Primal Dawn

Volume 2 – Chapter 24

“First, I want to know why you came to Shantee,” Peter said while looking towards Fira. He was seated at the edge of one of the barely-a-beds that filled the room, opposite of her.

Fira sighed. “You can’t guess?”

“Obviously the dungeons. So you’re looking for something. Not a primal I’m guessing, so some magical item?”

Fira nodded. “I’m looking for a cure. Something to prevent me from becoming feral.”

“I’ve heard of something like that - it’s called a tamer.”

“Ha ha,” Fira faked laughter. “I want my own freedom. If you die, those two will be just like me,” she said while pointing towards Peter’s primals. “I want a more permanent solution.”

“Unlike you, we’re capable of protecting our tamer,” Kalista spat.

Fira’s expression showed no reaction. Finally, she said, “Be grateful you have something worth protecting, then. There’s a reasonable chance something like that might be found in a dungeon. There’s already one, perhaps two such objects in this world.”

“If they already exist, why fool around in the dungeon? Why not just buy it and be done with it?”

“Please. What I’m talking about will be forever out of reach for anyone like you or me.” Fira looked around the room. “Don’t go sharing this everybody, understand?” Peter and the others nodded. “Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t buy it anyway, because it’s an artifact. God’s Chalice. 

“God’s Chalice?”

“It’s a magical item the church controls. A fancy cup that slowly fills with blood. Really slowly. But the blood has divine properties. Its power is strong enough that it’s thought to be able to grant any wish to the wisher.”

Any?” Peter asked incredulously.

Fira rocked her head side to side. “Weeell. I haven’t seen this cup myself, and the details are kept well guarded. Even finding out that it exists puts you miles above almost everyone.”

“Then how did you find out?” Peter raised an eyebrow.

“Some time after I became unbonded, during my travels, I received an anonymous tip. I think they were part of the church. She was very adamant that it was true. It was her that told me I should seek out these dungeons.”

“Did you see their face?” Fira shook her head. “So some random lady told you to go hunt for something that might not exist in these dungeons and you just went for it?!”

“It’s not like I immediately joined a caravan and came here! I suddenly had a choice. I thought I could find a tamer who cares about me. And after many months of searching, I realized they’re all just talking cum taps. That’s when I decided to go to Shantee, where the most dungeons are. I had nothing to lose… or so I thought,” she grumbled.

“Cum taps,” Peter repeated, unimpressed. “And? You mentioned there might be two objects. What’s the second?”

Fira briefly averted her eyes. “A personal theory. There’s a second Chalice, or something similar, and it’s in the hands of the Demon Lord.”

Peter’s eyebrows shot up. “But the Demon Lord’s-”

“Dead? Nobody can prove that. The Demon Lord’s army- it hasn’t moved since then. It’s just stuck there, surrounding that castle. Yet the church tries to keep the war alive, hoping to march back there. They must know something. Maybe the Demon Lord’s there, waiting for the chalice to fill. And the church is trying to get their hands on it. Stop him. I don’t know.”

Peter was suddenly reminded of Deric. He had boldly claimed his desire to go to the castle to find out the truth behind the events of Primal Dawn. Perhaps he might have gotten along with Fira, had they met.

“So neither are obtainable. And that’s why you’re here.” Fira nodded. “Is your freedom really worth all this? You know, you were practically feral when you approached me this morning, I’m not sure if you remember.”

“Barely,” Fira crossed her arms. “But I have you to blame somewhat for that. There might have been some tamers who were willing to lend me a moment in exchange for money. And then a bunch of tamers left, and all the remaining ones suddenly didn’t want anything to do with me.”

“Zilas,” Peter muttered, “He probably gave the order to the rest. Well, you’re stuck with me, and he’s what we’ll be talking about. Just because I healed some random tamer’s primal for free, he developed a grudge against me, and stole most of my belongings on the first day. I want my things back. And I don’t want Zilas in charge of this place anymore. Between him and his lackeys, they own three groups heading into the Dungeons. He bullied any tamer that wasn’t under him already into joining him. That needs to stop.”

“Lovely. So we’re the enemy of every tamer and their primal in this place.”

“Me saying it out loud doesn’t change that it was already the truth. Besides, it won’t stay that way for long. Zilas won’t be stopped with just us. I need allies, and to do that I need to win people over. Zilas keeps people through fear, I just need to make a better offer. And that’s where all of you come in…”

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