Chapter 73: Tasked with a duty

"I'm N what's your name?" The boy asked looking at me with eyes of pure innocence and joy.

"I'm Ayuna," I said.

"Nice to meet you!" He said, holding out his hand for a handshake.

I was a bit hesitant, but I shook his hand.

"This is my room!" He said getting up and showing me around.

"Father gave it to me!"

"Father?" I looked at him confused.

"Ghetsis, he's my foster father." He said to me.

I heard the footsteps of grunts running outside the room.

"I got to go, sorry kid-" I turned to leave but N grabbed my arm to stop me from leaving.

"Won't you..stay a bit longer?"





"He's over there!"


The plasma grunts charged after the intruder ahead.

Alijah looked back with a smile.

"You guys sure are a pain." He said, throwing his pokeball a bright light came out blinding the grunts for a while and before they got a chance to react Gengar attacked eating the souls of some of the plasma grunts but

some got away for reinforcements.

"Let's go, Gengar!" Alijah said, running ahead with Gengar closely following him.

He kept running until he came across a room with huge doors.

"This must be where Ghetsis is hiding.." He said to himself before kicking it open.

"What..." Alijah said in shock.

As he looked around the room he saw that it was already empty, even the thrown.

"Did they already leave?" he muttered a bit disappointed.


"Hey..." I said as I played chess with N.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Tell me more..about this Ghetsis guy-" I said as I moved a chess piece.

"Well, he's a really nice guy."

"He wants to bring peace to mistreated Pokemon!" He continues, but for some reason, I don't believe it.

"He often tells me that, one day I'll be king but."

He moves a piece.

"I don't know if I'm ready for that-"

N looked a bit down as if he was reminded about something that he didn't want to remember.

"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll do fine!" I said with a smile.

N looked at me.



I moved a piece.

"When you're tasked with a duty, you were tasked with that duty for a reason," I said,

"You may not see it at first,"

"But people often see stuff inside of you that you can't even see."

"So next time when people are counting on you,"

"Don't ask yourself, 'Am I good enough' Ask yourself 'How can I be good enough'." I moved a piece.

"And when you're king, you can save all the Pokemon you want!" I said spreading my arms wide apart from each other to emphasize.

N smiled after hearing my words.

"Thanks," N smiled as he wiped his eyes.

"No problem!"

But really. I should be saying that to myself-

"But, promise me one thing.." N muttered,

"Yeah?" I responded awaiting his request


"Where are the others?" Kenzo asked a grunt who was restrained.

"I'm not saying anything!"

Kenzo looked at Oshawott and He looked back at Kenzo instantly knowing what he has to do.

Turning his Shell into a blade he walked closer to the grunt.

The grunt stared at him with fear as he approached.


"What will it be?"

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