Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 12 Three worries

Others' words can fall on deaf ears, but Qian Xiaotong is different. The rich second generation is not in the same life channel as Bian Mu at all. The information he comes into contact with has always been very authentic.

Bian Mu felt that he had to seriously consider how to leave Lishi County First People's Hospital.

Before officially resigning, Bian Mu had three worries. If possible, he wanted to settle them all.

The first thing was that he had to find a way to completely subdue Jia Laoliu, so as to prevent that guy from causing any more trouble to his parents and little sister in the future.

If you punch someone, you have to prevent them from kicking you back. Jia Laoliu is a ruthless person, and he will definitely not be able to handle it after one or two fights. What's more, he is still relying on that rogue and ruthless aura to earn a living!

Jia Laoliu may fight tooth and nail for his job. If that happens, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

In a place like a small county town, no matter how good you are, it is difficult to hide the traces of your life quietly. The Xi family may not know what is going on with the Dong family, but you can find out through a little inquiry from the Bei family. Seven or eight.

"Everyone has a weakness, and Jia Laoliu is no exception. I really can't feel his pulse for a while. He is a slippery and biting loach. Without some skills, I really can't control him. Him." After thinking for a long time, Bian Mu couldn't think of any good ideas.

Bian Mu also had another concern: Why doesn't Dean Ma dislike him so much? !

When Bian Mu officially joined the job, Dean Ma was still serving as his vice president at a small hospital in Fengshi County, a neighboring county! Bian Mu couldn't compete with him. About half a year later, Dean Ma was transferred to Lishi County No. 1 Hospital and became the person in charge.

Dean Ma has a background in medical imaging and belongs to Western medicine. In terms of business, there is no intersection between his usual work and Bian Mu. What's more, Dean Ma has stopped engaging in this professional business for a long time. If nothing else, the relationship between the two There will never be any direct contact in this life.

In the hospital, Bian Mu concentrated on studying medical skills and hardly participated in other activities outside the hospital's business. Compared with activists like Liu Lifei, Bian Mu was like an outsider and would not attract any attention from Dean Ma.

"Could it be that... Dean Ma's relative or something is interested in the position in the Third Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine?! No way! I'm not a staff member, I'm just a standard temporary employee. Who would be interested in such a position?!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu couldn't help but shake his head slightly. He always felt that Dean Ma was quite deep and difficult to figure out.

To be fair, Dean Ma's reputation is not very bad. If he hadn't poked his lungs somewhere, there would be no need for Dean Ma to put his name at the top of the list of laid-off workers, and even let his reputation be ruined. .

The last troublesome thing fell on Kuang Yiheng.

Although Kuang Yiheng was quite annoying, Bian Mu didn't hate him. Before leaving, Bian Mu didn't even think about taking revenge on the old director.

However, after I worked in the private hospital founded by Qian Xiaotong's uncle, they would definitely send someone to Lishi County No. 1 Hospital to do a career investigation. Kuang Yiheng would definitely not be able to get around this hurdle. With Kuang Yiheng's kind of virtue, he would never say a good word about himself.

If you get to that point, it will be difficult for you to get along in "Huikang" Hospital. What's more, Director Ma will not say anything good. How can your situation in "Huikang" Hospital be better?

Naturally, Bian Mu wanted to scare Kuang Yiheng so that he would not dare to do anything wrong.

"Kuang Yiheng is so scheming, how can I outwit him? How difficult!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu couldn't help but look up at the ceiling, leaning his upper body lightly on the back of the chair, thinking about how to break the conventional thinking, and Pave the way for yourself so that Kuang Yiheng and Dean Ma will not develop into stumbling blocks on your own growth path.

Before I knew it, it was a long time before I got off work.

Bian Muguang was contemplating things. He didn't hear the slightest noise from his colleagues chatting and laughing in the corridor and rushing to the cafeteria.

After thinking about it, Bian Mu never came up with any good ideas. Feeling a little annoyed, he gently opened the drawer and took out three copper coins from the left corner of the drawer.

Those were three serious ancient coins of eight hundred. Bian Mu had seen them with experts. The "Lunar New Year coins" from the early Ming Dynasty were very rare in existence and could be worth a few dollars.

Seeing things and thinking about people, while playing with three ancient coins, his grandfather's kind and amiable face gradually appeared in Bian Mu's mind...

The three ancient coins in front of me are mascots specially gifted by Grandpa Bian Mu on his first birthday. According to local customs, carrying these three ancient coins around can play a "New Year's Eve" role. Grandpa hopes that Bian Mu will grow up. If you go slower, you will naturally live longer than your peers. It is best to easily pass the 100-year-old mark.

It has been six or seven years since my grandpa passed away. Bian Mute regrets that he was too slow to learn Chinese medicine. Otherwise, if he had mastered his medical skills earlier, his grandpa might still be alive and well!

Putting his hands together, Bian Mu muttered something silently in his heart, and threw it on the table, two words, one back, Yang Yao!

Bian Mu was going to make a fortune and ask about the future.

At this moment, the door of the consulting room was pushed open from the outside. The hand was a little strong and almost hit the inner wall.

Hearing the movement, Bian Mu raised his head and looked around. Who is this? So rude!

"Mr. Chen! What a coincidence! Dr. Bian happens to be inside and hasn't left yet! Come in quickly!" As he spoke, he saw the chief nurse, Sister Cai, leading several strangers into the room with a respectful look.

"Doctor Bian! Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Chen from the Fucheng Group. This is Doctor Bian. Please take a seat!" As he spoke, without saying anything, Head Nurse Cai greeted the four and five people very politely. Strangers took their seats everywhere.

Bian Mu quickly pulled the three ancient coins on the table into the drawer, closed it tightly, and then smiled and nodded at the so-called Mr. Chen.

"Mr. Chen! Hello!"

"Hello, Doctor Bian! I'm causing trouble for you!"

"You're welcome! I didn't know this..." Bian Mu asked with a smile.

Before Mr. Chen could reply, Nurse Cai said apologetically to Mr. Chen: "Sorry! Excuse me. There are some situations that Doctor Bian is not very clear about. Let me introduce them to him first." As she spoke, Nurse Kui Changchong winked at Bian Mu and motioned for him to follow him and say a few words.

Bian Mu understood, smiled politely at Mr. Chen and others, got up and followed Sister Cai to the door and stopped.

Lowering her voice, Nurse Cai quietly introduced: "This man is a big boss and a friend of Dean Ma. He just came out of Dean Ma's office. He had a tumor on his left kidney. He was scared to death! Dean Ma comforted him for a long time. , now his mood is much more stable. His wife is worried and insists on asking a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine immediately. All other colleagues have left work and they have gone to your place after looking for her. It’s really weird. You are really here. Please help. Let him watch the movie!"

Hearing this, Bian Mu couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"I haven't figured out what I offended Dean Ma in the early stage. Why did I end up in such trouble again? Really! Isn't this harming me!" Thinking of this, Bian Muding became even more depressed.

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