Pokemon ouroboros


Waking up to see the dank forest with fresh morning dew, Avan woke up. he decided to do move training which he never did before. sending out of all his pokemon, he was ready to start

"Gallade you practice strengthening your arms and blades. try cutting deep into trees and heal yourself and the others with heal pulse"
"Honedge you practice shadow sneak on the trees. try strengthening your blade on the trees also"

"Feebas uh, you just flap about I guess"

"Larvesta try to practice bug bite and flame char- actually don't do that, don't burn down the forest"

"Sewaddle also practice bug bite. also practice making clothes"

because he doesn't have much to do, he decided to teach his sister some basic vocabulary. she seemed smart and could probably talk after a while

after a couple of hours of training, Avan set off for Skyarrow bridge

It was a noble and magnificent bridge with obviously a lot of more investment into making it sturdy

apparently a long time ago in ancient Unova, the bridge was wooden and was used to trade goods. merchants had to use the bridge to cross from Castilla city.

Due to being a vital part for merchants, it's been destroyed a lot in wars. it seems like they invested a lot more money to make it sturdy and secure

walking down the bridge, avan was surprised by the sheer amount of Duckett on the bridge. there mischievous and love to steal things so avan sent out gallade to intimidate the weak Ducklett off.

the bridge took approximately 15 minutes to walk through, avan kept looking over the bannister to see the sparkling sapphire ocean and the people walking through the bridge with a vaniallite cone and a smile, which made him smile.

"Guess this world isn't too bad huh?" he thought as he looked towards the sparkling sun. all he has to do is go and give alder his sister and then leave the region in an attempt to find stronger pokemon. he knows that he wants to go to Sinnoh to catch a gibble or gabite . it's easily one of the strongest pokemon and it can also mega evolve

he doesn't know what to catch for electric type pokemon and flying type but hey-ho I will cross that bridge when I get there

crossing the bridge, Avan arrived at Castelia City the city has the biggest bit of archetutire due to be considered the capital of Unova. nightlife is bustling and trade is well. the gym leader is a model and his leavanny could make clothes that could withstand a blow from an lv 30 gurdurr which is impressive in its own right. unfortunately, bug type pokemon isn't the strongest type but he's got a powerful true team that is much more powerful than his gym provided one

He decided to have some fun in this city. it was a nice city. he let his sister come out and walk, holding his hand walking on two's. Avan has never been so proud before.

His day was just L O V E L Y until team plasma tried to snatch his sister

what the fuck, this is why he's protective of her. 2 seconds and she's already nearly got snatched. He takes whatever he said about this world being right . 

"Welp, my pokemon haven't had someone to fight against for a while"
"Gallade come out"

"Give her to me kid or suffer the consequences" the grunt shouted

"Why do you want her? are you some nonce or something?"

"You little S-shit!" The grunt said angrily 

"Druddigon come out!"

It was Avans first time meeting a dragon type. unfortunately, Druddigon looked like if a child tried to draw a dragon and drew zig zags as spikes

"Druddigon use heat Wave!"

Using a special attack moves on a physical attacker? cringe.

"Gallade , teleport behind and use night slash!"

Gallade teleported behind druddigon but was blocked by drudidggon hands, which managed to block the attack

"Druddigon use Outrage!" 

My god, this trainer is stronger than expected

outrage trades power for sanity. it's like a berserk move in video games

"use teleport and stay afloat, don't touch the ground!" Avan commanded. Druddigon cant fly with its stubby little wings. its more based in ground combat

"Druddigon use earthquake!" The grunt commanded.

but druddigon didn't care about its trainer's request and instead kept on a rampage

Civilians were running from the rampaging druddigon which was trying to destroy everything 

A moment of silence for the food stands please Avan thought, saddened by the waste of food.

Suddenly there was a voice filled with elegance

"Well well,  can't have this in my city," The person said in a high pitched tone with a smile

"Vespiqueen use power gem." The person commanded

Druddigon was too busy trying to destroy everything that he didn't notice a powerful power gem heading straight for it

When the power gem hit, a cliche cloud of dust arisen and covered a big portion of the ground 

"Well, well," He said while looking at the grunt, who was scared shitless

"You team plasma people have a lack of elegance and beauty" he said

"G-gym l-leader burgh?"

"I'm surprised that somebody of your intelligence actually knows my name," Burgh said with a  giggle.

"You're coming with me. and your friend?" 

Avan was gone. he was technically a criminal so being a presence of a gym leader isn't a good idea

he was long gone out of Castelia City

Route 4 was a long desert-style route with pokemon that avan was interesting in. Deciding why not he caught a darumaka and a sandile since they are both strong pokemon. Avan doesn't care about the rule of 6 in pokemon as he will probably just cultivate lots of strong pokemon.

Krookidile is a fast physical ground/dark type pokemon that could be useful

Darminatan is a strong and fast and powerful pokemon with the ability sheer force which removes the recoil damage from his attacks. so blare blitz doesn't have recoil. that's broken

While thinking of strategy, Larvesta suddenly got out of his pokeball





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