Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 54: 1st mission

Soon, the gate of the fortress was pulled up, and a military vehicle rushed out.

There were only two people in the car.

Wang Yu and another veteran special forces soldier Lu He.

"I heard that Li Yuanbo lost to you in the recruit test?" Lu He held the steering wheel with one hand and stepped on the accelerator with the other.

The car under him was getting faster and faster, like a runaway horse.

The surrounding scenery quickly swept back.

"Yes." Wang Yu nodded while sitting in the sub-stance, and stretched out his hand to slightly support the seat cushion to ease the turbulence.

I just feel that the performance conditions of this car are too backward, and the shock absorber function is so bad that I can't see it.

"It's just a fluke."

Lu He laughed loudly and said, "That's amazing enough. Li Yuanbo is not a mediocre person. Your name has already spread in our army long before the recruit selection is over. It is considered a battle to become famous."

Wang Yu followed with a smile. He didn't say much more on the matter, he just said, "Brother Lu, what is the specific situation of this task? It's my first time performing this task, and there are still many things to learn from you."

Lu He said with a relaxed expression: "Don't worry, the lieutenant explained it to me before coming here, I will say everything I need to say, and you will basically understand after one execution.

With your strength, although this mission is at the yellow level, it is not too difficult. Oh, by the way, you should know the mission level, right? "

Wang Yu nodded, this is a common sense problem involved in the recruit assessment.

Usually tasks are divided into several difficulty levels.

The first level is the white level, which usually means that there is no threat from warriors, but ordinary people do evil, which is easier to solve, and the impact of the incident is low.

The second level is the yellow level, which is dangerous to a certain extent. It usually requires one or more forging practitioners of different levels to take action to solve it.

Going up, the third orange level, this level is more harmful, and it can even cause huge damage to an entire village and town. Generally, a warrior in the blood-burning realm is required to come forward to solve it.

This support mission was only rated as yellow, which means it was within Wang Yu's ability.

Not to mention that there is also veteran Lu He standing by to ensure that nothing goes wrong.


Baiyun Village has long been a model of a harmonious village.

Relying on the capital city, it is located in the plain, and there is a large area of ​​fertile soil around it, which is used for the villagers to grow grain and fruits.

Every year, much of the food consumed in the capital city is transported from Baiyun Village.

Therefore, it can be regarded as a food production base on the island.

A clear river flows straight down from the heights of the central mountain range, rushing past the location of Baiyun Village, which is an important water source for them.

Today, however, several fierce beasts found the village along the river, frightening the villagers to their knees.

Fortunately, there were permanent troops who stayed behind and arrived as soon as possible, so it didn't cause too many casualties.

But the situation is not immediately safe.

"Damn it, it's the Plum Beast, contact the nearby military camp fortress and ask for support!" A soldier with a scar on his face said anxiously.

"We've been contacted, the closest is the third battalion of the pioneers!" Another soldier said nervously, holding a long military knife in his hand, his forehead was sweating.

They only had one squad of troops stationed there, that is, ten people.

Eight of them are ordinary second-class soldiers, and only the squad leader and the squad deputy are warriors.

Squad leader Zhao Pingzhi, a triple-body forging martial artist.

Class deputy Li Yuan, a body forging second-level martial artist.

This configuration of combat power can't be stopped in the face of slightly more powerful beasts, and more can only be used as a precautionary warning, delaying as much time as possible to wait for support.

In the grass not far away, several fierce beasts were lying there. The beasts were staring at Zhao Pingzhi and others, and they were also observing the threat level of these two-legged beasts to determine whether they were prey.

"Don't panic, don't show your cowardice, as soon as you're afraid, these beasts will come straight up!"

Squad leader Zhao Pingzhi stood at the front, holding a steel knife and said in a deep voice.

Give yourself as much power as possible, and make yourself look fierce.

In the grass, there are a total of three fierce beasts, with black and thick leather in appearance, hair like a lion on the head, body like a leopard, full of explosive power, and a bunch of plum spots on their bodies, which are the most notable features.

That's right, these three are the plum blossom beasts that Wang Yu had been repurchasing in the military cafeteria.

Most of them live on the continuous mountain range in the middle of the island, and they are also found in the dense forests of the peninsula.

Usually in groups of three or five, the total number of ethnic groups is not small, and they are one of the original aborigines on the fifth broken star.

The beast is ferocious, usually an adult plum blossom beast is enough to fight against a martial artist in the fifth level of body forging.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Pingzhi and others are so nervous.

Even if there is a plum blossom beast, ten of them can't kill it, let alone three.

Li Yuan, the class deputy, gritted his teeth and took two steps forward, standing in the same line as Zhao Pingzhi.

He also understood that once his momentum weakened, the problem would be serious.

After a stalemate for a while, finally, a plum blossom beast came out slowly, followed by the other two.

The air condensed and Zhao Pingzhi looked ugly.

A few recruits in the team who had just joined the army were even more afraid to breathe, and couldn't help but feel flustered.

The plum blossom beast roared and roared in the mouth, and wandered around a few people.

Veterans who are familiar with such beasts must know that this is a precursor to the opponent's uncontrollable attack.

"It's over, it's over..." A recruit lamented, not expecting that his career as a soldier would be so short.

"MD, it really can't be done, we can only fight!" Zhao Pingzhi said ruthlessly.

He knew that escaping would only kill him faster, and the speed of the plum blossom beast could even be comparable to that of an ordinary sixth-level physique practitioner, which was quite terrifying.

At this critical moment, Li Yuan suddenly grabbed Zhao Pingzhi, "Listen!"

Zhao Pingzhi calmed down a bit, and he soon heard the roar of the engine.

As a veteran, Zhao Pingzhi could only hear the sound and could even tell that it was a military vehicle speeding towards them.

The supporters have arrived!

Just as this thought appeared in his mind, in a field of grass, a hurricane military vehicle rushed out from a slope.

Lu He originally wanted to make his debut as a However, his driving skills were not ideal. The military vehicle lost his balance when he got off the **** at a high speed, and rolled over ten laps with smoke all the way down the slope. It ended up being a big piece of scrap metal.

The ten people in the field were stunned, and the people who came to support this time seem to be at a loss for words...

He kicked open the shriveled door, and Wang Yu jumped out intact.

Lu He, who was in the driver's seat beside him, also got out of it quite embarrassedly, with an embarrassed expression.

"I take the liberty to ask, this scrapped car will not be deducted from the task." Wang Yu's first thought was that he was worried that he would be responsible for the damage to the car.

"This is my mistake..." Lu He scratched his head and said.

Who would have thought that a tire was punctured at the last moment, causing the car to become unbalanced.

Wang Yu glanced over the situation on the field.

"Three-headed plum blossom beasts, five-level body forging, it's not difficult."

After calming down for a while, he looked at the casualties and other losses that might have been caused.

These are all responsibilities he needs to do, to reduce battle losses as much as possible and reduce the negative impact of the mission itself.

"There are no casualties, and the rice fields seem to have been damaged a little bit," Wang Yu said.

Lu He looked around and nodded, "Well, we arrived just in time, and there was no major trouble.

In addition, it is worth noting that although most of the plum blossom beasts have the danger of being a martial artist in the fifth level of body forging when they are adults, there are not a few of them who can grow to the dangerous level of the sixth level of forging, and they should not be taken lightly when beheading.

And they are fast and explosive. Don't be knocked down by them. The neck and waist are key weaknesses. "

According to Chen Wenlin's instructions, Lu He carefully taught Wang Yu some of the experience of dealing with the plum blossom beast, so as to prevent him from making mistakes when fighting.

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