Quantum Immortal

Chapter 5 - The Beast King’s Domain

The sun was setting on the horizon, casting long shadows over the dense forest below. Four figures stood at the edge of a cliff, gazing down into the trees. A slight breeze rustled their clothes, but none of them seemed to notice.

Wuji, now 12 years old, stood at the front, his sword strapped to his back, his eyes sharp and focused. Beside him were his companions—Jinhai, the towering boy who now wielded his war hammer with ease; Mei, agile and quick, her twin daggers gleaming in the fading light; and Zhen, the quiet, introverted swordsman who rarely spoke but never hesitated in a fight.

They weren't here to admire the view. The forest below them wasn't just any forest—it was the domain of the Beast King, a ferocious creature that had terrorized the nearby villages for months.

The beast had slain farmers, travelers, and even seasoned guards, their bodies left mangled and bloodied. The people of the villages had taken to calling it the "Beast King" because, in the forest, there was no predator greater than it. It ruled with unrivaled ferocity, and no one had dared challenge it directly—until now.

"I don't like this," Jinhai muttered, his hammer slung over his shoulder as he peered into the trees below. His voice was steady, but the tension in his face gave away his concern.

"I'm not sure any of us like it," Mei replied, her tone light but her grip on her daggers firm. "But we can't let that thing keep killing people. It could be our village next."

Zhen stood quietly at the back, his short sword strapped to his side, his expression calm but focused. He didn't speak much, but his presence was reassuring, a constant reminder that they were all in this together.

Wuji took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his sword at his hip. For years, he had trained relentlessly for moments like this—moments where life and death hung in the balance. But something about this beast was different. The air felt heavier, as though the very forest was warning them of the danger ahead.

He glanced at his friends, each of them waiting for his signal. He was the one who had led them this far, and now, as always, they looked to him for guidance.

"We go in carefully," Wuji said, his voice low but firm. "We don't know exactly what we're dealing with, but we'll fight it like we've fought everything else. Stay together, don't take any unnecessary risks, and trust your training."

They nodded in agreement, and together they descended into the forest, their footsteps light as they moved through the dense underbrush.

The deeper they ventured, the more oppressive the air became. There was a kind of pressure here, unlike anything they had ever felt. The trees seemed to loom taller, their branches twisting in unnatural ways, and the sounds of the forest were muted, as though even the birds and insects were afraid to make noise.

"This is... strange," Mei whispered, her eyes darting around the trees. "It's like the whole forest is suffocating."

"It's more than strange," Zhen said quietly. "It's unnatural."

Wuji felt it too. The sensation was heavy, as if the very air around them was pressing down on their bodies. It was unlike anything he had encountered in all their previous hunts. He could only guess that it had something to do with the Beast King.

As they moved closer to the creature's supposed lair, the ground beneath their feet grew soft and uneven, making every step a calculated effort. And then, without warning, they felt it—a presence.

The hairs on the back of Wuji's neck stood on end, and he froze, his eyes scanning the trees ahead. The others followed suit, their weapons at the ready. There was something out there, watching them.

Suddenly, the ground trembled. A low, guttural growl echoed through the forest, and from the shadows emerged a massive figure. The Beast King.

It was enormous, its body covered in thick fur, with muscles rippling beneath its skin. Its eyes glowed with an eerie light, and its claws dug into the earth with each step. But what stood out the most was the faint, shimmering aura surrounding the beast—a glow that Wuji recognized from the stories of Qi.

The Beast King could use Qi.

Wuji's heart raced. They had trained for years, honing their bodies and minds, but they had never faced anything like this. This was their first encounter with a creature that could use the energy they had only heard whispers about, the same energy that nobles and aristocrats used to become immortal. And now, here they were, about to face it head-on.

"This isn't good," Jinhai said, gripping his hammer tightly. "That thing... it's using Qi."

Wuji's mind raced as he analyzed the situation. His years of study on Earth, his background in engineering and physics, flooded his thoughts. The beast wasn't just strong—it was using Qi to enhance its abilities. That meant its movements, its strength, its reaction time, everything was likely far beyond what they were prepared for.

"We have to be smart about this," Wuji said, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at him. "It's using Qi to amplify its strength, but Qi isn't magic. There are rules to it. If we can figure out how it's using Qi, we might be able to exploit it."

"But how do we even fight something like that?" Mei asked, her eyes wide as she watched the beast approach.

"Watch its movements. Look for patterns," Wuji said, his mind already working through the possibilities. "It's still an animal at its core. Animals react to certain stimuli. If we can force it into predictable behavior, we can control the fight."

The Beast King roared, and with a speed that defied its massive size, it lunged at them.

Jinhai was the first to move, swinging his hammer in a wide arc, aiming for the beast's head. But the creature was faster. It dodged the blow with a quick sidestep, its Qi-enhanced muscles moving fluidly. The beast retaliated, slashing at Jinhai with its claws. Jinhai barely managed to block the attack with the haft of his hammer, but the force of the blow sent him stumbling back.

Wuji cursed under his breath. The Beast King's Qi wasn't just for show—it was enhancing its agility and strength far beyond what they could handle in a direct fight. But if it was using Qi to move like that, there had to be limits. Qi wasn't infinite.

'If we can tire it out', Wuji thought, 'it'll run out of Qi eventually.'

"Stay on the defensive!" Wuji shouted. "Don't go for big hits. Wear it down!"

Mei and Zhen moved in next, darting around the beast in quick, coordinated strikes. Mei's daggers flashed as she targeted its legs, while Zhen moved to flank, slashing at its sides. The Beast King growled, swiping at them with its claws, but its movements were precise, almost calculated, as if it was saving its strength for the perfect moment.

Wuji watched the fight closely, analyzing every move. The beast was fast, but it wasn't attacking recklessly. It was pacing itself, using just enough Qi to maintain its speed and power without overextending. 'It's conserving energy, it knows how to fight efficiently.' Wuji realized.

His mind flashed back to his days as a scientist. When you didn't have infinite resources, you had to be smart with what you had. The Beast King was doing exactly that—conserving its Qi for when it needed it most.

Wuji's eyes narrowed. 'If we can force it to use more Qi than it's comfortable with, we can drain it faster.'

"Jinhai, force it into a corner!" Wuji yelled. "Mei, Zhen, keep it moving! Don't give it a chance to rest!"

They nodded, moving into action. Jinhai swung his hammer again, this time aiming lower, forcing the Beast King to jump back. Mei and Zhen moved in sync, slashing at its legs and sides, keeping it on the defensive. The creature growled in frustration, its Qi flaring as it tried to keep up with their coordinated attacks.

Wuji hung back, watching for the right moment. He could see the strain in the beast's movements now, subtle but noticeable. Its Qi was running low. It was getting desperate.

'Now's the time.' Wuji rushed forward, sword in hand. As the Beast King lunged at Jinhai, Wuji saw his opening. He brought his sword down in a precise, calculated strike, aiming for the beast's hind leg.

But in that moment, something unexpected happened.

The Beast King's Qi flared again, more intense than before. Its eyes glowed brighter, and with a roar, it turned on Wuji, its claws slashing out in a blur of motion. Wuji barely had time to react. He threw up his sword to block, but the force of the attack was too much. The claws raked across his arm, sending him sprawling to the ground.

"Wuji!" Mei screamed, rushing toward him.

But before she could reach him, the Beast King lunged again—this time at Zhen. The quiet boy, who had been so careful and precise in his movements, didn't see it coming. The beast's claws slashed toward him with lethal intent, and there was no time to dodge.

Zhen's eyes widened in shock as the attack bore down on him.

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