Pokemon ouroboros


Seeing the trainer bleed, Honedge couldn't suppress its greed as it went and absorbed the life force out of the trainer. Most of the ghost types have the ability to absorb lifeforce and drink blood to get stronger. However, that doesn't mean Avan will go on a killing rampage to get stronger. In fact, he'll become strong fast with the way it's going.

Finally, the grunt body fell. After seeing the body Avan had the urge to throw up but repressed and moved on. It's the first time he has to kill but he's sure it won't be the last

"Honedge come back" Avan recalled Honedge 

Looking at the half-dead seviper, Avan decided to not take another life today. Smashing its Pokeball with his foot, he set it free. Although the Pokeball doesn't have anything to force the pokemon to love the trainer,  they have a module that means they will be more friendly. However, when the Pokeball is broken the module breaks down.

Seviper scuttled into the grass, never seen again

Avan had to think of the game plan to escape and what town to go to. Perhaps go to a gym leader and request help? 

Potentially might work but gym leaders are normally busy. It's a hard decision due to having no kinda experience in this matter. but there is one clear fact. He needs to protect his sister at all costs as he can't take the risk of losing her.

"Kirlia, use the lowest power hypnosis you can do," Avan said in a low tone while pointing at Andrea 

Kirlia did as obliged and put Andrea to sleep

"Kirilia grab some sticks, bend it into a carrier using your psychic energy"

bending some sticks and looping them is an easy task for kirlia so he did it with ease

"Time to get moving" Avan muttered

There destination? 

The nearest town

"Long time no see Benga" Ghestsis looks at Benga with a smirk

"Ghestis" Benga said with hatred in his eyes

"Hows the golur-" Ghetsis smiled

"Shut up ghestsis," Benga said not even sparing him as the words

"Touchy subject?"  Ghetsis said with a laugh

"Cut the mind games out Ghetsis," Benga said

Golurk and Volcorona was easily his biggest failure in life. Both were the first pokemon he ever created. Golett being his first soul bending pokemon and Volocorona as the family heritage.

"It took 7 of you last time so why do you think you can take me on alone?"

Suddenly Ghetsis gave a cunning smile

He threw six pokeballs into the air showing 6 Electrodes

"Electrodes Use explosion"

Suddenly a white light engulfed the mansion as a massive wave of the explosion blew it up completely

Suddenly, A gust of wind hit Avans head and made Andrea wake up and start crying

"Hmm?" Avan said while turning around to see a massive cloud of smoke rise above his mansion he called home.

"Kirlia teleport. now" He said while looking to the mansion 

due to ralts evolution into Kirlia, his teleports reached double the length 

So in 2 or more teleports, Avan was there 

His so-called Home. Reduced to rubble. Corpses Both Team Plasma and servants into the rubble.

Searching through the rubble, Avan prayed to whatever god is out there that his family was fine. After all, they were the ones who stayed behind to help servants and chefs.

What even happened here? A suicide bomb? Terrorist attack?

One thing is clear, however. its Team plasmas fault

Searching through the rubble, he saw a familiar face.

"Oh god Oh no no no no no Please"

It was Veronica. The maid was holding a child in her arms. The child seemed bearly alive. Even in her final moments, She was protecting someone else. Using Kirlias heal pulse, The child woke up gasping for air

"Boy. Speak what happened?"

"Sir Avan? I don't know, I was training to be a chef with veronica when your mother came in and told us to run away. The next minute there was a blaring light and I got knocked out. What happened"

The trainee Chef looked around as he saw all the bodies and blood around. He started to throw up everywhere and I don't blame him, I had the urge to do it myself

suddenly,  A blue orb raised from everybody some green, some blue, some black some orange.

These are the souls of the people here that are dead. 

"Kirlia go get some wood," Avan said with a hint of sadness.

He was planning to give the best Funeral any person at his stage could get.

He was planning on making Veronica soul as a pokemon. so she can live free and nice without any worry. Call it selfish or call it cruel. in his eyes, she can finally start a new life 

Kirlia is fast due to such a minor thing as collecting wood.

"I need to hurry up I don't have much time till the police and gym leaders come." after all that explosion could be heard from miles away

The pokemon that's kind to all but to those who hurts its forest and the pokemon close to it. Trevanant and Phantump

Such a perfect fitting pokemon for Veronica?

With a heavy heart, he decided to do the ritual.

Her soul was a split soul of The strongest Green and Blue Avan has ever seen

Avan has no interest in making this Phantump into his pokemon. he wants her to roam free with no struggles in life

With the ouroboros seal on the wood as a catalyst to hold Phantump, Avan does the hand signs

As expected. A soul mutation

The needle shoot at the just born Phantump and my heart. I didn't flinch away as I embraced it 

The Phantump went under a metamorphosis as the needle hit it 

The normally brown husk of wood on its face became silver as the leaves turned dark red. Its red pupils became a sparkling blue,

Once its finished, It looked at me with a curious look. It shook its head around me and giggled. I started crying. In the  7  years in this world, Veronica was always there

"Go free little one," Avan said to the phantump

"Go free and protect the forest and its inhabitants"




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