Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 95 Vagueness and Obscurity

When traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy carry out conceptual definitions, logical elaborations, and pathological dialectics, the written expressions are relatively broad. Laymen regard them as vague concepts, obscure theories, mysterious and elusive, and their credibility and treatment reliability are affected to varying degrees. doubts.

Some even use this as an argument to call it pseudoscience.

Therefore, even professional TCM doctors like Bian Mu and Dr. Wu, who are from serious academic backgrounds and have clinical experience, may adopt concepts, logic, theoretical thinking... when they have very professional business discussions. If we don’t take the initiative, some kind of blind spots will appear from time to time.

This may be an embarrassing area that must be completely resolved during the development of modern Chinese medicine.

Dr. Wu happened to be a serious person. When she found that some concepts and logical details could not be continued, she naturally questioned Bian Mu's own academic rigor.

Business discussions among colleagues are normal!

Suddenly, Bian Mu suddenly realized a problem: he had been studying the difficult theories of traditional Chinese medicine behind closed doors for some years, but he had gained experience and had done experiments on himself. If the theoretical derivation was flawless, he would directly apply it to patients. .

Although there is no explicit rule on whether it is okay or not to do this, I and many colleagues have been doing it for many years, so... the rigor of traditional Chinese medicine does have certain flaws.

Suddenly, Bian Mu thought that he must pay more attention to this aspect when practicing medicine in the future, and try his best to ensure that new experiences, new prescriptions, and new theories must be scientifically, rigorously, and authoritatively demonstrated when they are specifically applied to clinical practice. .

Bian Mu thought this was a particularly serious matter.

Bian Mu looked at Doctor Wu with a very grateful look, which actually made Doctor Wu feel a little uncomfortable.

"Dr. Wu! The question you asked is a very serious and important one. After a while, I will find a suitable journal to publish some papers on this issue to demonstrate it, for no other reason than to trigger active and effective theoretical discussions. That’s it.”

"Okay! Can I read the draft before it is officially published?"

"Of course. Criticisms and corrections are always welcome. The question you just asked involves too many logical details and cannot be explained clearly in just a few words. How about we find a place where we can chat while eating?"

"Okay! Let me treat you!" Doctor Wu said happily, but his expression was very calm.

Bian Mu guessed, are all the children from that kind of family like this? ! Expressions, hearts, and words can maintain a natural state of separation anytime and anywhere.

"Isn't it tiring to be alive like that?" Bian Mu thought to himself.

"It's not a good idea to ask you to treat me on the first day of work!" Bian Mu said politely.

"That's right. They arranged for me to come to work here just to learn my true skills from you. It's also my duty to fulfill my duties as a disciple. Then let's go to Beicang Fishing Village and sit down!"

"The food there is a bit expensive, please try another one!"

"Actually, that restaurant is owned by my uncle. It's convenient!"

"Okay then! Let's take your car?"

"Yeah! See you at the basement door!"

"See you later!" After saying that, Bian Mu went back to the dormitory to change clothes.

Doctor Wu was very sincere. The dining place she arranged was located in the sunny private room on the rooftop of the "Beicang Fishing Village" hotel, surrounded by flowers and bright sunshine.

The wine is famous and the dishes are rare, but Doctor Wu put a lot of thought into them.

When he arrived, Bian Mu specially brought a blank medical record and two gel pens, and the two chatted while eating.

In response to Dr. Wu's question, Bian Mu started from the academic theory, combined with the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, supplemented by the summary of theory and practical experience of the masters of traditional Chinese medicine in the past, combined with the theory and practical experience of traditional Chinese medicine, and also referred to the small side branches of traditional Chinese medicine. Theory and medical experimental experience, supported by the basic theoretical basis of the compatibility of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, and also draw on the most modern and advanced theories of Western medicine for support.

One detail follows another, without any logical loopholes in between. The explanation is broken down into pieces, and nothing is left out.

The further he listened, the more frightened Doctor Wu became.

"Oh my God! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought that this was a master of traditional Chinese medicine or a university professor giving a lecture! No wonder the third uncle thinks so highly of him, this master is definitely not an ordinary person." Doctor Wu thought. I thought to myself.

Until now, Doctor Wu could only express his sincere admiration, and his doubts about Bian Mu were naturally lifted.

The meal lasted until it was almost time to go to work. Bian Mu could see that after he had explained so hard for so long, it was estimated that less than 20% of what Doctor Wu could really understand.

Dr. Wu’s absolute intelligence is really incompetent!

However, Dr. Wu graduated from a prestigious school, and she has fully understood the most basic medical spirit. In the future, as long as she does not interfere with Bian Mu's normal medical practice, Bian Mu's hard work today will be considered in vain.

Although Dr. Wu's qualifications were mediocre, he was still very serious about his work. Due to her sharing of duties, Bian Mu also began to accept inpatients within a few days, and the daily affairs of inpatients were basically left to Dr. Wu.

Dr. Wu is somewhat self-aware. As long as the time is right, she will humbly ask Bian Mu for advice. Bian Mu is not conservative at all and tries his best to tell everything he knows.

Within two weeks, Bian Mu's total salary had skyrocketed.

Under Dr. Wu's objective influence, or in other words, objective encouragement, Bian Mu also began to pay attention to theoretical research and summary. Whenever he had time, he would find a quiet place to write and draw. Invisibly, Bian Mu was A certain foundation has begun to be laid for the theoretical establishment of traditional Chinese medicine.

The housing prices in Lijin City are still there, and Bian Mu is proficient in mathematics. No matter how much his salary increases, he will not be able to think about buying a house to live with his parents in the short term.

As a result, Bian Mu began to pay attention to the daily operations of "Huikang" Hospital, hoping that after he established a foothold, he could find a more lucrative position in the hospital and earn more money with the help of his intelligence and hard work.

With this mentality in mind, Bian Mu gradually became closer and closer to his colleagues in various departments of the hospital, unconsciously or unintentionally.

That afternoon, just after four o'clock, Bian Mu began to receive a male patient in his early thirties.

The patient is an out-and-out Lijin citizen. His parents are middle school teachers. After graduating from undergraduate school, he successfully entered a large food company. Due to his outstanding performance, he was quickly promoted to the position of senior executive. After two years, his immediate boss Once he retires, he can stand alone.

"Doctor Bian, I was introduced by Dr. Huang. Do you think... can you take care of me?"

"Which Doctor Huang?"

"Huang Boxi, from the pharmacy, usually cooperates with you to prepare Chinese patent medicines for patients. He is good at pills, powders, ointments, elixirs, etc. He is quite famous in our province."

"Ouch! You are Mr. Huang's friend! Don't worry, I will try my best to diagnose and treat you."

"Sigh... It's a bit hard to say... My illness came on suddenly. My healthy body suddenly produced a strange smell, which made us husband and wife separated for more than a year..."

Bian Mu had nothing to worry about. After hearing this, he took off his mask and smelled it. Worried that the patient was saving face, he also asked other people, including nurse Xiao Sun, to go out and get out of the way. There was only one person left in the clinic. Assistant physician Dr. Wu.

There was a bit of body odor, but it was not as serious as the patient described. Bian Mu suspected that there was something psychologically wrong with the handsome guy in front of him.

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