
Chapter 29

When Dingsheng Group headed up against the wind, the task force responsible for investigating Gao Yize’s death also made a major breakthrough. They screened out more than 100 of thousands of student files for key survey and investigation. These more than 100 people live near the homes of Zhao Kai and Mao Xiaoming, and it is possible that they will meet each other. Although such a survey is not comparable to finding a needle in a haystack, it is not far away. After all, it was many years ago, and everyone ’s memories have been blurred.

After four or five days of continuous investigation, there was no result, and the task force almost gave up. They also had good luck. When investigating one of them, Zhuang Zhen asked hopelessly: “Have you ever seen your school and other students in this neighborhood?”

The man thought for a while and said, “I remember a school girl in my lower school who seemed to have been there several times. Once the chain of her bicycle broke, or I repaired it for her. She said her grandma lived Near our neighborhood, she came to see her grandma. “

Zhuang Zhen’s eyes sharpened: “What is the name of that school girl?”

“Call soft sister.”

Zhuang Zhen: “…”

I have to ask again, that person can’t remember the real name of the school girl anyway. After all, this thing has been going on for many years. Everyone is just a school, not the same class, nor the same class. Who will remember so clearly?

Zhuang Zhen took this person back to school to look at all the photos on the file, and then dug out the “soft girl”. Her real name is Ruan Ye, people who know her are called her leaves, and some people call her soft leaves.

She has excellent academic performance and was admitted to the top three universities in China. She graduated one year before completing her credits. Now she works in a multinational company and is studying for an MBA while working. Her work ability is very outstanding and her interpersonal skills are also very strong. In the near future, they can be promoted to raise salaries, which is a promising future.

Such a person who even has a resume shining, no matter how he sees it, has nothing to do with the rats like Zhao Kai and Mao Xiaoming in the gutter. However, after investigation, the task force found that Ruan Ye’s grandmother and Zhao Kai lived in the same community, that is to say, she and Zhao Kai were counted as more than half of the neighbors, and the two might know each other. Mao Xiaoming often went to play with Zhao Kai, and naturally had the opportunity to meet her.

The student file only records the home address of the student, not the home address of their relatives. If it is not accidentally mentioned by the person under investigation, the task force has no way of knowing this message, because the grandmother of Ruan Ye has passed away for many years. By the way, the houses in the community have already been sold, and the people in the community are mostly tenants. They are extremely mobile, and no one knows their details. Even if they are asked by the police, they ca n’t remember the person Ruan Ye.

Being able to pinpoint this in thousands of clues, I have to say that Zhuang Zhen’s luck is very good.

The task force immediately investigated Ruan Ye, and then she was surprised to find that she had been missing for five days. If it was n’t for the police to come suddenly, Ruan Ye ’s boyfriend always thought she was on a business trip because her WeChat had normal contacts every day and occasionally sent a circle of friends. This time the task force can conclude that Ruan Ye is the murderer’s fifth goal, and TA may have succeeded.

That night, the task force transferred all of Ruan Ye ’s surveillance from the company to her home to try to find her trail. They thought the murderer would be as cautious as the last few crimes, but they unexpectedly looked up at the monitor when they kidnapped Ruan Ye, leaving a clear face.

“It’s him! The sound engineer of the Flying Studio!” Xiao Li was stunned. He had never expected that the murderer who had been searching for so long had been hiding under their eyelids, and had experienced more than one investigation by the task force. However, the other party has never shown any flaws, it is more calm than the innocent, and there are surveillance videos to prove his absence, so he deceived everyone.

“Catch people!” Zhuang Zhen made a decisive order.

The task force drove a car to catch people, and the tuner, who had originally escaped, had sat in his study room and was controlling a computer in a hurry.

“Nguyen Yeh is in the utility room.” He pointed to the east.

A dozen black hole barrels were aimed at him, and he smiled lowly, without any confusion.

“Go to save people!” Zhuang Zhen used a gun to compare the head of the repair engineer, but his heart sank. The murderer is so calm and calm, then the victim must be more and more fierce.

Liu Tao thought so too, but when he kicked the door of the utility room, he found that Ruan Ye was still alive. She was firmly tied to a small single bed, her head was fixed by a metal bracket and could not move a bit, her eyes were stuck with two pieces of tape, and her mouth was also sealed with a piece of tape, and the blood vessels in her right hand were punctured. Holding a bag of injections.

Liu Tao was almost vomited by the thick smell in the utility room before approaching, and the group members behind him were suffocated for a moment before they rushed in. They thought that Ruan Ye must have suffered inhumane torture even if she didn’t die, but after turning on the wall lamp, the situation inside the house made them puzzled.

Ruan Ye was just tied up, not beaten, and the injection in her blood vessel was glucose, which added energy, not poison; the masking tape covering her mouth was cut through a small mouth by the repairman, so that Yu feeds her; she eats and drinks Lhasa on this bed, although the smell is a bit bad, but her life is guaranteed, and there is no slight scar on her body.

“Vice team, she is fine!” Liao Fang roughly checked Ruan Ye’s physical condition.

“It’s okay, untie her! Carefully tear the tape, don’t hurt her eyelids, cover her eyes with a layer of translucent gauze and let her out, so as not to be stimulated by the strong light. I call Ambulance. “Liu Tao took out his mobile phone and contacted the ambulance center.

Liao Fang and several team members untied Ruan Ye’s shackles.

Ruan Ye’s entire body was already wood, clearly awake, but he lost his ability to respond to the outside world, his pupils shrunk thinner than the needle tip, as if he had lost his soul.

“Nguyen Yeh, Nguyen Yeh, can you hear it? We are the police, we came to rescue you, Nguyen Yeh …” Liao Fangqi shouted reluctantly.

“Oh, weird, is this room leaking?” The policeman responsible for removing the metal brackets touched Ruan Ye’s wet hair. He couldn’t help but looked up, but he saw the top of the small bed, aimed at the position of Ruan Ye’s head. A small hole was dug in the bottom of the metal bucket, which was filled with water and was leaking drop by drop.

The police officer could not understand what the bucket was for, but he didn’t have time to think about it and tried to rescue Ruan Ye.

The crowd worked hard for a long time before removing the ropes, straps and metal brackets, and carried Ruan Ye out of this smelly room. After a while, Ruan Ye gradually got some reactions and began to struggle in Liao Fang’s arms. The tape covering her mouth had been lifted off, but she couldn’t say a complete word, and could only whimp like a beast, with a frantic expression.

Liao Fang hugged her tightly and repeatedly said words of comfort. Seeing this scene, the sound engineer chuckled with extreme pleasure. As soon as he smiled, Ruan Ye started to tremble, and then developed foaming in the mouth and convulsions, which made him fainted.

“Send her to the hospital first.” Zhuang Zhen took out the handcuffs while explaining, and walked towards the repair engineer.

The sound engineer took the initiative to stand up, raised his hand, and said with a smile: “No need to be nervous, I will not resist. In fact, I have been waiting for you for a long time.”

“You can be honest with me!” Zhuang Zhen grabbed his hand, twisted his back, and said sharply: “We suspect that you are related to several murders. You were arrested!” The handcuffs were worn on the tuner’s wrist.


The tuner’s home was clean and empty, and apart from a set of tables and chairs and a computer, there was almost no other furniture. He even lay directly on the ground without sleeping. He did not need mattresses and quilts, and his life was as simple as an ascetic monk. The technicians of the forensics section conducted a major search of his home, but found no evidence to prove that he was related to the first four murders. His computer was completely formatted as early as a few minutes before the project team arrived, and the hard disk was also devastated by a virus and could not be recovered at all. He is proficient in various anti-detection methods and is a criminal with high IQ.

The only thing currently helpful to the case is the findings of the social background of the tuner. As far as the task force knows, he has a younger sister who was enrolled in the Middle School Affiliated to Normal University. He is a classmate with Ruan Ye and a roommate. He committed suicide three years ago. It can be deduced from this that this series of murders should have been caused by this sister, but no one knows exactly what the circumstances are.

Zhuang Zhen is very worried about this, because if the task force cannot grasp all the evidence, it cannot accuse the meditator of the crime of murder. Come out, and then continue to harm society.

But Song Rui told Zhuang Zhen: “Your worry is superfluous. Judging from the series of reactions he was arrested, he did not intend to refuse to plead guilty. We will review him first and then say.”

“Okay, let’s interrogate first. Now we don’t have time to sort out the truth about the suicide case that year. We have grasped it tightly and have given us an ultimatum.” To express understanding, after all, the social impact of this case is too great. If the case is not hurriedly closed, the sub-bureau cannot explain to the public.

The two are collating information. Liao Fang came back from the hospital with a medical report and said briskly: “Captain, the doctor said that Ruan Ye is in good condition, with no trauma or internal injuries, nor has he been victimized, but has eaten less, The stomach is a little weak, and I can go home after a few days in the hospital. “

“Eh, then she was much better luck than the other four people.” Xiao Li was thankful.

Song Rui was carefully observing the photos of the scene of the crime, and after hearing this, one of them was drawn and sighed: “She is better luck than Gao Yize them? This is not common. Know this bed, this bucket, this dripping hole is What is it for? “

“What is it for?” Xiao Li asked curiously.

Zhuang Zhen stared at this photo with a solemn tone: “Is it dripping torture?”

“Yes, it’s dripping torture.” Song Rui took off his glasses, squinting at the beginning, as if he couldn’t bear to watch.

Xiao Li was still ignorant: “What is drip torture?”

Zhuang Zhen explained: “Drip water torture is a kind of torture invented by King Shang, who fixes a person on a seat without moving his head, and then hangs a bucket full of water and keeps dripping water on his head. Listen Is n’t it a very small pediatrics? But this kind of torture is more tormenting than a thousand knives and shelling. Once a terrorist was caught by a hostile base, he was subjected to whipping, cutting, and fire, but not dripping. , Bite his tongue and committed suicide. I heard that in ancient times, some death row prisoners would rather choose to light up the sky lantern than to receive such punishment. “

“So exaggerated?” Xiao Li imagined the scene, but still couldn’t get the horror of dripping.

Song Rui put down the photo and sighed deeply: “The drip torture suffered by Ruan Ye is different from the drip torture in history. It is an upgraded version. King Shang is only dripping water on the top of the person’s head, but the murderer is dripping water into her heart. You need to know that the eyebrow is a very sensitive part. When someone points your fingertip to your eyebrow, even if it is not close, you will have a very strong resistance, which will make your scalp hairy. Hemp, hair exploding, like threatened beasts, all started to be alert. Think about it, if there are water droplets every minute and every second, always invading this part of you, and you ca n’t see, hear, just Can you feel the coldness of this endless stream of water droplets, how long can you endure? This is no different from taking a needle and poking it in your brain. During the torture, you ca n’t sleep, you ca n’t think, almost Every moment is in anxiety and madness, and within a day, your whole person will collapse. The murderer is not torturing Ruan Ye ’s body, but torturing her spirit and even the soul. He killed the first four people Very simple, leaving almost no clue, Ruan Ye’s turn is very cruel … “

Song Rui put on his glasses and firmly said: “So I have reason to suspect that Ruan Ye is the main cause of this series of murders and the main target of the murderer. Instead of killing her, the murderer is more willing to destroy her fundamentally. I think, I already know how to talk to the murderer, let ’s go. “

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