Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 45: recruit selection

Name: Wang Yu

Identity: The first batch of immigrants in 732 Island Town (verified and confirmed)

Sex: Male

Age: 18 years old

Not married yet, height 189.5 cm, weight 85 kg...

Cultivation talent: Qualified roots, good comprehension.

Professional skills: none

Education: None (literate)

Remarks: I have practiced martial arts, and I have learned the body-forging boxing method - Wuyingquan. Currently, my cultivation is in the sixth-level body-forging realm (verified and confirmed)

After the physical examination was over, Wang Yu's detailed data was also recorded on the registration information form.

Especially on the last note, the red star that needs to be focused on is drawn.

Chen Wenlin was also a little surprised when he read the data measured by Wang Yu, and his finger turning the page stopped.

His eyes fell on the focus of the column marked with a red star.

"The eighteen-year-old body forging six-layer cultivation base, the result of the test is only qualified and good?"

Chen Wenlin was shocked, how did this little guy cultivate? Or did the talent detect a flaw?

At the age of eighteen, he trained to the sixth level of body forging. Just looking at this result, even in the imperial capital, he is probably a rare genius.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Wenlin took out this piece of Wang Yu's information sheet and put it aside, then continued to look down.

"Well, the 27-year-old's triple-body forging is good enough... The 25-year-old's triple-body forging, this one is fine... The 41-year-old forging the fourth-level body, the 55-year-old forging the fifth-level body, it's an instant combat power..."

Chen Wenlin basically passed over the warriors with the first and second levels of body forging, and only screened out the warriors who were above the third level of body forging. When that time comes, he will focus on these people.

In addition, there are also some ordinary people who have been tested to have good martial arts qualifications, and they will also be selected, and they will be able to make a difference after being trained in the military in the future.

After doing this, Chen Wenlin walked up to everyone who had finished the test.

"The one whose name is called come with me to try it out, and the rest can go back and wait for the notice."

The crowd immediately became agitated.

Chen Wenlin didn't care about this, and reported the people on the list one by one.

There are about twenty people, all of them are warriors, and their cultivation is above the third level of body forging.

"Ding Fu, Wang Yu, come with me on the above."

In the crowd, the twenty or so people walked out.

They are all calm and unhurried. Compared with ordinary people, their martial artist temperament is quite obvious.

Or the wild and arrogant air, or the intimidating sharpness like a blade, or the calm and composure like a master.

They didn't have any surprises that they were called to take additional tests.

"I heard that according to the rules over the years, the person who takes the test is not only a martial artist, but also a person with a cultivation level above the third level of body forging." An ordinary person said in a low voice.

"So these people are all warriors in the third stage of body forging?" Someone on the side asked in surprise, "So many?"

"If each batch has this proportion of warriors, it is indeed a lot, more than in recent years.

The benefits of joining the military have improved a lot, and this time it has attracted so many warriors from the outer islands. In addition, a lot of policies have been issued recently, all of which are to strengthen the country’s military power…”

The ordinary people who stayed were quite envious of the group of warriors who left.

They are both recruits. If there is no mistake, the starting point of this group of warriors in the future will be different from theirs.

Wang Yu followed the team and entered a venue.

Inside was the last batch of warriors recruited, fighting against a group of warriors in military uniforms.

When Wang Yu and the others came in, the competition in the hall had also come to an end.

Glancing over, it was obvious that most of the martial artists who had finished fighting were not looking very well.

There was a sense of frustration on their faces, and some even had bruised noses and bruised faces. The results were self-evident.

"The content of the additional test is very simple. I already know your body forging cultivation realm, and the next thing to record is your actual combat level.

After a while, you will have a fight with soldiers of the same realm in the army, show all your strength and show what you have shown. This is related to your future in the army.

In addition, if any of you can defeat the assigned opponent, according to the rules, there will be an additional reward subsidy, a Red Tiger Pill worth 10,000 Fragmented Crystal Coins. "Chen Wenlin said.

"Red Tiger Pill?" Wang Yu muttered in his heart.

It seems to be some kind of medicinal pill, but he has never heard of it. Thinking about such an expensive medicinal pill worth 10,000 broken crystal coins, even if he doesn't need it, it would be good to sell it for money.

But he hadn't heard of it before. There were so many warriors in the team. When he heard Chihu Dan, his expression was a little moved.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that when I joined the army, I would have the opportunity to get the unique Red Tiger Pill in the army.

This is a good thing for cultivation. Not only can it speed up body building, but it is also said that it has the effect of refining blood. Taking a few more pills during body training will reduce the difficulty a lot in the future when it comes to burning blood. "

A man with an oily face laughed out loud, and in his words he was quite eager for the Red Tiger Pill.

He has already forged the fifth realm of the body, and this Red Tiger Pill is just used for him to lay the foundation and prepare for the future impact of burning blood.

When the rest of the warriors heard, they immediately showed some desire.

"What you know is quite detailed, but I'll spare you the details." Chen Wenlin said with a slight smile.

"Forget it, these are all good soldiers in the army, with extremely strong actual combat ability, they can't win at all. I advise you not to imagine that Red Tiger Pill.

People who come here tell you, don't hold on when the time comes, surrender if you should surrender, otherwise, you can't blame others if you are beaten and doubt your life. "

When the last batch of warriors left the stage with their heads bowed, they passed by Wang Yu and the others, and when they saw their expressions, they shook their heads and said.

"Hmph, how do you know if you don't try it, that only means you can't do it! Your opponents are just at the same level of cultivation!"

Before that, the man hummed softly and seemed quite confident in his actual combat skills.

The previous batch of warriors still wanted to argue, but when they thought of their self-confidence when they first came, they were the same as the other party, so they had nothing to say.

"up to you……"

The public servant in charge of statistics on the side gave a military salute when they saw Chen Wenlin.

"How is it?" Chen Wenlin asked.

The official glanced at the actual combat results compiled in his hands, and said calmly, "There were two that performed well in the last batch, but they all lost in the end, and none of them could win against our soldiers."

Chen Wenlin was not surprised, all the good soldiers in the army he arranged were soldiers in a hundred battles.

Life and death fights are commonplace for them.

How did these folk warriors defeat this group of warriors who had been tempered from life and death?

The so-called Red Tiger Pill reward is nothing more than to inspire new recruits and make them go all out.

There are only a handful of warriors who really win the soldiers in the army in the additional test every year.

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