Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 473: mentor

On the Sara Plain, a giant three-headed snake was roaring upwards.

Its body covered with blue scales is coiled on a plain mountain peak, and its three snake heads resemble king cobras.

The snake pupils are cold and crazy.

Its target was the three figures in midair, forming a confrontation with each other.

"Oh! What a powerful big green snake!" One of the petite figures let out a short cry.

It was wearing a set of light rune armor, with a little brownish-yellow hair exposed, a pair of amber cat's eyes, and a pair of furry cat ears.

It was the big disciple Wang Yu hadn't seen for a long time, the cat girl Nini.

On the side are Jiang Shaofu and Huo Gang.

"This is already a beast of a super class." Nini's perception was extremely keen, and she quickly judged the class of this beast.

"Senior Sister, let's retreat, we are not sure how to deal with it." Huo Gang looked at the three-headed snake in front of him, swallowed his saliva and said.

"However, the ice snake crystal gall in its body is what Shaofu needs to quench the sword. If you miss it now, it will be hard to find next time."

Nini shook her head and said, she didn't want to just give up.

"The three of us work together, we should be able to win!" Nini said with fists clenched.

"It doesn't have to be like this." Jiang Shaofu shook her head and said, her words were still as concise and clear as before, and her voice was as cold as a frosty wind.

She didn't want the two of them to take risks because of her.

"Since Second Senior Sister needs it, I will do my best for Junior Brother." Upon hearing this, Huo Gang agreed, and came down if he wanted to.

During the days when Wang Yu was away, the three of them experienced a lot whether they were in those cosmic star fields or came to this ancient land.

They are very familiar with each other, and there is indeed a friendship between teachers and brothers.

Speaking of which, he had already put on a pair of silver knuckles with energy gathered on them.

"Come on, I've heard about ancient beasts, but I don't know how these ancient bloodlines compare to those ultra-level beasts in the star field." Nini was eager to try.

In her bones, she has a belligerence that ordinary catgirls don't have.

Back then, her character was weak and shy, but with Wang Yu's letting go and growing up freely, and with repeated experiences, she is now quite like a senior sister.

He drew out two crescent long knives, and the aura of the knives appeared spontaneously.

She has mastered Wang Yu's inheritance of many saber techniques, and her temperament has suddenly changed, adding an indomitable domineering spirit.

Seeing the two of them like this, Jiang Shaofu didn't say much, and drew out an ice blue long sword, emitting a little bit of ice crystals.

She really needs the ice snake crystal guts in this fierce beast to temper the sword.

The three-headed snake was enraged, its blue pupils burst into dazzling brilliance, and the cold air gushed out of its body, freezing several kilometers around it into ice in an instant.

Including several large mountains and high slopes were completely frozen.

The next moment, its three heads opened their mouths and sprayed a large cloud of blue ice mist towards the three people in the sky, quickly spreading.

"Be careful, it's cold poison!" Nini had the first insight and shouted.

Huo Gang concentrated, and with a movement of his body, he appeared in front of the two senior sisters in an instant, posing in the air.

Both his fist and knuckles began to condense red flames, and he punched out suddenly.

Boxing Karst Fist!

The scorching hot fist force was raging, and all the cold poison in the air was evaporated in an instant with just one punch.

The next moment, the three-headed snake raised its figure and opened its mouth to bite Huo Gang who was standing lower.


A icy sword light pierced the void, split into three, and flashed over the three snake heads.

Frost splashed on the sturdy and thick scales.

Jiang Shaofu saw that no more damage was done to her, her eyes darkened, and a more concentrated and condensed sword intent floated on her sword.

Suddenly another sword fell, and the scales on the three-headed snake were instantly shattered, and blue blood splashed.

Nini held the knife in both hands and slashed down in the air.

The huge saber aura carries a domineering power, which is in great contrast to its small figure.

The sword qi fell and almost chopped off one of the snake's heads.

Before Wang Yu left, the strength of the three of them was about the level of a real person. In the ancient land, they did not break away from the scope of martial arts training in the mortal world.

But now, the strength of the three of them has reached the level of a star envoy, and the strength span is quite large.

Especially compared with the clansmen of the same generation, they are uniquely strong.

The three of them teamed up, and it was a match for this super-class three-headed snake.

In the sky, Wang Yu stepped on the clouds and looked at the battle scene below. He did not expect that the three of them had grown to this point.

"It seems that the three little guys have their own encounters, so there is no need to worry about them too much." Wang Yu saw his three disciples thoroughly with just one glance, and he could figure out the details clearly.

Nini has inherited his series of saber skills very well, and perfected them to form a system that is most suitable for her.

Jiang Shaofu herself is a rare swordsman in the world, and Wang Yu is more of a leader, leading her to practice, and teaching the profound meaning and supernatural powers of the elements by the way.

Huo Gang practiced pure body art, and the method of body training was passed down to him.

The three fought fiercely, and finally killed the three-headed snake on the spot.

Huo Gang, as the team's meat shield, suffered some injuries after the battle, but with his extraordinary physique, he quickly recovered.

Sitting cross-legged on the huge body of the three-headed snake, using the body refining method taught by Wang Yu, he absorbed the qi and blood floating out of the three-headed snake's corpse and refined it for his own use.

Wang Yu's way of evolution is matched by the proficiency panel, which is only suitable for Wang Yu himself.

Huo Gang couldn't swallow the power of the beast's blood unscrupulously like Wang Yu, but absorbing the blood of the beast can also strengthen his physique.

He also took this method as the basis, and gradually explored a path of body training that belongs to him alone.

Jiang Shaofu took out the ice snake crystal gall she needed from the body of the three-headed snake, and used it for tempering the sword in the future.

"Huh?" Wang Yu seemed to be aware of it, his eyes fell into the distance, and he shook his head.

"It seems that I came here in time today, otherwise the three little guys will inevitably suffer."

Nini on the side was guarding the two of them at this time, and after a while, her cat ears suddenly stood up again.

The wings of the nose fluttered, and the pupils of the eyes locked very far away.

"Shaofu, Huo Gang, the situation is not right!" Nini said, making mudras with both hands, and wiped on her pupils.

The amber cat's pupils shrunk and a strange light appeared, and the vision in the distance suddenly became clear.

"Senior Sister, what's the matter?" Huo Gang interrupted the absorption of Qi and blood, and asked suspiciously.

In terms of perception, the most trustworthy of the three is the big sister Catwoman, who rarely makes mistakes.

"The similar aura and energy fluctuations come from its people!" Nini just finished speaking.

The other two also sensed the arrival of a behemoth at this time.

In the distance, a gray fog of frost swept towards this side, covering the three of them in an instant.

In the mist, a larger three-headed snake appeared.

(end of this chapter)

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