Pokémon: The Strongest Xiaomao

Chapter 126: Worse than trash (page 12)

At the Quartz Stadium, the second day of the decisive tournament came to an end, and the top eight players were officially announced.

In the end, the Atao player who had a lot of money failed to win a victory in Xiaomao's hands.

His Fat Keding fought fiercely with Xiao Mao's Armored Tyrannosaurus for four or five rounds, but the Armored Tyrannosaurus seized the opportunity and smashed it out of the field with a heavy-arm hammer.

However, Mr. Mao still shook hands with A Tao after the game.

"Keep up the good work in the future. You are welcome to come for revenge at any time." Mr. Mao said happily.

"I will~" A Tao's eyes were firm and he walked out on the catwalk.

The swaying figure made Xiao Mao really want to catch up and give him another kick...

The heads of the top eight have been displayed on the huge electronic screen in the stadium.

Xiaomao, Hiro, Lily, Mihara, Tetsuya. These are all star players, so there is nothing wrong with them advancing.

The remaining three are passerby A, cannon fodder B,

There is also a special person: Raven-Junsha.

Yes, this man is a boy from the Junsha family, and there is another special thing about him. He is the Quartz Conference champion in the original timeline!

Unlike A Tao, Raven is a tough guy.

Wearing a camouflage uniform and a black beret, he is about the same height as Mao Gongzi, who takes calcium supplements every day. He is nearly 1.7 meters tall at ten years old, and has obvious muscle lines all over his body. He is called the walking hormone of this conference...

Not only that, but the fighting style is also a hard-on type. The currently known Pokémon include Winddog, 3-in-1 Magnemite, and Weird Power!

Typical riot police configuration!

He is also one of Yulongdu’s most admired players.

The names on the big screen began to scroll randomly, and finally the eight-to-four battle groupings were officially determined!

Hiro vs Lily

Lei Wen vs Xiao Mao

Mihara vs Passerby

Tetsuya vs Cannon Fodder B!

Xiao Mao, who was squatting behind Squirtle and sipping milk tea, raised his head slightly, and he was in hell mode~

However, after thinking about it, there was also a fight between the two sides. Sooner or later, Mr. Mao would not be entangled.

Besides, Hiro and Lily, if it weren't for their relatively high exposure, their real strength would be that of soldier C and bandit D.

There's nothing wrong with novices pecking each other...

After the group announcement, the players left the stage. Xiaomao took Guigui and walked towards the outside of the venue.

"Do you feel disappointed because you didn't play today?" Mr. Mao asked Squirtle with his head lowered while holding the milk tea.

"Squirtle, Jenny~" Squirtle shook his head cautiously. As long as he could share his worries with his master, it was okay for him to hold milk tea!

"Yeah~ It doesn't matter. There will definitely be a chance for you to perform in the future." Xiao Mao said seriously.

After all, the next opponent’s ace is a fire Pokémon~

"Squirrel!" Squirtle nodded. In order to keep his job, he must go all out whether doing odd jobs or fighting!

"Xiao Mao~" When Xiao Mao walked out of the venue, he was surprised to see Xiao Zhi and Hiro waiting for him outside the venue.

"Well...congratulations on reaching the quarterfinals..." Xiaozhi said hesitantly.

"Come on, you didn't even watch my game today." Mr. Mao curled his lips.

"That's me!" Xiaozhi said anxiously.

Hiro on the side gave an aunty smile: "Well, you guys talk, I have to go back and prepare for the competition."

Xiaomao nodded: "Hong, work hard."

Hiro gave a thumbs up: "Of course, you too."

After saying that, the kid turned around and ran away, leaving Xiaozhi awkwardly in place, digging out a Pokémon Center with his toes...

"Oh~ So, what do you think?" Looking at Xiaozhi's appearance, Mr. Mao sighed.

"I lost..." Xiaozhi lowered his head with a frown.

"You idiot, am I asking you this?" Xiao Mao raised his eyebrows: "My strong enemy is someone who gives up so easily?"

"Xiao Mao~" Xiao Zhi finally raised his head.

Snapped! Xiao Mao punched Xiao Zhi on the shoulder: "If you are a strong opponent that I Xiao Mao recognizes, cheer up!

(ー`?ー)...hiss...it hurts! What material are your shoulders made of? ! "

Holding his fist and blowing it, Xiao Mao rolled his eyes angrily.

"(?˙▽˙?) Hehe, my body is strong." Xiaozhi held the back of his head and giggled.

"Xiao Zhi~" Xiao Mao became serious: "One alliance conference can't explain anything. Our duel will be left to the next conference. Remember, I am competing with you to see who becomes the Pokémon master first. Not just once The success or failure of league games.

If you don't catch up, I will take the world's number one throne! "

Xiaozhi's eyes gradually ignited with flames: "Xiao Mao, wait for me, I will surpass you! No matter how many times I fail, I will definitely catch up with you and then surpass you!"

"If you are ambitious, it's a deal." Xiao Mao said seriously.

"It's settled!" Xiaozhi nodded firmly.

"Okay, bring the fire-breathing dragon." Xiao Mao suddenly said.

"Ah? I brought it..." Xiaozhi nodded without knowing why.

"Follow me, I want to fight him." Xiao Mao turned and walked towards the training ground.

"Eh? Now? You have to compete tomorrow..." Xiaozhi advised as he walked.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon." Xiao Mao raised his lips: "Don't talk later, I want to educate it well."

"Uh... Mr. Mao, Charizard is still a child..." Xiaozhi said guiltily.

"That would be better. If the child disobeys, just give him a good beating..." Xiao Mao was very interested.

"Oh... I'll listen to you." Xiaozhi sighed, lowered his head and followed Xiaomao.

The outdoor training ground had become deserted as the game progressed from eight to four, with few people using it.

Xiao Mao stepped on the ground and took out two baby balls: "Take out your fire-breathing dragon!"

Xiaozhi swallowed: "Then get ready, Charizard, the decision is yours."

Throwing the baby ball, a white light flashed, and Ge You's fire-breathing dragon appeared in the center of the field.

Xiaozhi's Charizard glanced at Xiaomao, yawned, and continued to doze off with his eyes closed.

That’s because you don’t regard Mr. Mao as a human being at all!

"Haha...Um, Xiaomao, don't mind..." Xiaozhi also apologized silently.

"Hmph, Charizard, throw him back!" Xiao Mao threw the first baby ball first.

"Oh!!" Mao Pen, who had not been drinking recently and was already in a irritable mood, roared out.

Looking at the fire-breathing dragon lying in front of Ge You, Maofeng frowned tightly, that's it?

"Let him wake up." Xiao Mao waved his hand.

"Ouch!" Charizard thought for a while and came to Zhipei.

"Wow~" Xiaozhi's Charizard glanced sideways at Maofen, and his faint air of pretentiousness drifted away automatically.

Ever since he was promoted to be Ash's number one fighting force, Charizard has been floating around.

In fact, his problem is that he is arrogant. He is too arrogant and feels that he is the best in the world.

In fact, he's just a stunted fire-breathing dragon now. It was Xiaozhi who gave him so much confidence!

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