Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.28 Evolution

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Rattata now looked energized and ready to train some more as Austin returned her, knowing that she would dive head-first into training when they finished the Nugget Bridge Challenge.

"I did my best," Cale said with a chuckle. "Even if it was a Rattata, I have no regrets."

"Same with fighting your Bug Pokemon, you'll be stronger when they become Butterfree and Beedrill," Austin said as he walked by them with Yellow right behind him. "Not bad for a warm-up though."

Checking his Pokedex as it was beeping, Austin was pleased to see that Rattata learned Hyper Fang.

"Um is Kakuna the evolved form of Weedle?" Yellow asked a bit hesitantly causing Austin to raise an eyebrow as he put the Pokedex up.

"Yes, why?"

"D-... Does Kitty have to evolve?"

Now Austin looked surprised before remembering how she reacted to Ratty evolving in the Manga.

Chances are she looked a bit into evolution after seeing Butterfree evolve from Metapod.

"Well most trainers evolve their Pokemon without a second thought, but some Pokemon like being who they are," Austin said scratching the side of his cheek as Pikachu gave a nod, agreeing to that. "If you don't want Kitty to evolve that's fine, but it may be a good idea to see what she wants."

Yellow looked away in thought before the second trainer, a girl wearing a white shirt and blue skirt walked up.

"You beat Cale?" She asked in surprise before grinning. "The name's Ali and I'm the second Trainer of Nugget Bridge."

With that said, she sent out a small blue Pokemon with leaves hanging on its head.

"Oddish." The small reddish Pokemon greeted as Austin saw Ariana's Gloom for a second before shaking his head and pulling out a different Pokeball.

"Pidgeotto goes," Austin said sending the bird Pokemon out as she cried with defiance as the Oddish took a step back in fear.

Ali who was confident now looked nervous.

"Gust," Austin said as the Pidgeotto gave a cry and began blowing the Oddish across the bridge causing her to tumble and roll.

"Oddish use Absorb!" Ali said as the Oddish pushed herself up and vines shot out of its head to absorb energy from Pidgeotto who took to the air to avoid it.

"Steel Wing to slice through them," Austin said with a grin as the Pidgeotto flew through the vines, cutting them up as it scored a hit on the Oddish, and this time she stayed down.

Ali frowned as she returned the Oddish and sent a Bellsprout out.

"Gust," Austin said not pulling any punches, but the attack had more force causing him to look confused.

'That was Twister!' 

Now Austin was grinning because two of his Pokemon just learned some new moves as the Bellsprout was knocked out easily.

Ali gave a resigned sigh and sent out her last Pokemon.

It was a Pidgey.

The small bird froze on seeing Pidgeotto who didn't look too impressed.

"Quick Attack." That was all Austin said before the Pidgey was knocked out.

'Man these battles are easy.' Austin thought about returning Pidgeotto as Ali accepted her loss. 'I expected it to be a lot harder.'

Austin sighed before the third trainer, a boy wearing a hat, yellow shirt and blue shorts had his arms crossed with a smirk.

"The name's Timmy, this is where you're winning streak ends," Timmy said as Austin shrugged. "Go Sandshrew."

As the small yellow armadillo Pokemon came out, Austin grinned and sent Spearow out.

"Scratch!" Timmy ordered as the Sandshrew moved.

"Aerial Wing."

It was too fast for Timmy to see as his Sandshrew was on the other side of the bridge out cold.

Not one to give up despite seeing how badly he was outmatched, Timmy sent out an Ekans as it hissed.

Spearow however cawed defiantly at the snake before he began to glow surprising everyone.

"Sweet," Austin said seeing what was happening as Spearow got bigger and when the glow died down, he was replaced by a large, brown feathered bird Pokemon with a red mohawk.

Taking out his Pokedex, Austin began to scan his new Fearow. "Fearow, the Beak Pokemon. Fearow is recognized by its long neck and elongated beak. They are conveniently shaped for catching prey in soil or water. It deftly moves its long and skinny beak to pluck prey. This Pokemon has learned the move Mirror Move."

Fearow however didn't wait for an attack from Austin as he flew forward and slammed into the Ekans with a peck that knocked him out.

Austin was a bit surprised by that only to see Fearow look away from him causing Austin to groan. "Oh no."

Seeing what was happening, Austin returned him, making a mental note to try and work on that attitude problem that Fearow got.

The fourth trainer was a girl named Reli who used two Nidoran one male and the other female.

Butterfree didn't have any problems with them as his Confusion attacks were the perfect counter for them due to them being Poison Types.

He did learn Gust but that was about it.

Finally, they were at the fifth and final trainer, who was a camper boy named Ethan and he sent out a Mankey while Austin had Pikachu out.

"Low Kick!" Ethan ordered as the Mankey moved quickly.

"Block with Iron Tail." Austin said as Pikachu did that, now use Thundershock."

The Mankey spasmed as it stumbled back before Pikachu tackled it with a Quick Attack, sending him rolling back.

"Mankey use Karate Chop!" Ethan said as Mankey shook his head and ran forward his fist glowing.

"Wait for it," Austin ordered as Pikachu stood there, his ear twitching slightly. "... Now use Iron Tail to jump!"

Pikachu did so, causing Mankey to miss before the electric mouse grinned as a small orb began to power up on his tail surprising everyone.

'Electro-Ball?' Austin thought in surprise. 'But Pikachu never learned that until Unova.'

Deciding not to question it, Austin grinned as the small orb slammed into Mankey causing him to collapse, knocked out as Ethan sighed and returned the Pig Monkey.

"Man you are a machine," Ethan commented as he did see the other battles. "We barely did anything to you."

"It was still great training for my team," Austin said with a smile. 'Especially since they all learned new moves and Spearow evolved.'

Unknown to all of them, someone was watching from a distance as he was given a gold nugget for winning.

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