Chapter 5: chapter 4
I've been walking for 10 minutes
honestly I do not know where the fuck I am
uhh why is there a crowd here
uh zack and Daniel fighting seem like ooh so it's chapter 1 or 2 in the novel he will get his new overpowered body should I help
it will give me some points if I tried to be friends with yes I'll help him
Everyone pov
Fuck why are they not helping him
Unknown person: Take video with you phone hey stop it man
Zack: if I not what are you going to do
Me: just top it
Author pov
He tried to punch me I was able to easily dodge his attack probably I'm stronger than him
ME: stop I do not want to hurt you man
Zack: you hurt me I'll kill you dumb ass
Me:well time to put samdak teaching on practice
How to beat a boxer
well first thing to do I remember from the video is
let's get rid of his leg a boxer greatest strength calf kick I do not need those techniques because my body is moving on his own
Zack: aha fuck my leg it hurt man
Me: uhh why are they're a red spot in his body
Zack: The fuck are you talking about man
Let's finish this he trow a punch
Me : yep it's easy to dodge this man
seem like the red dots on his body are weak point for example his groinn oof, head, armpit, and his head and a lot of weak point in a human body
so why didn't it work when I was looking at my body well I already know because my body is perfect so will be Daniel park new body what about people like Vin Jin, gun park, and other famous characters
hahaha let's end this with his armpit man cause I remembered that iI you hit somewhere on armpit you'll be able to make his harm paralyzed for a short time of period let's end this man
Zack: huh why cars I move my hands the fuck did you do it doesn't matter I still got one end
Me : ahah it really doesn't matter can just do the same things again lets end him take your boyfriend with you
Me: hey man are you OK
Daniel: I'm alright thank you
Me: you should work today 100 push up, 100 sit up, 100 squats, 10 thousand kilometers every single day to lose weight and do notneat those unhealthy things man you'll lose weight man
In my head: copying one punch man is wild I'm giving him advice that I couldn't even do in past body even tough I was a martial art genius
Daniel: I can't I'm pathetic man
Me: everyone has a purpose in life and beside I sense that you have a shit load of potential if you just applied yourself you could be be more powerful
Daniel: thank you bye
Me; well I need money man I wondered if there is stocks in this world I e read lookism to chapter 400 something
so to make money gotta become a thug or be friend with gun park and other famous person well times to go man and hit the library