Psychic Parasite

Chapter 395: True Horrors Stem from Child-Like Curiosity

Warning: The following scenes may be nauseating. Reader discretion advised.

Aura Personification—Hallucination!

The approaching Frenzy Beasts abruptly stopped, landing on the ground before prostrating. Just their subservient poses and his position high up in the air made him feel like royalty, a being with power that could dictate the lives of all under him.

"This is not good," Jyorta muttered; the blue soul took action, extracting the related memories from the recent incident, corroding the ego and emotions he felt before sending them back to his brain, making it experience it numerous times until the feeling of royalty subsided.

He also experienced a couple of other memories until he felt he was back on the right track. He then gazed at the Frenzy Beasts on the floor, silent, unmoving, forming a long line that spanned more than 40 metres. Something seemed to bud within him once again, making him feel like one that could dominate all lives.

Aura Personification—Insignificance!

The memories of when Rhachis Ancestor Light interrogated him played as a loop in his mind, followed by the time he peeked into Laila's soul. The sense of insignificance he felt in the two incidents attacked the emotion he felt while gazing at the Frenzy Beasts on the ground, annihilating the thought into oblivion.

The blue soul switched the effect on and off, with Jyorta gazing at the Frenzy Beasts every time the effect was in an off state. Finally, only when the emotion completely disappeared did he sigh in relief and stop.

Now, when he gazed at the Frenzy Beasts, he was in awe of the power and control he possessed but at the same time also feared it. This fear kept him in control, unwilling to see his powers go ablaze without control and harm his friends and family.

"One must exercise self-control in his quest to power. Only then would he have no regrets when he looks back at the path he had trodden." Jyorta made the statement resound in his mind in a loop, wishing to hear it until he was fed up with it, but his body would instinctively recall it.

As a Psychic Parasite, he knew that all it took was a single misstep for him to become crazy and enslave every living being he encountered, becoming a hive mind that acted based on instinct with a desire of slaughter to sustain itself.

He was basically a one-man Swarm. If he didn't exercise caution and indulge in self-control, he would become someone worse than Gajara Rahi. For, the world was developing every day while a fixed deadline existed, the day when Parasite path would come to an end.

So, every living being, whether human or Frenzy Beast would strive to ensure their race's survival. It would lead to an era of chaos, the perfect environment for a Psychic Parasite's growth to accelerate.

Jyorta gazed at the Bundle Flea and the others, commanding them to kill all the prostrating Frenzy Beasts. The scene that followed later made him throw up.

Wiping his mouth clean with some water the River Whale had purified using its Trait, Jyorta heaved a sigh, using his psychic arms to clean the Heart/Brain Crystals before pocketing them. Even more Frenzy Beasts rushed towards them, lured in by the thick scent of blood.

Jyorta raised an arm towards them, unleashing his aura personification of hallucination, instantly putting them under his control. The Frenzy Beasts saw the environment around them change, with all the accompanying Frenzy Beasts disappearing from view.

A Floating Spider was startled, afraid as to why such a change occurred. But all of a sudden, it felt intense hunger, but there was nothing to feed on in its surroundings. Just when it was rattling its mandibles in hunger, a deep aroma of food wafted over to it.

The Floating Spider immediately flew in the direction, noticing a large piece of meat on the ground. Moreover, it seemed to be the meat of a Tier 3 Frenzy Beast, judging by its sheer quality. The Floating Spider glanced around, also using its Tier 1 Skill to inspect the place for any traps, only making a move after confirming the situation numerous times.

It landed on the floor, beginning to dig into the Frenzy Beast meat. In reality, it made the eating actions, but nothing went into its mouth. It was eating the air. Similar to it, every Frenzy Beast did the same action, creating synchronous clattering sounds that served to unnerve Jyorta.

'Why does everything I make them do turn me nauseous?' Jyorta shook his head, giving the Frenzy Beasts under him the command to take action. Like before, he was seated on the River Whale's flipper that it extended below its body, coming close to the ground.

Now, the Frenzy Beasts that were slaughtered were within the range of his soul domain. As he was in such proximity, looking at the scene of carnage, he threw up before thanks to the Bundle Flea's utterly charming actions.

When a Floating Spider ate the air, the Bundle Flea inserted its hair through its mouth, piercing its brain as the hair spiked out radially, instantly killing it. Moreover, the hair extended all the way until they peaked out of the Floating Spider's head, having pierced through its shell.

Jyorta didn't know why it did that, for piercing its brain alone killed it. But the Bundle Flea went overboard and pierced through the skulls of its prey. After that, it pierced through the Floating Spider's body, ripping out its spine from the mouth, along with the heart before digging out the Heart Crystal from it.

It smashed the spine on the floor a couple of times like a whip, killing the Frenzy Parasite before stuffing it back into the Floating Spider's mouth. The indentations of the spine, the abrash stuffing, the folds it made, and the incessant clattering of the mandibles of the surrounding Floating Spiders, everything made his stomach churn.

'I will fast for a week after this and forget about food for the time being.' Jyorta made up his mind. But since he had to pull in their souls, he had to keep his soul domain active. And since he had to pull in their presences, he had to keep his domain active and fill it with his aura.

So, all the details were sensed by him through aura, which magnified the effect, making him throw up once again.

If the Floating Spider was an Esper, the scene was dastardly. The Bundle Flea would first coil its hair around a Floating Spider, increasing the strength in them as it bound tighter and tighter, breaking the exoskeleton before turning the entire body into a pulp.

It then wrung them dry until all their blood and flesh matter spilled out before pulling put the head, severing it from the body. Most of the time, the spine attached to the brain would be ripped out. At times, the brain would follow suit, twitching to survive.

The Frenzy Parasites of Espers were unable to survive for long as they couldn't slither like the Frenzy Parasites of Warriors. But, they could make use of the remainder of psychic energy in them to stay afloat for a certain duration, during which they could fly anywhere they wished to survive.

Though, they crashed to the ground soon after. The Bundle Flea seemed to have a fetish revolving around that. The moment the brain of Espers took to the air, it used a strand of hair to pierce the brain and fish out its Brain Crystal.

With its energy supply cut shot, the brain fell to the ground with a plop, turning into mush. It then twitched, with the brain muscles expanding to take on a serpentine form so that it could slither away.

The Bundle Flea would then actually help it take on such a form by pulling at the brain muscles, kneading them, and coiling them accordingly, even going to the extent of severing the ones that hindered the process. It would even waste a hair strand to stitch the severed pieces to prevent any loss in blood.

It carefully pierced through the brain tissues while stitching, making the result perfect without any leaks. Though, by the time this was done, the twitching brain—the Frenzy Parasite—would have died. The Bundle Flea would then sew it back into a brain, dump it within its respective body and leave it as is.

It basically wasted time by doing all this nonsense. But, even then, it was still the fastest among all the Frenzy Beasts under him. The Bundle Flea killed four Frenzy Beasts at a time, so the time it consumed to play with them was minimised when looking at the overall process.

"Why do you do that?" Jyorta questioned it using his aura, watching the Bundle Flea clean its body and turn around, tilting its head as it looked at him. It then cackled like a baby, its head coiling like a rope as it danced in the air.

Jyorta frowned, 'What the heck is this Frenzy Beast? It likes to play around with its food?'

That was basically what he made out from that weird gesture of the Bundle Flea. It was bored from the manual labour and wanted to play. And by play, it wanted to see what happened when it did certain things to the prey it killed. It was curious, its curiosity like a baby, but it didn't have the mental blocks of one, even the mental blocks of a Steel Porcupine.

Jyorta recalled that its soul was a cluster of the Steel Porcupine and the Shoe Fishes, while its body was a fusion of the two races, with the Shoe Fishes forming a large group. So, it was no wonder the Bundle Flea had become as messed up as it had, even considering how messed up Frenzy Beasts were.

For, he knew that it was just the Bundle Flea's curiosity at play now. The moment when its curiosity was sated, its true horrors would begin. It was what Jyorta could sense, as the one that had been the cause for its evolution.

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