Psychic Parasite

Chapter 348: Initiation into a Healer (3)

"First, we have to check if anyone is still alive. Both the clans had left in a hurry, so they wouldn't have inspected properly." The Guru spoke, sliding on a dune as she descended into the lower sandpit, the battlefield where the two Clans had fought.

"Even though the leader from Meka Clan had severed the earrings of everyone? Someone can still survive in this state without him detecting them?" The Shishya was unable to believe it.

"We'll know when we see one," The Guru smiled, her eyes lifeless, numb to death. She crouched before the person closest to her, checking his pulse, sighing as she gently placed his hand on the ground.

She then looked around, not bothering to check the state of the people whose bodies had been largely mutilated. It was easy to determine that they were dead. She checked the bodies of everyone while the Shishya trailed right behind her, imitating her actions.

She passed through one person after another, finally approaching the corpse of the Fire-Tailed Snail. The Shishya followed her, gazing at the Fire-Tailed Snail, "If we extract the valuable parts in it, we won't have to worry about food and water for a couple of months."

"Stealing is forbidden," The Guru shook her head, her eyes stern, glaring at the Shishya for the thought, "Even if you were to steal, you can't sell it. Each monster lives in its respective habitat and is usually only hunted by the Clans in the area. So, unless the traders were the leaders from a Clan, no Clan would be willing to buy monster materials."

"And, even if you steal some of its parts, the moment the Clans return to retrieve its corpse, they would discover it. Unless you possess the swiftest horse, you would easily be found by them." Her voice then turned solemn, "Even though blood is spilled every day in this desert, leading to its moniker, the Crimson Desert, our customs are valued above our lives. So, if you wish to survive in this place, never take anything that you haven't rightfully earned."

"But," The Shishya bowed her head, looking around at the corpses strewn around, "They just fought and killed so many people. Weren't one side trying to reap the gains of the other here?"

"No, both sides had a rightful claim to the Fire-Tailed Snail," The Guru pointed at the largest hole on its shell, and also at the injury to its eye, also pointing at other injuries on its body, "Both the sides were speaking the truth. This is why the dispute arose in the first place. If you cannot finish a task swiftly, it would eventually stretch and create such a dispute."

"My Clan was exterminated in such a dispute," The Guru sighed.

"What about the women and children? Were they also killed? Does the customs of the Crimson Desert allow that?" The Shishya retorted, unwilling to concede her point easily.

"No, they were not killed." The Guru shook her head, "The Clan is said to be exterminated when all its warriors die. The women and children will be absorbed by the victor. This is to preserve the foundation of the Crimson Desert. After all, the people are its foundation."

"Then Guru, why did you leave…" Noticing the Guru was unwilling to speak about it, the Shishya could only drop the matter. She then noticed the Guru crouch before the Fire-Tailed Snail as she scooped out the sand underneath its shell.

"Quick, come help me. There is someone underneath it." The Guru shouted. The Shishya quickly helped her, scooping out the sand while trying to lift the Fire-Tailed Snail's shell. It was heavy, the loose sand preventing her from garnering support in her legs.

She pushed with all her might, failing to even budge the shell. The Guru picked out a tool from her backpack and used it to scoop out sand faster. Soon, they spotted the head of a man, the sand around him moist with his blood, turning similar to clay.

The Guru quickly inspected his condition, speaking in surprise, "What unbelievable tenacity, he's still alive."

She then looked at the Shishya, motioning for her to stop pushing the shell, "Dig under him. Since the Fire-Tailed Snail's shell is big, it won't fall if we only dig a small part underneath it."

"Yes, Guru." The Shishya nodded, grabbing a similar tool from her backpack. She began to dig into the sand, scooping it with every turn of her hand while the Guru inspected the condition of the man.

"He's bleeding in his lungs while the blood has filled his windpipe." The Guru muttered, picking up thin needles from a toolbox in her backpack. She inserted her hand into the dugout hole, carefully positioning them beside the man, motioning for the Shishya to stop digging for the time being.

"If we delay, he would die." The Guru swiftly punctured a hole in the man's neck, causing blood to spray out. She then made an incision, tugging at little at the flesh, allowing her to look at the injured organ within.

A pale blue light radiated from her back, condensing into her needle, forming the projection of a baby's arm as it entered the incision, colliding into the wounded organ. The organ began to swiftly heal, closing the gap, becoming new, as if it hadn't suffered damage in the first place.

"Amazing," Even though she had seen the scene many times in their journey, the Shishya gaped in fascination.

The Guru swiftly closed the incision, suturing it while the pale blue hand within healed the flesh, healing it to normalcy. The Guru placed her index finger before the man's nose, feeling a faint flow of air, "His breathing has stabilised. Once we pull him out, I'll heal him fully."

"But Guru," The Shishya spoke in worry, "You have already summoned your tattoo once. Shouldn't you save the remaining two for emergencies?"

"You're right," The Guru nodded, "But I can't leave an injured behind. That is the vow I had taken when I inscribed this tattoo on myself. That is the covenant that allows me to harness my tattoo's power."

"But," The Shishya felt troubled, "Once I awaken, what should I do if there were more injured than I could treat? I made the same vow as you, Guru."

"That," The Guru smiled, "You will have to face it yourself."

The Shishya nodded and continued to scoop out the sand when she noticed the neighs of horses, turning around to notice a faint dust cloud hovering above.

"Don't worry," The Guru held her hands, easing her sense of panic, "Just remember everything I had taught you."

"Halt!" A shout reverberated around the area, deafening to the ears as a horse jumped over a dune, sliding along the slope a little before it hopped a couple of times, landing on the flatter sandy terrain of the battlefield.

Hearing the shout, the Guru made eye contact with the Shishya, standing up in unison as they raised their hands. They didn't move, staying still, unflinching as a man of large stature rode on his massive horse and arrived before them. It was the leader of the Meka Clan they had seen battle before.

He then looked at the eyes of the Shishya before looking at the eyes of Guru, surprised for a moment before his posture turned respectful, "It is our honour to meet the Divya Vaidya." [1]

"Lift this shell, there's someone alive beneath it. I only managed to partially treat him." The Guru pointed at the shell of the Fire-Tailed Snail. The man atop the horse noticed the hole they had dug and at the face of a man inside, turning around to bellow, "There's still someone alive here. Hurry and lift the monster first."

The sounds of horses neighing resounded as the warriors rode them, making formations as they congregated around one side, throwing more than ten ropes towards the Fire-Tailed Snail in unison. Three warriors quickly tied up the rope around any protrusions they found on the Fire-Tailed Snail, signalling towards the others when they were done.

Followed by a bellow, the warriors kicked their horses, causing them to pull the rope, moving the body of the Fire-Tailed Snail. The three warriors immediately dove into the gap and scooped out the sand, quickly dragging out the body of the unconscious man.

The moment they pulled him out, the leader shouted, causing the warriors to halt their horses. They then descended and pulled out their blades, jumping over the dunes as they slid on the slopes before leaping to reach the Fire-Tailed Snail.

They coordinated based on the leader's instructions, hacking at the Fire-Tailed Snail, separating it into parts easy to carry around. In the meantime, the Guru treated the unconscious man, activating her tattoo two more times, stabilising his condition. "He will wake up after a day's rest."

"The Meka Clan owes you this favour," The leader jumped down from his horse and cupped his hands, "Please allow us to display our hospitality."

"I have vowed to never set foot inside a Clan for as long as I breathe." The Guru shook her head, refusing the offer.

"We will set up a tent outside our Clan. Please rest for the night there. We will provide you with food and water for your journey." The leader bowed, touching his forehead on the ground, expressing utmost respect after seeing the healthy condition of his injured Clansmen.

"Alright," The Guru nodded, subtly glancing at the Shishya, motioning for her to comply with her plans. The Shishya didn't speak anything, nodding to show she would follow her Guru.

"Thank you," The leader stood up and ordered his Clansmen to bury the corpses in one place. Once they were done, they piled sand atop it as the leader pulled a horse along to the Guru, "Divya Vaidya, please use this."

"Thank you," The Guru nodded and mounted it, motioning for the Shishya to be seated on her back. After everyone had finished their respective tasks, they began to travel towards the Meka Clan.

[1] Sanskrit for "Divine Doctor".


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