Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 33 Jiao Yueyun

Starting from the No. 179 road sign on the Panshan Highway at the foot of Cuiwei Mountain, I rode all the way back home. The total distance was more than 30 kilometers at least. I was fine when I came, full of energy and energy. Now I ride all the way back, and everything is great. Discounted.

Considering the long journey, Bian Mu did not dare to delay any longer.

"Brother! I came here on a bicycle. It's getting late today. Let's set off now. It will probably be dark when we get halfway there. I'll see you another day!"

"Hey! I forgot about this. Will you go to work tomorrow? If you have a day off tomorrow, why not stay here for one night? I still have a lot of things I want to talk to you about!"

"Sorry! Not only do I have to go to work tomorrow, I also have to quietly inquire about the detailed process of resignation. If it is as you predicted, the resistance from Ouyang Ziye should be negligible. However, it is not difficult to find out through this incident , 'Huikang' hospital is much more complicated than our hospital. In special moments, interpersonal conflicts may be quite intense. I have to make some preparations. There is a long way to go. Wait until I settle down at 'Huikang' Come down and I will definitely come and visit you." Bian Mu told the truth.

"That's it... Then I'll find someone to take you off. He's a road maintenance worker. He has a tool cart. Just put the bicycle on the bed of the cart. He'll do the line patrol work along the way, so there won't be any delay."

"No need! It's still too late to set off now. I'll try to get to the long-distance bus station before dark. Once there, I'll wander home. Don't worry! The road is easy to walk, and you can meet a lot of people along the way. Cycling enthusiasts, they exercise online almost every day, 365 days a year! Talking and laughing all the way, it’s time to exercise.”

"Okay then! I'll bring you some fruit or something. Besides, I see that you are quite interested in arithmetic. I've torn through those old books a long time ago. You can take them back with you and study them carefully. I'll also I have some experience notes and I’m giving them to you as well. You need to pack yours first and we won’t waste any time.” After that, Lao Pei asked his wife to prepare some food and drink for Bian Mu.

Before going out, Bian Mu found that Lao Pei and his wife had prepared two whole bags of food and drink for him. Although they had just met for less than a day, Lao Pei and his wife already regarded them as family members.

Bian Mu's current level of advanced mathematics is quite accomplished. Among the old thread-bound books, he only kept the "Xiahou Chou Annotations", and took out the other books and returned them to Lao Pei. The experience notes that Lao Pei gave him were But it was something that was hard to find, so Bian Mudan took it out and put it in his backpack. He had to study it carefully when he got back.

"Brother! Say hello to the other herbicide masters later. Don't go collecting herbs near the 'Hongnigou' in the near future. The toxicity of the 'Red Tail Scorpion' is at its peak. If something goes wrong, people will really die! As soon as I go back I will send you the secret recipe, and it will be much safer for you to go into the mountains in the future." Bian Mu gave Lao Pei a few words while packing his luggage.

"Okay! I'll go to the group chat later and have a good talk with the old brothers. You must be careful on the road! As soon as you arrive at the long-distance station, please tell me that you are safe!"

"Definitely! It's getting late, so I'll take the first step!"

"Bon Voyage!"

Watching Bian Mu striding away on the mountain road, Lao Pei and his wife turned around and walked towards the small courtyard in the mountain.

The forest ranger Lao Liangtou was still not at home, and he didn't look like he was traveling far away to look at the furnishings inside and outside the courtyard. Bian Mu put all his belongings on the stone table, took out his mobile phone and called Lao Liangtou.

I called five or six times but couldn't get through.

"Why did you walk so far today? Did something happen along the way?" Thinking of this, Bian Mu couldn't help but feel worried.

After thinking about it, Mr. Liang has called the mountains his home for decades. Unless there is an unexpected disaster that cannot be resisted by manpower, he should be able to cope with it.

Opening his backpack, Bian Mu took out a new plastic bag and filled it with some Ganoderma lucidum, camellia, Lao Pei's home-brewed liquor... and other things. Then he tore a page from a notebook and gave it to Lao Liangtou. I left a few words, and finally noted the exact time, indicating at what point I would return to the county.

This is a good habit that Bian Mu has maintained for many years.

After everything was packed up, Bian Mu rode his bicycle downhill along the mountain road towards the county town.

About half an hour later, Bian Mu met a group of outdoor cycling enthusiasts, several of whom were quite familiar with him. After exchanging greetings, everyone chatted and laughed all the way back to the city.

As the group of people rode quickly to the entrance of "Fenglingyu", they suddenly heard several car horns coming from behind.

Bian Mu and others hurriedly and politely avoided the situation. Unexpectedly, the whistle behind them continued to sound a few more times. Obviously, it was to greet someone in the motorcade.

Everyone turned around and saw that the owner of the off-road vehicle behind them turned out to be Bian Mu's friend.

"You are going back to Lishi! We are just passing through the city, so I want to give you a ride!" The person who spoke was Jiao Yueyun, an employee of "Yiyoukang" company.

"Hi! It's you! Why are you still walking behind me? I really can't ride anymore! It's all your fault!" After that, Bian Mu said goodbye to several cycling enthusiasts around him and rode on The bicycle followed the off-road vehicle for some distance.

Jiao Yueyun honked the horn several times in the cockpit, which meant that the company's work team would go first.

"Yiyoukang" company dispatched a total of two vehicles this time, one was a medium-sized tool vehicle, which carried a lot of things, including several camping tents, and the other was a medium-sized van with most of the employees on it. Sitting.

Feeling Bian Mu's sincere help, the drivers in the two cars honked their horns several times to say hello to Bian Mu.

Bian Mu waved to them in return.

The off-road vehicle that Jiao Yueyun drove looked like his own private car. Bian Mu was not very familiar with cars, but he did know a thing or two about the brand of off-road vehicle in front of him. The new model from the year before last cost at least more than 300,000 yuan. And it’s still 90% new.

"Jiao Yueyun's family is quite rich! Just driving a car costs more than 300,000, which is amazing!" Bian Mu thought to himself.

Jiao Yueyun parked the car firmly on the side of the road, opened the door, and pressed the switch to open the trunk door.

"Are you a native of Lishi?" Jiao Yueyun asked casually while helping Bian Mu put bicycles and other items in the car.

"Yes, I work at the county hospital."

"Oh! No wonder! Looking at your gentle manner, you turn out to be a doctor! Haha..."

"You guys, your company is located in Lijin City?"

"Well! We welcome you to our place when you have time, and treat you to a big dinner!"

"You're welcome!" As he spoke, Bian Mu closed the trunk tightly and got into the car with a smile.

Along the way, the two of them got along quite well while chatting. Bian Mu found that Jiao Yueyun had a good personality and was shrewd, so it was quite natural to get along with her.

During the chat, Jiao Yueyun mentioned that the chairman of their company was in a car accident some time ago, and he escaped the accident thanks to the rejuvenation of a young doctor at the county hospital.

Only then did Bian Mu realize that Mr. Luo turned out to be the chairman of "Yiyoukang" Pharmaceutical Group Company.

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