Proficiency: Cultivated 10 Million Times

Chapter 383: Zhelong reappears

"Okay, Xiaoyu, two stars are imprinted, so that our cultivation can be further accelerated." Shen Wu smiled.

The successful further development of the spirit body is good news for both Wang Yu and the others.

"It's really stained, haha." The Pope also laughed.

During this period of time, their strength has improved a lot. Due to the study of runes, the slowest witch has also mastered thirteen cosmic powers.

The fastest Human Sovereign has mastered as many as seventeen cosmic powers, and is the most surprising one.

Although the increase in Human Sovereign's strength has many favorable conditions, it has generally exceeded everyone's expectations, including Dongfang Ji and Wang Yu.

Back then, before Wang Yu's rise, the Human Sovereign was the number one powerhouse of the human race.

Now because of Wang Yu's existence, his light is slightly dimmed, but he is still the most outstanding person in the last human race era.

The current level of strength is still not his limit, he can still become stronger, and is expected to move towards the same astral realm as Wang Yu!

In the fifty-sixth year of the new era of the human race, in the Luling space.

A pitch-black figure staggered and sprinted under various barren rocks and hills, hiding his breath, with a tense expression, as if he was avoiding some kind of danger.

If you look closely, you can find the appearance of this black shadow, which looks a bit like an ancient ape, with black thorny bristles hanging all over the body, about three meters tall, with arms like gun barrels, and an extremely burly figure.

The speed is extremely fast, and from a distance, only an afterimage can be seen passing by, and it disappears in a flash.

This black shadow is exactly the Dikui clan who had made an appearance before.

As if aware of it, a flash of panic flashed in the eyes of this Dikui, and ninety-eight cosmic forces emerged from his whole body, racing all the way.

Suddenly, in front of him, a piece of holy light appeared.

This holy light is not pure, it is slightly dim, and at the same time there is a strange golden color in it.

When the Dikui tribe saw the coming of the holy light, his face became undisguisedly surprised.

Then, in this piece of holy light, a taller figure than the local Kui people walked out.

The figure is pure white, with a handsome appearance, and the six wings spread wide behind him indicate his identity.

It is the seraph of the angel protoss!

He is the source of fear for the Dikui people in front of them.

The Dikui did not hesitate to change their course, wanting to stay away from this seraph.

The seraphim didn't look at it, and the golden light in its eyes burst out. With its hands open, countless golden energy flowed towards the Dikui people like fluid.

The speed of the Dikui tribe is indeed extremely fast, and their physical talents are extremely strong.

But the opponent is a real protoss, and the two sides are not at the same level of strength.

One leg of the Dikui tribe was entangled by the golden fluid first, and when he saw it, he roared immediately, and the sound was as heavy as a skyrocketing cannon.

Turning around and hammering out with a punch, but it didn't break the golden fluid energy, instead it got more entangled on his body, and gradually he couldn't move.

With ninety-eight cosmic powers, he was completely unable to resist in front of this seraph, and was gradually overwhelmed by this golden energy.

Faced with this energy, the Dikui people became more and more afraid and flustered.

In the depths of his soul, there seemed to be some great terror about to wake up, which was the root of his real fear.

"no no"

The inner soul of the Dikui people tried their best to resist, but his will was more and more worn out.

A strange breathing sound sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness, that golden energy not only bound his physical body, but also spread to his soul.

His spirit and will were like a candle, which was gradually extinguished while crumbling.

At the end of his thoughts, he saw a monster dragon that seemed to be made of gold, pounced on him, and swallowed his soul in one gulp.

In the end the will that belonged to him disappeared.

The golden energy wrapped in the body was quickly absorbed by him. Although he still had the appearance of a Dikui, the aura of the body revealed had changed.

Suddenly opening the animal pupils, the Dikui people's pupils have turned golden like the seraphim.

The seraph with the same golden pupils watched his change, put away his offensive, and just waited wordlessly.

Behind it, a teleportation channel opened, and the middle-aged man in gilded armor stepped out from it.

"He is the most powerful unawakened person in that star field so far, so he should have some effect." Seraphim said slowly.

The middle-aged man who came out of the space passage also looked at the Dikui tribe after hearing what the seraphim said.

At this moment, the aura of the Dikui tribe continued to grow stronger, and their physical bodies were also quietly changing.

Golden energy covered the body surface, as if undergoing some transformation.

I saw that the body of the Dikui people became stronger and stronger, and their height continued to expand from about three meters to a height of five or six meters. They looked like devils with muscular muscles.

The setae covered in jet black also turned into a layer of hard and thick golden hair.

Waves of golden Zhelong energy gushed out of his body, wrapping around his body like a python.

"How do you feel?" Sensing his change, Seraphim waited for a moment before speaking again.

"Very good, you woke me up?" the Dikui looked at the seraph and the middle-aged man of the human race, and said in a muffled voice.

The voice is still the original voice of the Quebec people, but the hostility in it has disappeared.

At this moment, he, like the seraph and the middle-aged man of the human race, is the host of the awakened Dragon Soul.

The original enemy naturally became teammates of the same camp.

"I need your help now." Seraphim said directly.

The Dikui tribe touched his body, which was still being transformed, and then looked at the two same Zhelong hosts in front of him, and some memory fragments from the past appeared in his mind.

"I remember that you two hosts were chosen to guard the Boneyard. Why did you appear here?"

Seraphim was a little surprised that the other party still remembered the two of them, and spoke slowly.

"We noticed that a large number of Zhelong hosts lost contact during this period, and they should have been wiped out on a large scale. This trip is to investigate.

In addition, Lin Mo, the former head of the Terran Wolf Army, has also been summoned and lost contact. "

The Dikui tribe became a little dissatisfied when they heard this, and said angrily: "Which selected host is so reckless, making such a decision, and also lost Lin Mo, a precious host."

When the two talked about Lin Mo, the middle-aged man of the famous human race raised his head and frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything.

"It's the local host selected by this star field. Maybe he had some plans, but the result was a failure. I can feel that many soul body clones have completely dissipated.

And the two of us have already been exposed, and the other party does not know how to detect us," Seraphim said.

In the past few years, the God King led the search of the angel gods without slack. Those pure seraphs similar to him often appeared in his perception range, no doubt they came to find the two of them.

"Since that's the case, wake me up at this time. I think it's time to start some actions here." Although the Dikui people looked tough and fierce on the outside, their thoughts were surprisingly delicate.

Although he still only has ninety-eight cosmic powers in his body, after the transformation and blessing of Zhelong energy, he can now reach the actual combat power of the protoss level.

Although it is not as good as the two Zhelong hosts in front of them, it can still give a certain amount of help.

"Well, something happened at the Boneyard, and it's not safe anymore. To be on the safe side, we need to build a second backup land to keep the soul seeds." Seraph closed his eyes slightly and said directly.

"So I chose this place as a backup?" The Dikui immediately understood the other party's intentions.

"Well, this is the farthest and safest place from the Bone Burial Ground." Seraphim said this, his eyes flicked around, as if he had noticed something.

"Here we come." The middle-aged man who had been silent all this time also suddenly spoke out, his voice was low and hoarse, without much emotional fluctuation.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large piece of sacred light had already covered the entire area where they were, illuminating it transparently and brightly, as if the only color left in the world was pure white.

The divine energy was so strong that Cecilia seemed to have returned to the heaven where he once lived.

"Long-lost feeling" Cecilia murmured, a strange emotion appeared in the golden pupils.

As far as the eyes can see, in that piece of sacred energy, the shadows of a group of seraphs slowly appeared, surrounding them as the three dragon hosts.

This majestic sacred energy comes from this group of seraphs.

One of them was six meters tall, bathing in the divine fire like a god, which attracted the attention of the three of them.

"Is the current **** king?" Cecilia recognized the other party's identity.

Only the identity of the king of gods can be so different from the crowd of seraphs.

"Sure enough, this time I used energy to awaken the soul seeds and summoned them." Cecilia wondered inwardly.

"Is this the chasing soldiers you are talking about? It turned out to be the angel clan." The Dikui people searched for the memories of the past, and they naturally knew this great heritage of the ancient angel clan.

"Leave first, the troubles here don't stop there." Cecilia said indifferently, but he didn't feel any danger because he was surrounded by a group of seraphs from the same race in the past.

At this time, the God King glanced over the three of them, and finally fixed on the abnormal seraphim of the same family in front of him.

Those golden pupils made him also frown.

After Wang Yu's notification, and the purge of the Zhelong host during this period of time, he is very clear about what these golden eyes represent.

This seraphim clansman that has never been seen before is now the host occupied by the soul of the dragon.

Strictly speaking, although the other party still has the body of the angel family, they are no longer part of their angel family.

The rest of the seraphs also changed face when they saw Cecilia.

The consciousness of the strong members of the same family was swallowed up, and the body was occupied by doves and magpies. Such a dismal result made them angry.

"Damn evil dragon!"

"These two dragon hosts are very strong, so be careful." Augusto, who was traveling with him, said in a deep voice.

He had never seen this seraph who was possessed by the spirit of the dragon, and he judged that it might be a strong member of the clan born very long ago.

The opponent's sacred power was not pure, but it brought him a great sense of oppression.

Not only the Zhelong host of the same race, but also the Zhelong host of the human race beside him also made him feel deeply threatened.

Even when he faced the protoss-level titan dragon host, he had never felt such pressure.

Relatively speaking, the newly awakened Dikui seem to be easier to deal with.

Cecilia opened his hands, arousing a large amount of golden energy, directly breaking through the space on one side, forming a deep space passage.

No one knows where the other end of the space channel is connected to, except for the two of them, the Zhelong host who came here to visit.

The only thing is, all the seraphs are very clear, let these two dragon hosts step into this space passage, and the encirclement and suppression operation will fail again.

After searching for many years, this is not the result they are happy to see.

"King of God!" They looked at the King of God, waiting for his final order.

"Do it." The God King said in a deep voice.


The majestic sacred energy instantly turned into a series of pure white barriers, completely blocking the upcoming space channel.

Then, a group of seraphs condensed their condensed holy weapons one after another, bathed in divine fire like a **** king, and rushed towards the three dragon hosts in the field.

"Trouble." The middle-aged man of the human race said coldly to himself, and a large amount of golden light condensed in his beckoning hands, turning into a bronzing machete in his hand.

Compared with the size of these angel protoss seraphs, his height of more than two meters seems a bit insufficient.

But at their level of combat power, size has never been the key factor in determining strength.

With one slash, the golden knife qi tore through the layers of sacred energy, as if cutting off the pure white sky with one slash.

A seraph held a long spear, approached the middle-aged man, stabbed out with a spear, and the endless divine fire instantly extended to the middle-aged man and engulfed him.

However, the seraph's eyes trembled the next moment, and he flapped his wings and flew to one side without hesitation.

The second golden saber energy pierced through the divine fire, cutting off half of his wings.

If it was half a minute slower, the location of this slash would be where his physical body was.

Dangerous intuition told him he couldn't block this knife, so he could only dodge it in advance.

Augusto then rushed to the middle-aged man of the human race, and a stronger divine fire fell down the tip of the gun, continuously burning the opponent's physical body and the soul of the dragon.

After several researches and tests, they already knew that the sacred fire transformed by the sacred energy can cause the greatest damage to these dragon hosts.

It is difficult for these Zhelong hosts to be killed by an ordinary attack outbreak.

Therefore, these seraphs are using the power of divine fire at this time.

"That's why I hated the angel race back then, second only to that human race."

The Dikui kept dodging the holy fire coming from all directions, and seemed to be the most embarrassed under the firepower of the seraphs, not as calm as the other two dragon hosts.

I started to have a fever yesterday, probably sheep.

(end of this chapter)

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