Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 98.2: When Have You Ever Had Her? (2)

Ji Xinxin waited for the door to fully close behind Li Mingyue before she could slightly relax.

Since her pregnancy, her health has been deteriorating. The doctor told her it was because the quality of the fertilized egg and the location of implantation was unideal. As such, Ji Xinxin had been extra careful in whatever she did to protect this unformed fetus.

One wrong step had caused all subsequent steps to be wrong. Since she had decided to bank all her hopes on this child, she could only hope for a safe delivery to turn her situation around.

Probably due to Li Mingyue’s imposing aura of an elite as well as her identity as the main financial pillar of the Li Family, Ji Xinxin could not help being more alert, even to the point of developing persecutory delusion, whenever she was in her presence.

She stroked her stomach tenderly, murmuring, “Let’s hope you are a child who can help your mother.”

There was a long list of things Ji Fanyin had to complete before meeting Li Xiaoxing.

For example, farewell preparations.

She could disregard the others but there were just a few people whom she could not ignore.

One of them was Zhang Ning. To avoid having to face her explosive wrath, Ji Fanyin had opted to send her last words explaining the circumstances via an email. This email was scheduled to be sent three days after her meeting with Li Xiaoxing.

In addition, she had decided to leave everything she owned pertaining to the studio to Zhang Ning. With her capabilities, Ji Fanyin believed the studio would be in good hands.

Next on the list was He Shen. Ji Fanyin published the movie review she had been owing him for months. In her thesis-like review, she had critiqued all his films, from the very first film to his latest work, leaving no stone unturned. Her clear and concise writing had quickly garnered praises from industry experts and He Shen’s fans who actively shared and liked the post.

This created an additional source of income which Ji Fanyin had not factored for. As such, she had to hasten her pace before her time ran out. Next, she made a meal appointment with Chen Yunsheng, setting the date on 7 June.

That was two days after the day she was planning to meet Li Xiaoxing, 5 June.

Since there was no way of finding out what would happen after she had achieved the goal of earning 10 billion points and also no way to eliminate the possibility of her sudden death, Ji Fanyin had decided to write a will. To be on the safe side, she had even got a lawyer to legally validate it.

The administrative staff had looked at her with a ‘formulating a will at such a young age’ expression while processing her application. Only when everything was settled did Ji Fanyin call Li Mingyue to inform her of her decision to visit Li Xiaoxing on 5 June.

When 5 June came by, Ji Fanyin drove herself to the hospital. At the carpark, she was promptly greeted by Li Mingyue who led her into the hospital. Father and Mother Li were also waiting by the lift on the level Li Xiaoxing’s ward was at.

Father and Mother Li were dressed in expensive clothes. It was obvious they had led lavish lifestyles. The moment they saw Ji Fanyin walk out of the lift, they came forward to greet her.

However, Ji Fanyin was not convinced by their amiable facade.

After all, everyone is biased.

Their son was already in that state. It was impossible for them to put the blame on a single person.

Ji Fanyin was sure she was one of the culprits in their list.

However, since they were banking all their hopes of Li Xiaoxing’s recovery on her, they had no choice but to treat her carefully.

As the group made their way to the ward, Li Mingyue suggested inviting the psychiatrist in charge of Li Xiaoxing’s case to join their talk.

But the proposition was rejected by Ji Fanyin. She shook her head and said, “Can I speak with Mr. Li alone for fifteen minutes? The doctor can join us after that.”

“Ok,” Li Mingyue agreed coolly and helped Ji Fanyin to open the door to the ward.

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