Prince of Nazarick

Chapter 12: Demiurge

A/N: I am currently sick af since last week, so there will be no chapters next week. Daddy needs a break. I will be back on the 24th. See ya.


After considering the time needed to digest the last book, I placed the books back into the library and walked downstairs and into the garden. "Are you alright, Sueko?" I looked at the 2B lookalike, causing her to perch up from between the man-sized plants that produced apples, bananas, kiwis, mango, and strawberries.

An impossible plant, but not the weirdest thing to date. I could understand why they wanted to throw out the other ordinary bushes they had before instead. It certainly looked more fantastical and beautiful.

She nodded at my question enthusiastically and invited me to watch the fruits. "Your Majesty! Look at this, they are ripe for harvest now!" I closed in and watched while Sueko explained to me in great detail how to water them and which light to give which side of the plant. It sounded complicated, to say the least.

Certainly, the fact that it could produce a multitude of fruits made it exceedingly frustrating to grow. I couldn't imagine the amount of precise work and care it went into keeping it healthy, though it seemed an item and the special nature of the ground was easing her work quite a bit. However, she liked to tend to it personally as well. I watched her for a moment as she gave me a bright smile as she explained.

Only to be interrupted by her sister. "Sue, don't bore his Majesty with your garden." Aneko suddenly gently reprimanded Sueko before I waved my hand, saying that it was fine.

Sueko was the most innocent of the current inhabitants of the Secret Chamber, but also quite proper when there were others besides her sister and me around. However, she would fit right into the naughty bunch if I ever went there with her or when she peeped in on us, which was almost guaranteed with all the noise we made... Wait, didn't I already make her drink my cum out of her sister's mouth??

No wonder, she was so stunned and confused about what was happening. Shit, I was more unrestrained than I had intended to be. Even though she went with it and seemed to enjoy my taste..., I should have considered it before a bit longer. Sigh. Nothing I could do now. I wonder how it affected her. Fortunately, she didn't seem to be that horny, even though like Aneko and Fubuki, she was in love with me.

Sue me, I had data crystals and wanted some loyal and loveable partners. I also made them exceptional in some areas, so they could advise me in the future. I would have changed more about them, but besides that, I had opted to use the few data crystals I had to change the lore of my items to empower myself. Almost everything about their personality remained like before.

Though there were some things that I had spent quite some crystals on. Mostly, I made some changes to Peroroncino's input, so I wouldn't have to deal with the innocent Sueko bringing in amputee virgin girls that would act as my onaholes.

Truly a degenerate of the highest level. I still shivered at what would have happened if I hadn't changed them. It wasn't all bad what he had changed, but I still wondered which idiot had allowed that lunatic into my area and change my maids. Almost had a heart attack when I saw him. Him just being around was a headache, let me tell you.

I entertained her for a bit before I excused myself and went to the throne room with Aneko in tow. Tonight should be the night of Momonga's little trip since it didn't happen yesterday when I was out with Albedo. He should only be out when it's night, so I still had some time.

The best would be to replace Demiurge and accompany him to prevent his idle remark from turning into a world conquest. It was still rather early, so I should be early enough. Momonga would only leave the nest at night to see the stars, after all. Of course, I still wanted to wait for him at the entrance, so my plan would work without problems.

After exiting the secret hallway, I entered the throne room and saw Albedo heading my way. She bowed slightly and greeted me, "Your Highness." I raised her and told her not to bow to me again.

"If you want to act like all lovey-dovey, go ahead. I don't mind. No, I encourage it." I said to her, causing her to be stunned for a moment before she teared up from happiness. After I calmed her, she said that she was just looking for me to give me the report I wanted. Great timing.

I took the report out of her hand and read through the investigation of items, area of effects, portals, POP, etc., and everything in great detail, so much detail that it was almost unnecessary. I mean, why would I need to know that the light luminosity hadn't changed?

"Shouldn't this only contain things that have changed? What's the use of knowing what hadn't?" I asked as I flipped through the report and even read through the magical section that would have gone over my head just a few moments ago and could understand it perfectly. The one that wrote this certainly used a lot of technical lingo that the report could have gone without.

"Demiurge found it to be prudent to include everything, so we have a list of comparisons for later. Just in case it would change in the coming weeks, months, or even years. With this, we have a comprehensive list of everything that could be of importance and their state at that moment." She explained.

I guess that would be useful. "Couldn't you just remember it? And you gave all this to Momonga-sama?" Her eyes widened just a smidgen before she nodded at my inquiry, which confused me a bit. Although it was useful to store this information for the future, it wasn't important enough for the ruler of the tomb to read this. Wasn't Demiurge concerned he would pile unnecessary work on Momonga and scare him away?

"Is this already finished and ready to be given to Momonga-sama?" I asked for clarification. Perhaps Albedo was the one to cut the content down.

"This is what Demiurge intended to hand over to Momonga-sama. I had already looked through it- I-is there something wrong with it?" I hummed slightly but didn't answer her question. Instead, I asked another question instead.

"Where is Demiurge now?" I asked as I glanced over the last page of the report before throwing it into my inventory. Albedo seemed to want to ask why I kept it but kept quiet. Probably guessed that there was something wrong, and I wanted to bring it to Demiurge personally, which wasn't wrong. At least, now I understood why this investigation took almost 3 days with all that information to gather.

"He should be on the first floor. Looking at the remaining places that might offer the surface world an entrance into the world by bypassing the portal-nullification magic." She answered easily. Obviously, having been told about it by Demiurge.

My thoughts took a strange turn at that moment and wandered to what she had said on the bed. I closed in on her and pulled her into a hug, making her wings flutter. "You said that you enjoyed being watched being covered by my bodily fluids. I hope that only implies to women that belong to me." That came out objectifying. Not that I didn't feel that way, though. "I don't want any other men to see or touch you under any circumstances. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes! I wouldn't even think about allowing anyone to size up your property." She said with determination and disgust as if just the mere thought of that happening was the greatest offense.

"Even if it was Momonga-sama?" Her eyes didn't even flinch when I said that, and there was no hesitation when she answered.

"Momonga-sama or any other Supreme Being isn't allowed to get their hands on me. I would rather... die!" She reassured and the viciousness at that last part stunned me for a moment. I was pretty sure she wasn't just ready to die. She probably would go to war.

If I was a regular NPC, I might have been concerned. However, I couldn't help but feel happy. A warm feeling spread from the core of my body, suppressing even the thrumming divine energy flowing throughout my body. I kissed her deeply and conveyed my appreciation this way.

My hands wandered down her buttocks and squeezed them, causing her to moan into my mouth before cumming as I pushed her dress into her crotch to touch her lower lips. Her knees almost gave out, and I had to hold her up, so she wouldn't collapse to the floor. "Still too sensitive?" I asked teasingly.

"I-" She panted before trying to answer again, "T-the memories are still too fresh and it's too stimulating. I will calm down soon. You don't have to wait for me, though. Use me as you wish." She answered as she leaned against me.

"I bet it's quite hard on you. Considering that we took our first-time last night, it's understandably an important and arousing memory." I added, which caused her to halt for a moment as she watched me with widened eyes.

"Our first time- your first time. That's right, I took your- mmmhhhngghhhh~" A loud moan ripped through her mouth and I quickly muffled her voice by kissing her. I could hear liquid splashing onto the ground. It took several moments before she calmed down again. I was worried that her scream had attracted the attention of a maid, but it seemed like we were good for now.

"Huff- I am so-sorry." She said with a red blushing face, which was a mixture of pleasure and embarrassment.

"You really don't need to apologize. I enjoy seeing you cum, the face you make is really adorable." Not even a moment later, I could see her trembling again and her arousal was so high her eyes appeared to be heart-shaped like it was a damn hentai woman whose mind had been broken.

"Alright, I should probably stop complimenting you when you work." It was at that moment when I remembered something. I turned to Aneko, who had been watching our interaction. "You don't remember what Albedo and I have talked about. Got it?"

She nodded. "Of course, your... Highness," she answered before casting [Clean]. After getting up again, Albedo asked me what I wanted to do now suggestively and the way she arced her back as she pressed her boobs against me made me reconsider my plans.

There was some temptation to start another session with her, but she wouldn't be conscious for long and there was still Momonga to take care of. I had been getting sidetracked for far too long! Priorities, people!

"I am going to the first floor and look for Demiurge... There are some things I wanted to discuss with him about this report."


"No. I am sure you still have work to do." Already knowing that she wanted to join me.

"There isn't much-"

"Did you already hash out the comprehensive administrative system for Nazarick that Momonga-sama wanted?" I asked, and my question shut her up. She shook her head, which was the admittance that it wasn't finished yet. Something that should have been finished on day zero. How the exchange of security information between the guardians was being handled should be the top priority. We both knew that.

"Demiurge already handled most of it and there are only the fine details to describe-"

"Then you do that. I am going to the first floor to have a friendly chat with Demiurge. We will reunite at night again." I said with finality before using my ring to teleport to the entrance of the first floor with Aneko in tow.

When we appeared on the first floor, I instantly noticed that it was already evening. It wasn't completely night, but the sun was already going down. I headed for the entrance before several beings in the shadows moved and stood in front of me, stopping me from going outside.

"Your highness, we can not let you leave." The Evil Lord Envy. Huh, her head truly looked like it was that of a crow, though she might be just wearing some headdress. At least, it wasn't as clear as the manga had portrayed it.

"Are you ordering me?" I asked as I observed them squirm nervously.

"No, your Highness. It's just aeh- we can't let you leave without a bodyguard. If Demiurge-sama knew we let you out without protecting you, it would be-" she tried to explain, but I couldn't help but interject.

"You blind? I got my bodyguard with me." I pointed at Aneko with my thumb and the Evil Lords were about to protest, likely wanting to use Aneko's lack of strength until I interjected, "I advise you to get out of the way." My eyes narrowed when I watched them exchange a look before they let me pass.

"What the hell was their problem?" I wondered out loud as I exited the first floor. I don't remember having a problem with them or even with Demiurge. At least, when I met him and walked with him to the 6th floor, he had been polite.

"Perhaps they are jealous that they couldn't come with you," Aneko answered, but I felt that wasn't the case. They just didn't seem to want me outside. Though maybe Demiurge told them that no one should leave, so we didn't accidentally compromise our position by having some POP run around outside heedlessly. Pondering over it for a moment until my thoughts were swept away.

With a look up at the setting sun, I almost cried at the sight. There were some stars, but it was clearly not the time for Momonga to be outside yet. So, I enjoyed the sight for a moment. For the first time in years, I was able to see the sun and feel its shine on my skin again. My eyes, however, were attracted to the two figures swooping down the sky.

"Fuck." Why was he out already? I was too late, wasn't I? Hesitating no further, I rose into the sky and headed toward where they were heading.

It didn't take me long until I reached the 'Dark Warrior' and Demiurge talking to Mare, who took a break now that Momonga had arrived. Of course, my arrival wasn't undetected as I didn't try to hide. Now that Demiurge had already heard about Momonga's 'plan', I will need to go with plan B.

I landed directly in front of them, and my eyes directly locked on Momonga. Of course, when meeting with any group, I greeted them according to rank in the hierarchy, "Good evening, Momonga-sama, Demiurge, Mare."

"Azazel. It's rare to see you outside of the Secret Chamber. Some occasion I don't know about?" He asked with a straight back and a powerful tone. To be honest, his scariness attributed to him being a living skeleton was reduced quite a bit, but his intimidating aura didn't suffer at all. He still was imposing.

"Just some questions about the report I read today," I answered nonchalantly, though it seemed Momonga didn't want to let go of that.

"Questions about the report? Do tell." He asked eagerly. I glanced at Demiurge and then at Mare.

"I don't think it would be appropriate to speak about it this open. This only concerns Demiurge and I think he would appreciate it if we didn't speak about it publicly. There were just some things I wanted to point out. Nothing too major." Demiurge seemed to be intrigued by my words but was also frowning at my rejection. Momonga and Mare were curious as well. Maybe even more so after my words.

Even though Momonga was really burning to know what I had to say, it seemed like he accepted my words and even appreciated my rejection to some degree. He glanced at me and Demiurge for a moment before giving us his approval and walking away with Mare. Mare's finger already donned the ring and with Albedo not here, he didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave.

"Let's discuss this in my office," I answered before teleporting us into my chamber and into my office. Demiurge looked around with obvious interest, as this had to be the first time he was here.

I sat down before pulling out the report Albedo had given me and presenting it to him. "This is the report you had written, right?" After being prompted to, he took the report and flipped through it, and nodded.

"Yes, this is the report I intended to give Momonga-sama." There was some hidden meaning in his words that he didn't outright speak out. The obvious conclusion would be that it wasn't meant to be given to me and that I shouldn't have it in the first place, though that would be too obvious, wasn't it?

"Is this supposed to be a joke? What kind of report is this?" He frowned at my questions and pushed his glasses in.

"Your Highness, I think I don't understand. Are there any flaws I had overseen?" He asked, clearly unsure whether he made some mistakes, even though he was confident that he didn't.

"It's too complicated. Do you have a simpler version, something that could be understood?" I simply said, and he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think it's necessary to simplify it for Momonga-sama." The insinuation in his rebuttal was clear.

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes. "This long-winded explanation of the intrinsic nullification mechanism of our portal is accurate, but completely useless if one didn't understand that the tomb's foundation forces gates to use a specified proxy before one could connect to a place on this plane. Therefore intercepting and nullifying the usual work of a gate that creates an interdimensional connection between one plane and the plane the caster specified. One cannot even extrapolate relevant background information without knowing the necessary terminology. One needs to know the reasons if one wants to understand why something is structured the way it is." I explained in a calm tone, "Do you think this will be understood by Mare or Shalltear?" I finished and watched him mull over my words for just a second.

It was a good thing that I understood portals and everything arcane now, otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to point out what was wrong with the report. The current strategic measures he had taken to keep Nazarick safe were going over my head or at least most specifics and reasons.

"I suppose they wouldn't, but these reports aren't meant for Mare and Shalltear-"

"Didn't I just ask you if you had a simpler version? Look, I don't complain about the accuracy of the report, but the lack of details, explanation, or a simple glossary. Think about your extended audience. If Momonga-sama decided to check it again and sends out any other Floor Guardian, do you think they could confirm what you have written? Or do you expect Momonga to write a simpler version, so they wouldn't make any mistakes? Demiurge, please keep in mind that the reports need to be at least understandable to the higher-ups of the tomb. So set Shalltear as a benchmark before you give it to Momonga-sama. The report needs to be detailed and simple. Not too long and be understood by at least every guardian."

Demiurge was silent for a moment before he nodded. "I understand. I will adjust the reports and adapt what you have said in future reports." He didn't seem to be happy to be put on the spot.

"Good. I want to be clear about one thing. The report was decent for someone like you, Albedo, me, and Momonga-sama, but it's not appropriate, especially if we want to operate efficiently and correctly with every Floor Guardian and Area Guardian. You were tasked with creating a communication system between floors, right? Just try to write the report to include all levels of administration. It should even be fine to have only the simplified version, so the time to create double the reports won't influence the speed of the reports. Don't take it as an attack. I just want to make sure Nazarick is as safe as it can be."

"I don't take offense at all, you Highness. I am grateful you have brought this to my attention. I had only thought about getting the approval of Momonga-sama, though it seemed to have caused to jeopardize Nazarick's safety." He bowed deeply. "I am truly grateful and I apologize deeply."

"Don't apologize, be better." He shouted affirmatively, and I waved my hand at him to stop him from bowing. "Don't forget to hand over the next reports to me first, which brings me to my next point. Why haven't I received any reports until I requested them? Care to explain why?" I was somewhat puzzled by that, but there were some guesses I had. Mainly that Albedo didn't want to bother me.

I couldn't see his diamond eyes under his glasses and his expression didn't change much, but I knew he was startled, though he reined that in quickly.

"Albedo and I decided to not bother your work with this. Since Momonga-sama was the one that ordered the tasks, we thought it was prudent to give him the reports as quickly as possible."

That sounded like he read it off a paper. "Well memorized. What did you tell Albedo to go along with this?" He was silent for a moment as he searched my face.

"Just the truth. I thought you would appreciate if you had more time to attend your female company here-"

I raised my hand for him to stop. Oh, was he pissing me off on purpose? "Please, no lame excuses. You might have convinced Albedo by using that angle, but we both know that wasn't why you skipped me when reporting. You are trying to undermine me."

His eyes widened, leaned forward, and looked absolutely shocked. "No! This isn't what I intended. You have to believe me." I applauded him. His pose was quite theatrical.

"Come on, save it. You will not leave this place until I am satisfied with your answer." I said as I propped my chin on my palm.

He stared at me and straightened his back again, dropping his exaggerated act. He adjusted his tie and pushed up his glasses. "I had heard of your brilliance, but to be caught this early. Would there be anything that would have convinced you otherwise?"

I hummed slightly, "Not really. Just go ahead and speak."

"Indeed, I wanted to slowly extricate you from any form of power and showcase any wrong decision of yours because of the lack of information as incompetence instead, so Momonga-sama would have to step in, lead us, and de facto, make him see the need for his presence." He answered solemnly, having dropped his usual grin on his face.

I should have shivered from the realization that Demiurge was already moving to 'dethrone' me since it was something I feared. Albedo wouldn't have gone against me, at least not this quickly or without evidence of my disobedience.

Any other one smart enough would be too distanced to suspect any operation I was planning. I had always seen him as the most likely candidate to suspect me. With that in mind, I should be panicking, but I felt strangely calm. Perhaps because I had expected this?

"You didn't think Momonga-sama would leave after growing tired and annoyed at his heir incompetence and seeming incapacity to learn?"

"Of course, any mistakes would be minimal and trivial, so it wouldn't endanger Nazarick while being enough to present Momonga-sama with enough evidence to see you unfit as the future ruler. Considering his benevolence, he would keep trying to help you." He answered easily.

"Hmm. I see. What about Momonga-sama? You think he wouldn't notice, or do you think he just wouldn't interfere?"

"I presumed he would know and would just be disappointed with your lack of proactivity. To be honest, I didn't expect you to want to read the reports. I thought you would remain in your chamber and enjoy your time with your women as usual." Damn, he truly wanted to get one over on me. He was also pretty vocal about his plans. Did he already give up? Was he leading me astray? I don't sense any lies though.

I stared at him for a moment, "You think I want Momonga-sama to leave?" My question seemed to have taken him aback before he hesitantly shook his head.

"Then you are correct. Even though I have the position as the next in line, I don't intend to follow through with it. I want Momonga-sama to lead us or maybe even his children, but like everyone else in the tomb, I also don't want to disappoint the Supreme Beings and besmirch Nazarick with mistakes. We have the same goal, Demiurge, and I advise you to play team. Don't try this again, it will only push Momonga-sama further away. Trust me on this. I probably know the nature of the Supreme Beings the most. I will arrange his stay with Nazarick."

He was stunned, and I could practically see his mind churning with possibilities. Though the most prominent thing was him, breathing easier like it was a weight off his shoulders.

To be honest, there were some ways I could handle this, but for one, I didn't really need to do much to keep Momonga-sama in his position, especially once he understood the reports and could make informed decisions.

At the very least, he should be able to understand what was going on. It would reduce his stress factors immensely and make it more likely that he would lean into his position more.

I waved my hand to dismiss him before he could say anything. "Of course, this conversation was confidential. I don't plan on mentioning your mistakes with the reports to Momonga-sama, though I am guessing he had the same thoughts and just didn't want to hurt your feelings. Ah. And Demiurge, next time wait for my approval, otherwise I won't see your actions as someone with the same goal, but will see it how it is. Your betrayal."

"I... I am truly grateful for your mercy." He uttered humbly as he knelt before me until I teleported him away. My ring was truly useful. I looked at it shimmering in the light. At that moment, I remembered I had forgotten Aneko outside.


Demiurge could feel the familiar heat of his floor enveloping his body. Although he had heard of the prince's intellect, he was frightened by how easily he was seen through. There was no hesitation in his remarks and his words clearly dismantled him, while pulling him in as an ally instead of the obstacle Demiurge tried to be.

The prince mentioned his mistakes before segueing to reveal his intentions and then positioning himself on the same side as him until he finished with a threat. Not only did he show the difference between them by laying out how inferior he was with something as simple as writing a report, but he also made clear that they weren't enemies. Demiurge understood all that was just his attempt to bring him to his side while letting him know the consequences of his actions if Demiurge tried to try something again.

He also understood that the prince didn't lie, which made his persuasion that much more convincing. Although he knew he shouldn't have tried to betray his comrades and especially not the prince, he still had voluntarily put this burden onto his shoulders.

Demiurge guessed that the prince, like most creations of the Supreme Beings, wanted to fulfill his task to the best ability. He should have guessed that the prince would have the same consideration. Despite his instinctual desire to fulfill his task, the prince had to go against it, so Momonga-sama would remain.

The pressure and the conflict inside the prince were unimaginable. Demiurge didn't know if put in the same position whether he could handle it with such ease the prince had displayed. Although it was shameful, Demiurge breathed easier with the majority of the burden carried by his better.

His creator hadn't liked the prince since he was an angel, but he still permitted his position as the prince without much objection. Now he knew why.

Indeed, he had learned a valuable lesson today. Fortunately, the prince was merciful and had given him the chance to redeem himself by laying open the truth to him. Something the prince had long figured out even before they even started the conversation. The simple gesture of having the reports given directly to Momonga-sama was enough to blow his cover.

Demiurge was sure he would have been killed if he hadn't told the truth. Just feeling that sharp gaze that was thrumming with divine energy was evident enough of what a precarious situation he had been in. He now could see how fitting he was to lead them in case Momonga-sama disappeared or was not available.

At this moment, he understood how the prince's thoughts were shrouded in a layer of mystery and cunning that he was previously been too divorced to see. The angel was anything but what he had been told an angel would be. As a devil, he could feel the intensity and ruthlessness that the prince was willing to show if disobeyed.

Even though he couldn't deduce what he was planning or what he was thinking, with all the disguised cunning and evil Demiurge was able to glance at during the prince's criticism and reminder, he still knew what the prince might like. Although he had women enough inside the tomb, given the prince's true nature, he should need to find the prince some playthings he could break as an apology gift.

However, before he could consider any gifts for the future, he still had some imminent things to correct. He looked down at the report in his hands and promptly stood up to revise them.

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