Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 85: Antilene

The world was still in turmoil as if the tree was still there, looming over them like a constant threat. However, it had been gone for quite some time already, vanishing after what seemed to be its demise.

But it seemed like the majority of the world, the peasants hadn't gotten the memo. Cults rose in power, saying that the church of the newly popular angel was the only one that could save them. These words of these factions wouldn't hold much weight to them if it weren't for the fact that there were rumors of him being the reason for the tree's end.

It was such a mess of information that even among the cult's ranks they didn't know what to believe. Some said that the tree would return and he was there to protect them, others said that he already saved them and the tree's death was proof of that. Honestly, anyone who had seen the tree shattering and then vanishing behind the closing portal, knew in their heart that the crisis had been resolved.

However, those that were too busy fucking had missed the few seconds of its destruction and remained doubtful of those that actually knew the answer. Obviously, this was used to spread fear among those still doubtful, and several nations had difficulties containing the rise of zealots who didn't have a specific location of operation.

Even in the midst of the holy capital of the Slane Theocracy the church of Azazel was gaining strength. The faith in the six gods had been shaken considerably, especially with 'true divinity' walking this world at this very moment. It was easier to believe in the god living among them than the gods of the past.

Antilene didn't care too much about the entire situation. Even though she was God-kin, she wasn't a firm believer in the gods. They were powerful existences but not something worthy of her worship. Her eyes wandered across the six cardinals who were in an animated discussion on what to do about the new religion popping up.

If they didn't handle this carefully, it might result in a rebellion led by the very church they wanted to suppress. Of course, whether the new religion held validity wasn't entertained much. After all, even if they did, they wouldn't be able to publicly acknowledge it. They would lose too much power if they did. The lack of human superiority explicitly stated in this new religion was also contrary to their goals.

In all honestly, even Antilene thought that this religion was ridiculous. Oh, there was some truth about some of the concepts they preached like power being the catalyst for freedom, though to say that it was justice itself left a bad taste in her mouth. After all, wouldn't that mean the Elf King was just and what he did to her mother was justified?

She couldn't and wouldn't accept it. In fact, she hated the reasoning and she would have already gone out to nip this belief in the bud if it weren't for the angel killing the Elf King. Although she wanted nothing more than to be the one to kill him herself, it was better to have him dead than let him live a second longer.

Besides what if the Elf King had managed to ally himself with the angel? They were both degenerates and she wouldn't have been surprised if they had gotten along. Of course, she didn't know for sure what this angel of lust thought of the Elf King. Perhaps, he didn't see the king as pure or whatever and killed him because of it or something.

The talk of the cardinals didn't make any progress and Antilene feared that it would take another day for them to discuss this. She had been here voluntarily and since it was an important topic that affected everyone, even the captains of the Scriptures had been part of this discussion.

Although seeing them this desperate and agitated was fun in the beginning, it quickly got on her nerves. Just as she was about to walk out of their discussion and let the captain of the Black Scripture summarize it for her, the assistant of the Pontifex Maximus, Enhera Lido Gaby entered the room.

He whispered something to the Pontifex Maximus, and she instantly knew that things would take an interesting turn. "Invite her in." He exclaimed after Enhera finished his message and stepped aside. A few guards at the door audibly made haste to invite whoever 'her' was.

A few moments later, the doors were opened again by the guard, letting a familiar woman in. Divine Chant was her designation. No one knew the name she was born with since no one asked. After all, her designation symbolized her dedication to the great god of life and it would be an insult to address her by anything else.

Of course, Antilene was more than just familiar with her. After all, this woman was a member of the Black Scripture and the only divine priestess of the Scripture. Like everyone else in the Black Scripture, she had entered the realm of heroes, something notable for being a regular human. However, besides having broken her in like most arrogant scripture members, the most memorable thing about her was her almost fanatical belief in her god. It was not much of a surprise in the heart of the Slane Theocracy.

"My greetings." Divine Chant called out and for some reason, Antilene felt something off about her. There was a certain undercurrent in her tone that made her perk up. It was a strange feeling and caused her to tighten her grip around her scythe. "My name is Isabella Flame," she announced, stunning the crowd, all of whom had known her for years.

"As the Pontifex Maximus must already know, I'm here to represent the Sephirotic Path or as you might know it the church of Azazel," Her words echoed in the silence of the room. Everyone was too stunned to speak. Antilene was the same, but it didn't take her long to process the information. She chuckled heartedly.

Who would have guessed that this zealot would change religions after meeting the angel? Her chuckle dispelled the silent disbelief, turning into shocked mutterings among the cardinals as if the other woman wasn't in the room with them.

"I'm here to announce that the worship of Azazel will be part of the official religion of the Slane Theocracy." Antilene couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face even if she wanted to. This was just too amusing. After all, Divine Chant- or rather Isabella's desire to seek the angel out as an emissary was something that the Pontifex had approved.

Of course, Antilene was sure that the Pontifex at that time didn't think she would be easily pulled to the angel's side. Even if she did it would be a pure provocation and would have caused the cardinals to have a reason to denounce the angel. Although the pain of losing a priestess that had entered the realm of heroes was significant, it wasn't unbearable especially if they could get a grasp of the angel's nature through the example of Divine Chant's experience.

However, now that she had returned, coupled with her words and the fact that the uprising belief in this angel was taking in from all walks of life, it made dealing with her and the angel an incredibly delicate thing.

Not to mention, the woman truly was confident in her god to boldly waltz into this holy place of the Six Great Gods and announce this in front of the firm believers of said gods. She didn't even hesitate as she confronted the very ones that she used to turn to in times of need. Her belief had been nurtured since the day she was born and just with a couple of weeks outside, meeting a supposed angel her entire worldview shifted.

Antilene couldn't guess what would need to happen to convert someone so deeply to go against her former belief, but either way, everyone knew that this woman, Isabella wasn't the same woman that had left as Divine Chant, emissary of the Slane Theocracy. That angel must be an A-grade manipulator or brainwasher.

Her eyes wandered through the ranks of cardinals and the captains of the scriptures. They stared intensely at the woman, who remained unperturbed by the hostile gazes. It seemed like Isabella was confident that they wouldn't dare to do anything to her.

Even Antilene knew that the Cardinals weren't as fanatical as many other believers since they were chosen for their adaptability in dealing with a variety of situations. If one was blinded by their thoughts of human superiority and hatred towards demi-humans, they wouldn't make it far in the hierarchy of the Slane Theocracy. It was one of the reasons the highly pragmatic Enhera had managed to become the assistant of the head of the state.

Truly ironic that a religious state wouldn't put the belief at the highest qualifying quality of a person, but instead by having a malleable attitude. Although everyone among the cardinals shared the general views of the nation, pragmatism in the end won their position. Now, their pragmatism was once again challenged. Would they try to suppress this new religion and offend a supposedly living god, who was gaining followers all over the place, or would they make compromises?

After all, Isabella didn't say that she would abolish the other religions, just a new one was to be added to the roster. Still, if they relented, it meant that in a couple of days, a new power had emerged and earned its right to rule the country. Not to mention how this would look like to the outside world. For everyone watching, it would mean that the Slane Theocracy, the nation firmest in their belief was acknowledging this new 'god'.

The cardinals exchanged looks and they knew that their next words would have far-reaching consequences that could be felt in future generations, something that would be noted down into the history books. They turned toward Pontifex Maximus, the only one who would have the authority to make such a decision.

"It is good to have you back, Isabella." He began by acknowledging Divine Chant's name change, which meant that there was a possibility that the Sephirotic Path would truly take root in the Slane Theocracy. "To acknowledge the Sephirotic Path isn't something that I can announce right away. There are delicate issues that I'm sure you are aware of, especially without meeting-"

"Meeting with my Lord? Acknowledge?" Isabella's eyebrows raised in surprise as she interrupted the head of the state, "I think there is a misunderstanding. I'm not here to request you to allow the practice of my Lord's worship. I'm here to announce it. It's a fact and there is nothing you can do about it. Ah, if you want to resist, do it at your peril." With a smile on her face, she glanced across the many faces that were stunned silent. This bitch had a death wish.

"Lord Azazel has saved this world from the clutches of the World Tree, Yggdrasil. It is our duty to show our gratitude to the god who had come to save us when no one else did."

"Did Azazel send you here? You didn't mention that you're here on his behalf." The Pontifex Maximus eyes gleamed with understanding and seemed to have caught onto something he could use. However, Isabella just chuckled slightly.

"Indeed, he didn't send me here. I told him of my intentions and he sent me off with his blessing."

The Pontifex took the opportunity and spoke up again as if he feared that she would add something disadvantageous. "If he didn't tell you specifically, then it stands to reason that he might not approve of the current development. Many people suffer because of the clash in beliefs, so to show our gratitude we should make sure that this is something he truly wants."

Isabella tilted her head as she stared at the Holy Man, her eyes gleaming golden in the slightly darkened hall. "Your opinion makes sense. I'll see to it to confirm it with his wife."

"Yes, it's best if I can also meet his wife or his holiness personally. To thank him for his effort to save humanity and the rest of the world-"

"I doubt they will have time to meet you." She interrupted him without hesitation or changing her expression. The woman truly wasn't afraid of anyone here. The people gathered here weren't just of high status. All the gathered captains here were the top of this nation. There weren't many that were better than them. If they decided to keep her here, no matter how hard she fought and how she had changed mentally, there was no way for her to resist them all.

Not to mention, Antilene was still here. The trump card of the Slane Theocracy wasn't something just any run-of-the-mill hero could deal with. Even if she were a god-kin, Antilene was still confident in dealing with her.

"Heretical traitor!" The cardinal of fire suddenly called out. She wasn't one who backed away from the threat of death or the possibility of making powerful enemies and it seemed like Isabella's obvious disdain for the head of the state wasn't something she could tolerate. Besides someone had to say something otherwise they would lose all respect and faith of the ones present.

Although it was only the inner circles with the cardinals and the captains of the scripture, if inner turmoil arose it would be harder to deal with any future situations. Isabella smiled sweetly at the older woman and started to speak like she was talking to an ignorant child, "Oh, dear. It's you that are heretical, worshiping dead gods, while divinity is right in front of you. However, you shouldn't be afraid. He is a merciful god and will forgive you once you realize the truth." Her words only served to provoke the others further, but as if she was ignorant of their thoughts, Isabella turned toward Antilene with a smile, "My god has invited you to see him."

Isabella started and before Antilene could have the opportunity to be stunned by being suddenly addressed she continued, "He still has the body of your father and found it right to hand it over to you." Her eyes narrowed at her words.

"He is not my father!" She whisper-shouted barely containing the anger that was quick to rise, though surprisingly enough the other woman didn't even flinch at the killing intent she directed at her. Truly strange. She must have gotten her brain thoroughly washed to have grown such a cheek. "Fine, I will see your god." She announced, ignoring the protests of the cardinals.

Of course, they were worried that the same thing that happened to Divine Chant would happen to her. However, if they didn't want her to leave now, they should have allowed her to kill her father long ago.

Besides, they all knew that this also presented an opportunity for them to gauge Azazel's reaction. If she could bring back her experience after meeting face-to-face with the angel, they could plan better ahead.

"Are you sure about this?" The captain of the black scripture whispered to her, surely to convince her to not meet this self-proclaimed god, but she only scoffed at their questions.

"I'll be fine." She answered easily, though she wasn't sure whether she said it for him to stop pestering her or to calm her nerves. Her gaze lingered on the smiling huss.

"Since you agreed, I'll make sure to convey the good news," Isabella answered seemingly overjoyed before spreading her arms. "I'm sure you still have lots to do, so I will take my leave." Before anyone could stop her, a whirlwind of feathers surrounded her, blocking their sight of her. In the next moment, only a single feather was left where she had stood.

The cardinals started to discuss the moment she disappeared. Guards and magicians started to spread out in search of where the other had teleported away. There were some concerns about the treasury, which made them order her to look after it. As she walked outside she was stopped by the captain of the Black Scripture, who had the most annoying look on his face. "He might be stronger than you, but please return before making any hasty decisions."

Her jaw clenched at his words and for the first time in years, she didn't refute the claim, "Don't worry, I'll return… though maybe gather a group to escort me in case things go south." Her words seemed to have taken the captain by surprise and she could see why. After all, she had boasted of wanting to have a child of a powerful being, someone who could beat her, but the moment she thought about the light into the sky, the giant tree and its demise… there was a real possibility that she would lose and it sent shivers down her spine.

She was always confident in her strength, but for some reason, she couldn't shake off that strange feeling in her gut. The goosebumps, her gut sinking, the coldness, the shortness of breath, it was a strange feeling that came up whenever she thought about facing such strength. Even when she was beaten to a pulp by her mother, she never experienced something like this.

She was afraid to lose and what it would mean for her. She didn't want the child of some asshole angel or God or monster whatever he may be. She wanted… she wanted to move on, leave behind her childhood, and finally let go of the fact that she could never be acknowledged by her mother now that she was dead…

Of course, it wouldn't stop her, it couldn't. She needed to see the reason for all the suffering she had to endure as a child. She wanted to see his cold corpse, otherwise she would never be able to rest without ever seeing his face. It was the only way she could finally put all this behind, to close this chapter of her life… She wasn't sure what she would do once she had done so, but she could only take one step at a time.

Not even a day later, Antilene glanced at the shed in the middle of a forest not far from the capital, "He is here? This god of yours resides in a shed in bumfuck nowhere?" She questioned more to converse than anything else. She couldn't get rid of the feeling that she was walking toward her doom.

Isabella smiled and nodded, "Indeed. It doesn't really matter where he resides, he could be wherever he wants, but since he decided to be here it is Good." Her tone made Antilene want to slash at the woman, but she kept her hand clutching her scythe. She glanced back at the members of the Black Scripture, who were clearly feeling similarly at edge. The captain nodded and had the others check out the entrance of the shed in case of any booby traps.

Isabella chuckled in that eerily tone that seemed to be too clear for any human or even elf to be able to produce. There was something seriously wrong about her. Antilene had prodded before but just found that the other seemed to live in another plane as if they didn't occupy the same world.

"Did you really think that my god would need to ambush you with some traps? He could just snap his fingers and you all would have never existed."

"You make him sound like he is all-powerful" Infinite Magic called out without hiding the hostility in her tone. The magic caster had heard about what happened when Isabella decided to announce the rise of the new church. She didn't like the fact that Isabella was highly disrespectful. Usually, she would have released her killing intent toward the other woman, but like any other person in the realm of heroes, she was tense. They all had a weird premonition.

"For you, I might as well be all-powerful." An ethereal voice suddenly called out, but even as they searched for a figure around them, they weren't able to catch a glimpse of the person speaking. "Don't bother, I'm currently… 'busy', I will be with you in a few moments." As soon as the words of the voice finished, the door of the shed opened, revealing more forest inside.

Their eyes widened at the strange sight, but it wasn't like they could turn away now, so after briefly glancing at each other, they walked into it, expecting an ambush or a trap. Of course, nothing of the sort happened as they walked into the forest inside the shed. It was obvious that there was some sort of teleportation involved.

As soon as they entered they recognized a large expanse of a forest far wider reaching than the shed that stood outside. However, their surprise didn't stop there. Isabella led their group inside and the moment she stepped foot into the forest wings manifested on her back as if they had been there since the beginning.

Her body had a certain glow to it, she was glowing from the divinity flowing through her veins. Divine Chant had turned into an angel! No wonder she had abandoned her former belief. She didn't become a believer of Azazel, she had become a follower, kin of the angel!

Before they could calm down another angel appeared next to Isabella, giving her a welcoming hug. They looked similar and yet completely different. "Leinas Rockbruise" Someone muttered in surprise. The name seemed to ring some bells in Antilene's memories, so she ought to be some notable warrior of another nation.

These two… Antilene scrutinized the two in deep thought. Could she beat them? She would have never questioned herself like that before, but the moment they stepped into this forest and Isabella showed her true self, she felt some pressure as if she could be threatened by the other woman. Her knuckles cracked from the tight grip, which she tried to prevent by forcefully relaxing her hand.

"So, where is he?" Antilene asked, disrupting the reunion of the two angels. They gave her a glance with that annoying smile on their face.

"I'll lead you to him. Don't wander too far away from us. We don't want you to accidentally attract aggro from the spirits, right?" She chuckled slightly and sounded similarly ethereal. They treaded through the forest and she got to see glimpses of some other angels training a bit off to the side of a small hut.

They were formidable and Antilene could see their power. They were certainly a cut above even the Black Scripture. Not to mention, their coordination. It was clear that they were seasoned warriors through and through. Of course, Antilene was confident in escaping if they should besiege her. Whether she could beat them? It wasn't impossible, but she wouldn't come out unscathed.

Her gaze turned back to the hut, but she didn't let the appearance fool her again. Without any expectation, she walked toward the door after Isabella gestured for her. The rest of the Black Scripture would stay outside, acting as a fallback. As she walked inside, she couldn't help but be mesmerized by the design. It all looked rather simple. Certainly, she experienced interiors far more grandiose than this, but somehow this seemed extraordinary.

It invited her in, welcomed her. She started walking through the hallway, ignoring the dining room for the door at the end of the hallway. There seemed to be a fire lit with the dancing lights cast upon the half-open door. She steeled her heart and reminded herself that she was about to meet the enemy. Whatever would happen she needed to see the corpse and then leave again.

She pushed the door open and looked inside to see a man sitting by the fire basking in its light. The warm light on his face accentuated the gentle smile on his face. For some reason, her heart skipped a beat. "Hello Antilene." His voice was smooth and calming. At this moment, she felt a deep-seated calm spreading in her body as if she was sitting at a pond watching a sunset in the distance or like she listening in on the rain pattering on the rooftop as she was cuddled in the warm comfort of her blanket.

She forcefully bit her lip bloody to remind herself not to be brought into his spell. He gestured for the seat in front of his, which she was about to take without thinking before remembering her plan. Her legs tensed and pushed into the ground, preventing her from moving from the spot. Usually, it would have cracked even stone beneath her feet, but the wood of this cabin didn't do as much as a creak.

As she opened her mouth to demand to see the corpse he raised his hand, "Just for a moment, let's have a chat." Her jaw clenched and she feared that her teeth would shatter with the amount of force she used.

"I want to see him." She forced out, glaring into the golden eyes of this angel- god. In the next moment, their surroundings changed into a white clean room. A body lay in the middle of the room.

Her eyes narrowed as she took a step forward, glancing at the man who had driven her mother to train her to the weapon she now was. Although she had never met this man, she recognized him from all the descriptions she had gotten over the years. This was truly the king of the elves, dead and lying on some table to be looked at.

It only took her a few moments until she had enough of the sight, "I've seen enough." She muttered before turning to the angel again. His lips had formed a thin line as he looked at her, making something rise inside her.

"I don't need it." She grunted as she recognized the look of pity in his eyes. He smiled weakly as he walked toward her and before she could react took her in his arms. She struggled for a bit, but he was like an unmovable boulder.

"It must have been hard for you." His voice was quiet but so piercing. It was painful. There was a strange feeling coming from her eyes before running down her cheek and some of it entered her mouth. She was familiar with this, her eyes did that sometimes in the past when she had been trained by her mother. Strange, why was her blood so salty this time?

"Let it all out. It wasn't your fault." He said seemingly knowing her circumstances, but she didn't understand why he would say that. She knew this already. How could it have possibly been the fault of a child…? A child that only wanted to be loved, to be recognized by her mother. Someone that she could be proud of. Of course, her mother was a terrible person to her, but still... she was still her mother.

Was it too much to love her despite what her father did to her? Her hands gripped onto his clothes, clutching onto them like they were her lifeline. The only thing that prevented her from drowning.

On that day, for the first time since she was a baby, she cried her heart out.

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