
Chapter 269

Zhuang Zhen, who was visiting and investigating outside, quickly rushed back home and showed the surveillance taken when the gardener ’s wife and son were missing to the ad hoc team, and then called up the surveillance video of Duan Xiaoyun ’s husband and son who disappeared three years ago. Compare in the same screen.

“The way they walk is very strange.” Song Rui analyzed: “There is a stiff feeling that the knee can’t bend freely, and the movement of the hands and feet is very uncoordinated, like a robot.”

“I feel like a zombie.” Xiao Li, an otaku, used a more appropriate description.

“Their mind has been confused and lost their souls.” Van Gaal gave the correct answer.

So the police gathered in the work shed made a sound of gasping.

“You see Duan Xiaoyun’s confession,” Meng Zhong knocked on the table. “Duan Xiaoyun’s husband and son disappeared at the end of March three years ago. Look at the confession of the owner, his cash cow was resurrected in early April. Yes, do you say there is an inevitable connection between these? “

“Meng Ju, you suspect that Duan Xiaoyun’s husband has died after disappearance, buried under that tree, and feed the tree?” Liu Tao cracked his teeth and was startled by this speculation.

“Zhou Forensic Medicine, can you determine the time of Duan Xiaoyun’s husband’s death?” Meng Zhong did not answer the question.

Forensic Zhou shook his head: “No. Judging from the degree of decay of the corpse, he should have died within 24 hours. But how did a person who had only died for 24 hours enter the trunk? Was it swallowed? Did you go in? Also, the clothes worn on the body were the pajamas worn when they disappeared three years ago, and a pair of blindfolds hung on the neck, which is not reasonable. “

Forensic Zhou rubbed his eyebrows and said his own judgment: “In view of the fact that this case is not reasonable, I prefer Duan Xiaoyun’s husband to have been dead for three years, but the body has been kept fresh.”

His point of view was ridiculous, but the people in the ad hoc group nodded their heads one by one. No way, after experiencing too many horrible and strange things, they have gradually realized that the more incredible the speculation, the closer to the truth.

Meng Zhongying first said: “I’m here to give you a fight. The case is like this. Three years ago, Duan Xiaoyun’s husband came to this orchard confusedly. I don’t know what happened. He died here and used the corpse to support the demon tree. Then, just today, the gardener ’s wife and son also disappeared. Did they encounter the same thing as Duan Xiaoyun ’s husband and went to an orchard to become fertilizer for a demon tree? How many trees are there and where? Where is the son of Duan Xiaoyun? Are there more victims in the world? “

Song Rui reminded: “You can check the missing records over the years to see if there are similar cases.”

Meng Zhong moaned over his severely pained head: “Brother, do you know how many people are missing each year in China? It’s not eight hundred, not eighty thousand, it’s eight million! How do you ask us to check?”

“Among these eight million people, there may be thousands or even tens of thousands of people who are used as fertilizer by that demon tree. Thinking of this, do you have a full incentive to check?” Song Rui asked in return.

Meng Zhonglue thought for a moment, his head was more painful, and his moaning became tragic: “I’m not **** more motivated, is my **** desperate anymore! This world is terrible!” Having said that, But he still called Minister Yan and gave a brief report to let the military investigate the missing population.

The military is more powerful, should eight million be found?

Meng Zhong, who hung up the phone, heard inexplicable moaning from Minister Yan because of a headache.

Song Rui continued to analyze: “This demon vine has wisdom, so we can use it as a murderer to analyze its behavior pattern. First of all, it can be determined that it is a serial killer.”

Everyone nodded.

“Analyzed from the psychological state, the serial killer has six committing stages: the first is the preliminary stage, the serial killer starts to lose his mind and falls into the desire to kill; the second is the control stage, the serial killer starts to look for the victim; Three are courtship stages, where serial killers lure victims; the fourth are capture stages, where victims are trapped; the fifth are murder stages, where serial killers are upset and committing crimes; and the sixth is depression, The incubation period before the next crime. “

Song Rui wrote the six stages on the blackboard and further analyzed: “And our serial killer is a plant, it kills mankind for the fertilizer needed for growth, not emotional craving or contentment of desire, so I put the first and the The sixth stage is removed. It is irrational, killing is taken for granted, and there is no so-called incubation period of depression. It will continue to kill people until it wilt. “

“Then its modus operandi is like this, first of all, it wants to find prey; secondly, it wants to lure prey; then it wants to catch prey; finally it wants to kill prey. I believe that at the beginning, its strength is not yet available It may be so powerful that it may not be able to move around as it does now, so how can it find its prey? “

Everyone is thinking about this issue, and Van Gogh has given the answer: “It will use its magical fruits to lure some people to be their own executioners, such as Zhang Wencheng. It has no way to take the initiative to attack, and Zhang Wen has become a winner. More fruits will naturally be found for it. That bone mountain is built in this way. Its fruits seem to make people maintain a youthful and beautiful face. Look at Su Fengxi, Jian Ya and others, you will understand; It can also make people live longer. Meng Ju, do you remember that old man? Now that I think about it, I realize that he is old and not dead. I am afraid that it is the credit for that fruit, otherwise he will not **** the Zhang family. “

Meng Zhong nodded and his face became very dignified.

“Its fruit can stimulate the human potential and create the spirit. The more than two thousand experimental bodies are the best proof.” Van Gogh closed his eyes and sighed: “In front of so many temptations, anyone will be willing to be it Puppets, looking for fertilizers for it. It is relying on the corpses brought by these puppets, and slowly grow and grow until they can move freely under the ground. Zhang Wencheng is a monster that has lived for one or two hundred years, so he feeds that demon Must not be short. “

“So many people have been killed in such a long time, why no one has found? Is this unlikely?” Liao Fang asked with a trembling voice. She couldn’t believe how terrible the world would be.

“No one will notice it,” Song Rui shook his head. “What has happened in these two hundred years? Experienced the demise of a dynasty, experienced the invasion of foreign powers, experienced wars, famine, and turmoil. In this era, no matter how many people die, no one will notice. “

Fangallo’s homeopathic interface: “So it was born in an age of time, geographical advantage, and harmony, so it has achieved extremely rapid growth.”

Song Rui continued to say: “After it is fully grown, it can move freely and choose its own prey. It has established a unique plant killing method.”

The members of the task force went to draw the paper towels placed in the middle of the table one by one, and wiped the cold sweat on the forehead frequently. They feel that they are not opening a case analysis meeting, but listening to a horror story. What is more desperate is that this story is really being staged in reality.

“What’s its killing method?” Meng Zhongqiang asked with palpitations.

“You all know Nepenthes? It is one of the most successful killers in the plant kingdom.”

Song Rui explained in a low voice: “Nepenthes secretes a honeydew with an anesthetic effect in its cage. Insects crawl into the cage following the sweet smell of honeydew, and then are anesthetized, corroded, digested and absorbed. That This method is also used by Zhu Yaoteng. It does not have a cage, but it has a more powerful honeydew, that is, its fruit. It disguises its own fruit as a fruit to eat, which makes people lose their minds and actively goes to it. Is where its fertilizer becomes. It is a serial killer who has no incubation period of depression and is very skilled. “

Song Rui looked around the crowd with a solemn tone: “So it will continue to repeat the last stage of the crime, that is, the mood is high and the killing is crazy.”

There was a silence in the work shed, and everyone was shocked by this terrifying speculation.

“But it fled when we saw us, shouldn’t it be so unscrupulous?” Meng Zhong tried to break this quietly growing despair.

“Are you sure it was run away, not troubled? I can’t feel the slightest fear in it.” Van Gogh opened his black eyes and gave everyone a shock.

Meng Zhong held his head on his desk and groaned with a headache. The rest of you look at me, I look at you, I just feel cold all over.

At this moment, Meng Zhong’s mobile phone began to ring quickly, and the phone reporting the news came one by one, and without exception, it was bad news.

The team members who went to other orchards to check the situation told him that this so-called cash cow, almost every garden owner secretly hid one or even two plants, and all the fruits of Xiemen were packed into imported fruits and sold to all parts of the country. If it were not for the farmers to dispel the doubts of the fruit farmers, they picked some fruits from the “cash tree” and mixed them with local fruits for sale during the day, and the task force could not find them on their heads.

As soon as the people in the task force went, these “money shakers” withered and ruptured, revealing a corpse.

What is even more annoying is that the gardeners are still holding the police and letting the police station compensate for their losses. For money, they do n’t even have a conscience.

After listening to these hands-free calls, Song Rui tapped the desktop with the tip of the pen and analyzed: “It seems that the variant of this demon tree has been widely distributed. Its hunting methods are also similar to viruses and are contagious. Sexually, the vectors are those fruits. Anyone who has eaten its fruits may disappear on a deserted street one day. “

Everyone here, except Van Gogh, had eaten fruit, so they all showed fear and nausea.

Van Gogh held Song Rui’s hand, his voice was soft, but his tone was very firm: “I will not let you disappear.”

“Then you have to hold me in prison.” Song Rui interlocked his fingers and smiled briskly.

Meng Zhong said immediately: “Teacher Fan, can you take me in for a while?”

“There is still me!” Liu Tao immediately raised his hand, then Liao Fang, Hu Wenwen, Sun Zhengqi, Xiao Li and others, and finally even the hard-core Zhuang Zhen said slightly: “Add me one?”

The light smile on Song Rui’s face turned into a sneer.

Fangallo spread his hands and said, “Everyone can take a thought from me. If you disappear, following this idea, I can find you before you become fertilizer.”

Meng Zhong quickly put his hand in the palm of the teacher. Although he couldn’t touch the specific shape of the idea, he suddenly felt a sense of peace of mind. The rest of the people followed suit, and the dreaded eyes were obviously soothed.

They took away a lot of air, but the air flowed into their nostrils and into their lungs, but it became a sense of security and stability.

This relaxed atmosphere didn’t last long before being broken by a phone call. Minister Yan told Meng Zhong that Zhang Yang, Minister Lin and Deputy Director Zhang were all missing.

“… Also missing are two hundred and fifty-three of the more than two thousand experimental subjects. These people are the spirits without exception. They used their powers to control the prison officer, took the prison key, and succeeded. Escape. I sent them their pictures, and you asked the police stations to search for them. “

“Good minister, I understand.” Meng Zhong hung up the phone and felt his head exploded.

“Everyone who escaped is the spirit?” Song Rui groaned, “You said, will they all become fertilizer?”

Meng Zhongzheng for a moment.

Fangalo said: “The fertilizer is also graded. If I were the vine, I would definitely prefer the fertilizer made by the spirit. The body of an ordinary person can support a demon tree, and the body of the spirit should be able to support a demon. forest.”

Meng Zhong covered his eyes and couldn’t imagine how many demon vines those people could spawn. The world is becoming the most terrible in his imagination. First, Su Fengxi, who bewitched hundreds of thousands of people with songs; then, Ma Yu, a murderous man; then Zhang Yang, who eats people’s hearts; and Zhang Wencheng, who raises vines with corpses; , Behind-the-scenes vain attempt to become a god; finally, this kind of demon vine that can almost swallow a whole city …

Then? What kind of monsters will appear later? Ordinary people still have a way of life?

Meng Zhong didn’t dare to think down, because the more he thought, the more desperate he felt. If there is no Brahma teacher in this world, he really does not know how humans will survive this catastrophe.

“How can I investigate this case? Where is that tree? It is said that we have to find it three feet away, but the problem is that we might not find it even if we dig three feet away? It can be hidden in any kind of plant. Is it impossible for us to cut down all the trees in the world? “Meng Zhong murmured absently.

“I should know where it is.” Vanguard put his hand on Dantian.

Song Rui immediately pulled his wrist off and warned sharply: “Don’t even think about it!”

They had already communicated with each other, and as soon as Fangallo had a thought, Song Rui guessed what he would do. He wanted to remove the restraint of the space, let out the vines parasitic on his abdomen, **** up his anger to make it grow stronger, and then use the connection between it and the mother tree to find the hiding place of the demon vine.

“After you find it, your body will become fertilizer. You can’t even save yourself, what can you do to save people?” Song Rui asked with a low volume.

Fangalo gently patted his stiff back without making a sound, but a police officer rushed in at this time and said anxiously: “Meng Bureau, when you did the case analysis just now, Ms. Duan Xiaoyun was hiding in the back window Eavesdropping, I found it, and then she stole a bag of mutant apples and ran away. Should we chase it? “

“Go chase!” Meng Zhong immediately waved his hand. He didn’t know what Duan Xiaoyun wanted to do, but it was definitely not a good thing.

The police officer immediately took several colleagues to chase.

At this moment, Minister Yan called Van Gogh and opened his mouth: “Master Fan, your master is here. He said he can solve the demon vine, but the price is for us to rebuild the Tianshui school in the dunya. All Taoist temples, do you think this matter is reliable? Are you sure about solving this case? If you can, I will reject your master. “

Even if the weak emotions of fear, panic, timidity, etc. have already been abandoned, Van Gogh is irresistibly caught in a state of distraction because of the arrival of that person.

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