Quadruple split

Chapter 26 The Missing Puzzle

Of course they are not kneeling to Motan. As templar warriors who are qualified to guard the door of the chapel, even if the Lord of Pato City comes here in person, he has to be polite to the two of them. What they kneel on is what they each believe in. god……

As a union of holy religions that tends to be lawful and kind, none of the united sects will have the rules that Mo Tan just mentioned. Ordinary people can also visit and pray in chapels, let alone talk about such things. , even the 'evil god' in the eyes of most people will not reject any potential believer.

Therefore, although their behavior just now seems to be an overreaction, if you ask yourself seriously, it can be said to have violated the doctrine.

Of course, as to which doctrine of their respective gods they violated, one or both, Mo Tan didn't care and had no interest at all. He just proved something through such a small incident.

That is how much influence the talents of unbelievers can have on others.

After all, the introduction to this talent is too general...

[Unbelievers: You cannot choose faith, because you have no fear of any high-ranking being, and no preacher will waste time on you! No! 】

Since this talent was forcibly placed on Mo Tan's body by the system, it has not shown any actual effect so far. From the introduction, he probably guessed that he would definitely not be approached by those religious people to teach... , but the specific situation is not yet known.

This talent may not have much impact on him now, but it has become enough to become a hidden danger. Maybe it will cause a series of unexpected changes in some situation.

At this time, although Mo Tan likes and is happy to see changes, he hates any unexpected situations.

Rational people are not scary because their thinking patterns are easy to reason...

Smart people are not scary, because as long as you think carefully, you will find the thoughts behind every step they take...

Crazy people are not scary, they are already crazy anyway~

However, a person who is both rational and smart, and whose thinking pattern is unpredictable enough is a bit scary.

[Pious believers will be slightly disgusted and wary of me, but they will not take the initiative to become strongly hostile to me before I take any drastic action, but they probably will not believe any of my words. 】

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking down at the two guards who were praying in a low voice, asking for forgiveness from the God's Mansion, while thinking...

[Experience, wisdom, and rationality may correct their actions. The older guy just now obviously thought more than the other idiot, but he did not completely block the influence of talent. 】

"Sorry, I went a little too far." Mo Tan walked up to the two of them, half-knelt in front of them, and said with a hint of apology: "Because some troublesome things happened at home, I wanted to come to the church in our city. Please pray, I don’t mean to embarrass you two. Maybe it’s because my mother is seriously ill so she has been a little uneasy. I am overly emotional..."

[If you take the initiative to show kindness and show enough kindness when their hearts are relatively fragile...]

"No, I was the one who offended me before." The young Templar lowered his head and said with shame, "I didn't expect your..."

"Xiao Luo!" The older warrior interrupted in a deep voice: "Make no mistake, what we violated was the scripture... You should first feel ashamed that you have violated God's will and precepts!"

[It works, but it has little effect on people with firm beliefs. This may be related to my charm and eloquence attributes, but it cannot be verified yet. What is certain is that whether it is a positive or negative influence, the stronger the believer, the more powerful the believer. The less effective it is, but the subconscious suspicion is more troublesome... Haha... interesting, let's stop here this time...]

"Then, please, can I go in?" Mo Tan stood up and asked politely, "I want to pray for my family."

The older one had finished praying and seemed to have received some feedback. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Please, but please abide by the rules here."

"Um..." Mo Tan suddenly showed a slightly embarrassed bumpkin expression, awkwardly arranged his clothes and hairstyle, as if a thin-skinned bumpkin entered the city for the first time, turned his face and whispered: "Rules and so on... …I may not be particularly…”

This 'poor' way of relieving embarrassment was too easy to see through. The warrior sighed helplessly and said to the young man aside: "Xiao Luo, take him inside to pray. I'll watch here first."

"Okay, senior." The templar warrior known as Xiao Luo responded quickly, and then nodded to Mo Tan: "Please come with me."

In fact, there are not many taboos in the chapel of the United Holy Church. After all, this is not an independent sect that only worships one god, but a relatively loose alliance. Unless someone commits an act of blasphemy in public, Otherwise, there wouldn’t be many rules to break.

But the Templar didn't know why. He always felt that the fair-looking guy in front of him was a bit uneasy. He was blaspheming or something... What if he could really do it? !

So let’s keep people watching.

And this is exactly what Mo Tan wants to see~

"My Lord Knight, I was really sorry just now." As soon as he entered the chapel, Mo Tan smiled at Xiao Luo beside him: "No offense intended, please don't take it seriously."

"What the hell!" Xiao Luo immediately waved his hand: "It was clearly my fault just now, and I am far from qualified to be crowned a knight in the Holy Religion..."

While the two were talking, they had arrived at the center of the chapel. Although this place looked relatively simple, its scale and area were several times larger than the city lord's palace not far away. The surrounding walls were covered with exquisite decorations. The reliefs are interspersed with a large number of prayers and the teachings of many gods, and there is a miraculous picture every ten steps. Generally speaking, the gods enshrined in the Holy Religion Alliance relieve famines, relieve suffering, Rescues from droughts, floods, mudslides and other messy deeds...

"Is it so difficult to be a knight?" Mo Tan resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the relief statues around him, and said in surprise to Xiao Luo: "There are a few knights in our town, but they don't look as capable as you. temperament."

Everyone doesn't like to hear compliments. If someone doesn't like to hear them, it's because the other person's words are thorny or the flattery is too clumsy. Everyone knows this truth.

Mo Tan's honest compliment undoubtedly made the young man a little happy. After all, with his qualifications, he didn't have many opportunities to be complimented by others. Although he was shaking his head gently, the corners of his mouth were full of laughter. He still raised his eyebrows unconsciously: "It is difficult to obtain the title of knight in our Holy Religion Union. It is my dream to be awarded the name of 'Paladin', but it will definitely be impossible in recent years..."

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived at the center of the chapel. In front of them was a huge statue of the gods. The halo seeping from the skylight cast a layer of holy light on it, making it look solemn and sacred.

It is said that every statue of the gods in the Holy Religion Union has been personally blessed by figures above the level of the chief priest of each sect. They all have multiple divinities. It is not known whether it is true or false.

"Most people usually pray here." Xiao Luo first leaned over and performed the etiquette of an unknown sect, and then smiled at Mo Tan: "As for the methods, there are many kinds. The gods are kind and do not You would ask for too much, not to mention you are not a believer..."

Mo Tan nodded to him gratefully: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, then I'll... uh..." Xiao Luo hesitated for a moment, as if hesitating about something, and finally said: "I'll wait for you further away, and I'll go out with you later."

In fact, he originally wanted to leave first, but when he looked at the half-elf in front of him who seemed to be quite generous and easy to talk to, he felt a little uneasy for some reason, and there was always a sense of resistance lingering in his heart.

Here we have to excuse the talent of 'Unbeliever'. This is not caused by a talent problem. The point is that when Mo Tan logs in as Tan Mo, he will always have an indescribable temperament. If I had to describe it, it would be...

Chaos, utter chaos.

This natural gap with the lawful camp coupled with Mo Tan's faithless temperament in the eyes of NPCs, how could anyone completely trust him?

In short, Templar Xiao Luo left the center of the chapel and walked a little further away, chatting casually with others.

Although it is the morning, there are not many people coming to pray, but many clergymen from the Holy Religious Union have already come to the chapel to perform daily prayers, guarding, cleaning and other tasks.

Mo Tan pretended to close his eyes, pretending to pray for the 'family' he made up when God knows when, but in fact, he was quickly calculating the known information collected so far in his mind...

Dave. Sagar is a baptized active believer, and the god of his faith is the guardian of knights, warriors and judges: Hemel, the god of justice and courage.

But Dave betrayed and designed to kill his friends in the same grade at the Knight Academy for some kind of plan. This is definitely not allowed by the God he believes in.

Dave was not punished by God….

It is recorded at the end of the information that he has been working hard to become a Paladin. Although he has not yet reached the requirements, the martial arts talent he has displayed in recent years is far higher than that of students of the same age.

But he should be a young man with no extraordinary talents.

The conditions for becoming a Paladin are not yet known, but it should not be a secret and can be found out in a short time.

But even if you know...

"It feels like there are still two puzzle pieces missing..." Mo Tan muttered softly and rubbed his forehead: "It would be easy to kill Dave, but since we have discovered such a big violation, It would be too boring to just sit back and watch, this unique mission is really deep enough."

Destroying 'Hero' Dave, the reward for this task is three question marks. Mo Tan feels that this is not a trick of the system, but that the reward will be determined based on his completion level. Although he does not care about the task itself, Mo Tan feels that now This character will naturally work hard to maximize fun, and usually, fun and difficulty often correspond to each other.

Forget it, it’s better to be more difficult. After all, the more challenging it is, the more interesting it is~

"When I look at that guy, he doesn't look like a good guy!"

Just when Mo Tan was about to end this pretentious prayer, a muttering that was deliberately lowered reached his ears.

This was not due to Mo Tan's extraordinary talent or special training, nor was it due to the half-elf's relatively excellent hearing. It was actually because the mammoth half-orc priestess's mumbling was too loud.

Almost the entire chapel's attention was drawn to him.

"Carpytooth!" Xiao Luo, who was standing next to the mammoth girl, almost cried. With his face flushed, he raised his head and shouted in a low voice: "Keep your voice down! Keep your voice down!!"

"My voice is low enough!" The older girl didn't realize it at all, and even poked her nose at the center of the chapel where Mo Tan was: "Do you think he looks like the kind of cultist who is full of crooked ways?"

Cultist? ! Crooked approach? !

Something seemed to flash through Mo Tan's mind...

Two minutes later, in front of the chapel door

"I'm really sorry..." Xiao Luo blushed and whispered to Mo Tan: "That little priest is a new trainee and he doesn't speak clearly."

Mo Tan blinked: "That 'little' priest is almost taller than the two of us stacked together."

Xiao Luo shrugged at him.

"Don't worry, I don't mind." Mo Tan smiled slightly: "By the way, I don't even know what a cultist is..."

Xiao Luo suddenly looked solemn: "Those are terrible heretics. They are crazy and do all kinds of evil. They admire all kinds of despicable evil things and call them 'gods'. Some cultists don't even have any objects of faith at all." , simply acting for their own crazy evil thoughts. Murder and blood sacrifice are commonplace for them. Driven by evil thoughts, those heretics can do anything. Even the most evil gods are worse than the ones they worship. Those illusions are tens of millions of times better... Well, I don’t want to go on, talking about them is even disrespectful to the gods."

"Oh?" Mo Tan stopped a second before he was about to leave the chapel, turned to Xiao Luo and asked curiously: "Then what are their benefits? For example..."

Skill activation——[Bewitch]

"Can you control monsters? Or greatly increase your talents and abilities?"

In Xiao Luo's ears, Mo Tan's voice suddenly became very friendly to him, just like an old friend who had known each other for many years and talked about everything. Before his head could react, he had already subconsciously replied: "Well, everyone. All kinds of cultists have all kinds of strange abilities, and they can forcefully gain a variety of powers by paying various prices or performing cruel rituals, but those are all evil ways... huh?!"

Xiao Luo, whose eyes suddenly became clear, was suddenly in a daze.

At this time, Mo Tan had already walked out of the chapel without looking back, and said without looking back: "Thanks, buddy~"

Then he blended into the dense crowd of people outside the chapel...

Chapter 25: End

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