Proyect: Bland King - Ayanokouji Kiyotaka en Blue Lock

Chapter 21: Chapter 20: Welcome To the Real World

With their chaotic match over and their bodies utterly exhausted, Kiyotaka's group went into the cafeteria the sole team. Kiyotaka and Shido exchanged their points in for 5 steaks. 

Shido: I better get all five this time. 

Kiyotaka: Why should you? Each person on our team played a critical role in our victory today. Igarashi saved a goal with his head. Raichi did the same in a do or die scenario. Shido scored his hattrick and Aryu is newest member. 

The pair sat down in their table with Aryu, Raichi, and Igarashi. Kiyotaka gave each member of his team a steak. 

Shido: Tch, this blows. Ya giving a steak to this idiot over here who didn't do jack shit. 

Staring intently at Igarashi, Shido sighed. 

Shido: Eh, whatever, I guess I can live with a single stea-

Just then, Kiyotaka took his knife and fork and cut Shido's steak into pieces. 

Shido: Huh?

Kiyotaka: You can't get another steak, but I could save you the trouble of feeding yourself. Now, saw 'ah.'

Raichi: Huh?

Igarashi: Eh?! 

Aryu looked on at the situation in total speechlessness. He was enamored by Kiyotaka's proper etiquette and his... glam. 

Shido smiled. 

Shido: (Would ya look at that? Mr. Tsundere finally came around.)

Gladly, Shido ate the piece of meat off Kiyotaka's fork. He continued to feed him while conversing with the rest of the team. 

Kiyotaka: Our next match is against the World 5: some of the best players in the world. We're finally going against pros. 

Igarashi: But we don't have to win, hehehe. We already passed the second selection so we don't have any pressure. 

Kiyotaka: Hm? Sorry, I didn't get that. 

Igarashi: Oh, I said-

Kiyotaka: No, I heard exactly what you said. What I meant to say was... are you even a human being?

Aside from Kiyotaka, continuing to feed Shido while he had a cheesy smile plastered on his face, Raichi, Igarashi, and Aryu looked stunned. 

Kiyotaka: What's the point of entering a game and already expecting to lose? Prey think like that. We're not prey. What we're all eating is prey. If there's one thing I understood from Ego, it's that we're predators and need to act like it. So If you say something like that again, the only thing that's going to be impossible for you is your ability to continue in Blue Lock. 

Raichi sighed. 

Raichi: Kiyotaka's right. Who gives a shit if they're pro players? 

Aryu: I'm not one to just quit when the going gets tough. People like that don't shine bright. 

Shido: I wouldn't have it any other way. 

The meal finished in a slightly uneasy silence. The five left the cafeteria and entered their room for the night. Plastered on the screen was their opponents. 

Shido: Ah, so these are the so-called world five we're facing?

Kiyotaka: Adam Blake, the goal junkie, Pablo Cavasoz, the freckled baby, Dada Silva, the heavy tank, Leonardo Luna, the scion of Real Madrid, and Julian Loki, the god sprinter. 

 Aryu: Oh, are you a secret nerd of soccer, Kiyotaka?

Kiyotaka: I only know the more popular ones and some up and coming ones that have gained the most publicity such as Julian Loki. 

Igarashi: So what do we gotta know about each of them?

Kiyotaka: It's in their nicknames. Adam Blake is the top scorer in the Premier League so he has a knack for consistent goal scoring with his inhuman physique and body control. Pablo Cavasoz is known as the world's next Lionel Messi with his dynamic dribbling and passing ability. His tempo is something that the world hasn't found an answer to as of yet. Then there's Dada Silva, whose skills are attributed to his large and hefty frame. He's like a real-life troll who's impossible to stop through physical means. Leanardo Luna is the captain of Real Madrid, their supernova. Finally, there's Loki, the 17 year old prodigy with what people have claimed to be 'God-given' speed. His dribbling, decision making, and finishing ability are all on levels thought to be impossible for a player that young. 

Shido: They got a guy younger than me on that team? Not bad. Damn, I'm already getting excited. 

Kiyotaka: Keep it in your pants. You'll get your release when we win tomorrow. 

Aryu: I shall handle Pablo Cavasoz. Stopping him will make me shine greater than him.

Kiyotaka: No, I've already thought out the matchups. You'll contain Leanardo Luna because of your slender frame. Igarashi will cover Adam Blake on the basis of foul trouble. Raichi will cover Pablo Cavasoz since he can bring pressure to dribblers like Bachira. Shido will be responsible for Dada Silva because of their physical strength. And I'll handle Loki since I'm the fastest member on our team. 

Igarashi: Wait, do you want all of us to attack with you and Shido?

Kiyotaka: That is the plan. I've thought about it and it would be worse if we have three defenders blocking the goal as opposed to all of us moving up and down the field. 

Shido: Ah, but I was really liking our one-two, Kiyo. 

Kiyotaka: And It'll continue going like that but now it will be more effective because you won't have to go through 3 other people since Igarashi, Aryu and Raichi will be occupying their time. 

Igarashi yawned and looked at the clock inside the dorm. 

Igarashi: Crap, it's almost midnight. 

And with that, the five decided to call it for a night and choose their own beds. Shido would choose the one side-by-side with Kiyotaka's to 'watch him sleeping.' 

Raichi and Igarashi would sleep in the top and Aryu got his own bed to the side of Shido. In a matter of minutes, Aryu, Igarashi, and Raichi fell asleep. Kiyotaka, however, was wide awake. 

His mind played the sequence of events that ended their recent game over and over again. Finally resolved in giving his all to soccer awakened his true self and displayed his egoism. It was something he wasn't internally aware of himself. 

In truth, Kiyotaka still had traces of adrenaline in his system. It was like he needed to do something else to keep himself occupied. 

Suddenly, a call came through and it was from his girlfriend, Kei. Despite being wide awake, he had no intention of speaking with Kei. He wanted to ponder on his thoughts of the match and what's to come. 

So, he didn't answer the call and let it go to voicemail. A minute later, he sent a message apologizing for the missed call. 

Kiyotaka: [Sorry, I'm just too tired today. I recently joined a soccer club and they overworked me.]

Kei responded quickly. 

Kei: [Eh?! You, joining a club? That's awesome. And a sports team at that? Just like Hirata, hehe. I didn't think you had it in you, Kiyo. You always liked to stay to the shadows. It must have been some workout to get you tired. I don't think I've ever seen you sweat before.]

Kiyotaka: [I just had some free time that I thought I would invest in something else. But anyway, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight.]

Kei: [Ok! Goodnight, Kiyo.]

Shido turned around in bed and looked over at Kiyotaka.

Shido: You can't sleep either, right? 

Kiyotaka: It must be the adrenaline. I can't stop thinking about our match today. 

Shido: Of course you can't. That was exciting with a climatic finish. I can only imagine what it'll feel like when we play together in the world of pros. Ah... millions of people watching me score. I can't fucking wait. 

A minute of silence followed until Kiyotaka broke it with a sigh. 

Kiyotaka: I need to tire myself out. Shido, let's go to the training pitch area. 

Shido: Just the two of us?

Kiyotaka: Do you see anyone else awake?

Shido: How kinky. I'm in. 




Together, an hour past midnight, Kiyotaka and Shido continued performing drills with one another. 

Kiyotaka would control the ball and send a perfect pass over Shido's head, to which, once it landed in the penalty area, he would react to it instantaneously and score. 

As this happened for up to 30 minutes, Kiyotaka asked Shido a question. 

Kiyotaka: What exactly is your obsession with goals? I understand you think it's life but I don't follow with the symbolism of the goals themselves. 

Shido smiled. 

Shido: Oh, you're finally curious enough to ask me. First it was jumping on my chest and screaming after we won, and then you fed me steak and now you wanted to do something together, just the two of us. I love this new side of you. 

Kiyotaka sighed. 

Kiyotaka: Forget I as-

Shido: What do you think every person on the planet wants to do with their lives?

Kiyotaka: (A pretty insightful question.) Live a decent life?

Shido: Nah, that's too fucking boring. It's an easy answer, Kiyo. They want to leave something that will go on after they're dead. They wanna leave proof of their very existence. For some, it'll be something like having a wife and kids, for others it'll be a company they start and the millions of dollars it holds. And for some it might be writing books or making games that hold their names. Everyone wants to be remembered. No one wants to be forgotten. 

He walked over to the soccer ball on the ground and held it outward, right in front of Kiyotaka. 

Shido: Soccer is how I leave my mark on the world. It's just like making a baby. The soccer ball is my seed and the net is the womb. Scoring a goal is 'fertilization.' I keep telling everyone. Soccer isn't a damn sport. Fuck tactics. Fuck schemes. Fuck it all. For me, what everyone calls a sport, is a biological phenomenon.

Kiyotaka: I guess that explains all your sexual jokes. But I understand. It must be annoying to have everyone around you diminish soccer into just a sport when you've been viewing it as your sole reason for existing. 

Shido: Hehe, that's exactly what I've been saying to everyone around me. I could care less about hurting others with my moves. If they can't handle my explosions, then they should never have set foot in a soccer pitch. When it comes to soccer, ya just won't find anyone else in the world who's more passionate than me. 

Kiyotaka: I won't refute that. If I found someone else who thought goals were feralization, it'd have to be your own kid. 

Shido: Why would I want a child? They'd just get in the way of my 'fertilization.' 

Dropping the ball down, he dribbled it up to me and stuck out his tongue. 

Shido: But enough about that, it's time I get you sweating. 

Kiyotaka: Fine by me. 

The pair dueled it out and fought for the soccer ball like their lives depended on it. In their frenzy, the night and early morning hours passed right by them. 




Finally, one hour after eating their lunch, the five proceeded to the pitch. In the tunnel, Shido leaned over on Kiyotaka's shoulder. 

Shido: Ah... I'm too tired from last night. Ya really worked out all my kinks. 

Igarashi: What the...

Kiyotaka: Relax, it's not what you think. Shido meant the training we did in the night. 

Raichi: Damn, why didn't you say anything? I would shown you just how good my sexy shooting style is. 

Aryu: If it's being done by a brute like you, I wouldn't exactly call it 'sexy.'

Raichi seemed to almost burst a blood vessel. 

Raichi: Huh? Why don't you say that again straight to my face? 

Kiyotaka sighed. 

Kiyotaka: Enough. Take whatever anger you have and fuel yourself for this game. We're going for the win. Anything else is unacceptable. 

Shido smiled. 

Shido: Naturally. 

The five finally entered the pitch to see the World Five in all of their ego and glory. 

The man known as Dada Silva, as soon as he saw the five, starting laughing. 

Dada Silva: PFFFFT! Damn, they're scrawnier than I thought. 

Adam Blake: See? The Japanese aren't known to be muscular at all. Now, pay up that 10 grand you owe me. 

Dada Silva: You're probably going to use it to play around with women, right?

Adam Blake: Shut up, you came all the way to Japan to work part-time. 

Shido, Igarashi, and Raichi stood there confused. 

Shido: Hehe, I can't even understand what they're saying.

Raichi: Sounds like they're just ignoring us. 

Igarashi: They must be speaking-

Aryu: English. I've been learning it recently so I can understand what th-

Kiyotaka: Hey, nice to meet the five of you. My name is Kiyotaka. Even if it's just a part-time job or a chance to cope foreign women, I still wish the five of you luck for our match.

He held out his hand to the five standing there. 

Shido: Hm? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. 

Aryu: Kiyotaka, you can speak English? And incredibly fluent English might I add. 

Igarashi: Where did that come from?

Raichi: We learn something new about you everyday. 

Dada Silva: Cheeky brat, wishing me luck on my part-time job. Ya sound like an annoying supervisor. Ey, Adam? What do you think about this Japanese nobody calling you a womanizer at your age. 

Adam Blake: I'm only 26, you bastard. And besides, who cares? I just want to sightsee and fuck women in kimonos. Soccer comes next. Aren't you the same, Cavasoz?

Pablo Cavasoz: Yeah. I wanna go to Harajuku. I want to see this adorable place with my own eyes. 

Dada Silva: Although you say that, you're the cutest yourself, aren't ya? GAHAHAHA!!!

Adam Blake: Baby faced Narcissist. 

Pablo Cavasoz: I'm the cutest 23 year old, right? Though my biggest rival is Pikachu.

Kiyotaka still had his hand out. 

Dada Silva: What, ya think I'm gonna shake it or something? Keep it to yourself. 

Kiyotaka: I'm just trying to be polite. Oh, it must be your sweaty hands. I get it. You don't want to get my hands wet. 

Dada Silva: Well, aren't you a bold one, little brat. And here I thought you didn't have the balls. 

Suddenly, Leonardo Luna intervened in the middle of Kiyotaka and Dada Silva. 

Leonardo Luna: Alright, that's enough. Why can't you guys act like adults?

He shook Kiyotaka's hand and retained his large smile. 

Leonardo Luna: Ego talked about you, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. You must be Blue Lock's first member. You participated in Project: Bland King. That's what it was called, right?

Kiyotaka: Yes, it was.

Leonardo Luna: To think a kid who didn't know a single thing about soccer could already improve to the extent of surpassing Itoshi Rin, the player I wanted to face off against. 

Aryu listened in on the conversation and now had a nugget of knowledge that surprised him. 

Igarashi: What'd you hear?

Raichi and Shido looked over to Aryu who attempted to keep his composure. 

Aryu: Oh, nothing. 

Leonardo Luna: But anyway, the idea of Blue Lock intrigued me. To develop such a prospect to make Japan the best in soccer. Although, Spaniards becoming the next SUMO Grand Champion sounds more plausible. To waste this much wealth on such a fruitless expedition... Japan must really be a thriving country. 

Kiyotaka: Can you get to the point?

Leonardo Luna: To gamble your life away on something that might not even come true... you guys must be the world's biggest masochists. 

Kiyotaka: Is that so? 

The final member of the World Five stepped in. 

Julian Loki: Hey, that's enough, Luna. 

Leonardo Luna: What? Why?

Julian Loki: You're going too far. 

Leonardo Luna: Did I say something weird? 

Completely ignoring Luna, Loki shook Kiyotaka's hand and smiled. 

Julian Loki: I apologize, everyone. This guy has a nasty personality. Putting those selfish adults aside, It's nice to meet you. 

He said this in Japanese so they all understood him. 

Julian Loki: Let's have a good match. 

Kiyotaka: Likewise.

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