Pokémon Bond Skin God

Chapter 56

"Is anyone there? Is anyone there? Zhou Xin rang the doorbell of the Pokémon Center.

Miss Joy yawned while walking over and opening the door for Zhou Xin, "It's past one o'clock at night, the good boys are asleep, what's the matter with you two?"

"I'm sorry, my Pikachu, something is wrong." Zhou Xin put Pikachu on the bed.

"I guess I caught a cold." Miss Joy said lazily.

"Please take a closer look, it's my most important Pokémon." Zhou Xin asked again.

"Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, you see, Pikachu's cheeks have a discharge coming out, this is the initial symptom of an electric rat cold, as long as you let it stay here for one night, it will be cured quickly." Miss Joy said confidently.

"Trouble you, Miss Joey." Zhou Xin handed Pikachu to Miss Joy.

At this time, the seaside invaded, the entrance to the sea was blocked by the stinky mud, the generators that relied on hydroelectric power were stopped, and the entire city lost electricity for a while.

The Pokémon Center was also powered off, and Miss Joy took Zhou Xin and Annie to the treatment room.

"It's not good, if the power is not restored soon, the Pokémon that are being treated here are also in danger." Miss Joy said worriedly.

"Pikachu, you just stay here and rest, I'll go to the power plant with Anne." Zhou Xin released the wind speed dog, rode the wind speed dog, and left the Pokémon Center.

"I've been investigating, but the power plant hasn't answered." As soon as Zhou Xinannie came out, she bumped into Miss Junsha, who was contacting the power plant in the telephone booth on the street.

"No answer, where is the power plant, I'll go over and see." Zhou Xin asked anxiously.

"I'll show you the way, keep going here, then turn a corner, and you'll be there." Miss Junsha had just checked Zhou Xin's picture book and learned that he already had 4 badges, so she gave him the specific location.

Zhou Xin and Annie came to the power plant.

"Is anyone there? Is anyone there? "The power plant was dark and quiet.

Zhou Xin sent Charizard and Wind Speed Dog to illuminate the way forward.

"How come there is no one, it looks like a central control room over there." Anne said.

"Let's go over and see, Annie." Zhou Xin is full of security, because he has reliable Pokémon around him.

"It seems that something is following us." Anne said.

"It should be a wild Pokémon, there are fire-breathing dragons and wind speed dogs, it doesn't matter." Zhou Xin is not afraid.

"There really is, look behind you." Anne saw it again.

Zhou Xin opened the super identification technique, it turned out to be a small magnetic monster, "Annie, don't be afraid, it's a small magnetic monster."

"This Pokémon, what is it for, could it be caused by the power outage at the power plant?" Anne asked.

"No, it's not okay, little magnetic monster, I can understand you, you tell me, how can the power plant go out, okay?" Zhou Xin asked with a smile.

"It was a group of smelly mud that blocked the entrance to the sea and caused the power outage." The little magnetic monster told Zhou Xin everything he knew.

Zhou Xin Annie followed the little magnetic monster to the sewers, it was a large group of stinky mud, Zhou Xin sent his Pokémon, ate a lot of experience fiercely, drove the stinky mud and stinky mud away, and also subdued a stinky mud boss, a level 40 lord-level.

After the stinky mud and stinky mud were driven away, the estuary returned to normal, the generator began to run again, and the entire city also restored the power supply, helping Zhou Xin's little magnetic monster want to go with them, so he took the initiative to become Annie's Pokémon.

"Miss Junsha, Miss Joy, the appearance of a large amount of stinky mud and stinky mud is that the pollution of the sea is too serious, and it will be changed by the people of Heiyun City in the future." Zhou Xin said with a smile that Pikachu was back to health, and they were leaving.

"It's really ashamed, we will work with everyone to restore the sea to its former beauty as soon as possible." Miss Junsha said to Miss Joy.

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