Prince of Tennis: The Emperor's Eye

Chapter 28

The old man was very surprised.

This time, after hearing what Akashi said, Inoue Mamoru was very surprised and asked:

"Akashi, are you kidding? Are all the regulars of your tennis club first-years? Most of the members are also first-years? This is incredible. Where did the original second- and third-year members go?"

"There is no need to be so surprised, Mr. Inoue. Our tennis club believes in the concept of the strong first. As long as you have the strength, you can become a regular, and even as long as you can beat me, you can be the captain."

"As for the original members of the tennis club, I believe Mr. Inoue also knows that the performance of the Fudomine tennis club in previous years was that they couldn't even enter the Kanto Tournament, let alone the Grand Prix. What's the point of keeping such trash? They have no meaning at all!" Akashi said calmly.

"This...Okay, I understand. Does that mean that the current regulars are the strongest players in the tennis club?" Inoue Mamoru was obviously not used to Akashi's coldness, which was completely different from the Akashi who had been smiling gently just now.

"Of course, if Mr. Inoue had come here last week, he should have been able to see the wonderful tennis level of our regular players. They have passed layers of selection and defeated all opponents to become regulars."

"Thank you very much for telling me this. Finally, I would like to ask, does Akashi have any plans for the goals of the tennis club this year? Of course, if it is inconvenient, you don't have to say it." Inoue Mamoru finally accepted the reality.

"Goal? There is nothing inconvenient about this. Mr. Inoue can even publish it in the tennis monthly. Our Fudomine Tennis Club has only one goal, that is, the national championship, and we will also achieve three consecutive national championships. No school can stop us!" Although Akashi's expression was still indifferent, his tone was extremely domineering.

"I have to say that Akashi is very confident, and this goal is also very great. I hope you can lead the tennis club to achieve your wish!" Although Inoue Mamoru said this, he was not optimistic in his heart. After all, the school has never achieved three consecutive championships. In addition, Fudomine is a freshman this year, so it is even more difficult to win the national championship.

In fact, at this time, Inoue Mamoru did not realize that with the start of school this year, many schools have first-year monster freshmen, but there are especially many in Akashi.

"Thank you very much for Akashi's cooperation today. By the way, I want to ask you one last question. What is this badge on your chest?" Inoue Mamoru was very curious about Akashi's badge, because he just saw it on the chests of other regulars.

"You are talking about this. This badge represents the ranking of our tennis club regulars. You can see that there are specific numbers on the badge. This is their corresponding ranking." Akashi took off the badge on his chest and handed it to Inoue Mamoru and said.

Mamoru Inoue looked carefully and found that there was the word No.1 on Akashi's badge. He said with some emotion:

"It seems that Akashi is the strongest in the tennis club, but your ranking format is very special, a bit like... Never mind, then if Akashi doesn't mind, can I visit the tennis club? By the way, interview other regular players." Mamoru Inoue obviously didn't say something.

"Of course, no problem, Mr. Inoue, you can visit at will. I have already notified the other regular members in advance, and you can interview them at any time." Akashi smiled again at this moment.

In fact, Akashi could roughly guess what Mamoru Inoue didn't say just now. With Inoue's connections and qualifications, he must know the existence of the Neon U-17 training camp, so he must be able to associate it with the U17 ranking mechanism, but U17 is a secret for junior high school students.

But Akashi can understand it. After all, Japan is different from those tennis powers in Europe. After Echizen Nanjiro, the entire tennis world seems to be broken. There are basically no outstanding representatives. Even the waste like the Sasabe father and son can be famous in China. It is conceivable.

Then, under the leadership of Akashi, Inoue Mamoru visited the entire Fudomine Tennis Club. After learning about the division of the tennis courts, he was even more surprised. It was too similar to U17. Of course, Inoue Mamoru did not show it.

It is worth mentioning that when interviewing the starting players, Akatsu didn't give Inoue Mamoru a chance to ask questions. He turned around and left, which made Inoue Mamoru a little embarrassed, while Akashi was secretly laughing at the side.

As expected, you are Akutsu.

Finally, after interviewing all the materials, Inoue Mamoru thanked Akashi again and left. He had to go back to write the report as soon as possible. Today, Fudomine shocked him a lot, but there were still some things that he couldn't mention.

Just like that, a week later, when Akashi and his friends were training peacefully, the latest issue of the monthly tennis magazine came out. In fact, many tennis enthusiasts are used to subscribing to a monthly tennis magazine to learn about the latest developments in the tennis world. In this issue of the monthly junior high school tennis world, a completely different title appeared.

"The first-year captain and regular member of the tennis club appeared! This may mean the advent of a new era!"

In this report, the current situation of several well-known schools in the junior high school tennis world was introduced, such as the three giants of Rikkai University completely dominating the tennis club, and Atobe Keigo single-handedly overthrowing the entire Hyotei tennis club to become the new captain, etc. The whole article was about many first-year freshmen beginning to emerge.

Of course, the report also mentioned the reconstruction of the Fudomine tennis club, the identity of the new director, and the news that all the members were first-year regulars, but not many people cared about it. After all, Fudomine was too inconspicuous before. In people's eyes, it was just a third-rate school, and its tennis strength was not worth mentioning.

In addition, it is unknown what Inoue Mamoru's purpose was. He did not write about Akashi's three consecutive national championships in the report. Maybe he was worried that Akashi would cause disgust and ridicule from others.

People were curious about the fact that there was a tennis club that let first-year students serve as directors, and there were many first-year regulars this year, which was completely impossible in their previous cognition.

At this time, in the meeting room of Kanagawa Rikkai University Tennis Club, Yanagi Renji found Yukimura and Sanada with the latest issue of Tennis Monthly and asked:

"Yukimura, take a look at this news. Is Akashi Seijuro mentioned in the report the person you mentioned before?"

After hearing Akashi's name, Yukimura and Sanada couldn't help but look at the Tennis Monthly in Yanagi Renji's hand. After reading the entire report, Yukimura and Sanada looked at each other, and both sides could see the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"Yes, Renji, it's indeed him. I didn't expect that he actually went to Fudomine and became the director of the tennis club. It seems that this year's national competition should pay special attention to Fudomine." Yukimura said in a serious tone.

"I just saw Tezuka Kunimitsu, he also went to Fudomine! Yukimura, this year Fudomine should be our biggest opponent on the road to Rikkai University's championship!" Sanada still cares about Tezuka very much.

"Is that so? I understand. I will focus on observing the information of Fudomine in the future!" Yanagi Renji said slowly.

"Excuse me, Renji. By the way, I didn't see Mori-senpai today. Where did he go to slack off again?" Yukimura asked with a smile, as if he suddenly thought of something.

Yanagi Renji shrugged with a wry smile, expressing his helplessness. He had no way to deal with this senior.

"Humph! Too lax!" Sanada scolded unhappily.

Sanada couldn't stand Mori Jusaburo. His lazy personality often missed tennis club activities to avoid training. Such a person was totally unacceptable to Sanada.

But the embarrassing thing was that Sanada was completely defeated by Mori in a training match not long ago, which made him extremely frustrated. He had no position to urge Mori to train well. Mori, relying on his strong strength, escaped training more unscrupulously. His main trick was to be a sly and cunning person.

For this reason, Sanada and his friends had a headache for a long time, but they had no good solution. At present, Yukimura may be the only one in the Rikkai University tennis club who can completely suppress Mori Jusaburo, but he did not do so. As for why, perhaps only Yukimura himself knows.

"By the way, Yukimura, according to your instructions, I specially observed the freshmen of our class and found an interesting person, but he did not sign up for the tennis club." Yanagi Renji suddenly said.

"Oh? Really? I believe in your judgment, Renji, what's his name?"

"Niou Masaharu!"

On the other side, in the Tokyo Hyotei Tennis Club, Atobe looked at the monthly tennis magazine in his hand, with an arrogant smile on his face, and said with some pride:

"I didn't expect that I would see your news as soon as I returned to my country, Akashi Seijuro! Our two families are evenly matched in the business world, so let's compete in tennis!"

Then Atobe stood up and walked towards the office of Hyotei coach Sakaki Taro. Although Atobe was very confident, he also knew that Akashi was not simple, so he had to discuss with coach Sakaki Taro in advance and investigate this man called Unknown.

Dongfeng's school.

In the tennis club of Seigakuen, Yamato Yudai was leading the second and third graders to do daily training, while Ryuzaki Sumire, who was sitting on the side, was watching this scene. All the first-year students in the tennis club were picking up balls and doing logistics work, and did not participate in the training.

At this moment, among the first-year students, there were several figures who were particularly agile, but their faces were more or less unhappy and helpless. A red-haired boy came to a boy with chestnut hair and said a little jumpy:

"Fuji, have you heard? This issue of the tennis monthly reported that many schools have first-year regulars, and some have even become captains. Unlike us, we just know to let us pick up balls every day."

"Eiji, stop complaining. I think Coach Ryuzaki should have his own ideas, but who is the first-year captain you are talking about?" Fuji Shusuke said with some pampering.

"I remember there were three of them, named Yukimura Seiichi, Atobe Keigo, and one called Akashi Seijuro, right!"

After hearing Akashi's name, Fuji's eyes suddenly shrank, and the scene that made him remember it so vividly appeared in his mind again.

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