Chapter 67: calm down Kyurem!
Everyone was in a panic as they saw the legendary beast rise once more.
Everyone except Ghetsis and Giovanni stood face-to-face with each other.
Ghetsis was amazed that the Pokemon of the legend actually stands before him.
Kyurem's movements this time were a lot more controlled taking out the team rocket grunts that were trying to stop it.
The two plasma grunts who were at Ghetsis's side watch on in horror as the beast plows through Giovanni's men killing some and injuring others.
"So I assume you're here to talk with me personally?"
Giovanni inquires as the fight goes on.
Ghetsis nodded.
"I want you and your men out of our region."
He raised his hand into the air.
"And that Kyurem, is coming with us."
He snapped his fingers and Team Plasma grunts came out of the bushes aiming what looks to be harpoons at the legendary beast.
"Fire!" They all shouted collectively as the spear sinks into the beast's skin.
Kyurem screeched out in pain and started to fight against the harpoons.
Ghetsis watches on with a devilish grin on his face.
"Soon power will be ours-"
He continues to say not paying attention to Giovanni who sent out a Nidoqueen to crack his skull against the ground.
Though the attack was stopped by one of his admin's Golurk.
"Lord Ghetsis is not to be touched by your filthy domesticated Pokemon!" The admin shouted.
Giovanni sent out his Nidoking and Kangaskan, and they turned their focus to the admin.
The admin quickly went for his other Pokemon but the Nidoking grabbed his arm and twisted it so far that it slowly peeled off.
The admin fell to the ground in pain, screaming at the top of his lungs as the Nidoking and Kangaskhan slowly approached him.. ultimately taking his life.
"Nidoqueen use Icebeam!" Giovanni commanded.
Nidoqueen pulled her head back, charging up a beam of ice, soon sending it straight at the Golurk.
Golurk was frozen solid.
The other admin tried to step up but was ultimately disposed of like the other one.
Giovanni's Pokemon make's their way to Ghetsis but he was ready,
Tossing out his hydreigon.
"Hydreigon! Use surf!!"
Hydreigon summoned waves from out of nowhere washing Giovanni's Pokemon away, Nidoking and Nidoqueen were knocked out by the attack but Khangaskhan could keep going.
"Khangaskhan, use bite!"
Khangaskhan opened its jaws wide and naws on one of the Hydreigon's necks.
"Hydreigon use dragon pulse!"
Hydreigon opened two of its head and charged a generated pulse of dragon energy at Khangaskhan at point-blank range.
Khangaskhan was unable to battle.
"Go! Ryhperior!"
__ __
"Woah this fight is getting pretty intense huh?" Chloe said as she watched Giovanni and Ghetsis duke it out.
There was an awkward silence beside the screaming grunts and she turned to me to see if I was even there.
Of course ...I wasn't.
"Your gonna be ok buddy..." I said as I sneaked up to the rampaging Kyruem, cutting off the ropes that were speared into him.
"Now to get rid of the spears..this will only hurt for a-" I pulled out one of the spears and it screeched in pain.
It then looks at me with a face full of rage, opening its mouth for a devastating attack. "Second..."
Chloe caught sight of me but by then it was too late.
"Ayuna!!" She screamed as Kyurem released it's attack on me.
Chloe fell to her knees in shock.
"Chloe??" Blue asked worried from her earpiece.
"Chloe what happened??"