Chapter 281
– Tick. Tock.
Time passes.
The sounds of gunfire from outside have faded away at some point. Both the enemy’s and our own artillery fire have decreased.
The howitzer is the god of the battlefield. Especially so when the front line is so clear.
However, even the god of the battlefield cannot exert power without supplies and rest. Munitions are not in infinite supply, and not long ago, the Defense Force’s navy suffered a brutal defeat against the combined fleet of dwarves and elves.
If it is a relief that not all of the naval forces have sunk, it is a small one. The sinking of one battleship, three cruisers, and four destroyers was indeed catastrophic, but the Empire’s navy still has its strength.
However, this brought no consolation to Colonel Meijhem, who was present as a commander. He could only think, “What on earth were those seal-like creatures doing to be so brutally defeated?”
No, he actually wanted to curse. The waters not far from the Kalkas Basin have become a no man’s land.
Soon, the Empire’s navy will dispatch reinforcements, but that time is not now.
This means that the maritime supply routes cannot be used for the time being.
If a supply ship were sent, a few battle rations soaked in seawater would wash ashore shortly, but there was no audacious admiral willing to launch a transport squadron to normalize supply at such times.
Moreover, the 155mm high-explosive shells are heavy.
Unless one has a particularly laid-back personality, it is common sense to transport the shells used in the 155mm howitzers as much as possible via sea route to the supply depot right in front of the front lines.
However, the maritime route has been blocked.
This means that the gods of the battlefield are starving.
It’s not that there are no stored shells, and the Command Headquarters seems to be trying to maintain supplies through the land route they have developed, but at least they cannot fire shells as freely as before. In the first place, they never fired so freely before.
As the gods of the battlefield are silenced more often than before, it is the ordinary soldiers that wail.
It is the misery of the infantry. Being fundamentally a class that gets beaten up here and there, there is nothing to be done.
Conversely, the infantry could theoretically do anything. This versatility also included practically “occupying” the enemy’s trenches.
– Kururung…
Not far away, a loud rumble came from behind the trench. Colonel Meijhem squeezed his eyes shut upon hearing the sound.
“…The 72nd Cavalry Tank Regiment has come to support us. The higher-ups seem quite anxious with the howitzers in such a state.”
The aide, standing in front of the table where the tactical map was spread out with Colonel Meijhem’s muttering, spoke up. A light flickered on his face, something indescribable.
“Tanks are just coffins when they break down. They look like some tractor….”
“Commander. The potential of tanks is limitless.”
“I know that. When those metal monsters move, the elves will surely be shitting themselves in fear. But…”
However, Colonel Meijhem knew.
He knew how impotent those seemingly half-finished metal things could sometimes be.
“They break down far too often. Their speed is like that of a sluggish worm.”
“I acknowledge that it is innovative, but to replace the role of the cavalry, they must coordinate with the infantry. From that perspective, those tanks do not mesh well with the infantry yet.”
Though technological advancements are dazzling, it seems distant for those tanks to perfectly synchronize with infantry and achieve combined arms operations.
“It’s the slow speed that’s the problem… What a shame. They can certainly bounce bullets back. When they are hit by towed artillery or break down, they are just coffins.”
He was not merely expressing disappointment regarding the tank’s performance. Of course, he was greatly disappointed in the tank’s performance, but it was not to the point of disillusionment. After all, it was not something he had expected much from in the first place.
What was more troubling were the tank operators who would be riding in those tanks.
Colonel Meijhem had seen it. Due to frequent breakdowns and slow speeds, tanks that moved toward the enemy’s trenches in unison like cavalry were blown apart under artillery fire.
Fire soared, ammunition inside the tank exploded, and tank operators were torn apart. Soldiers struggling to escape from the tanks while on fire.
That was what Colonel Meijhem found utterly lamentable. The aide beside him also sighed.
“It can’t be helped. The higher-ups want a rapid advance…”
“…What on earth are those idiots thinking, demanding this reckless advance? It’s a miracle that we are even somewhat prepared…”
The aide’s expression turned to panic. That was understandable, as there were sergeants and officers belonging to the battalion, as well as several ordinary soldiers present. The aide urgently whispered in Colonel Meijhem’s ear.
“Commander. The soldiers and sergeants might be getting restless.”
Yes, as he said, there were many subordinates around. It wouldn’t do to display such a state in front of them.
Colonel Meijhem, as if hypnotizing himself, muttered while glaring at the sprawling tactical map on the table. The command baton danced across it before stopping at a certain point.
“Is this the place? The city we need to occupy?”
“Yes. It’s a small coastal city. Its name is Palts.”
“A small city… and it’s called Palts?”
He could vaguely guess the reason for the higher-ups’ urging. On the tactical map, symbols representing coastal artillery were drawn in the coastal and harbor areas of Palts.
“The intention is to occupy the coastal artillery and lead the next battle as favorably as possible, is it?”
“Yes. The number of emplacements isn’t that many, but… it is strategically important. The enemy fleet must approach closely to enter these waters.”
“…I see.”
With a loud thud, Colonel Meijhem slammed down the command baton and rubbed his slightly aching eyelids. A refreshing coolness flowed over his eyes.
“The operation plan will go as discussed yesterday. There’s no need to rush to change it.”
“Yes. Understood.”
Colonel Meijhem longed for the Kalkas Basin not too far behind.
That place was a basin surrounded by mountains on all sides, but it wasn’t completely devoid of access routes.
In the northwest direction, excluding the three sides that were surrounded by mountains, was the only large access route into this natural fortress, and the trench system of the front line traversed through it.
During the enemy’s major offensive, they had to hunker down deep inside the basin to defend, but the current situation was not that dire.
At least now that they had exited the basin, it was time to counterattack. Colonel Meijhem let out a frustrated sigh and peered out at the soldiers lying against the trench wall outside the battalion command post.
Faces full of fear, faces ready for anything, faces bewildered as if they didn’t understand anything, and faces lost in thought gazing at the distant mountains…
How many of them would survive this battle, he wondered.
With the strategic key point, the city of Palts, right in front of them, the enemy’s resistance was expected to be fierce. This was unwelcome news for Colonel Meijhem.
“Observation officer. Have there been any signs of gas deployment from the enemy trenches?”
“Not yet, but you never know.”
“That’s sufficient.”
Everyone has at least one gas mask. There is no need for worry.
“It would be terrible if it touches the skin…”
Colonel Meijhem absentmindedly flicked his loose right sleeve, frowning as he moved his left hand to pull out a pocket watch from his coat. The pocket watch with a gold chain was a gift he received when he assumed command of the battalion.
“Damn it. I’ll have to get a prosthetic arm fitted.”
“…I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. After this battle, I’ll make sure to take care of Reverend Antenelli.”
“Yes. Understood.”
– Tick. Tock. Tick.
Under the lid with the Empire Defense Force’s mark engraved on it, the watch’s hands moved rhythmically. Colonel Meijhem, quietly gazing at it, nodded toward the aide.
“Let’s commence the assault. Send out the tanks first.”
Colonel Meijhem slowly leaned his body and directed his gaze toward the tactical map. He did not wish to look outside now.
The ear-piercing sound of a whistle. With a rumbling sound, the tank clattered over the trench, and another whistle echoed across the battlefield.
“Advance!! Advance!! Follow closely behind the tank!!”
An advance, huh? To stick behind that slow tank?
Colonel Meijhem knew that soon the soldiers would charge into the enemy trenches to survive. But there was nothing he could do.
“…Please survive.”
He could only wish for their good fortune.
* * * * *
The smell of the battlefield after the fight would make one’s nose crinkle.
The acrid smell of gunpowder rising from various places, mingled with the pungent smell of blood, and occasionally the odor of feces that might be caught by a misfortune.
It was quite common for one’s sphincter to release immediately upon facing death. Colonel Meijhem made an effort to ignore such smells as he entered the newly occupied trench.
“What about the prisoners?”
“All of them are tied up. The 2nd Company will take care of them.”
“Good. Make sure they are closely monitored.”
The battle was over. Victory belonged to the 858th Mechanized Infantry Battalion under Colonel Meijhem’s command, but as always, it was a victory marred with wounds.
Now it seemed clear that after tallying the prisoners and the wounded and quickly cleaning up, they could launch an offensive toward Palts. The 848th and 868th Mechanized Infantry Battalions, not too far away, had also followed successfully, so it didn’t seem like a stretch for the three battalions to attack that small coastal city.
However, tending to the wounded was the priority. Colonel Meijhem hurried the nursing officer and the medical officer to expedite aid for the wounded.
And then, at that moment.
– Zzzzt. Zzt. Zzzzt.
A light lit up on the communications device in the battalion command post. The new communications sergeant hurriedly picked it up and began to transcribe the full message onto paper.
“What is it?”
“It seems a message has come from the higher-ups.”
“Hmph… There shouldn’t be any instructions that stand out.”
“Perhaps it’s a large-scale counterattack from the enemy…”
Hearing that, Colonel Meijhem felt a slight sense of anxiety, thinking that it might be so. However, he could not let it show.
The communications sergeant, who had been hurriedly copying the message, finally approached Colonel Meijhem with a somewhat stiff expression while holding it.
“Commander. Th-that….”
“Speak. Has it come down from the higher-ups?”
“Yes, it has.”
“What does it say?”
An anxious look, an uncomfortable expression.
After swallowing hard, the communications sergeant held the paper and opened his mouth.
“The 858th Mechanized Infantry Battalion is to immediately advance into Palts City along with the 848th Infantry Battalion and the 868th Infantry Battalion. Any follow-up actions for the wounded will be taken care of by the rear medical support battalion, so they are to be left behind.”
“Capture Palts City as quickly as possible. If it is judged that the speed of the advance is affected, it is also acceptable to positively consider the immediate execution of prisoners. It will be left to the discretion of each commander. End of message.”
Leave the wounded behind. Moreover, to execute the prisoners if advancing speed is deemed slow.
“…Are they out of their damned minds—!”
Colonel Meijhem could not help but burst out in anger at the command that clearly violated international laws.