Pokémon Bond Skin God

Chapter 795

Muto: "What about Yukira?"

Zhou Xin: "It evolved, this bankiras is, but its mother poachers captured it."

Muto: "The abominable poaching group, who came to Baiyin Mountain several times, failed to catch them."

Zhou Xin: "I have sent the owl Nighthawk to catch up, and when they stop, the owl Nighthawk will come back and tell us the location."

Muto: "Thank you for your help."

Small class: "Yuki."

Zhou Xin: "Don't worry, Xiaoban, a few of us will definitely think of a way to save your mother."

Small class: "Yuki."

Muto: "Don't worry, Koban."

Ban Kirass was scared when he saw the stranger, and hid directly behind Zhou Xin, the huge size, Zhou Xin could not stop, it was really funny.

Muto: "What's going on?"

Zhou Xin: "This Banquiras, it is very afraid of life."

The other side.

Musashi: "Please take us as apprentices."

Kojiro, meow: "Please, please."

Gul: "Oh, contemplation, oh, my shoulders are sore."

Kirk: "Me too."

Fat Bo: "Me too."

Musashi Kojiro meowed: "Let's help you with a massage."

Musashi: "Boss Gul, how is it?"

Meow: "Mr. Chiko's invention is genius, meow."

Kojiro: "Mr. Fatami, your muscles are amazing."

Gul: "What do you think?"

Kiko: "I've wanted subordinates since I used to."

Fat Bo: "And these guys seem to be very useful."

Gul: "It's also a boat for ferrymen, so I'll take you as apprentices."

The owl Nighthawk flew back.

Musashi Kojiro meowed: "Thank you so much, thank you so much."

Gul: "You guys snatch another bangiras and Pikachu from the imps who entered the forest, and this is the first job."

Kirk: "I can lend you my robot."

Fat Bo: "Work hard."

Musashi Kojiro meowed: "Got it."

Musashi: "Let's go, Kojiro Meow."

Meow: "Wow wow wow, this robot is great."

Musashi: "The battle plan of the worship master is very successful, and you can get such a good robot for free."

Kojiro: "You can get the bangiras later."

Meow: "We're going to take it all, Meow."

Sure enough: "Sonas."

Fat Bo: "Boss, what if they don't return the robot?"

Gul: "Our poaching in this forest is almost over, we don't have to stay longer if we catch Banquiras, and when those people attract the attention of the Pokémon Protection Officer, we take the opportunity to slip away, which is called an emergency."

Qike, Fat Bo: "So it is, it is worthy of being the boss."

Gul: "It's okay."

Bankiras, who is bound by a Pokémon bag, is still struggling, and the Pokémon bag is made according to the principle of the Pokéball, but it is that kind of bandage, the more you struggle, the tighter it is wrapped, and Bankiras cannot be untied without claws.

Chiko: "It's useless to struggle, it's a prop that binds tighter the more you struggle."

Gul: "This class of Russ is much larger than the average one, and its value is high."

The owl Nighthawk returned to Zhou Xin and them.

Annie: "Owl Nighthawk, have you found out their whereabouts?"

The owl Nighthawk nodded.

Pink: "You've done a great job, Owl Nighthawk."

Zhou Xin: "Okay, we'll go now."

Zhou Xin, Pikachu, Xiao Ban, Annie, Pink, Miss Muto, and her Mighty Crocodile follow the owl Nighthawk to find the poaching group.

Musashi: "Stop."

Pink: "What's wrong?"

Musashi: "Since you asked sincerely."

Kojiro: "We'll tell you mercifully."

Musashi: "To take away the Pokémon of this mountain."

Kojiro: "And then to get Pikachu."

Musashi: "Worship the poaching syndicate as a master."

Kojiro: "Cute and charming villain."

Musashi: "Musashi."

Kojiro: "Kojiro."

Musashi: "The unscrupulous Rocket Team duo with a low voice."

Kojiro: "The final victory, the victorious V is waiting for us."

Meow: "That's it, Meow."

Sure enough: "Sonas."

Pink: "You guys again, Team Rocket."

Muto: "Isn't it a poaching syndicate?"

Zhou Xin: "They are not the ones who took Banquiras, the poaching syndicate is another group of people."

Musashi: "Didn't I say it just now, we worship them as teachers."

Kojiro: "So now we're also poachers."

Meow: "But we'll betray in a minute, Meow."

Musashi: "That's it."

Kojiro: "We are today."

Meow: "Be sure to grab Pikachu, Meow, Pokémon Bag, launch."

Zhou Xin: "Pikachu, 100,000 volts."

Muto: "Mighty crocodile, attack with water cannons."

The Pokémon bag's missile was shot back.

Kojiro: "Come here."

Musashi: "Meow, stop it."

Meow: "I won't, meow."

Team Rocket was hit by the Pokémon bag's missile, wrapped up, flew into the sky, and turned into a star.

"What a nasty feeling." Today's Rockets are not the first villain, and they exit relatively quickly.

The three of them escaped in Team Rocket's hot air balloon.

Gul: "They really don't work."

Kirk: "But my machine is useful, start."

Chico pressed the switch of the remote control.

The suddenly activated robot stretched out two long iron hands, startling Zhou Xin and them.

Annie: "Team Rocket is no longer there, why are they still there?"

One iron hand captured the powerful crocodile, and the other wanted to grab Pikachu, and Pikachu directly repelled this iron hand with an iron tail.

It seems that the materials used by this robot are very good, and Pikachu's iron tail cannot break the iron hand.

Chiko: "Hahaha, my capture robot can be operated by remote control."

Gul: "We've caught the crocodile."

Pink: "Miss Muto, that's the poaching syndicate."

Muto: "That's them."

Gul: "Kirk, hold them."

Kiko continuously launched Pokémon bags and tied up Anne Pink Muto, and Pikachu and Zhou Xin easily dodged.

Gul: "It's quite powerful, this place can't stay, let's run away quickly."

Chiko, Fat Bo: "Obey."

Zhou Xin: "It's time for you to make a move, Xiaoban, go and save your mother, you finally saw your mother, now your mother is about to be taken away by the bad guys, you don't do it, who will do it, come on, Xiaoban."

Although Zhou Xin and Pikachu can easily solve it, it will be better to hand it over to the timid class, perhaps, after this battle, it will be brave.

Elementary class: "Yuki, ahhhhh

Kiko: "My head hurts too."

Fat Bo: "My head hurts."

Gul: "Kiko, run away."

Kirk: "Obey."

To be continued....


Pokémon, they are creatures that are both mysterious and incredible. Some Pokémon live friendly with humans, while some wild Pokémon inhabit grass, caves, or the sea.

There are still many mysteries about their ecology that humans have failed to solve.

Pokémon are born from eggs, and many Pokémon can evolve into another Pokémon to become larger or more powerful. Pokémon can learn various moves, and use them to fight or perform various activities.

There are currently 905 known types of Pokémon. According to its characteristics, it can be divided into 18 properties.

There are also Pokémon that have 2 attributes.

The mutual restraint between attributes greatly affects the battle.

The flexible use of attribute phases gives trainers an advantage in battles.

As a friend and companion of humans, Pokémon can complete a variety of activities with humans, such as building houses, carrying furniture, cooking, rock climbing, expeditions, and even flying into the sky. Wild Pokémon can be found in various places such as grass, water, caves, sand, swamps, seabed, and air.

Many humans in the Pokémon world will travel with Pokémon to participate in gorgeous contests to win ribbon medals.

There are also people who collect badges and challenge the Pokémon Alliance, such people are called Pokémon trainers, they will let Pokémon fight other trainers or wild Pokémon, by using the cooperation between Pokémon with different attributes, and fully consider characteristics, matching moves and carrying props, cultivate abilities, and create a strong Pokémon team.

Some Pokémon can even speak human language, such as Team Rocket's Meow.

The anime reveals more about the history of humans and Pokémon, such as the Pokéball is an item that only appeared in recent times, and the Poké Ball used by Dr. Ohki as a teenager is also different from the modern one.

Before the invention and mass production of the Pokéball, people in the Johto area also used cones to catch Pokémon. In ancient times, Pokémon were called "Warcraft", and humans used Warcraft equipment to control this creature.

First Generation Guandu Region

Initial Pokémon: Little Fire Dragon, Magic Frog Seed, Jeni Turtle, Pikachu

Legend Pokémon: Frozen Bird, Flame Bird, Lightning Bird, Super Fantasy Pokémon: Fantasy Second Generation Chengdu Area

Initial Pokémon: Fireball Mouse, Chrysanthemum Leaf, Little Saw Crocodile Legend Pokémon

: Phoenix King, Lokia, Water Lord, Yan Emperor, Lei Gong

Phantom Pokémon: Time Rabi

3rd Generation Fangyuan Place

Initial Pokémon: Fire Chicken, Wooden Moriya, Water Leaping Fish

Legend Pokémon: Regilock, Reggie Ace, Regis Chiru, Latios, Ladias, Gurado, Gaioka, Flying Sky

Phantom Pokémon: Daiochisis, Kiraji

Fourth Generation Sinnoh

Place Initial Pokémon: Little Flame Monkey, Grass Turtle, Bogamand

Legendary Pokémon: Diya Luca, Palukia, Riding Latina, Emlidor, Yaknom, Yukehi, Kresselia, Sidoran, Regičkas

: Shemi, Darkrai, Manafei, Fiona, Arceus

Fifth Generation United Place

Initial Pokémon: Warm Pig, Vine Snake, Otter Legend Pokémon:

Lehiram, Czechrom, Chief Reim, Gopaluon, Derakion, Biligion, Tornado Cloud, Thunder Cloud, Land Cloud

Pokémon: Caludio, Meloyeta, Gaynotsekt, Bixtini

6th Generation Jack Rolla Islands

Initial Pokémon: Firefox, Harri, Croaking Bubble Frog

Legend Pokémon: Djernias, Ipertal, Kigald

Phantom Pokémon: Tianhi, Polkenion, Huba

VII Alora region

Initial Pokémon: Fire Spot Meow, Mumu Meow, Ball Ball Sea Lion

Legend Pokémon: Cosmogu, Cosmom, Solgaleo, Lunaiyara, Neklozma, Kapu Naruming, Kapu Butterfly, Kapu Moo, Kapu Fin Fin, Attributes: Empty, Silver Companion War Beast

Phantom Pokémon: Majiyana, Masiado, Terraola, Merutan, Merumeta Extreme

Beasts: Void Id, Exploding Mosquito, Pheromantis, Evil Eater, Paper Royal Sword, Iron Fire Kaguya, Lei Lei Stone, Slam Clown, Electric Beam Wood, Poison Babe, Four-jawed Needle Dragon

8th Generation Pokémon Sword and Shield

Initial Pokémon: Flame Rabbit, Knock Monkey, Tear-eyed Lizard

Legend Pokémon: Cangxiang, Zangmarant, Wuji Tianna, Lei Guan King, Bear Apprentice, Martial Arts Bear Master, Reggie Elage, Regidor Lago, Snow Storm Horse, Spirit Horse, Love Cloud Pokémon:


The masked man who appeared before is Liu Bo, Liu Bo from the parallel world of Yajia Xiaoxin, and I plan to write it again in the next book, so fill in the pit here first.

Liu Bo is a weak old man who needs to use a wheelchair to move, and is humble and polite.

In addition to being the owner of the Kaji Dojo, he is also a well-known ice sculptor who usually stays in the dojo to carve some lifelike ice sculptures. He often uses Pokémon moves to make these ice sculptures move and practice battles.

When he was younger, he was friends with Steel, Dr. Ohki, Kikuko, and Cultivation.

But then he lost two of his beloved Laplaces in an accident, Laplis and Laprus, which dealt him a huge blow and gradually alienated them.

The rest of his friends made up a "Song of the Dragon" to encourage him, but to no avail.

For the sake of his beloved Laplace, he wants to bring himself back in time and save them by taking it by rabbi it. To this end, he hatched an evil plan. He often wears the Ice Mask and disguises himself as a masked man.

He kidnaps Silver, Blue, Garm, and Kaz (Kazuki and Rika voluntarily follow him) in order to raise them as his own men.

Although Xiao Yin and Xiao Lan escaped, he did not give up this purpose and continued to cultivate the four people who remained.

In the early stages of his plan, when capturing the Phoenix King, he sealed the Phoenix King Guard into a rock beneath the scorched tower.

Because he didn't know much about Shi Rabi at first, he was often injured by Shi Rabi, and Xiao Yin and Xiao Lan seized this opportunity to escape.

After Sakaki disbanded Team Rocket, he recruited all the remnants of Team Rocket under him.

Some are voluntary, others are controlled by his mask.

Eventually, he made GS balls and successfully captured the time rabbi for time travel, but was caught up by Akin. Akin let the ball smash the GS ball in Liub's hand with a Super Rising Sun strike, freeing the time rabbi.

However, Liuber still drifted to the time stream when Lapplis and Laprus were killed, and the two Laplace's children in his arms, the glacier, flew to reunite with his parents.

At the same time, he also heard the "Song of the Dragon", and he finally woke up and disappeared into the gap of time with tears.

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