Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 410: the government

A total of three teams entered the city, lined up like a long queue to be inspected by guard officers and soldiers, and they were released one by one after confirming that there was no problem.

Wang Yu was also among them, waiting quietly.

Suddenly, a group of hussars rushed out of the city, did not stay for a moment, and rushed towards the official road in a hurry.

Even the guarding officers and soldiers are not in the slightest regard.

And those officers and soldiers just took a look at the group of hussars, did not stop them, and let them leave.

"That's a member of the Blood Raven Society, tsk, I don't know if I'm fighting with that gang outside the city again today."

"Who else is there? Naturally, it's the members of the Snake Raising Gang. These two gangs are the most troublesome these days. They beat people to death almost every day. It's so lively."

"Do you know why?"

"How can I know this, it's better not to know about this kind of thing."

Listening to the surrounding discussions, Wang Yu remembered the few people he met at the tea shop before he died, and mentioned the Snake Raising Gang.

Now I understand that those few are probably members of the Blood Raven Society.

It sounds like the Blood Crow will be a force in Ancheng, and the Snake Raising Gang is a force in another place.

Wang Yu just listened to a few words and didn't pay much attention.

When he arrived at the gate of the city, he casually fabricated the origin of a nearby town, and stuffed a few coins in the past.

The officers and soldiers in front of him saw that Wang Yu was so upright, and that he was alone and there was nothing suspicious, so they let him go.

They themselves would not really verify the personal information of those who entered the city one by one, otherwise the workload would be too much.

Basically seeing that no one has hidden smuggled items, and that humans and animals are harmless, it is passed.

After entering the city, Wang Yu saw more ancient human races.

Most of them are ordinary people in the mortal world. Apart from the difference in clothing and appearance from Wang Yu's human race, there is basically no difference in appearance.

Wang Yu pondered, if all the human races in the half-rotary star field were relocated, and they wanted to integrate into this ancient human race, I'm afraid there would be no difficulty.

"This might not be a feasible method." Wang Yu appraised the idea that just came up in his heart, and only thought it was feasible, but he was not in a hurry.

At present, he still lacks sufficient understanding of this ancient human race.

He needs to travel to more places. He has only heard about many things about the ancient human race. Now he needs to confirm and observe with his own eyes.

Only after having a real and specific understanding of the ancient human race, can the other party proceed with the next step.

Whether to find a feng shui treasure place to practice with peace of mind, speed up the improvement of strength, or find a way to return to the half-cycle star field as soon as possible, is all after fully understanding the ancient human race.

Ancheng is worthy of being a city that has been expanded several times, and its scale has become quite huge, just like a giant city.

Inside the city wall, like tofu blocks, it is divided into many areas.

There are many people in each area, either floating or living in it, which is very lively and peaceful.

The architectural style is more ancient with white walls and gray bricks, while some big families use red paint, which looks rich and noble.

"Fried tofu skewers, three skewers for one dollar, fragrant and crispy."

"Steamed buns, the buns that make dogs drool after seeing them, two for one silver."

"Immortal fruit, selling fairy fruit, sweet and delicious, delicious and fun..."


Wang Yu was walking in Fangshi in the city, looking at the things sold in the shop, many of them were somewhat familiar, and they were all foods he had eaten before.

Occasionally, you can see some craftsmen selling some agricultural tools and weapons. The workmanship is not very good, but it is enough for ordinary people.

What surprised Wang Yu was that he thought that the people shopping in Fangshi were ordinary people, but he didn't expect that there were many small and powerful warriors at a glance, and even occasionally there were a few practitioners who walked quietly and quietly like him. By.

Most of them just passed through the market, but some lingered in it, eating and drinking along the way like ordinary people, feeling the lively atmosphere here, as if refining their hearts in the world of mortals.

Wang Yu didn't expose their identities, and looked at each other as they passed by, and smiled back.

He can see through the identity and cultivation of the opponent's cultivator, but the opponent can't see through him at all.

The strength of these cultivators is not very strong, at most they are only at the level of great star envoys.

Even though the ancient human race was as strong as a cloud, and the protoss were as numerous as stars, there are countless.

But there are also practitioners of other levels of strength with a larger base, which constitute the middle and lower levels of the pyramid.

The distance between them and the mortal world is actually not that far away.

In addition, among the ancient human race, the distinction between a warrior and a cultivator is very clear. Mastering a cosmic power to become an envoy means stepping into the ranks of cultivators.

Before this, no matter how strong a person is, he can only be regarded as a warrior in the mortal world, not a cultivator.

Most of the time, cultivators are indeed far stronger than mortal warriors.

But there are exceptions. In the long history of the human race, there have been many aliens who have been able to cultivate a strong strength as a warrior, breaking the conventional restrictions, and surpassing many strong people in the cultivation world.

Of course, this is only a very small number of warriors who can do this without using the power of the universe.

Wang Yu has never seen such a player.

Not to mention him, even Ming Dewang has only heard about it, and has never seen such an unconventional alien with his own eyes.

"Brother, come and try the tofu skewers. It doesn't cost money if it's not good." A stall owner dressed in sackcloth yelled at Wang Yu who was passing by.

In front of him, the fried golden tofu skewers brought back some memories of Wang Yu's past.

This memory does not belong to the period of the half-rotational star field, nor does it belong to the time of Blue Star, but earlier.

"Then let's have a few skewers." Wang Yu handed over the money, and took a bite of the dripping tofu skewers.

The taste is good, a bit like the taste of the past, which made him feel quite emotional.

"It's no wonder that there are often practitioners who are willing to return to the life of ordinary people. It is called "mortal cultivation of the heart."

Sometimes it’s not always good to practice blindly and just focus on the lofty goal in your heart. If you are a little careless, you will lose yourself.

Stopping from time to time and looking back at yourself along the way in the past, on the contrary, you can find the right direction and eliminate the hesitation in your heart.

After walking through Fangshi, Wang Yu walked to the largest main road in the city.

This road leads directly to the city gate, and the other end is the city lord's mansion.

This main road only allows pedestrians to walk on both sides, and the empty road space prohibits ordinary non-official army carriages from passing through.

The main reason is to send troops in case of emergency, so that they can go out of the city smoothly and quickly through this main road.

Wang Yu walked along this road unhurriedly towards the City Lord's Mansion.

Just halfway there, there was a heavy sound of horseshoes coming from behind.

The sound of horseshoes was not in a hurry, but was neat and powerful, which attracted many people to stop and stare.

After all, being able to ride a horse on the main road can only be from the government.

Wang Yu also turned his head and looked over.

A group of cavalry in armor and stomach stretched from behind Wang Yu to the gate of the city.

The cavalrymen were all well-trained at first glance, full of murderous aura, blood condensed, and all of them were martial arts practitioners.

The dozens of officers walking at the forefront of the team are even more powerful. They are already warriors at the level of innate strength, and their strength is already considered good in the mortal world.

However, these officers are not as good as the leading general.

He looks young, wearing heavy armor, carrying a heavy gun, and sitting on a tall black mane horse with long horns, majestic and majestic.

Wang Yu could tell at a glance that this person probably already possessed the strength level of a real person, and even approached the level of a celestial being.

With that powerful spirit, it is basically impossible to judge wrongly.

From the fluctuation of life, it can be seen that this person is not even a hundred years old, and seems to be not much older than his disciples.

At such an age, but with such strength, although he is in the mortal world, he obviously has a bright future.

"It's Little General Xiang who has returned. Needless to say, he must have returned victorious from fighting those bandits."

"That's right, with Little General Xiang here, we have no worries in the city."

"This courage, this majesty, is really a hero of the world!"

"My child has been in the army for two years. If he is lucky enough to be able to follow General Xiang in the future, he will be honored..."

The people around were talking about it, and Wang Yu also saw that this young man had a high reputation in Ancheng, and most of them praised him.

When passing by Wang Yu, he seemed to feel something. The young man on the horse suddenly looked at Wang Yu's position in the crowd.

But when he saw that Wang Yu was nothing special, he quickly looked away. Even he himself didn't understand why he suddenly looked there.

The army continued to move forward, and Wang Yu also moved forward.

Many passers-by also followed the army towards the city lord's mansion with the mentality of watching the excitement.

Wang Yu spread his perception.

With his current mental strength, as long as he thinks about it, the perception released is that even practitioners of the same level of strength may not be able to perceive it.

But just in case, he didn't extend his perception to the city lord's mansion, but extended to the surrounding areas of the city lord's mansion.

There are many government troops stationed there, similar to a school martial arts field.

After passing through the perception, he instantly had a more specific understanding of the quality of the troops stationed there.

He knew that the troops stationed here must not be the entire army of Ancheng, but he could also get a glimpse of some clues.

His purpose of getting close to the City Lord's Mansion is to observe the strength of these officials in the Mortal Realm.

Although they are also in the mortal world, but they can establish a country and a city, and protect a side of the people, the strength of this government will definitely not be weak.

And judging from Zhu Ziguo's situation, these mortal countries must also have inextricable relationships with the sect forces in the cultivation world.

It is impossible to completely distinguish between the ordinary world and the cultivation world, after all, they are still in the same world.

And the fact is as he thought.

There are indeed practitioners in the government, and there are quite a few of them.

In just a few school martial arts fields in this nunnery city, the number of star envoys he observed is several hundred.

Among them, there are even five super star envoys who are powerful.

In the mortal world, this kind of super star envoy is indeed considered a strong one.

He was worried about scaring the snake, but now he suddenly wanted to find out.

In an instant, his perception covered the entire City Lord's Mansion, and then immediately dispersed on his own initiative.

In just such a moment, he had already detected the situation in the city lord's mansion.

He ignored some of the star-level guards and locked on three of them.

That's right, the three protoss.

He didn't know the position and identity of the other party in this official palace, but they were all located in the deepest part of the city lord's mansion, and it seemed that they rarely showed up on weekdays.

Inside the City Lord's Mansion, an old man in civilian clothes suddenly opened his eyes, which were deep and shining.

In the dark quiet room, the surrounding energy suddenly became active as he opened his eyes.

"Huh?" He let out a small sigh.

"What's the matter?" Soon a voice came to my ears, it was another protoss in the city lord's mansion.

"It's okay." The old man in civilian clothes seemed to have a sense, and released his own perception to spread, sweeping through the city lord's mansion and even most of the nunnery, and then shook his head and closed his eyes again after finding nothing.

It's just that I thought too much just now.

In fact, he didn't really notice Wang Yu's perception just now, he just woke up after he felt something strange.

On the other side, Wang Yu had already turned back.

"It's just a remote local government in Ancheng, and it can still hide a strong man of this strength. Where the imperial power of the Qipan Kingdom is located, what kind of strong man should be guarding it...

Although the ancient country of thousands of years is in the mortal world and not in the cultivation world, it must not be underestimated. "

For the next few days, Wang Yu stayed in this nunnery city, wandering around, admiring the ordinary scenery.

The sense of impatience that I originally had in my heart was unexpectedly relieved and dissipated in this process, which was regarded as a small windfall.

On this day, as soon as he passed an alley, Wang Yu was stopped by several burly men.

"Do you still remember me?" Lei Hu stared at the kid in front of him and said coldly.

His face was ferocious enough to scare a crying baby.

Wang Yu nodded, "What's the matter?"

The person in front of him was the leader of the Blood Crow Society that he met at the tea shop.

Now it seems that the other party has resolved the urgent matter, and this is turning around to trouble him.

After all, he beat the opponent's four gang members to the bone and seriously injured them.

"You made my four brothers?" Lei Hu said roughly, his thick arm muscles twitching slightly.

The few pedestrians who had just approached from outside the alley were immediately frightened when they saw this, and hurried away.

Ordinary people would not dare to provoke gang members like Lei Hu.

"Are you here to stand up for them?" Wang Yu asked calmly.

Lei Hu took a step forward, with a gloomy face, he raised his hand and wanted to press Wang Yu's head.

However, Wang Yu didn't see any movement, and a force had already penetrated Lei Hu's raised arm.

The next moment, Lei Hu froze all over, with a pained look on his face.

His arm drooped weakly, UU reading www. It doesn't look much on the outside, but all the bones in the arm have been destroyed by strength, and the pores of the skin are oozing red, making it impossible to move.

Lei Hu turned pale with fright, and was about to step back.

However, Wang Yu pressed Lei Hu's face with one hand one step at a time. The strength of tightening his five fingers and the intense pain made Lei Hu deeply realize that the other party could easily pinch his head at this time, and he was so frightened that he couldn't do it anymore. Dare to move.

"I have something to say..."

He regretted endlessly in his heart, he never thought that this ordinary young man would be so powerful.

It's like pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Wang Yu smiled lightly.

"It just so happens that I'm also a little interested in the blood crow behind you, take me to meet him."


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