Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 54: Reassurance

Fubuki looked at the women who were kneeling in front of her with their eyes closed and their hands clasped together in a prayer. If it weren't for their revealing clothes and some of them masturbating secretly it would have looked pious. She wondered why it had derailed to something like this.

She only wanted to create some fanatic followers for her dear h-husband. Although she could understand why they were doing this as their object of desire was the most beautiful angel in existence, she hadn't expected it to go out of control like this. They weren't even able to contain themselves in public. If it was just some individual weirdos indulging in their depraved fantasy then Fubuki would have been able to accept it.

However, why were those in a relationship or even married women here as well? Of course, even this was something she could accept as she didn't expect them to remain loyal. She could understand why they would want to leave their inferior men for the literal god that was walking among them, but why the hell were some of them dragging their husbands with them?

In the back, some men were blindfolded and were walking weirdly. Fubuki had asked one of the wives why their men were acting this weird. She told her that it was probably because of the chastity belt they made their husband wear. Fubuki honestly wasn't sure what to answer to that and just nodded before starting to get a feel for each and every member.

Fortunately, this group of women and their husbands were the minority, who had somehow gotten wind of Fubuki's recruiting. The other members were hand-picked and converted. In all honesty, with Azazel's reputation, it was almost too easy for her to recruit the current members. Not to mention the women, but even the men were enthusiastic to join their group, talking about glory and Azazel as their idol.

Of course, those who just joined because they were asked and indoctrinated through their group sessions weren't considered the core of the little following she created for Azazel. The core was made out of the one she saved from the darkness that was threatening to overtake their lives. She had saved several people from prostitution and crime and lifted them where they now would give their lives for her and Azazel.

The core was not only considered as such because of their undeniable loyalty, but also because they were convincing and passionate members to turn more to their 'faith'. The group had been spreading quickly, especially to those who were desperate. Most of them had turned toward her to be rescued even when they were skeptical in the beginning. 

Fortunately, as a well-known adventurer with a stellar reputation, it had been easy to convince them of a better life 'for nothing in return, but their help sometimes'. Of course, this was the first step where they swore their fealty to her and Azazel. It was also a good thing that she had done this in the public eye with nothing to hide. 

Not only was she left alone by the paladins when by all means she was creating something akin to a religion, but some of them even helped her. She knew that were getting orders as well, but some of them did it voluntarily as well. 

They saw that they truly helped them and since they wanted more people to benefit from their benevolence, they guided more people to her. Also, most of them had gone on a mission with Azazel or at least interacted with him briefly.

With most of the opposition already scouted or even eliminated by Aneko and most joining them, the underworld already belonged to Azazel all but in name, while the public was just flocking to them. After she started and the ball got rolling, she realized that Azazel had been working for this from the beginning. 

Their reputation, the connection to the queen and the priestess, his cooperation with the paladins, and even his relationship with Neia serving as an example caused many to desire to interact and approach Azazel.

Neia had been a gold mine. She also quickly learned how to make grand speeches about strength being justice, which she spread with passion. It concerned Fubuki that she talked about sexual prowess being an indicator of strength, but since she couldn't truly refute that with Azazel being at the top, she just left her to her devices.

Although everything seemed to go according to plan, she couldn't help but feel slightly despondent. This work felt a bit redundant to her. Most people easily accepted their rules and swore their fealty, making it seem that they would have joined regardless of her efforts.

The frustrating thing was, that she knew they would have joined and eventually became unquestionably loyal to Azazel. Even without her effort, the queen and the leader of the priestess would have fallen for his charm, and all the resources of this city with the help of the paladins and priestess would have been in his grasp regardless. The only thing that soothed her was the fact that her actions had accelerated this trend.

Even though he had explicitly mentioned that he changed the mission from a discrete one to one where she could operate in the open not because he doubted her abilities, but because he thought it wouldn't suit her to hide her beautiful face. However, despite his words, she wasn't sure if he didn't just say it to ease her pain.

She knew he wouldn't lie to her, but if it was to spare her some pain? Maybe... Perhaps, it truly wasn't a lie and he meant what he said that he believed she could do it and that he felt it wasn't suitable to do such a mission covertly, but perhaps he also said it because he knew it would have taken too long for her to accomplish his goals in a meaningful time frame.

After all, he had only met the queen and the high priestess a handful of times and they were already giving him everything he would need to bring this kingdom to his heel- No, he could just ask them to subordinate themselves to him and they would throw them to his feet. Of course, it wasn't worth mentioning that everyone who didn't comply could contemplate their choices in the afterworld if Azazel allowed them to pass over to the other side.

She sighed slightly as she stepped out of the church that hosted their event. Aneko would handle the security and Neia would handle the socialization of the normal members. Fubuki was aware that her presence was inspiring and invoked belief in these humans, she also knew that scarcity wasn't a bad thing. Someone important wasn't someone who had time for everything, so she could easily avoid dealing with these trivial things.

Of course, that wasn't entirely why she had already left despite this being the celebration of her recent victory against a corrupt noble, not only gaining some resources but also handing out justice for the poor peasants, once more hammering down the fact that her strength was justice. 

"Why else do you think Fubuki managed to become Lord Azazel's wife?? It is because of her strength-" She shook her head as she left, not wanting to hear more of Neia's preaching.

The real reason why she had already left was the fact that she finally had some time and Azazel would be back this evening. She wanted to be home to greet him after he had been teleporting all over the continent to handle some affairs. There was also something she wanted to subtly ask him concerning something she heard from Yuri.

The maid told her about something other maids had seen in the tomb. Her sister was absolved from her prison sentence and had been seen with Shalltear. The vampire was also seen to have approached Albedo- Some peasant who wanted to greet her flinched slightly as she turned to her, "I-I'm sorry. S-seems like a bad time." She said before running away.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her raging heart. This couldn't happen. She wouldn't allow her sister to take him away. There wasn't much time until her sister would make a move. Honestly, she was surprised that she hadn't already, but perhaps Azazel being outside of the tomb seemed to have given her some difficulties to appear before him.

Fortunately, she had already alerted Albedo of her sister, so even if he visited her in the tomb, Tatsumaki wouldn't be able to approach him without explicit orders from Ainz- Was that what she was planning? Her mind churned with ideas and she couldn't help but feel that was the most likely approach she would go for.

After all, she wouldn't be able to deny her if she came to visit under Ainz's orders. It also didn't help that she had gained Shalltear as a backing. This was a floor guardian that was assigned the first three floors, after all! The Supreme Beings put their trust in her despite her multiple failures to keep the invaders out.

Although her authority paled in front of Albedo and Azazel, she would still have the right to seek Ainz for an audience. She shook her head and decided to put that thought into the back of her mind. The only thing she could do was to prove her usefulness to Azazel.

It didn't take her long to reach the mansions in a carriage. After exiting and approaching the mansion, she noticed that there was another carriage parked a bit further away. She instantly recognized the style. Even without a sigil, she knew that the queen had arrived again.

"As a queen, doesn't she have anything better to do than attempt it almost every day?" Fubuki muttered as Yuri opened the door for her, welcoming and informing her of the guest they had. She nodded and walked towards the waiting room. The moment she walked in, she noticed that the queen came alone. Usually, the high priestess would tag along, so they could 'discuss' their battle plan.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes internally. It was like they weren't aware how what they looked like, they were like some dehydrated humans in a desert gazing at the last drop of water or some addict searching for their next dose.

Of course, she didn't blame them as she knew what effect Azazel had, but it was frustrating to see that they didn't seem to be aware of it. At least, they weren't masturbating furiously because they thought he had walked through the same halls as they had.

The queen perked up as she saw Fubuki and barely hid her disappointment when she realized she wasn't her h-husband. "Fubuki. It's a pleasure to meet you again."

"The pleasure is all mine," Fubuki responded politely with a smile, subtly giving the queen a once-over. It was clearly meant to only look like she was trying her best to hide her identity, but the form-fitting dress and deep cleavage as well as the lingerie that peeked out were anything but a 'disguise'. She probably attracted more attention this way than she would have if she just went as the queen. Though that was obviously the goal.

Her attire had gone worse than before. At least, before she made a decent attempt at disguising her, but it seemed like the repeated disappointment of not meeting Azazel was impacting her reasoning capability. Despite her beauty coupled with her attire which would certainly captivate even women, her eyes were drawn to something else.

The heart-shaped choker around her neck. The symbol that she belonged to Azazel. For any citizen of Nazarick, they would know not to harm her as she was the prince's property. Although the queen wouldn't know this as no one had told her, it seemed like she instinctively knew with how much she cared for the choker, going so far as to show it off even when visited by some allied nobles.

If Fubuki was being honest, she was a bit jealous of her even if she knew she had no right to complain since she was actually able to spend intimate moments with Azazel even if they were unable to spend too much time recently.

"I- Is your husband perhaps present? I would really like to discuss the recent attacks with him." She inquired solemnly, though Fubuki's circling around the fact that she was 'officially' Azazel's wife, something she was still getting to terms with. Just the idea was something so far into reality that it was difficult to grasp at times.

She shook her head and focused back on the queen of this country. At least, she came with a real agenda. Fubuki remembered that they were going to start their ending campaign soon.

It wouldn't take long for them to have full control over the entire kingdom. They already had gathered most of the queen's opposition under a single banner and the conflict had been on a steady rise. There weren't too many casualties on their side and the demon's influence had been kept at a minimum.

There wasn't much need to escalate the conflict between the two sides anyway. It had almost developed naturally if one discounted the large losses and the attacks under the demon's lead in the beginning. They had covered it by the fact that the demon might noticed that they were moving to intercept them here and there and became more cautious.

Soon the final battle and struggle would be extinguished when the opposition would try to conquer some key areas like the city of Dibonei. They will all die with the demon supporting them in a grand fight.

Fubuki nodded at the queen to convey she understood the severity of the situation. "Your majesty-"

"Please, call me Calca. We have already spent so much time together that I already see you as a bigger sister I never had." Fubuki smiled slightly at her. Although she wasn't as good at reading people as Azazel was, she could still discern a lot from most things to tell that she was genuine. 

Of course, she also realized that the queen was using her honesty to enamor herself with her. The goal was easy to understand as in the eyes of the queen, she was the most important person to Azazel. To be in her grace meant some possible doors to open in the future.

The queen had been fighting political wars for a lot of her life, so it wasn't surprising to see her weaponize her genuine emotions and convey them in a way to get maximum effect. She had to do it this way since she was clearly someone who wanted to use underhanded methods to get her way. It is better to have someone try to win her over with their genuine thoughts than have someone lie in her face.

"Calca, there isn't really much I can do since he hasn't arrived yet, but I can convey a message to him and if it is necessary to speak to him personally, I can also tell him that you want to meet him to seek you the next time I see him. He should be back soon." She compromised as she already noted mentally to suggest to Azazel that the queen would need a visit soon.

She guessed that Azazel might want to meet her as well and if this continued for another week, she feared that the queen might go insane from the withdrawal. Calca smiled sweetly. "Please, tell him that I want to meet him as soon as he can. Though I am not sure what I am to do until we can talk more in-depth about the current situation."

"Don't worry too much. Just continue following the previous arrangement and everything should work out fine. Azazel must have already taken it into account otherwise he would have already contacted you." She calmed the queen in a matter-of-fact tone. There wasn't much to doubt as they were both sides, after all.

Although we gave the demon and the nobles some free reign, they had established a frame beforehand to not escalate anything to prevent any mishaps through some idiot seeing an 'opportunity'.

"Right. You're right. He must already know what's going to happen... but what about the demon? Won't he also make some arrangements? Shouldn't we prepare something to minimize any surprises? I can arrange some paladins and priestesses. There are also the members of Nine Colors that I could ask-"

"With all due respect, Cala..." Fubuki interrupted her. "Any new variables in the form of some powerful humans would just endanger our arrangement. We prepared some powerful magic and with Azazel as our leader, any additional numbers would just delay us and close this opportunity." 

She almost had to scoff at the idea of powerful humans, but she knew better than to reveal that attitude, besides outliers could exist. After all, even Azazel was cautious about the world, so it would be best to keep her eyes open and her vigilance up. They continued to chat for a bit before she escorted the queen to the door.

"By the way, Calca." She started, making the queen look at her with curiosity. There was a hint of genuine will and goodness in her eyes, making Fubuki approve of her. She kept that attitude despite being surrounded by leeches and enemies all year round. 

Regardless of whether she agreed to any views Calca might have, it wasn't difficult to admire her for standing by her views and sticking to her kind-heartedness. This wasn't innocence or naivety. No, she had decided to walk this path, to be this way. It was a conscious decision to remain steadfast. 

"My... husband probably likes your previous look more. Revealing more might attract some common men, but Azazel isn't common." Calca's eyes slowly widened in shock as she stared dumbfounded at Fubuki. Her face turned bright red shortly afterward, while her eyes shone with happiness. Fubuki realized what her words would cause in the other woman. She had essentially given her the go. With that, Calca left again in high spirits.

She sighed slightly before turning around to see a [Gate] appear at the top of the stairs. Her eyes followed his silhouette as he stepped out of the darkness that was this portal. His demeanor was mesmerizing and his eyes captivating. She knew she would never be able to adapt to this sensation of seeing him, but she didn't see it as something bad.

The moment their eyes locked a smile spread across his face, making her heart skip a beat. In supernatural smoothness, he descended the stairs only to drag her into a hug. His hands grabbed her buttocks, making her quiver in anticipation. In the next moment, he picked her up into a princess carry.

Her arms wrapped around his neck to not fall over. In a quick manner that defied the capabilities of pretty much any being that existed in this world, brought them to his bed. He placed her gently onto the bed. With that, she instantly realized in what kind of mood he was.

After he undressed her, he buried his face between her tits, shaking his head, and started to lick and kiss them. She bit her lips to not release any moans and disturb him, though she failed miserably when he put her nipples in his mouth and sucked on them. "How was your day?" He asked as he continued to play with her tits and caressed them.

"Now that you are here, fantastic." He rolled his eyes though given the smile on his face, he liked it when she was this straightforward. "Nngh~ P-please nibble on them." She requested as her legs wrapped around his torso.

His hands sunk into her tits, while her nipple peeked out between his fingers. He pinched and pulled on them and as she pleaded to him, he even nibbled on them. Not too hard or soft, just perfect. A small orgasm later, she breathed heavily, though instead of begging for more she just watched him immersing himself in his fondling.

These two were her greatest assets. Even if her sister came along with all kinds of schemes, she had these to give her the ultimate advantage. At least that was what she hoped. He was always playing and caressing them with passion, so he ought to have a thing for big boobs, right? 

"Do you like them big?" She asked more for reassurance since his actions proved his preferences, though when she thought about Neia, she couldn't help but doubt.

"Hm?" He looked up with a nipple in his mouth. With a pop, it was freed out of the confines of her mouth. Her wet nipple glistened slightly in the light. "I like them in all sizes." That wasn't what she wanted to hear. Her heart sank a bit. "It just matters that they match the body they are attached to."

"What about mine? Do they match my body?" She asked a lot more unsure than she was before.

"Are you kidding me?" He snorted as he grabbed both of them, sinking his hands into them, pulling them here and there. "You probably have the bests tits with Albedo... Well, I guess I do have a preference for bigger ones now that I truly think about it."

Her heart soared and a big smile appeared on her face as she pulled his head as if she was trying to suffocate him with her breasts, which he thoroughly enjoyed. A few moments later, he knelt over her stomach, putting his meaty cock between her tits. With a spell, he lubricated her tits with some oil. 

Then he pushed them together before thrusting into her mouth, reaching all the way into her throat. "Man, even your tits can't contain this monster." He commented as he continued to thrust. Her tits were already sensual from all the fondling previously, so it didn't take her long to come again with Azazel's enthusiasm.

With a groan, he shoved it into her mouth again, shooting his load against the back of her throat. Her mouth instantly bulged as she was unable to swallow all of it. Some of it dripped onto her tits. As she was desperately to keep up with the amount, but she was unable to. When he pulled out a large amount splattered between her tits. 

"What a sight," Azazel said as he watched her cum soaked tits before he used the cum as a lubricant to start pumping again. "I could never tire of those." Fubuki felt like she was riding a cloud when she heard this. Perhaps, it was the high from the liquid she was swallowing, but at this moment she felt like her position next to Azazel was safely secured.

Suddenly, a beeping sounded out, causing Azazel to pull out a device. He answered it with a smile as he continued pumping. "Am I bothering you?" Albedo's voice sounded out from the small rectangular device.

"You could never bother me. I am currently having fun with Fubuki." He then turned the device around, revealing Albedo's face inside the device. In an instant Albedo's eyes widened as she looked at Fubuki's form, there was a hint of yearning in them, something any woman could instantly relate to.

"Was there something you wanted?" Azazel asked as he propped the device onto the nightstand, keeping Albedo's face toward them as he spread her legs and without hesitation inserted his giant veiny cock inside her. She could feel her insides being stretched to their limits, but like always she didn't feel any pain. There was just pure ecstasy.

"N-no, I just wanted to... I just- never mind." 

"Now, I am curious. Did you want my dick?" He asked with a laugh as he completely rearranged her insides, knocking the air out of her.

"Y-yes, it was on my mind." She responded almost pitifully. They were so cute as a couple. Fubuki couldn't help but envy their relationship. Just the way Azazel was teasing her already revealed how comfortable he felt joking around with her. It showed her that there was still some distance between her and Azazel, something she would do her best to rectify.

"Then take a break and come over." He commanded and not even 10 seconds later a [Gate] appeared with Albedo rushing out of it, jumping directly onto the bed behind Azazel. Something that should have been impossible as the rules for teleporting and the procedure of leaving the tomb were stricter than before.

Yet here she was sucking on his balls after a dozen seconds, causing his dick to flex, hitting a spot that left her mind completely blank before his cum coated her insides white. 

He spurted load after load inside her. She felt like she would bloat and explode from the amount that was gushing into her. "Ungh, t-too much." She called out, prompting Azazel to pull out and release the rest of her load onto her stomach, tits, and even her face. 

Albedo didn't need to be told what to do as she directly started slurping up the cum on her body. Fubuki wanted to claim it, but her body was still convulsing from the high she was experiencing. Albedo licked her clean in a few moments from the stomach to her tits and face, she left no place unlicked. The only place she couldn't access was her pussy as her legs were still rubbing together from her high.

It took her a while to ride out her orgasm and fortunately for Fubuki, Albedo was now occupied with being Azazel's sex doll, so she secured her prize.

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