Pokémon: Gyarados Evolution

Chapter 26

With the addition of Baby Dragon, the wolfhound became obviously busier at night.

This energetic little guy is extremely energetic, and he sneaks away from time to time when Jon is not paying attention.

Every time he is brought back by the wolfhound, but he never changes his ways.

To be honest, Jon likes this feeling very much when living in the wild.

Although humans are essentially social creatures, the more people there are, the more secure and stable they will feel.

However, with the company of the wolfhounds, he does not feel lonely.

Unlike living in a town, he has to worry about the unknown tomorrow every day. Here, there are countless foods, and even if Jon lives here for a year or two, he can hardly spend much money.

However, in terms of improving the strength of Pokémon, the wild environment will be insufficient.

Pokémon not only need hard training and balanced nutrition, but also some special items that can promote growth.

Therefore, this is also an important reason why, even though wild Pokémon fight for food every day, few of them can successfully evolve into their final evolutionary form.

However, the environment in the wild is also a major problem that needs to be overcome.

For example, even if Jon has made a fire, the temperature is getting lower and lower as the night deepens.

Baby Dragon has just been born and cannot adapt to such low temperatures.

After drinking the night milk, it squeezed hard in Jon's arms and fell asleep comfortably.

The big wolfhound also fell asleep soon, leaving Gyarados to guard the night today.

After a night of rest, Jon set off again in the morning of the next day with the big wolfhound.

Their goal is already within reach, and the surrounding vegetation is slowly decreasing, as if it was eroded by the wasteland.

The big wolfhound has been in front, trying to find a better way to go. In the end, they successfully passed through the forest and reached their destination smoothly.

Anyway, the target is no longer the giant jaw ants, so Jon immediately changed his plan to a journey to find ore.

The sky was filled with heavy clouds, like a huge gray curtain, which made people feel a little breathless.

Jon couldn't wait to run to the open space, but when he finally saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but burst out a swear word.


It was not that they were about to reach their destination. In front of them was a steep canyon, as if the earth was split by a huge axe, and it was bottomless.

He was still at a high place, and the wind was whistling in his ears, as if it was going to push him into the abyss.

The cliffs on both sides were as straight as a knife, with jagged rocks and a ferocious breath.

Even the big wolfhound next to him couldn't help but shake his head helplessly, and its gray hair fluttered in the wind.

However, it was still very responsible to take the lead in checking where the safe position was.

After several long hours, the clouds in the sky became lower and lower, as if a torrential rain would pour down at any time.

Finally, we successfully reached the bottom of the canyon. The land under our feet was covered with sharp gravel and withered weeds, and there was a rotten smell all around.

However, this situation was caused by my choice of taking a detour.

However, there was nothing we could do about it, after all, safety is always the first priority.

Jon's luck was pretty good, and he found a cave not far away.

The stone walls around the cave were covered with dark green moss, and some unknown ferns grew tenaciously from the cracks in the rocks.

Generally speaking, precious ores are often in such caves.

According to the trainer who had fought with him before, there was an extremely powerful Pokémon here, and I don't know if it would be in this cave.

Moreover, many rock-type or ground-type Pokémon have the habit of collecting ores. They will take those ores for themselves, consume those that are useful to them, and collect those that are useless as treasures.

He took out a flashlight from his backpack, turned on the switch, and the bright light illuminated the front. He walked carefully towards the cave entrance.

Some tiny mosquitoes were flying around the cave entrance. The air in the cave was filled with a damp and stale smell. Water dripped from the wall from time to time, making a crisp ticking sound.

Fortunately, once there is danger, the alert wolfhound will find it in advance.

The interior of the cave is very deep and extremely dark, but fortunately there is almost no water on the ground.

After a while, a slope of about 30 degrees was seen. From a distance, two roads were forked at the end of the slope.

Cave entranceOne was relatively large and dark inside, and the other was about the same height as Jon and looked relatively narrow.

He decisively chose the smaller cave entrance at the back.

This road was very flat, and it could be seen that the cave entrance here had been formed for quite a long time.

Occasionally there were some glittering minerals on the stone wall, but a closer look showed that they were not the precious ores he expected.

However, along the way, he did not find any valuable ores that could be sold.

"No hurry, the cave is still very deep."

Jon tried hard to suppress his inner uneasiness, he really needed money now.

In order to make Baby Dragon evolve earlier, the cost required is extremely high. If it is based on the natural growth progress of Baby Dragon, it may not be able to evolve into Dragonite even after ten years.

After all, the higher the potential of the Pokémon, the more difficult the process of its growth and formation will be.

Only after Baby Dragon successfully evolves into Dragonite will its strength have a qualitative leap.

Therefore, family and background are particularly important in the growth of Pokémon trainers.

Almost no one can successfully become the four kings of a region by relying solely on their own strength.

The cultivation process of Pokémon is often accompanied by a large amount of capital flow.

From Pokémon food, medicine, training equipment, to the cost of participating in various competitions, etc., all require strong financial support.

Without funding, it is extremely difficult to achieve significant achievements on this road.

This is why in this world, although the population is large, there are relatively few people who choose to become Pokémon trainers.

There are tens of thousands of people participating in each region in each league conference, but in the end, the number of people who can successfully defeat eight gyms and qualify for the league competition will not even exceed one thousand.

In addition to those who were unfortunately killed in accidents on the way, most of the rest are those who do not really have enough strength to carefully cultivate their own Pokémon.

Perhaps because of the lack of funds, or because of the lack of professional guidance and resources, they can only helplessly give up halfway on this challenging road.

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