Quadruple split

Chapter 22 Yaya

"Woof?!" Mo Tan repeated subconsciously, then made a puzzled expression at the tiger-toothed dog girl in front of him, and spread his hands: "Is something wrong?"

The girl's beautiful eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons, and she nodded happily: "Woof!"

This girl can't communicate! !

Mo Tan couldn't follow the example of the young lady before and figure out what she wanted to express by making the girl come and go, although it did feel like it would be quite cute...

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Mo Tan gently took the other person's hand off his arm, and then asked tentatively: "Try your best to express your meaning and see if I can understand it... If you can explain it a little bit, Something I can understand would be nice.”

This girl's nails are a bit sharp...

"Woof~" The little girl shook the pair of furry gray animal ears on her head and shouted happily. Then she stretched out her little hand towards Mo Tan and spread her palms out: "Oh~ woof! Lu... Buwang...I know you."

Mo Tan lowered his head and saw a series of numbers on the girl's palm, which read 17502. After recalling it for a while, combined with the hesitant words, he had a rough idea.

If I remember correctly, the E-level task numbered 17502 should be to help Ms. Molly, who lives in the south area of ​​the market, clean up the garden. Although I had only relied on instant memory to memorize all the numerous E-level tasks in the branch. came down, but Mo Tan obviously doesn't forget as quickly as ordinary people...

After all, under normal circumstances, the duration of our regular instant memory should be equivalent to the duration of an English dictation during morning reading.

"You don't know the way?" Mo Tan nodded to the little girl, indicating that she could take her hand back, and then asked with a smile: "Then how do you know that I know you?"

The dog girl tilted her head, stuck out her little tongue and licked the back of her hand covered with a thin layer of mane, and said vaguely: "Wang Tu~ Look at it for a long time, you woof!"

If Mo Tan understood it correctly, what she wanted to express should be 'you have been looking at the map for a long time'...

Suddenly I felt so tired.

As far as Mo Tan knows, the common language should have spread across the entire continent. Although each race has its own unique language, God knows when the 'lingua franca' appeared and has become the entire continent. The popular language of the Innocence Continent, whether it was what I heard from Captain Ned when I was Black Van, or what McGonagall said when chatting with him before.

But there are always exceptions to everything...

The dog girl in front of her actually looks like that. Her pretty face is slightly cold, her shoulder-length silver-gray hair is crisp and refreshing, she is wearing a set of brown soft leather armor with stickers on both sides. Under the short leather pants with armor pieces was a pair of high hunting boots, which perfectly fit her slender legs. A section of white thighs were exposed above the knees of the boots. Without opening her mouth, she looked at He really has the demeanor of a master. No wonder Mo Tan had such nonsense misunderstandings before...

As a result, when the girl opened her mouth, not only did she speak unclearly, but even her few "woofs" contained a hint of dialect.

The amount of help……

"So you're going to ask me to help you lead the way?" Mo Tan smiled at her and said, "Just because I looked at the map for a while?"

The dog girl, who seemed to have a slight language barrier, danced and gestured for a while, and finally said: "I feel... I feel... you are so cute!"

"Okay, good people are better than good people." Mo Tan shrugged, turned around and led the way: "Follow me, can I just take you to the place where you do your mission in the North District?"

The little girl jumped up and followed him, nodding vigorously: "Woof! Come back, can you, smell woof!"

The ears are folded back at some point, and the tail is wagging very fast~

Mo Tan was speechless, holding his forehead and leading the way...

Both the Adventurer Branch and Mag's Notes contain a map of the Anka Market. Just now, Mo Tan has completely compared the previously written content with the surrounding environment. Now he can help others with it. It's been an easy journey.

Mo Tan has always been very sensitive to maps. This has nothing to do with IQ. The main reason is that his sense of direction is really bad...so bad...

No matter what time, place or personality he is in, Mo Tan is always in a state of being unable to find his way. No matter it was in the orphanage, now around his home, or in the elementary school he attended before, he has been constantly and endlessly searching for answers. Stop and go crazy and lost your way.

It wasn't until junior high school that Mo Tan finally couldn't stand it anymore, so he began to deliberately train his ability to memorize maps. After achieving certain results, he began to construct an overhead view in his mind, and at the same time tried to position himself on it. Now, despite his Mo Tan still has zero sense of direction, but Mo Tan, who has successfully memorized the entire world map, can hardly get lost.

For Mo Tan, who always maintains an overhead view of his surroundings in his mind, it is enough to know up, down, left, and right, so what's the problem if he can't find north...

He found the adventurer branch with the help of the map in Mag's notebook, and updated the details of the changes in recent years with the branch's latest map. He could now be said to know the surrounding environment very well.

It’s not easy to lead a lost dog...I mean, a dog girl~

"What's your name?" While looking at the dazzling shops and stalls on both sides of the road with interest, Mo Tan casually asked the dog girl behind him: "Or what can I call you?"

The girl was wagging her tail happily all the way. After hearing this, she thought for a moment, and then she rarely barked subconsciously, but whispered: "Ya...Ya..."

"Teeth?" Mo Tan confirmed, "Gone?"

The girl shook her head vigorously and put her ears back: "Ya~Ya~"

Mo Tan scratched his hair: "Ya Ya?"

"Wow!" The dog girl named Yaya nodded happily.

Mo Tan: "..."

My heart is so tired...

If you look down from a high altitude, Anka Market looks like a large rhombus made up of four rhombuses placed horizontally, located slightly below the northwest continent.

Because of local characteristics, there are a large number of shops and stalls in the four areas of southeast, northwest and northwest. They are opened by everyone, and the types of products are even more diverse, from goblin rocket belts to dragon fake jewelry for coaxing children, from orc sacrificial There are everything from Teng’s portable element pile driver used in illustrations to the mint leaf snacks that feline orcs like.

However, the largest commercial areas are the West District and the East District. The former is a big market. It is said that as long as you are rich enough, you can buy anything you want from there, while the latter is home to the most iconic building of Anka Market- - Razzie Auction House, also the administrative district of Ankh Bazaar.

The North District where Mo Tan was previously located was a comprehensive area dominated by the Adventurer's Guild, Mercenary Association, Magic Guild, Thieves Guild, etc., as well as a large number of hotels, catering and other service industries.

The smallest area, the southern area, is a residential area, where many locals from Anka Market and various researchers, scholars or resident businessmen who are very homely and wealthy but don't like to go out live.

Mo Tan himself also had a mission in the Southern District. It was said that he was asking a couple named Gu Luo to mow weeds. The location was not far from where Ya Ya wanted to go.

"What..." Mo Tan helplessly looked at Ya Ya who had been standing outside a certain window for two minutes, and patted her shoulder: "You're in a hurry, so you'd better finish the business first and then come back. How about looking at the teething stick?"

The dog girl subconsciously turned her face and bared her teeth at him, then her face turned red, she lowered her head and nodded. She rubbed her little face on the back of Mo Tan's hand with some embarrassment and made a fawning sound.

fifteen minutes later

Mo Tan stood in front of a crooked-looking wooden house, turned around and nodded to Yaya, pointed to the front and said: "This is Ms. Molly's home. Your task should be to help her clean up the garden, right? You're already here. .”

"Wow! Thank you~ thank you wow!" Ya Ya clapped her hands happily, her tail almost swaying behind her, and she happily ran around Mo Tan twice, then leaned over and rubbed his face, and then disappeared. He ran to the front and knocked on the door.

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and shook his head, then walked to another street not far behind. The Guluo couple he wanted to help weed lived nearby, not far from where he was currently. Two hundred meters.

"Well... No. 11, Aromatherapy Avenue, this should be it." Mo Tan looked at the huge yard in front of him, which covered an area of ​​at least half an acre. He couldn't help but rolled his eyes and pushed away the garden with dissatisfaction with the rich. Xiaomen stepped in and muttered: "I don't know if there are many weeds in there, it might be more than expected..."

He didn't finish speaking, but raised his head under an intuition similar to a sixth sense, and then...


five seconds later

The two-story house in the yard was violently pushed open from the inside, and a skinny old man rushed out on a crutch, shouting as he walked: "Who is cursing in front of my house! I want to see... huh? No people?"

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect. 】

"Yes, let's reconnect..."

[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome to the innocent continent, chaotic and neutral Tan Mo, I wish you a good night]

"Haha, interesting~~" Mo Tan immediately shook his head and chuckled after appearing: "This is the first time I have seen a 'weed' that is stronger than a human and has two rows of fangs on it. , Did that thing grow up on Jin Kaila... But then again..."

He glanced at the small soil bag at his feet. It was clear that the soil on it was newly turned, and he snorted softly: "The kindness of a woman... But since it reminds me that the task has been completed, it also means that the person named Ai The little priest is safe now."

That's right, the moment he went online, he had already received a prompt from the system:

[The side mission ‘Rescuing the Nuanyang Team’ has been completed, and the current allocable experience points are 200 points. 】

The dead do not need to be saved. When he arrived here that night, the great swordsman Radha Dona in the Nuanyang team was already cold. Next to him, in a pool of blood, was the Priestess who was lying upside down with a big hole in her abdomen. Ai Vanye, the one Cole was talking about, was the strongest Dave in the team. Sagar has disappeared.

Combined with the only mission Mo Tan received before - [Go to Pato City and destroy the 'hero' Dave], the situation is already very clear.

Mo Tan used up the remaining three bottles of primary life potion and a divine grace scroll (all looted from Medi's house) to revive the dying trainee priestess.

Immediately after he understood the situation, he simply conducted a series of deceptions on the girl who had just experienced betrayal and the death of her companions. Finally, he asked her to return to Pato City as soon as possible to hide herself, and was ready to leave immediately to find the two red girls. Ridge beast trouble.

As a result, I ended up inexplicably quitting the game during this process. Logically speaking, there was still a lot of time. After leaving the game cabin, I found that it was already seven in the morning...

"Something's wrong." Mo Tan casually sat down next to the simple earthen bag where the giant swordsman Lada was buried. He leaned up nonchalantly, touched his chin and muttered: "I've played this game twice, and every time I lost about two hours of real-life time. It would be too far-fetched to say that I accidentally fell asleep in the game cabin, and every time I woke up, I heard the sound of 'You have exited the game'... Could it be that the BUG is caused by me owning multiple characters at the same time... But if that's the case, then what is the reason for the BUG... hmm?"

He did not continue thinking, but noticed the message board that suddenly flashed in the corner of his field of vision.

"Haha~" Mo Tan smiled sinisterly: "It seems you really miss me... Do you really want to win this 'game'..."

His character has only one friend. Since he has received news from outside the system, its source is naturally self-evident.

"Are you there?"

"Are you there?"

"Aren't you offline?"

"Hey! Are you not going to pay attention to me even though you are online?!"

"There hasn't been much action recently. What else can a nerd like you do if you don't play games at night? Feed the cat!?"

"Please speak!"

"I'm so bored~"

"What level are you at now? I completed a few tasks today and you are already at level 5."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey!!!!"

The above are all historical messages sent by Futaba. Well, the last one was just sent.

Mo Tan leaned on the grave bag and stretched, and casually summed up Futaba's series of harassment: "Nervous."

In other words, he should be the least qualified to speak ill of others.

"I lean against the grave at dusk~" leaning against the grave with a smile, Mo Tan casually made up two lines of limerick: "The lingering voice of the resentful girl is as faint as smoke."

"Don't be like the common people Yinmaodu~" As he said this, he sent it to Futaba in a mean-spirited way: "I'm just crazy about Yi Ren."

A few seconds later, Futaba received a reply: "What do you mean?"

Mo Tan rolled his eyes and replied very considerately: "I am currently thinking about troubles while leaning on the fresh grave bag. I have no time to talk to you. You don't care what I do at night. On the contrary, I care about you more." How crazy are you now..."

After saying that, he ignored the countless messages that Futaba suddenly burst out. He neither blocked nor replied. He just stood up unsteadily, turned around, stepped on the soil on the small grave, and left quickly. I came here and blended into the afterglow of the sunset...

Chapter 21: End

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