Proyect: Bland King - Ayanokouji Kiyotaka en Blue Lock

Chapter 45: Chapter 42.6: Blissful Leasure

To say Kiyotaka was wasted from the previous night's events would be an understatement. It all was so chaotic, the memories of their first night together out of Blue Lock were still incredibly fuzzy.

 After they departed from Blue Lock, allowing them two weeks of freedom, Shido led Ayanokouji back to his small apartment in Tokyo.

There were no pictures aside from Shido's own and the place was surprisingly well-kept, much to Kiyotaka's utter shock.

Grabbing a couple of items and a wad of cold cash, Shido put his arm around Kiyotaka as the two left his apartment and went shopping for the night. 

 The pair roamed the streets of Tokyo as Kiyotaka saw, for the first time, actual civilization aside from the confines of the White Room and ANHS. 

In a couple of the shops, some of the shop owners recognized the pair from the U-20 match and gave them discounts on their purchases, incentivizing more spending. Eventually, it was midnight and the two had almost a dozen bags filled to the brim with clothes, shoes, electronics and essentials. 

It was too much to the point of over encumbrance. 

Shido: You need a hand, Kiyo?

Kiyotaka: You don't have a hand to give. We need to call a cab. The last train left a while ago. 

Shido: Aii, give me a sec~

Finding a bench to rest at, the pair put down all their purchases as Kiyotaka fetched inside one of his bags and took out a Pochita cap, putting it on. 

Shido: HAHAHA!!! You look so ridiculous!!!

Kiyotaka: You're the one who bought it for me. I know your favorite manga is chainsaw man but I don't know much else. 

Shido smiled. 

Shido: And that's why you're gonna read through my collection. It's a pretty chaotic series so it'll be perfect for you. 

Kiyotaka: Might as well give it a try if you think it's all that. 


Shido called a cab as Kiyotaka kept sifting through their new clothes as he couldn't help but enjoy just the small little things of hanging out with friends. He did the same at school the past two years, but it couldn't compare to the real thing, with a person he actually felt comfortable spending time with.

As the pair waited for a cab, a group of university girls and boys noticed them. 

???: Ah, no way! Ayanokouji Kiyotaka! Ryusei Shido!

Kiyotaka and Shido: Hm? 

Ecstatic at seeing the Man of the Match and Hatrick Super Sub, they excitingly asked for photos in the midst of their boyfriends. 

Kiyotaka: Sure, I don't mind. 

Shido: As long as you're fine with-it Kiyo. 

Girl #1: Thank you! Hey, Kenji! Take our pic!

Kenji: What's so good about soccer? They're just highschoolers. 

Girl #2: You're just jealous they're famous. Come on, Ryoga-senpai. Take my pic too. 

With their boyfriends grumbling in annoyance at being upstaged by two highschoolers, they took their girlfriend's pictures with Ayanokouji and Shido posing. 

Girl #1: Ah! I'm gonna cherish this one! Thank you Kiyotaka!

Girl #2: Thank you Shido! We'll be watching you both in the U-20 World Cup! 

Kenji and Ryoga, now fed up, expressed their annoyance. 

Kenji: Let's go already. 

Ryoga: Yeah. 

Surprisingly, before the girls left, both of them wrote down their phone numbers quickly on small scraps of paper and handed them to Kiyotaka and Shido in secret. 


The group left as Shido and Kiyotaka looked on at their messy scraps of paper containing their phone numbers. 

Shido: Hehe, we're pretty popular huh? At the very least, we're making a name for ourselves. 


Shido: Hm?

Kiyotaka tore apart the piece of paper in his hand and reached over, doing the same to Shido's. 

Kiyotaka: I already got out of an annoying relationship. There's no need to get tangled into something else, especially with promiscuous tramps like those. 

Shido: Hehe, wasn't planning to begin with. I've already got eyes on someone~

Ignoring him, Kiyotaka sat back down on their bench as the two talked about other things, such as future clubs they were interested in. 

Shido: Where do you see yourself playing? 

Kiyotaka: Whoever will have me. I'll start off small and then climb up. You're 18 and I'm 17. We have a lot of time to establish ourselves. Experience will be key. Some mid-tier team in Europe will be enough. 

Shido: Ah, that's so vague. I already got my eyes on Spain. 

Kiyotaka: Hm? Spain?

Shido: Ibra was awesome in pretty much every league except Spain. He's even scoring in bunches at Man Utd. I wanna do something my idol never did so I'm starting there~. It also helps that the best club in the world resides there. The amount of exposure my name will get if I go there would be insane, hehe. Barcelona will be the way to go for me. 

Kiyotaka: That's smart. I guess if we're being specific, you can't go wrong with Real but that's a little farther down the line. I'd prefer to develop and then join a big club. 

Shido: If that happens, we'll be rivals. Our names will be forever intertwined like Messi and Ronaldo. Kiyo and Shido... doesn't that have a nice ring to it?

Kiyotaka couldn't hide a slight smile. 

Kiyotaka: You really do think big, huh? Well, I wouldn't have you any other way. Fine, let's move towards that goal. 

Shido looked into Kiyo's eyes and saw his conviction. 

Kiyotaka: Real Madrid and Barcelona... we can give that a try. There won't be a bigger stage for a rivalry more than an El Classico. 

Shido smiled and chuckled. 

Shido: Works for me~


Without the pair noticing the time pass by them, their taxi was waiting for them vehemently. 

Shido: Get your bags, Kiyo! We're heading home!

Kiyotaka: Sure. 

Stuffing their purchases into the back of the cab, both Shido and Kiyotaka entered and were on their way back to the zesty demon's apartment to catch some Z's. 








Kiyotaka, stretching his body out of the futon laid on the ground, knocked over the alarm clock he set up the night prior. His eyes gazed down at his shirt, a chainsaw man fan product Shido begged him to buy the night prior. 

Kiyotaka: (It's already 8 in the morning, huh?)

Standing up and walking over to the small window of this poorly lit room, he opened the curtains, revealing a beautiful day before him. 


In his own bed, wearing nothing more than underwear, Shido was still in a deep sleep, almost like he planned to never wake up again. 

Kiyotaka sighed. 

Kiyotaka: I need some water. 

Just as he was about to leave their room and head into the kitchen for some tap water, Kiyotaka was stopped by a loud, annoyed, grumble. 

Shido: Aren't you going to wake me up~

Kiyotaka: If you're already awake, don't flail ignorance. 

Shido: As cold as ever. 

Kiyotaka: I'll take the shower first. Start cleaning the room. 

Shido: Huh? What if I don't wanna?

Kiyotaka: Then I'll just leave you behind. We only got an hour anyway. 

Shido: Wait! What do you mean an hour?

Kiyotaka sighed and showed his phone to Shido. A message conversation, from the previous night, was displayed. 

Shido: 'Me, Nagi, Chigiri, and Bachira are going to hang out at a cafe in Shibuya. Do you wanna hang out?' Ah, that sucks. I just wanna hang out, just the two of us. 

Kiyotaka: You're not my only friend. If you don't want to come, then sleep in-

Shido immediately got to work in fixing the room, quickly folding covers and picking up loose clothes. 

Shido: ~Who said anything about that? Shower already and change. I'll be quick here. 

Thirty minutes went by as Kiyotaka, dressed in black jeans, a blue dress shirt, and a white windbreaker, and Shido, dressed in ripped blue jeans, white design shirt, and a gray sweater, made their way to catch a train.




Bachira: Oh, Kiyotaka!

Chigiri: And he brought Shido...

Isagi: Glad you guys could make it!

Meeting outside a nearby cafe, Chigiri, Isagi and Bachira all were drinking coffee and eating small pastries in wait for the pair. 

Kiyotaka: Shido took too long showering, and we almost missed our station. 

Shido: That's because you hogged my shampoo. 

Kiyotaka: Only because you spilled the one, I bought last night when you tried bringing in all of our bags at once. 

Chigiri: Um... Kiyotaka, are you two living together?

Kiyotaka: I didn't have a place to spend the next two weeks, so Shido volunteered to house me. 

Shido: Obviously, I had to take responsibility. 

Isagi: For what?

Kiyotaka: Nothing, his jokes aren't funny. 


Shido: What?

Both Kiyotaka and Shido slid into seats in between Isagi and Chigiri. Soon, a waiter came by and asked for their orders. 

Kiyotaka: Just a black coffee for me. 

Shido: Lemme get the same one as the princess. What's that, a caramel latte or something? 

Chigiri: It's a honey caramel cream coccoa latte. Really good but way too much sugar. You sure?

Shido: I love sugar~

The waiter smiled and left as the group of five continued to talk about other matters. 

Kiyotaka: Anyone invite Nagi? I didn't have his phone number so I couldn't get in touch with him. 

Isagi: He's so annoying. I texted him yesterday and this morning. He's just really late. Probably sleeping in now that I think about it. 

Shido: That 'lazy genius' name fits him perfectly.

Kiyotaka: This coming from the guy who wanted to sleep in today like a sloth. 

Bachira: Hehehe, at least someone you invited showed up. I tried getting Igaguri and Gagamaru to swing by but they're both busy. Gagamaru is stuck in the mountains with no cell service and Igaguri is working his ass off in his family's temple. 

Kiyotaka: And you, Chigiri?

Chigiri: I invited Raichi and Nikko but they said they're not coming. Then I tried Hiori but he's too far away so that was a no go. Kunigami would've been nice to hang out with, but I never got his number. 

Kiyotaka: Since he got eliminated, it'd probably look like we'd just be rubbing our victory in his face so maybe it's for the best. 

Shido: If he's a man, he'll take it on the chin and go on. He was just not built for it like us. 

Isagi: Don't phrase it like that. Kunigami is still our friend. 

Shido sighed.

Shido: Yeah, yeah, whatever. 

Bachira: Changing the subject, how does it feel to be free?

Isagi: It's the best! Finally, a few weeks of relaxation. 

Chigiri: The liberation feels awesome, huh?

Kiyotaka: A breath a fresh air. 

The waiter returned and handed Kiyotaka and Shido their coffees. Kiyotaka drank it all in a single sitting while Shido took careful sips. 

Shido: Ah, princess, you weren't kidding when ya said this was really sugary. 

Chigiri: Just call me by my name, tan freak. It's getting annoying. 

Shido: Ok, princess. 

Isagi stretched his arms in his seat, with a giant smile plastered on his face. 

Isagi: So, what do you guys wanna do?

Chigiri: I don't know. Whatever works for you guys. 

Bachira: Oh, maybe another soccer match just the five of us-

Kiyotaka, Chigiri, and Isagi: No. 

Shido and Bachira: Huh?!

Shido: Why not? That sounds like fun.

Kiyotaka: We spent two months straight doing nothing but football. Can't you go a day without thinking about it? And if we're still making suggestions, what about bowling? I've never really done it before. 

Chigiri: We better be conspicuous now that we're famous. 

Isagi: We are?

Bachira: Really?

Chigiri, taking his phone out, revealed an article regarding the match. It was titled: 'Blue Lock Kicks off A Revolution in Japanese Soccer.'

Chigiri: See, told ya. 

Bachira: What else does it say? 

Chigiri: 'The match had garnered much attention as Itoshi Sae's first match as a Japanese representative. But once things got started, viewers were seized by a shocking spectacle no one saw coming. Jinpachi Ego's outlandish declaration that he would produce the world's greatest striker in Japan bares its fangs... and this sensational concept team's debut match has become the hot topic among the international soccer community.'

Looking at the image they used, it was headlined with Isagi's final goal. Noticing this, Isagi looked away from Kiyotaka who sighed in response. 

Kiyotaka: The final goal is where it's all out, huh?

Isagi: I'm sorry!

Shido: Hehehe, there's no need to apologize. You got your one minute of fame. Relish in it. Kiyo and I will just seize it back when Blue Lock returns~

Chigiri, ignoring their slight conflict, continued on emphasizing their victory. 

Chigiri: We really changed everything. Now we're Japan's future. 

Bachira: And everyone's going to know our names!

Kiyotaka: Seems so. Me and Shido already got a couple of fans asking for pictures of us. 

Isagi: Eh, really? That's so cool!

Shido: Eh, it'd be a stretch to call those two bimbos fans. They were more like clout-hungry whores looking to plaster their Instagram pages with our pictures. 

Chigiri: That's kind of harsh. 

Bachira: Oh, found them!

Isagi and Chigiri: Huh?

Bachira: All I did was search up both your names and these pictures got tagged on the most. They're already racking up almost a hundred thousand likes. 

Showing the pictures to both Isagi and Chigiri, they were shocked. 

Isagi: Are those college girls?

Chigiri: Wow. 

Kiyotaka: It was more annoying than anything. And besides, Shido was a bit correct that they're slightly promiscuous.

 The five continued laughing with each other, as Shido gave up on his latte like Chigiri, commenting on the sugar being too much. 

Shido: Here, Kiyo. You drink it. 

Kiyotaka: I'm not interested in... oh. What a coincidence. 

Isagi: Hm? What are you looking at...

Following Kiyotaka's eyes, Chigiri, Isagi, Shido and Bachira looked over at the other side of the street, where a group of six were chatting amongst themselves. 

Chigiri: It's those guys!

Sitting in another cafe, Reo, Karasu, Otoya, Yukimiya, Tokimitsu, and Arryu were chatting unbeknownst to Kiyotaka and the others. 

Kiyotaka and Shido left money for their drink on the table, as they crossed the street alongside Bachira, Chigiri and Isagi. 

Bachira stormed into the group of six, smiling. 

Bachira: Wazzup!

Reo: Hey Bachira. Oh, Kiyotaka... and Shido. 

Yukimiya: Hey Isagi-kun, Bachira-kun. 

Karasu: Kiyotaka! What are you guys doing here?

Kiyotaka: We just happened to pick the cafe beside you guys as our meetup spot. What a coincidence. 

Shido: Hehe, what are you guys up to?

Reo: Why do you want to know? Just because you're back in Blue Lock doesn't mean I'll forget about you almost being the catalyst for its potential downfall. 

Shido: What was I supposed to do? They put me on the other team. Least I could do was show the world who I was with my hatrick~

Chigiri: As long as he's paired with Kiyotaka, we don't need to worry about him. He's basically harmless, like a domesticated dog. 

Shido: Harsh...

Isagi: So, seriously, what are you guys up to?

Karasu: We're just talking about our future. 

Reo: Like getting into stocks. 

Yukimiya: And we have discussed starting our own apparel brands. 

Arryu flicked his hair and posed.

Arryu: It's a cutting-edge style summit. 

Kiyotaka: Oh, that's smart. While stocks and apparel brands are the way to go, only Reo has the funds currently to make it viable. So, it would be better to venture into the land of endorsements. 

Reo smiled. 

Reo: As expected of Kiyotaka, already thinking ahead. 

Kiyotaka: Little stuff for now and then after setting up social media platforms and earning more of a name for myself, I can worry about going down the path of stocks and entrepreneurship.

Shido, sulking around after being left out of a conversation between Kiyotaka and Reo, aimlessly talked to Tokimitsu and Karasu. Isagi and Yukimiya conversated with one another while Bachira and Chigiri remarked at how quiet Otoya was. 

Bachira: What kind of future are you planning for yourself, Sneaky ninja?

Otoya: Don't lump me in with those nerds. I'm just checking out Shibuya's girl ecosystem. 

Chigiri: Of course you were. 

Kiyotaka: Since we're all together now, do you guys want to swing by a bowling alley?

Reo smiled. 

Reo: Sure, works for me. 

Bachira: Yeah! Let's hang~

Shido, affirming his own position, firmly threw his arm around Kiyotaka's shoulder. 

Shido: What will I get if I beat you in a game?

Kiyotaka: Nothing. Didn't I tell you I have no experience?

Reo: Oh, where's Nagi. I thought he'd be with you, Isagi. 

Isagi sighed, annoyed. 

Isagi: In his last text, he said he overslept but... oh speak of the devil. 

Kiyotaka, curious, peered over Isagi's shoulder to see his phone. Nagi finally wrote back:

'I spotted an arcade on the way over, so I'll be late.'

Isagi: He's so selfish. 

Kiyotaka: There's only one arcade close enough to our meeting spot. 

Bachira: I know! Let's go get him!





Nagi, alone in an arcade early in the morning, was entranced in Mortal Kombat. 

Nagi: (Nice, sixteen wins. My online rank is shooting up.)

Karasu: Hey, you pain in the ass gamer prince!

Choked from behind by Karasu and Arryu, Nagi winced, both shocked and annoyed at the interruption. 

Karasu: If you keep bailing like that, yer gonna lose your friends, jerk. 

Reo: Hehe, caught you red-handed. 

Everyone else arrived and encircled Nagi.

Bachira: Let's party!

Tokimitsu: Y-Yeah. 

Shido: Since we're already in an arcade...

Pulling out wads of cash, Shido smiled. 

Shido: Let's win a ton of prizes. 

Kiyotaka: Sure, if that's what everyone wants.

For the next hour, the group of now twelve Blue Lock players tried out every single game in the arcade. 

Otoya, Bachira, Tokimitsu, Karasu and Shido all fought against one another for turns at the crane machine. 

Bachira: You already went three times, tan freak! You suck at this! Let someone else go!

Bachira and Tokimitsu tried restraining him while Karasu watched Otoya take his turn, trying to carefully pick up the adorable stuffed animal inside. 

Shido: No! I need to win this prize for Kiyo!!!!!!!!

Karasu: Ah, will you all just shut up and stop moving the machine. You're shaking it too much. 

Otoya: It's ok Karasu. I'm in a flow. 

Meanwhile the darts section is where things started to intensify. With two boards and multiple darts available, competitions ran rampant. 

On one side, Yukimiya and Kiyotaka entered in a standoff, hitting bullseye after bullseye while Reo spectated. After a single round, the two were tied with 7 bullseyes a piece. 

Yukimiya: Damn, Kiyotaka. You're pretty good at this. You practice at all?

Kiyotaka: No, I've never done darts before. But It's just like throwing knives so I got the handle of it quickly. 

Yukimiya and Reo: ...

And on the other board, Nagi was placed firmly in the middle as punishment for ghosting the group. Isagi, Chigiri and Arryu took turns throwing darts around Nagi, much to his displeasure. 

Nagi: I'm very sorry...

Chigiri: Don't move Nagi. 

Isagi: Just one more round and we'll take you off the board, hehe. 

Later on, at the pool table, Arryu showed off his stylish form with a pool cue. 

Handing Kiyotaka the prize he won from the crane machine after spending fifty dollars, Shido smiled as he was properly thanked. 

Once he laid eyes on Arryu's pool form, Shido was hooked. 

Shido: Looks pretty cool. Lemme get a try next!

Kiyotaka: That requires precision and patience. I don't know if you're going to like it. 

Isagi: Hey, Kiyotaka! Come and play a ping pong match. 

Kiyotaka: Ping pong. (I've seen it before. Table tennis...)

Chigiri, Shido, Bachira, Nagi, Reo, Karasu and Yukimiya all surrounded a ping pong table as Isagi and Kiyotaka played a match. 

Despite no experience, Kiyotaka learned a proper form to move the paddle after Isagi opened up 6-0. From there on, he was shut out 21-0 for the win. 

For the final serve, Kiyotaka hit the ping pong ball on an angle, gliding to Isagi's side and hitting the corner of the table, bouncing out of bounds. 

Isagi: Huh? You didn't even know how to hold the damn paddle and then you style on me with that serve?

Kiyotaka: I adapt pretty quickly. You of all people should know that. 

Bachira lifted Kiyotaka's hand. 

Bachira: Winner!

Everyone cheered as the chatter amongst them changed to what their next activity should be. 

Shido: Kiyo wanted bowling so let's go for a game there. 

Isagi: Hm, that works. 

Reo: Eh, but the Karaoke rooms are closer. Let's stop by there first. 

Shido: (Wait... does this mean I can hear Kiyo sing?!) Perfect! Fuck bowling. Let's go!

Everyone: Yeah!

Kiyotaka: (Why the sudden change in heart?)




The group of twelve walked through the hallway in the direction of Karaoke rooms led by a trio of Kiyotaka, Shido, and Isagi. 



Different Girl 1: You're awful! Who is this bitch?!

Different Girl 2: What the hell is this? You said this was a date!

???: Just Wait a minute-


Girl 2: Don't touch me, you cheater!

Girl 1: Drop dead. I can't believe this. 

Angered and annoyed, the two girls left one of the karaoke rooms after slapping the shit out of a two-timing chad. 

Shido: Hm? What's going on here?

Kiyotaka: Seems like a total scumbag. 

Bachira: Yikes. 

Isagi: Huh?!

Peering into the karaoke room, the man who two-timed two girls and got slapped into another dimension, was Aiku, the former captain of the U-20. 

Aiku: Ouch. They hit pretty hard...

Shido: It's captain-chan. Or is it ex-captain now? 

Kiyotaka: Despite being so reliable as a defender, you're not holding up as well in your private life. 

Aiku: Hehe... I guess you all did see that. Are you guys on break too? All the U-20 guys are here. 

Isagi: Really?

The rest of Kiyotaka's friend group arrived as they remarked on Aiku's condition. After much discussion, he led everyone into the back of the karaoke room, revealing the rest of the U-20 players singing their hearts out. 

Teppei: Blue Lock!

Sendo: Huh?

Niou: What the hell are you doing here?!

Shido: Relax and take a chill pill. We're just having some fun so bud out. 

Sendo: Just because we used to be teammates doesn't mean I'm just gonna be buddy buddy with ya. 

Kiyotaka spoke to Aiku. 

Kiyotaka: I'm assuming Itoshi Sae isn't with you guys, right?

Aiku: He wouldn't be caught dead with us. As soon as the match finished, he booked a flight to Spain the next day. 

Kiyotaka: I see. (It would have been fun to interact again. But I guess that can wait until I reach the heights of football he's already at.)

The rest of the U-20 get out, confronting Kiyotaka. 

Cho: What? Just because Itoshi Sae isn't here, we're not good enough for ya?

Kiyotaka: Not really, I was only curious-

Niou: I'm itching for a fight against you all, a rematch!

Kiyotaka sighed while Shido laughed at the whole ordeal. Isagi, meanwhile was nervous. However, if they were going to get into a brawl, being on the same side as Kiyotaka and Shido gave you a good chance at victory. 

Karasu, Arryu, Tokimitsu, Yukimiya, Reo, Arryu, Otoya, Nagi, Chigiri, and Bachira all arrived to provide backup. 

Yukimiya: You guys want some back-up. 

Arryu: Shazam!

Otoya: Whoosh!

Karasu: Looks like the gang is here. 

Before the situation divulged into chaos, Aiku stood in between both groups. 

Aiku: Ok, since we're all here now, how about we wager dinner... on a bowling match?!

Unanimously, this was accepted by both parties, wanting to destroy the other. Despite their match finished a couple days prior, there was still a lingering beef between both sides. 

While everyone was picking names for their profiles in the Bowling system, a person with a beautiful throwing motion, easily threw a beautiful strike, knocking down all the pins. 

Isagi: That guy bowling by himself over there looks familiar. 

Arryu: Whoever he is, that's some beautiful form. 

Chigiri: He's really good. 

Bachira: Hm? But that spikey hair, It's Baro!

Chigiri chuckled. 

Chigiri: What the heck are you doing, dude?

Baro turned around and stared at Kiyotaka, Shido, Bachira, Nagi and Chigiri. 

Baro: Ah for fucks sake. Why are you guys here in my hobby sanctuary?

Kiyotaka: Pure coincidence. And it's not like you own this bowling alley, right?

Shido: Oh, let me see that~. Look, Kiyo. He has his own bowling ball. What a nerd!

Baro snatched it away angrily. 


Aiku: Hey guys! Let's start already!




Shido: Come on, Kiyo!

Isagi: Let's go Kiyotaka! 

Chigiri: We're in a close game! We have to make everything count!

Lining up the bowling ball in his hands to the pins across the alley, Kiyotaka replicated Baro's throwing motion he saw prior and released it in a perfect, straight line. 


It collided perfectly through the middle of the pins, knocking them all down and granting a perfect strike. 

Baro, witnessing his form being used in that manner, angrily retorted on the bench. 

Karasu: All right! Nice one, One-Man Army!

Tokimitsu rejoiced. 

Tokimitsu: What a close game!

Shido: Let's go Kiyo~!

Reo: This last throw is gonna settle it!

With Kiyotaka granting them the lead going into the final pair of throws, Blue Lock looked on hesitantly at the U-20. 

Taking it upon himself, Darai moved forward. 

Niou: You got this Dara!

Teppei: Hyper Focus!!!

Darai: Galzo Buddha... give me strength. 'NAM MYOU HOU GET GOAL... NAM MYOU HOU GET GOAL... EL GALAZO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kiyotaka and Shido: Huh?

Releasing the ball with a perfect spiral, it curved beautifully and through the entire array of pins, a perfect strike to respond to Kiyotaka's prior attempt. 

Darai: WHOAAAA!!!!



Slight worriedness befell Blue Lock, as Tokimitsu started to bite his nails. 

Tokimitsu: Oh, damn... we have to get a strike to win...

Karasu: GO NAGI! It's our last throw!!!!!

Isagi and Bachira: NAGI!!!!!

Shido: Come on, let's fuck them up! 

Kiyotaka: No pressure. 

In Nagi's mind, a different dilemma surfaced. 

Nagi: (I'm hungry... and sweaty... I just wanna take a bath...)

Going into his motion, Nagi was ready to end it all-


While he was shuffling his feet, one hit the other, causing him to fall over and release the ball with a slight flick of the wrist in his descent to the ground. 

Nagi: OOF!

Isagi, Bachira, Baro, and Chigiri looked on in shock at such a shitty throw. 

Shido: Wait... there's no way. You kidding me?

Kiyotaka: Despite how slow it is, it's a perfect throw through the middle. 

Everyone: Wha...




The bowling ball pathetically wobbled around until it slowly, and finally, arrived at the pins, knocking them all over. 

Bachira: STRIKE! WE WIN!!!!

Nagi: Huh?

Chigiri and Bachira couldn't get enough out of it. 

Chigiri: Can't you throw it properly, you idiot?! 

Aiku: Hey! Let's go for a rematch! We're in bowling overtime!

Isagi: Sorry Aiku, but that's it for me. I've got plans to meet another friend. 

Bachira: Hm? You're leaving already?

Chigiri: Aww...

Nagi: I'm leaving too. 

Kiyotaka: Shido, do you wanna go too? I thought this would only take the morning but it's already 5pm. 

Shido: Yeah, this day was really tiring. Let's get out of here. 

Isagi, Shido, and Kiyotaka said goodbye to everyone and one another. Before leaving, Kiyotaka made sure to get the numbers of everyone else in their friend group there alongside Aiku and the others.

Kiyotaka: (My phone is filled with friends now. Who would have thought this would be the case a year prior?)

Shido, throwing his arm over Kiyotaka's shoulder smirked. 

Shido: See ya, Isagi and the rest of you chumps. It was a bit more fun than I thought it would be. 

Isagi: You're not so bad when you're not crazy, Shido. See ya, and you too Kiyotaka. 

Kiyotaka: Likewise. 

The pair left together and finally saw the outside world after hours of gaming, and debauchery. 

While stretching, Shido asked Kiyotaka something. 

Shido: Hey, Kiyo. Do you wanna take a pic together? Just another memory. 

Kiyotaka: Sure, I don't mind. 

Shido, seeing a random bystander, shoved his phone in his hands. 

Shido: Hey, mind taking a pic of us really quick. 

???: U-Uh, sure. 

Seconds later, their picture was taken outside the arcade, overlooking a sun going down in the sky now that it was getting dark. 

Shido: Thanks sir. I really appreciate it. 

???: No problem. 

Returning his phone, the stranger walked away as Kiyotaka peered over Shido's shoulder, getting a better look at the photo. 

Shido: Hm? Look you're smiling. 

Kiyotaka: Oh, really?

Shido: Yeah, you're still doing it right now, hehe. 

Kiyotaka: I've done alot of things I hadn't done before. And it didn't feel forced or just a half-assed effort. 

Shido: Well, when you're in a fucking hell whole like the whiteroom, you're bound to learn to appreciate things like this. 

Kiyotaka: Huh? You know about the whiteroom? 

Shido: Well, Yagami gave me some decent information after a couple chats but it was mostly vague. I just put the pieces together. And since ya haven't talked about it with me, I wasn't gonna bring it up. Ah, I should've just kept it to myself. Did I ruin the mood?

Kiyotaka sighed. 

Kiyotaka: No. I was just surprised but it makes sense you'd know at least a little. 

Shido: Let's talk about something else if you're not comfort-

Kiyotaka: No, that's not it. You know you're important to me, right?

Shido: I wonder how important I am but go on.

Kiyotaka: The only reason I was able to cast that all away was because of you. If you're interested, I can tell you the whole story but it isn't something ground-breaking. And it'd be good for us going forward that we have no secrets between one another. 

Shido: We can swing by a grocery store and get some snacks. Then ya can lay it all on me. 

Kiyotaka: I'd also like to know about what happened to you before Blue Lock. 

Shido: Interested in me, huh~?

Kiyotaka: Call it mere curiosity. It's good to know more about each other, right?

Shido smirked as he put his arm over Kiyotaka's shoulder and kept walking. 




After the pair got off the train and purchased a couple items at a convenience store, they were getting close to Shido's apartment, they passed a soccer field late with large lighting illuminating it all. Two sides of three players ran intently, all of them highschoolers more or less. The teams consisted of two attackers and one goalkeeper each. 

Shido: Ah, that looks like fun. 

Kiyotaka: Not really, they're all moving so slow. 


A player shot the ball towards the goal, but it hit the post and redirected in the direction of Shido. 

Shido: Whoa-


Before it could land on Shido's face, Kiyotaka easily caught it. 

Shido: I had that under control~

Kiyotaka: Didn't seem like it to me. 

Player 1: Sorry! My bad!

Player 2: Hey don't apologize. Those fucks weren't paying attention. 

Kiyotaka and Shido: ...

This rude fuck was the goalkeeper of on of the teams. 

Player 2: Just hand over the ball. We're in an intense game. 

Both Kiyotaka and Shido were annoyed. 

Player 1: Hey, shut it. They were just walking by. Sorry about him, he's just angry-

Kiyotaka emerged on the soccer field, now under the bright lights.

Kiyotaka: You have a big mouth for an amateur. I was just talking about how slow you all moved around. Actions speak louder than words. All six of you get on a single team. We'll teach you some respect. 

Shido blushed, his engines lubricated. 

Player 2: You hearing these bums? Fine, but if we win give us your snacks. 

The rest of the highschoolers agreed. 

Player 1: (Wait a minute, those two look familiar. way. Did we just stumble on-)

Shido: Hehe, but if we win, you give us your allowance money so we can buy more snacks. 

Everyone aside from Player 1: DEAL!

Kiyotaka and Shido left their snacks on the ground at the sideline and walked over to the other side of the football field. The other highschoolers made a group of six on the opposing side, very confident. 

Player 1: Wait guys, I don't know if we should do this. Didn't you see that U-20 ga-

Player 3: Just shut up and play. We're going to crush them and eat good tonight.

Player 2: Since we're nice you guys get the ball first. First to five goals wins!

Kiyotaka and Shido looked at each other. 

Kiyotaka and Shido: Works for us. 

Almost like a breath of fresh air, Kiyotaka took to dribbling the ball forward. 

 Shido, without saying a word, just dashed forward while four highschoolers charged forward to overcrowd Kiyotaka. 

Player 3: We got u-


Instantaneously reaching full speed, despite wearing jeans and a dress shirt, Kiyotaka reappeared on the other side of the four, leaving them trampled on the ground and in the dust. 

Player 5: Wha...

Player 6: Wha...


Kiyotaka: You have to react faster than that if you actually want to see where the ball ends up. 

Hitting the ball with full force, it disappeared. Shido, now on the other side of the field, saw the ball glide towards and in front of him, stopping in place. 



Player 4: Wait, how did you get her-


Although they were merely high school level players, Kiyotaka and Shido noticed something extraordinary in that moment. Their chemical reaction... had leveled up to an even higher degree. 

The entire attack spanned 5 seconds... 

 Player 2: When did the ball end up here-

Kiyotaka stood tall ahead of the goalkeeper. 

Kiyotaka: Why are you daydreaming now? We still have four more goals to go. 


Leaving the ball in the net, him alongside the rest of highschoolers rushed out of the field, calling it a night. 



They all ran away, leaving Kiyotaka and Shido with a ball and an empty field. 

The two stared at one another for a bit until the two smiled at one another, the situation being funny enough to change their stern looks. 

Shido: Did ya see how fast they squirmed away? Like cockroaches!

Kiyotaka's heartbeat was high, adrenaline and dopamine rushing through his body. 

Kiyotaka: That one attack wasn't enough for me. You want to finish their game for them. 

Shido: Huh? What are you getting at Kiyo~?

Kiyotaka: First to four wins. The whole field counts. I need to tire myself out. 

Shido jolted in happiness. 

Shido: I thought you'd never ask. Let's play all night long!

Going on opposite sides of the field, both Kiyotaka and Shido bolted forward at the same time, trying to be the first one to the ball placed in the middle of the field. 

Shido: That chemical reaction sure takes me back! Let's experience more explosions together!

Kiyotaka: If you can keep up with my speed. 

Shido: HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the next hour, the only sounds in the neighborhood that could be heard, were the clashing of feet and the swish of the net as the pair didn't stop at four goals...


(Real Madrid's training facility)


Itoshi Sae, a night prior, had arrived to Spain and gotten situated there once again. The reason for his hastiness was twofold. First, he didn't want to stay in Japan for much time after the U-20 match. Second, and the more important reason, was this meeting he was having with his head coach. 

Dressed formally and in front of his coach, Itoshi Sae was now free to speak to him regarding a recent matter of high importance. 

Itoshi Sae: Coach, thank you for meeting me on such short notice. 

He turned his seat around, revealing Real Madrid's coach, Zinedine Zidane.

Zidane: If this is about your first-team action, rest assured. You're going to make your debut in La Liga very soon. 

Itoshi Sae: It's not that. It's about him. 

Taking out a profile, he handed it over to his coach as he remarked at the request. 

Zidane: For the four years you've been apart of this institution, I've never seen you this interested in another player before, enough to give me their profile without their permission I'd imagine. 

Itoshi Sae: Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, I faced and lost to him face-to-face. Right now, he's already eclipsed my level of play. With Ronaldo leaving the club like he did and going to Juventus, our team is in the need for a premier striker. I feel like he will be this team's answer. 

Zidane smiled. 

Zidane: I watched the entire 90 minutes so I know that much at least. Exceptional vision, incredible ball control and retention, instincts, physicality, and power. He oozes potential. 

Itoshi Sae: Which is why I'm asking for you to scout him for our-

Zidane: I've already spoke to the front office. A bid has already been sent for his services. 

Itoshi Sae was shocked. He knew interest would come from multiple sides, but to think it would materialize so quickly. 

Zidane: Since he's only 17, it's not an insurmountable bid but a generous one. Of course, it's not final. 

Itoshi Sae: What do you mean?

Zidane: Before you arrived, Blue Lock's Coach, Jinpachi Ego, contacted the top clubs of the five premier leagues. The start of a new stage will commence soon where bids will be placed. The president, however, didn't accept our participation in the event. But our bid remains active. And when we've seen more of what he can do, I'll signal for an even higher bid to match competitors. 

He looked intently at Itoshi Sae. 

Zidane: The team isn't getting any younger. We need players for the next generation of football. Ah, it's really annoying at the same time. 

Itoshi Sae: How so?

Zidane: I was planning on resigning from coaching after our recent treble of champions leagues. The departure of Christiano Ronaldo also helped in that discussion. But we're entering into a golden age of players, a good amount of them coming from Japan. I would be a fool to not capitalize on this. 

Itoshi Sae: I see. 

Zidane: So, thank you for your recommendation. For now, just focus on your duties to the team. Let me worry about acquiring his services.

Itoshi Sae: I have one final question: What is the event Blue Lock proposed?

Zidane: The details are still a little vague but it's going to be an acclimation of the top clubs in each league all under-20s and adding Blue Lock players. Bids will come in every round given performances. It's open to the entire world, all for the highest bidder. He coined it...

Inching closer to Itoshi Sae, Zidane finished. 

Zidane: ...The Neo Egoist League.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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