Chapter 7: CHAPTER 6
006 Parents! Twisted Spoon (For Flowers)
At dusk, Qin Yun's sister and parents returned home, their excitement evident upon learning that he had obtained a Pokémon with medium potential.
His father, a man in his forties with a resolute face weathered by years of hard work, couldn't contain his emotions. His calloused hands trembled as he gripped Qin Yun's shoulders, his voice thick with emotion as he repeated the same words.
"Good! Good! Good!"
At this moment, Qin Yun understood the weight of his family's expectations. They had always refrained from pressuring him, but now that he had Ralts a Pokémon with rare purple potential their hope was rekindled.
As long as Qin Yun trained Ralts properly and didn't take unnecessary risks, he had a solid path to becoming an Elite Trainer.
To achieve that rank, a trainer needed at least three Pokémon at the elite level and had to apply for certification no additional assessments were required. With Ralts' innate potential, reaching that stage was not only possible but highly likely. After that, capturing and training additional Pokémon would be much easier.
The key was to avoid overly dangerous areas.
Meanwhile, Ralts had warmed up to Qin Xin, Qin Yun's younger sister. Initially wary of strangers, she had relaxed after Qin Yun reassured her that they were family.
"Xiaoyun, now that you have Ralts, you must take training seriously," Father Qin advised, his tone a mix of concern and encouragement. "Becoming a great trainer is not easy."
"Hah, our son knows more than you do," Mother Qin interjected with a teasing smile. "There's no need to nag."
"That's right," his sister chimed in, beaming. "Xiaoyun has always been responsible."
Looking at his family's joy, Qin Yun silently vowed to protect them no matter what.
Shopping for Essentials
After dinner, Qin Yun took Ralts out to shop for essential trainer supplies.
Ralts, much like a young child experiencing the outside world for the first time, was both curious and timid, clinging to Qin Yun whenever something startled her.
Raising Pokémon wasn't simple. Proper care and training required knowledge, patience, and resources. Qin Yun planned to take Ralts into the wild for training the next day, so he needed to prepare.
He purchased a Pokémon bed, bath towels, blankets, specialized shampoo, insect repellent, Pokémon sprays, and a portable tent. These essentials, along with field survival gear, cost a hefty 6,000 Pokémon dollars.
For an average trainer, such an expense would have been painful. However, thanks to his 100-fold increase ability, Qin Yun had accumulated over 20 million Pokémon dollars, making this a trivial cost.
Returning home, he spent some time setting up Ralts' cozy new bed, making sure it was soft and comfortable.
"Ralts, this is your bed," he said, satisfied with the setup.
But to his surprise, Ralts didn't seem pleased.
"What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"
She nodded.
Qin Yun tilted his head. "Why?"
Ralts pointed at her designated bed, then shook her head. After that, she pointed at Qin Yun's sleeping area and smiled happily.
Qin Yun immediately understood. "Oh, so you don't want to sleep alone? You want to sleep with me?"
Ralts eagerly jumped into his arms, nuzzling against him in a way that was both affectionate and mischievous.
"I really can't say no to you," Qin Yun chuckled. "Alright, we'll sleep together tonight."
Before bed, he retrieved an item from his system inventory a Twisted Spoon and handed it to Ralts.
Twisted Spoon & Battle Mechanics
The Twisted Spoon was infused with psychic energy. While its power was imperceptible to humans, it was irresistible to Pokémon of the Psychic type.
Ralts' eyes lit up as she clutched it, her small body trembling with excitement. She twirled happily, overwhelmed with joy.
The Twisted Spoon wasn't just a toy it enhanced the power of Psychic-type moves by 1.2 times, making it a valuable battle asset.
While this world wasn't a game, many mechanics were similar. A Pokémon's battle performance depended on multiple factors:
1. Type Advantage – Moves had varying effectiveness depending on the target's type.
"Super effective", "Normal damage", "Not very effective", or "No effect" determined combat outcomes.
2. Same-Type Attack Bonus (STAB) – Moves matching a Pokémon's type gained a 1.5x power boost.
3. Critical Hits – Attacks could deal increased damage based on situational factors.
4. Abilities, Weather, Items, and Status Conditions – These further influenced battle strategies.
Trainers who only focused on raw strength without considering these aspects were bound to fail. Strategic synergy was key to mastering Pokémon battles.
Seeing Ralts' enthusiasm, Qin Yun smiled warmly. "Alright, little one. Time for bed—we have training tomorrow."
A Restless Dream
Ralts curled up against Qin Yun, holding the Twisted Spoon close to her chest like a precious treasure.
Her warmth was comforting, and Qin Yun soon drifted into sleep.
That night, he had a strange dream—he was holding Ralts in his arms when she suddenly transformed into a beautiful girl.
The dream version of Ralts smiled at him, and in the next moment, she evolved into Gardevoir…
Qin Yun jolted awake, shaking his head.
"What was I even dreaming about…?"
The Next Morning
Qin Yun was woken up by Ralts' excited chirping.
"Lalu! Lalu!"
She clung to his arm, resembling a three- or four-year-old child eager to start the day.
Seeing her bright expression, Qin Yun suddenly recalled his dream and quickly dismissed the thought. "Focus, Qin Yun. Don't get distracted."
He rubbed her head gently. "Are you hungry?"
Ralts nodded enthusiastically and climbed onto his chest, snuggling close. To her, this was the safest and most comfortable place in the world.
"You're such a spoiled little thing," Qin Yun chuckled, but he didn't mind at all.
Today, however, was an important day. "We're heading into the wild for training—are you afraid?"
Ralts flinched slightly at the mention of the wild. But after a moment, she thought about her trainer and puffed up her tiny chest, blushing slightly before burying her face into his arms.
"I'll take that as a yes," Qin Yun teased. "Don't worry, I'll protect you."
He got up, retrieved an Energy Cube, and prepared breakfast for his sister before heading out on his bicycle with Ralts.
Their first adventure into the wild was about to begin.