became purple as the trees around me distorted. Symbols began to fly around my mind. They were the ones I knew so well. The creature cut into my skin, and the sharp pain of my body being ripped up caused me to scream. But the assault kept coming. I was being held down by these green people as the creature of darkness continued to slice me up.

It was then I knew…

That when I died here…

That I would wake up from this horrible nightmare.

I opened my eyes and was met with a collection of trees. Trees raised high as I lay there on the dirt. I had to be a few miles away from the campsite to ensure that I didn't wake anyone up. The night terrors were abnormally fierce tonight. It was early in the morning, and I figured I must have slept around six or so hours.  So, I began traveling back to the group.

"Where the heck were you?"

When I reached the campsite, Lana was pacing around, waiting for breakfast. They seemed to be cooking some eggs and chicken, a hearty meal for the long day ahead of us.

“Ah… I went off to sleep.”

She looked at me strangely for a good reason. I sat down, and she sat on the side of me. The small barklight watched me curiously. In the faint light, her bright eyes contrasted the early morning.


“What do you mean you went off to sleep?”

Lana demanded an answer. She looked at me a tad suspiciously. I turned to the cook nearby, and even she was curious about it.

“Everyone was curious about why you left last night, Feodora."

The Baron member questioned as she turned her eggs.

"…Well, I have night terrors. So… to not wake anyone up, I… ah… found a more isolated place to sleep."

“Night terrors? What are those?”

Lana innocently asked with a tilt of her head. This was the most interested I’d ever seen her when it came to me. I rubbed the back of my head as I explained.

“Night terrors are basically intense dreams that cause a person to scream… or thrash around at night due to how realistic they are. I… ah… I have them every night. It’s a curse because I’m a dark vessel.”

“What kind of dreams? And… it’s a curse?”

The child asked.

"… Bad dreams, Lana. Very… bad dreams. And yes, all dark vessels have a curse, and mine happens to be night terrors.”

I spoke. The child looked a tad unsettled by what I told her. She looked away slightly.

"I heard light vessels receive things known as "blessings," and they gain superior abilities and things. Ah… you know that girl in town, Vivian Heart, she's a holy vessel."

Lana kicked her feet a bit.

“She’s nice and plays with me sometimes… But comparing her blessing… to your curse… ah… your life must be hard, Feodora.”

Children often say what's on the top of their minds, and Lana was no different. I couldn't say I had the most leisurely life growing up. Having to survive and learn that I wasn't accepted by the world… was a bit hard for me to swallow as a kid who… did want to play with others. But my curse showed me that I was supposed to separate myself from others…

It made me wonder…

What is Yuu Yuu going to do when it comes to my night terrors?

The Baron member nodded and returned to the meal. An awkward silence fell upon us as we sat there, waiting for the food to be ready. The young barklight put her hands on her thighs and looked at me. She reminded me of a cat as she warily observed me.

“Listen… ah… Feodora.”

She began. Lana pushed out her feet and sat up properly.

“…Sorry for being a jerk that day when we first met.”


I was surprised as I sat up.

"My big sister was in a bad mood that day… and I really wanted to make her happy. Your weapon exuded the dark element, and I… really wanted to give it to her as a gift."

I thought about that day when we met at the shopping district. She seemed to be doing something "good" for her older sister in her eyes. Lana maybe isn't used to not getting her way. How she threw money at me and figured it was the "right" thing to do. That showed me how she was raised. That status and money can solve everything...

“No… your big sister explained to me. I forgive you.”

Lana sighed.

"I just want to be a good sister, but… I screwed up a lot. I'm not sure… why she keeps me around."

“Young master, don’t say things like that.”

The cook said as she gave Lana a warm smile.

"You're right. I shouldn't think like that…."

The barklight stood up and walked over to me. I had to look up to her, and it was strange because it's usually the other way around.

“One of my best friends is missing… and I want to get her back. Ah… would you… ah… please help me?”

She was tearing up as she pleaded. Maybe it was getting to her, the feeling of not being as strong as her sister as she begged.

“Yeah, that’s why I’m here in the first place, Lana.”

“I-I’ve been worried about her, and I… I really want to play baseball with her again. She’s one of the only friends I have… Precis and… Marable are the only two who treat me… like a normal kid, you know?”

I nodded. Being the little sister of a "goddess," I'm sure there are trickle-down responsibilities and expectations. It would seem that the other kids don’t treat her as an equal but… someone who has to be treated with respect. I can only imagine that they’d “let her win” to please the Pasco family. But when I met Precis, the girl who teased her, they seemed to be genuinely good friends.

“Don’t worry, we’ll find her… ah, Marable is her name?”

Lana nodded so hard that the drills on her head began to shake like mad.

“T-Thank you… I just really want my friend to be safe. My big sister is also worried about Caesar. He’s been with our family since the day she was born. S-She might not show it, but she’s worried to death about her friend.”

Lana turned to the large tent, holding the goddess inside.

“He’s a really good person and… I don’t know what we’d do if something bad happened to him. Everyone who left on the pilgrimage is great friends to us…."

All of Lana's worries seem to be coming to a head. Just yesterday, she wouldn't say a word to me… but now it appears that she's beginning to see me as an ally rather than a foe. So, I gave her a calm smile. I'm not good with kids, but I do know that reassurance is the best I can do at this moment.

"You have your big sister, Jade, and me on this case. I doubt anyone will be able to stop us from rescuing your friends."

For a bit, her legs started to shake. She sat down next to me and looked up at me.

“…You’re right. I… I need to have more confidence that everything will be okay.”

Suddenly, the barklight wrapped her arms around my stomach.



“Thank you for coming to help!”

After a brief hug, she stood up and looked at me. Those cherry-colored cheeks made me giggle under my breath. Without waiting for my reply, she ran off, back into the large tent.

“Ah, young master, the food is almost ready.”

The Baron member teased. She looked at me and tilted her head.

“Seems young master has taken a liking to you.”

I shrugged, brushing off my embarrassment.

“Maybe kids… aren’t too bad.”

I admitted.

After breakfast, we packed up and made our way back onto the open road. The sun rose slowly, casting a blue tone across the world. We had the same formation as yesterday, with Abigail in the middle. However, Lana stood next to me this time, close to her sister, and I was on edge.

“Right over the mountain trail is the Cero Village.”

The goddess said to the group.

"Once we arrive, the first thing is to get all the information we can. Stay vigilant, and don't go off alone."

The group cried back words of acceptance as we made our way up the mountain path. There was a wide opening that led to a village. The housing wasn’t like in the Radiant City. Everything was made of wood and seemed to be beaten down by the elements.

“What the?”

Jade spoke as she ran in front. We all rushed after her and followed her deeper into the collection of housings. People were on the ground. There had to be around 30 or so of them sprawled about the village. Windows were broken, houses were collapsed. Men, women, and children were in horrible positions; whoever did this had no bias

“Everyone, get to aiding!”

Abigail commanded. Her followers rushed in and began helping the fallen people. I ran in too and looked around. My stomach began to feel intensely warm, and my spectrum resonated with the people everywhere.

“Wait! Don’t touch them!”

I screamed. But it was too late. One of the nurses touched a small girl. She began to convulse, and before our eyes, one of the Baron members fell to the ground.

“What’s going on here?”

A Baron member cried. Lana looked away as she clenched her fist.

“Spectrum sickness.”

Abigail responded as she bent down.

“Feodora, do you know what’s happening?”

Abigail asked.

I went over and touched the body. Just as I assumed, I wasn't affected by what was happening because my resistance to the dark spectrum was higher than everyone here.

“I believe so.”

I said to Abigail.

“Sorry, I’m going to have to remove your clothing.”

I whispered to the Baron member and removed her cloak. On her body was the horrible symbol I saw in my dream just the other night. It… scared me.

“What the hell?!”

Jade looked at it, then looked at me.

“It’s a symbol of the dark arts. Do you know what this means, Feodora?”

I shook my head.

“No… but I had a dream about it when I was asleep. This symbol made itself aware to me. The circle with the dot in the middle.”

“In your dream?”

Lana asked.

"Maybe… my body was feeling this symbol being used, and that's why I dreamt of it. I can only believe it's causing everyone to have spectrum sickness like Abigail mentioned."

Lana put her hand behind her back.

“What’s spectrum sickness again?”

She asked the group.

"Spectrum sickness happens when you lose too much spectrum in your blood, young master. So… does that mean someone is pulling spectrum from the people here?”

I nodded.

"And it seems that if someone without strong dark resistance touches a person with this symbol… the mark latches onto them too.”

Jade clicked her tongue.

“We need a group to try and break these seals, else all the people here will die from exposure. Feodora, do you think you know how to do it?"

I closed my eyes.

"These seals are only active because the user is still around…."

Abigail crossed her arms.

“Are you telling me the culprit is still in the Cero Village, Feodora?”

“That’s just what I’m saying, Abigail. The only way to break the seal will be to stop the use of it."

The “goddess” put her finger to her chin.

“Then this is what we’re going to do. I would like our people to set up a camp around the fallen. Feodora, please aid them as we move them to a warmer spot. Afterward, a few will stay behind, and the rest will help look for our family. We will find the culprits who did this."

They all cheered.

“As it stands, Feodora is the only person who should touch the fallen people. Let her do all the lifting, just get their beds prepared. And at all costs, don’t touch them.”

Jade added. The group followed her orders. After dragging people around making my back hurt like hell, we managed to build a shelter around the fallen buildings. We laid out mats for everyone to lay beside each other. Baron members were aiding from a distance while others were warming them up. The people were alive but weak due to being exposed to the elements.

"This is horrible…."

Lana said as I put the last person down. It was a child, no larger than the small barklight herself. It took a couple of hours to get them all settled. The people of the Cero Village were in a much better spot due to our efforts.

“Yeah… but they’ll be okay once we stop the spell that’s on them, Lana.”

I turned to see the knight and the goddess approach. They stood over me as I rose to my feet.

“With everything prepared here… it’s time we look for the missing Baron’s and find the person doing all of this.”

Jade said. I nodded.

“Feodora, would it be possible for you to do something like this alone?”

Abigail asked a good question.

“Yeah… it would be.”

I confessed. With my hand on my hip, I explained.

“This spectrum is fairly weak. It’s not producing much darkness. The symbol itself is what’s really doing all the hard work.”

I bent down to the child and showed everyone her belly where her symbol was.

“Right now, the symbol is draining her spectrum. All the culprit is doing is feeding one symbol the ability to do that. All the others are essentially replicating that same spell amongst themselves."

Jade crossed her arms.

“Do you know where they are feeding the spectrum?”

She asked.

"It's like what happened in the abandoned ruin. The symbol was feeding another source, and that turned out to be a beast, Jade.”

I explained as I covered the small girl’s stomach. I stood up and faced the three of them.

“All of the spectrum is being fed underneath us… deep underground.”

I concluded. Abigail nodded as she stepped to the side.

“There are underground ruins in Cero. It’s where they worship their deity, Annaba. If someone is drawing spectrum in there, then there has to be something larger going on here.”

Jade put her hand on her hips.

“If I go by my previous investigation… it’s likely the culprit is feeding this spectrum to a beast. And if it’s been going on for this long… there's likely something massive underneath us, and we have to be prepared to take it out."

She turned to the group of Barons.

"We are going to have a fight ahead of us. It's likely your people are being held captive below. I won't say this will be an easy fight, so prepare for battle!"

Like the warrior she was, Jade brought out her sword.

"Everyone, follow my lead, and I'll lead us to victory!"

The knight cried. Everyone began to cheer battle cries… and even I was getting into it. Jade Opal indeed was a leader in every sense of the word. Abigail stepped in.

“Alright, 5 of you will stay and try to break this spell and keep these people alive. I need 7 of you with me. Jade, Feodora, and Lana are coming with me to find the culprits who did this. We will find our friends and family and take them back!”

“Be safe!”

Members cried out, cheering on their beloved goddess. At her command, we all followed Abigail as she led us to the worship grounds. We ventured into the nearby forest. One of the followers took the lead and led the way as we made our way through a thick jungle. When we reached a clearing, we approached a large monument towered up to the heavens.

“Is this what we’re looking for?”

I questioned. Abigail nodded.

“Yes, this is the temple of Annaba. When we step inside, a pathway will lead us underground. Let's be cautious as we proceed from here on out."

Abigail commanded.

We approached and made our way inside. It was dark, and Jade and a few other Baron's had to make themselves a light using fire spectrum. Before we disappeared into the walls of the Annaba Ruins, I turned around and looked outside.


I caught eyes with her… the woman that attempted to slice off my neck.



She stood under a large tree that cast its shadow on the earth. With short orange hair and a black uniform that reminded me of a soldier, the devil smiled, taunting me. Those cold purple eyes that became one with the darkness cut into my skin…

The user of the destructive versions of shadow crafts... just like me.

“Who are you?”

I murmured as I attempted to run after her, but she vanished into the shadows before I could. She was shadow walking, and I melted to do the same but suddenly stopped. The large door of the ruins that we stepped through made a clicking noise, and the contraption caused the door to slam in front of me. Everyone turned around, surprised.

"I expected this…."

Jade said as she got the attention of everyone.

"We assumed this would be a trap, so we shouldn't be caught off guard. Stay vigilant. If we are going to save your people, we need to keep level heads."

We turned to the inside of the ruins. Giant steps leading deeper into the ground sat in front of us. I touched my blade…


I knew from this point on… I would be dealing with someone just like me up to the fighting style. Eagerly I walked behind everyone else…

“Maxwell… who is she?”

I whispered, feeling that the culprit behind this might want answers just like me.





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