Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 71 The heart lock gradually opens

In a place like a small county town, everyone is very familiar with the situation. Bian Mu was worried that the malicious smoking man would cause trouble for Xiaohe's classmate, so he insisted on changing to a fast restaurant.

This express hotel is a little closer to the County People's Hospital, and the hardware facilities are a little worse. However, the room rate is cheap and clean, with 24-hour hot water supply, and a free breakfast.

On the third floor, Bian Mu moved aside and chose a small single room. The waitress on duty said she knew Bian Mu and insisted on cleaning the room carefully again.

Bian Mu didn't ask in detail, guessing that he might have treated her relatives and friends, and the curative effect should be okay.

Bian Mu was polite to the waitress, then put away Xiao He's simple luggage, put his white coat under his arm, and went out to eat with Xiao He.

"Xiande" restaurant has been established for decades. It specializes in local specialties and does not follow the trends of the times.

"This store follows a nostalgic approach. We don't seek to make a fortune, just make a small profit. Let's go! Try our local flavor." As he spoke, Bian Mu invited Xiao He into the store.

"Just eat whatever you want, it doesn't have to be complicated." Xiaohe said politely with a smile.

"It's hard to come here and have a taste of the local flavor! There are guests smoking over there, let's find a seat with the wind." As he spoke, Bian Mu chose a seat facing the street and near the window, visually checked the wind direction, and Mu deliberately walked to the window and opened a two-finger-wide gap in the west sliding window.

Bian Mu stood in front of the window and tried it, it was OK! You can't brag about it at all.

Outside the window, the warm winter sun is shining, making people’s backs feel warm from the sun. It’s so nice!

Half a "roasted duck with wind and fire", a portion of "roasted chicken with chestnuts", "high-heated sesame yam", "stewed with wolfberry and shrimp", and a portion of "river fish stew". The staple food was steamed dumplings with vegetarian fillings.

"It's too much! Can't we two eat it?" Xiaohe said with a smile.

"You can eat it! I've been having a lot of outpatient clinics recently, and it's too energy-consuming! I'm treating you in name, but I'm actually benefiting from it! Hahaha..."

"Haha... That's your sincerity in hospitality! Compared with other doctors, you really put your heart and soul into it. It's time to replenish it! The duck can still be eaten like this. It's the first time we see you. Let me try it!" As he spoke, he picked up the food. Following Bian Mu's instructions, Xiao He dipped a piece of duck meat in some old black sauce, rolled in some salt and pepper sesame seeds, mixed it with some shredded garlic sprouts, and tasted it with some shredded cucumber.

"'s so delicious! It has a unique flavor, a unique flavor!" Xiao He praised it profusely.

The two of them were talking and laughing while eating. Bian Mu had to work in the afternoon, so he didn't ask for wine.

Seeing that classmate Xiao He was having a great time eating, Bian Mu tried his best to eliminate the shadow in his heart while the iron was hot.

"From the time you walked in until now, you haven't coughed a word, haha... You are a smart person, so you naturally know what the problem is. If you look closely, those few smokers look like ordinary salarymen. They have worked hard all morning, and it is very easy to smoke a cigarette. Smoking is harmful to health, but a complete ban on smoking will not work for two hundred years. We must learn to coexist with smokers."

"Yeah! Compared to before, I'm much better. At least I don't have to wear a smoke mask everywhere." Xiaohe responded happily.

"That's good. However, the disease comes like a mountain and disappears like a thread. You still have some substantial problems with the circulation of qi and blood. We have to continue acupuncture. If the effect is good, just come once a week. Student. !free!"

"That's not possible. My family background is not bad. In addition, our publicly funded students have medical insurance. As long as the school doctor agrees to go abroad for medical treatment, your treatment expenses should be fully reimbursed."

"Really? A prestigious school is extraordinary! Then you have to spend money to stay in a hotel here!" Bian Mu said with a smile.

"It doesn't cost money to see a doctor or take medicine. My family can still afford the room fee, so don't worry about it!"

"That's up to you! We'll start the injection this afternoon."

"Okay! Thank you, Doctor Bian!"

"You're welcome! In addition, you have also seen that there are very few bad and tough bastards in this world. Most of them are fools who bully the weak and fear the strong. As long as you use the right methods and continue to exert a certain amount of resistance on them, most of them will Most of the time, they’ll back off.”

"What you said is very reasonable, but... this kind of thing is a bit difficult for me... In comparison, the difficulty of the college entrance examination does not seem to be that difficult." It is obvious that Xiaohe is afraid of difficulties. The emotions are quite heavy.

"To be honest! I was deliberately nosy just now, and your reaction was not bad at all! Take your time, the days will be long, I have confidence in you!"

"Then...should I learn some Chuanwu Kung Fu? You seem to have practiced it."

"I was forced to practice by my grandpa when I was a child, and my level is average. Now you start practicing from scratch... I see that your movements are very coordinated. As long as you can endure hardship, there is some use in practicing. It can also hone your character." Bian Mu replied with a smile.

"Then you will teach me?"

"Me?! The time and place are not suitable. Doesn't your school have a sports academy? Be thick-skinned and ask for help. Let's start practicing Changquan!"

"Okay! I'm usually the most afraid of asking for help. Let's temper myself this time!"

"That's right. Come to me when you have mastered it. On the street, the academic Chang Fist is useless. Then I will help you transform it into Song Zu Chang Fist."

"Then why not practice Songzu Changquan from the beginning?"

"You have zero foundation! The teachers from the Physical Education Institute will help me lay the foundation for you. They have a lot of time!"

"That's it! Then I'll go back and ask someone to teach me."

"Be thick-skinned, bring your student ID card, and ask for advice from one teacher after another. Retired is better, don't worry! There must be someone willing to teach. During the holidays, you must show something!"

"I understand! Thank you, Doctor Bian, for your advice!"

"We all hit it off right away, so you're welcome! The steamed dumplings are delicious. They're delicious with some sauce while they're hot!"

"Just because of the delicious food in this place, I have to come here once a week."

"Hahaha... welcome!" Bian Mu was amused and laughed.

Classmate Xiao He didn't understand at all, but Bian Mu was happy for him!

After going around in such a big circle, Bian Mu finally quietly opened the lock on his heart.

Otherwise, after more than ten years, Xiao He's cough will definitely turn into a real disease. By then, even a master of traditional Chinese medicine like Nie Yixiong will be helpless.

If things go on like this, the cough will trigger a series of negative reactions until the rust in Xiao He's heart is completely locked.

There will come a day in the future, when Xiao He will be about 45 years old, either in the office, on the subway, or in the cab of a car... his heart suddenly locks...

Xiaohe died suddenly immediately.

The relevant hospital finally determined: sudden cardiac death!

The future ending appeared clearly and picturesquely in Bian Mu's mind one after another. Seeing the young boy in his prime enjoying the food with relish, a chill of the impermanence of life suddenly arose in his heart.

Bian Mu couldn't help but shudder in his heart...

Bian Mu immediately thought of his dear mother and secretly made up his mind to find a way to overcome some meaningless obsessions, be more flexible and adaptable, and make a lot of money as soon as possible!

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