Chapter 75: The Unovian war Pt2
"So, what am I here for this time?" I said staring Yu straight in the face in another one of my dreams.
The plain was the same, the one I met strange time pokemon in.
"You need to find Zekrom," He told me,
I took a minute to process what he just said.
"Wait wait wait!" I said holding out my hands as if I was a stop sign.
"You want me to help the evil team?"
"Team rocket? You know,"
"The team I'm trying to stop?"
Yu sighed as if he knew he was going to have to go through this.
"Look.." He said looking at me with serious eyes.
I took a minute to listen to what he had to say knowing it would be important.
"Your job is to stop team Paradox, and set everything right,"
"If you don't stop them N won't be king and Unova won't go in the original course, Team Rocket will lose to Team Plasma and Ghetsis will have both dragons! He won't need N anymore."
"The world will be off balance, the exact opposite of why you're here."
He holds his head as if he had other news.
"Besides, If you don't do it Alijah will just force it out of you, and you'll be labeled as a traitor."
"Wait.." I said cutting him off.
"Why, no- How do you know of this before it happened?"
There was a moment of silence between the two of them before Yu finally spoke up.
"Let's just say, this isn't the first time we've met."
_______ __
Someone knocked on Giovanni's office door as he stared through his office window.
"Come in," Giovanni said, turning to the door suspecting Alijah, Mavery, or any other Admin, but there I stood looking at him with Determined eyes with Alijah by my side.
"Sir, I know where to find Zekrom," I said looking him straight in the eyes.
Giovanni turned his full attention to me, surprised that a lowly grunt knows this kind of information.
"Oh really?" Giovanni said with a snicker under his voice.
"I just need two members and half a day," I said holding up two fingers as I spoke.
"You expect me to believe that??" Giovanni snapped, cutting me off, I didn't expect a response like this, especially from him.
"I'm sick and tired of being led to a dead end!" Giovanni held his head from pure frustration, pure hatred.
"I need- I need progress," He calms down looking at the two of us,
"I need actual, capable grunts that know what they're doing!"
"I'm certain I know where it is sir!" I responded,
Alijah looked at me as if I made a mistake in correcting him.
"I'll accept any punishment if I don't! I promise you Zekrom will come to team rocket!"
Giovanni smiled in amusement,
"Ok, You have my permission, Go on ahead and grab anyone you need,"
"You have half the day if you don't come back with results," Giovanni smiled.
"I'll kill your friend,"
My heart sank, as I heard those words escape his lips,
I clenched my fists in frustration,
Alijah looks uneasy as if he too made a mistake.
"Yeah, I know all about your little plans."
Giovanni muttered to himself.
"You have nothing to hide from me,"
"Alijah!" Giovanni turned to Alijah,
"See it that he comes through or you too are going to be on the chopping block!"
Alijah nodded and looked at me, with eyes of pity, eyes of regret.
"Ok, you're on!" I said practically screaming before I ran out of the room.
Alijah looked back at Giovanni and began to follow me.
"With this Pokemon by my side!" Ghetsis shouted a shout of pure joy.
"I'll finally achieve my dream!"
"Father! Father! you're back!" N said with pure joy as he goes to huge Ghetsis.
When his presence entered the room the Reshiram stone began to glow,
with the fear of what might happen, he pushed N aside, knocking him to the ground.
"Stay back!" He shouted,
"Do you want to ruin all that I worked for!?"
N looked up at Ghetsis with pure fear and confusion.
"Get him out of my sight," Ghetsis said, turning back to his throne.
The plasma grunts pick up N by the arms and drag him out of the room.
N looks back at his father with eyes of sadness, not one of hatred but one of sadness and regret.
Ghetsis looked at the stone in his hands,
"It seems like he had more connection to the dragons than I first thought..."
Ghetsis thought out loud.
He then turned to the remaining grunts in the room.
"Go! Take the prince and find Zekrom!"
"With both of their powers combined! We'll crush team rocket once and for all!"
The team Plasma grunts all cheered from the speech he gave.
"Only a matter of time..."