
Chapter 250

After the pen holder enters the scanning cabin, a blue cylindrical object appears on the display of this scanner.

No one knew what the two guys were doing. The technician in charge of the machine ran over very angrily and slammed the shutdown button to let the conveyor belt return the pen holder.

Fangallo slowly put on his white gloves, picked up the pen holder, and felt it slightly.

Song Rui pointed to the display and said: “A beam of light reveals a faint blue color-porcelain is an inorganic substance, and the inorganic substance will appear blue under the X-rays. The scene that Teacher Vatican saw when he was psychic, It corresponds to the X-ray scanner. “

“So what? Does X-ray scanning have anything to do with this identification result?” The technician took out a velvet cloth and carefully wiped the console of the machine, as if the thing had been stained by Song Rui.

Fangalo took out a pack of sterile tissues from his pocket and handed it to Dr. Song. He said warmly: “Wipe your hands.” Finally, he handed the pen to another technician with a calm tone: “Give it a thermoluminescence test.”

The technician did not take over the pen holder, but instead satirized: “What are you qualified to command me? The things in our laboratory are not your toys.”

Fangalos was not angry, and said slowly: “I said that this pen holder has a history of 4,000 years, do you believe it?”

“Huh? Are you having a fever? Should we send a special car to take you to the hospital to see? The cost is fully reimbursed in our laboratory.” The technician said the words very politely, but the expression was not so serious. He raised his eyebrows, sagged the corners of his mouth, his eyes hidden behind his eyelashes were full of contempt and contempt.

Fangalo’s expression was always calm, turned to Minister Yan, and said warmly: “If you want a truth, let someone test this pen holder. I’m here, I can’t run. After the test, all I will bear all the responsibilities. “

Minister Yan was moved by the sincerity in his eyes. Others don’t understand what kind of teacher Mr. Fan is, he understands. The rhetoric, the trivialities, and the reputation are all irrelevant to him. On the contrary, he is an open-minded, pure-minded and sincere person. He never tells a lie.

Anyway, it’s just a test, it won’t take much time.

Thinking about this, Minister Yan waved his hand and said, “Test!”

He has the highest authority in this laboratory. Although the technician was full of rhetoric, it was not easy to refuse. He could only grab the pen holder and put it into the scanning cabin of the machine.

“The pen holder with a history of 4,000 years, this joke is enough for me to laugh for a whole year. You see what is written on the pen holder-the harder you work, the luckier you are. It turns out that this chicken soup has become popular four thousand years ago? Hahaha … “

While waiting for the appraisal result, the technician was full of satire. Curator Sun and others also hooked their lips, showing a contemptuous smile.

“The eyesight of dozens of experts, plus dozens of highly sophisticated identification machines, can’t even catch up with you. What do you think you are? Fairy? Do you know how to transport so many treasures of town and country? How much risk to take? How much manpower, material and financial resources will be spent? Maybe you do have the ability, but you should not look at yourself too much. In the final analysis, whether your ability is real is yet to be verified— “

The technician’s chattering words suddenly turned into an unspeakable silence when the identification result came out. He opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth wide, looking at the display incredulously.

Curator Sun and dozens of experts stood behind him, stooped down, and immediately took a breath.

I saw a number unimaginable on the display screen-four thousand years! The modern shape of the pen holder engraved with “The harder you work, the luckier”, it has an unprovoked history of 4,000 years under the scanning of the machine!

“Why, why?” The technician was so shocked that his tongue stiffened.

“No, it’s wrong, the scan result must be wrong! I bought this pen holder in the supermarket. I bought dozens of them at a glance. They are wholesale and definitely not antiques!” The owner of the pen holder hurriedly explained.

Minister Yan was stunned, dozens of experts were stunned, the curiosity of expressions of Curator Sun and Deputy Curator Liu completely frozen on his face.

Fangallo handed over a ceramic water cup placed on the desk to Dr. Song, and said warmly: “Try another one.”

Song Rui put the water glass on the conveyor belt and pressed the start button.

Tens of seconds later, Fangallo picked up the water cup and sensed it, and then gave it to the technician whose jaw was about to fall. He said lightly: “I said this cup is now three thousand years old, do you believe it?”

The technician couldn’t say a sarcasm, but took the water glass in a stunned expression and put it into the test cabin.

It didn’t take long for the appraisal results to come out. This water cup, which was filled with pink pigs and also wrote “Sweety”, had a life span of 3,000 years under the inspection of the machine.

Van Gaal can accurately report the identification result of the machine by just swiping it with his hand, and these two pottery are clearly the products of modern industry, and there will never be a hint that it may come from ancient times, so this machine is reliable. ? Why did it come to such a ridiculous conclusion?

Everyone was stunned. Only Song Rui clicked on the X-ray scanner to unravel the mystery: “After being exposed to X-rays, the results of thermoluminescence monitoring will be disturbed. The previous pen holder was X-rays were irradiated for forty seconds, which resulted in a history of 4,000 years. Later, the water cup was irradiated for thirty seconds, and a history of 3,000 years. Year. If you master this technique, as long as the shape of the imitation is 100% true, and then put it into the X-ray scanner, set the corresponding time, then you can pass the thermoluminescence detection. “

Song Rui walked slowly to the pastel old Shouxing porcelain bottle and sighed: “The forgers have already cracked the so-called top-of-the-line technological means in your mouth. Whether this bottle is true or false still needs further inspection.”

Fangalo picked up another glass and said lightly: “Do you want to experiment a few more times?”

The hard facts are right in front of us. These originally arrogant technicians, including those who speak eloquently, are now dumb, panicked, and confused.

“No, you don’t need to try again. We will do a further test on this porcelain bottle immediately. But the problem is that we have used the nondestructive testing method, but there is no way to get the exact result.” Just 100% just now A technician who believes in his own judgment has denied all previous appraisal work.

He glanced at Van Gogh, with indescribable awe in his eyes. Only a hand-sensing can capture so much secret information, and even crush the world’s most advanced scientific instruments. Is this person really a person? His ability is a bit scary!

The technician withdrew his gaze and settled, and then continued: “To further determine the authenticity of this porcelain bottle, we must check its trace elements, and the detection of trace elements requires sampling, which must destroy the integrity of the porcelain bottle. We don’t have this permission. “

When the words fell, he looked at Minister Yan.

Minister Yan bit his teeth and thought for a while, and finally said decisively: “Sample, do trace element detection!” Without certain courage, he couldn’t climb to this position.

“Okay.” The technician had been deterred by Fanjaro’s general predictions and began to take samples. The technician who contributed a water cup and a pen holder took the initiative to be his assistant.

When the two were busy, Fangallo approached the two bronze tripods and asked, “Why do you decide they are authentic?”

The technician responsible for testing these two tripods has already converged his disdain and contempt, explaining: “We took a bit of rust, analyzed its chemical composition, and determined that it was exactly the same as the contemporary bronze tripod.”

“Where did you get the rust?” Song Rui asked.

“From the handle.”

Song Rui’s eyes flashed and he was about to speak. The experts and scholars responsible for identifying these two tripods with ophthalmology cut off his words: “I know you have to mention the matter of splicing and falsification, but you have to worry about it. These two tripods are absolutely fake. No. We have their complete data, which includes thousands of photos and hundreds of videos. “

“We compared these two data and carried out a very detailed inspection of the two statues, and the result was definitely not wrong. They were cast using the norm-making method, and many norm lines were left on the surface. There was no mistake in the comparison. “

“Their weights are 876.23 kg and 696.71 kg respectively, which is no different from the scores recorded in the data, and there is no change in volume.”

“The most direct evidence is these rust marks. If you wipe them with a cotton swab, you will find that they are all rust-rooted and are completely integrated with the tripod, not a layer floating on the surface. The meaning of this should be Understand? “

Song Rui is very knowledgeable and naturally understands the scholar.

Seeing Van Gogh’s black eyes, he couldn’t help but hooked the corner of his lips and explained: “He means that these two statues are definitely original goods. The line of the fan is good, indicating that they are from the original one. It ’s made by a mold. This can be done by counterfeiters, but it ’s very difficult. “

“If you look at their weight, bronzes with the same volume as them will definitely be lighter than them due to thousands of years of oxidation and corrosion. This cannot be done by any counterfeiter.”

“If the counterfeiters want to ensure that the size of the imitation is the same as the real one, they cannot take into account the weight; if they want to ensure the same weight, they have to expand the volume. These two points cannot be done at the same time, and the possibility of counterfeiting is eliminated. You see this Several X-ray scans, the density of these two statues is very uniform, without any cavities, and the analysis of chemical elements also shows that they are indeed bronze texture. The density is no problem, the texture is no problem, it can be seen that they are both true. “

Fangallo understood, and asked further: “Two bronzes of the same volume, the one with a long history will definitely be lighter than the newly made one, this can’t be done without years of polishing, right?”

“That’s right.” Song Rui nodded and continued: “If you look at this rust again, it grows out of the tripod body bit by bit, like a tree, wiped off the skin and the inside, is It’s rooted. But imitation bronzes can’t do this, because the blue-green rust on their surface is stained with corrosive chemicals and wiped off without roots. “

Dozens of experts and scholars have already gathered around the two bronze tripods. After listening to Song Rui’s words, they immediately added: “The growth of rust roots must be the same as the growth of trees. They must undergo years of deposition. The roots of trees are one year long The rust roots of bronze wares are one hundred years long. Such thick rust roots have not accumulated for thousands of years and cannot reach this level at all, so we dare to conclude that these two bronze tripods are true. “

Until this time, Lu Lao, who remained silent, sighed: “Although the development of science and technology has indeed enriched the identification methods of antique cultural relics, the skill of ophthalmology will never be lost. There are many judgments made by our eyes Machines ca n’t replace it all the time. Teacher Fan, you really looked away this time. “

With his fingertips wearing white gloves, Fangalo gently stroked the rust roots that were deeply plunged into the body and shook his head: “My eyes, from birth to now, have never seen anyone miss, Things, things. I always believe in my judgment. “

“You are too arrogant! We might have misunderstood that porcelain bottle, but we dare to take our own life guarantee for these two statues, they are absolutely true! Just by their weight, volume and rust, We are enough to make such a judgment. Our scholars throughout the cultural relics community unanimously agree with this point of view. If you are an amateur, you do n’t even understand our words, why do you question us? “Just now I was also judged by the pen and water cup The shocked young scholar stood up again at this moment, refuting in disapproval.

Fangallo took off his gloves slowly and said slowly: “If I say, I can make a new piece of copper grow thousands of years of rust in a few minutes, do you believe it?”

The young scholar wanted to degrade or ridicule him, but suddenly remembered his previous two questions-I said that this pen holder now has a history of 4,000 years, do you believe it or not; I say that this cup is now 3,000 years old History, do you believe it or not.

No one believed it at the time, but after the results came out, everyone’s faces were hot and painful.

The young scholar suffocated his breath, but did not dare to refute this absurd statement.

Curator Sun pushed him away and sneered: “I don’t believe it! You try to show us! Within a few minutes, let a new piece of copper grow thousands of years of rust. Do you think you are a fairy?”

Van Gogh was not annoyed, but reached out to Minister Yan: “Give me a new piece of copper, preferably over two pounds.”

Minister Yan immediately asked someone to prepare.

A dozen minutes later, a technician brought a piece of new, bright yellow copper.

Fangallo took it and said, “Is there an electronic scale?”

Another technician immediately brought an electronic scale.

Fangallo placed the square copper block on the electronic scale, bent over to look at the display, and reminded: “Look, it is now 1000 grams. I will not only let it grow for thousands of years. The grown rust will also control its weight at 988.88 grams. “

His words were really ridiculous, causing everyone to show a questioning look. Curator Sun and Deputy Curator Liu even spurted air from their noses, and they looked very disdainful. They waited to see Van Gogh out of ugliness!

Fangallo didn’t care about other people’s reactions, but used Ma You’s ability to create a transparent space, wrapped the new copper, and then poured his own magnetic field into the space, gradually compressing it.

His magnetic field is inherently erosive, and its role is no less than that of natural rain, snow, wind, frost, and because of the confinement and pressurization of space, it always maintains a certain concentration and thickness. Destructively pushed to the height of thousands of years.

So in the eyes of everyone, this new piece of copper was growing green rust at a rate visible to the naked eye. They spread from inch to inch, thickening layer by layer. You fold me, I fold you, and they will soon be integrated into the copper block, turning into rust that will never be removed.

At the same time, the number on the display of the electronic scale is decreasing bit by bit, first 999.99, then 999.98 … When this number becomes 988.88, Van Gaal withdraws his dangling hands, and then the copper block No changes have occurred.

A few minutes ago, it was yellowish, shining, and porcelain. After a few minutes, it was full of traces of years. It is all green-green rust roots, lost its former glory, and also reduced some weight due to oxidation and corrosion.

If it weren’t for the first time, no one would believe it was a new piece of copper.

The experts and technicians seemed to be dumb at this moment. They opened their mouths and stared at each other, unable to spit out half a sentence. The facts are right in front of them, and they should not be distrusted, nor can they be refuted. When a person’s power transcends technology, transcends imagination, transcends common sense, ordinary people can no longer judge him by their own way of thinking, or even be qualified to talk to him.

Minister Yan’s heart sank fiercely, knowing that something was bad.

Van Gaalo caressed the rusty copper block and asserted: “Have you seen it? Only people like me can make fake bronzes, so the black hands behind this case must be the people in the Xuanmen. You The so-called impossible becomes possible in us. “

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