Pokemon: An Icy Path

Chapter 13

Bea is squaring off with her Machop in the clearing behind the makeshift house standing about a meter apart.  The next moment they dash at each other with Machop throwing a punch at her and Bea raising her leg to block and following up with a punch of her own. Machop takes a step back after its punch is blocked and swings its other arm up and knocks Bea’s punch away causing the sweat on her arm to fly off in a shimmer of light. She then brings a knee up quickly and hits Machop in the chest which makes it take a few steps back and they are back at their starting positions. 

In the lull between their attacks, I take a moment to get a better look at Bea. She has a lithe body with proper curves in all the right places which draw my eyes. Her black bodysuit leaves nothing to the imagination and is practically glued onto her skin. I watch as a bead of sweat slides down the neck, onto her collar bones before disappearing into the black covered peaks on her chest. I gulp a little as my eyes trail down to well defined six pack abs and a healthy toned ass. Her muscular thighs still look soft and inviting despite the power inside them. The sun causes the sweat to cast a slight glow over her body which makes me feel all sorts of ways.

I lose track of time as I continue to watch Bea spar with Machop until they are tired. Their moves were graceful yet powerful and made me want to spar with Bea as I have yet to spar with anyone. Seeing as how they are finished, I walk up to Bea and offer her a towel and my water bottle.

“Nice spar. It looks like you were having a lot of fun.” 

“Thanks.” Bea replies while taking the items I offered her and wiping her cute face off before taking a sip from my thermos. My eyes stray towards her pale lips for a second before looking away with a hint of color on my cheeks. After taking her sip, she takes a look at me and leans back slightly and blinks in shock. “W-what are you wearing? Aren’t you cold?” 

“No, I am not cold.” I sigh heavily as I answer her. “I don’t know if it is fortunate or unfortunate, but I have a condition that causes my body to produce extreme amounts of heat. When my skin is exposed to air, I can vent off the heat in a quicker fashion. The more skin that is available to the air the cooler I am. That allows me to withstand the current temperature without overheating.” 

‘It’s also why I wasn’t wearing underwear’ I add internally. “Before you ask, my dress was made from a special fabric that helped keep my cool as long it was in direct contact with my skin.” I smile wryly at her as I watch her eyes grow bigger the more I explain.

“So that’s why you felt like you were burning up when I was carrying you!” She exclaims as if a huge mystery was solved. I feel her eyes sliding across my skin as she takes another look at me. I can feel my face getting warmer the longer she looks. “You have some nice muscles. Do you train as well?”

I suppress a shiver as I look into her hungry gray eyes that seem to be asking for a fight. I give her a nod before answering. “I do. I have been training in a style from the Sinnoh region for the past two years. I talked my Grandpa into paying for lessons for me in case I run into any situations. So far, it has saved me from getting run through by a Beedrill, twice.” I give her a small teasing smile. “I wouldn’t mind sparing a little before I head off to Pewter.”

“Pewter? Are you doing the Gym circuit?”

I nod slightly. “I am, this is my first year.”

“Awesome! I’m doing the circuit as well. This is my second attempt at a circuit. I only made it to the first two badges before I stopped. My original team was a general team, but we didn’t get along well. I decided to try again this year in a different region with a fighting type starter. So far, we have meshed extremely well together.”

“Machop!” Her Machop chimes in loudly in agreement.

“How about traveling with me? We could look out for each other and it never hurts to have another training partner.” I suggest while giving a small smile.

“Let’s spar first and then I’ll decide.” She gives me a big toothy grin.

“Sure, let’s do this.” I walk over to the clearing and start stretching while I wait for her to get ready as well. A few moments later she arrives opposite of me and we square off getting ready to start. While we wait for the signal, my music player starts to play the Mortal Kombat theme.


With the sound of her Machop, Bea rushes at me like she wants this to finish quickly. She stops just a step outside my range before planting her foot and throwing a quick kick towards my waist. I slide a foot backwards, causing the attack to miss but Bea adjusts her foot on the ground and reverses the direction of the kick and aims at my calf. I stumble from the unexpected attack but I dodge the punch heading towards my face by dropping down into a pushup position and sweep my legs around aiming for her knees. She sees my attack and dodges the kick effortlessly while I use the motion to cartwheel back onto my feet a few steps away. 

Bea attacks with a quick kick that I block with a hand. I attempt to grab her leg to take her off balance, but she quickly pulls her leg back and steps in with a quick jab with a fist. I spin around the fist to the outside of her arm and throw a kick towards her waist. I must of caught her off guard as I successfully got a hit in, causing my confidence to grow. She retaliates with a series of quick punches that I dodge with my footwork that causes me to act like I am floating. During one dodge, she changes up her flurry of punches and lashes out with her foot catching me in the shoulder where I spin away from it to reduce the damage and take some distance.

I give her a little grin before moving in and throwing a series of punches and kicks towards her. I try mixing and matching the moves from my katas to see if I can get another hit in. Bea nimbly dodges the attacks, not allowing any of them hit her.  I keep pressing on, my attacks get closer and closer to hitting her as I get used to using my training and her movements. I throw a punch to where I think I see an opening only to get my wrist grabbed and the next moment I find myself on my back trying to catch my breath and pinned under Bea. I stare up at her cute face, only a few centimeters from mine, unsure of what happened but also enjoying our current position.

“Good fight!” She gives me a sexy smile before standing up and offering me a hand.

“Good fight.” I gasp and grab her offered hand, which is softer than I expected, and stand up with her assistance. “So what’s the verdict?”

“You definitely need some more training and more experience with fighting.” Bea smirks at me and I just roll my eyes a little. “So I will be your sparring partner for the foreseeable future.”

“Really? That’s great! How does heading out in the morning sound? I have been stuck in these woods for too long already. I miss the creature comforts of civilization.”

Bea laughs happily in agreement. We spend the next few hours chatting with each other and enjoying dinner. Come to find out, Bea doesn’t know how to cook anything more than premade meals so I decided to show off some of my girl powers and did my best to cook for us. Once night fell, we called it for the night and fell asleep in the house. I brought out my sleeping bag and set it on the floor while Bea is sleeping on the cot. Instead of sleeping, I decide to meditate as I still felt slightly sluggish. Skadi and Zephyr cuddle on either side of me as the night falls silent.

In the morning I awake to a still dark sky, not that it affects my vision at all, feeling much better than I did the last time I woke up. I quietly stand up and move to the other room and get changed. Today I pick a white top like I had on yesterday and a pair of black booty shorts with white edging. After I finish getting dressed and putting my hair back into my ponytail hairstyle, I start prepping breakfast for us so we can quickly hit the road. Just as I am finishing up making breakfast, Bea comes out from the room and gives me a sleepy smile which looks adorable on her. 

“Mm, I could get used to this… Waking up to someone cooking breakfast. If this is going to be something regular, I don’t think I am going to be able to travel alone.” Bea yawns before sitting at the table.

“Well then, I’ll be sure to make you breakfast everyday while we travel until you can’t live without it.” I give her a sunny smile.

“Allow this peasant to bask in your greatness oh Frost-sama.”

We burst into a fit of giggles as I serve our food as Skadi and Zephyr join us. We banter back and forth during our breakfast and then pack everything up. I do one last check over the house before heading outside where Bea is waiting for me. With a nod we head off into the woods towards Pewter City and our first badge. 

The walk out of the forest was fairly dull. We chatted while I let my pokemon practice their moves on the poor bugs that stood in our path. I was having them work on their accuracy over power. Zephyr was taking them out with one hit, two if she was unlucky with a hit. Skadi was having a bit more of an issue but could normally take a bug out in two or three hits. On the other hand, Skadi was able to hit the same spot seventy-five percent of the time, which was much better than the one in ten shots it was previously.

The sun was at its zenith when we finally left the forest and entered into an area of rocky hills. On the hills I could see a number of different pokemon hidden among the rocks or strolling across the hills. I could see some Geodudes acting like rocks on the edge of the path, packs of Rockruffs lounging in the sun and the occasional Nacli leaving a salt trail. I thought I also saw some Rolycoly but when I looked again I didn’t see them. 

We moved along, not avoiding any pokemon in our path but also not going out of our way to attack any. Most of the pokemon were content to leave us to our trek. An hour later, after climbing a particularly tall hill we finally saw Pewter City. 

Pewter City is a sprawling city that combines nature and urbanization into a unique layout. The city sits at the base of a huge mountain that separates it from its sister cities giving the city a sense of isolation from the world. Mining is the main industry of the city due to the high number of rock and ground type pokemon that assist with the industry. We took a moment to enjoy the sight of the city from the hill as it was quite a beautiful sight. I made sure to pull out my phone and took a picture of the city from the hill as well as a selfie with Bea that I posted on my Pokegram. While we were talking last night I had added her on Pokegram but she didn’t have any pictures posted. 

“Come on, let’s get into the city and check in at the Pokecenter. I would love to have a proper bath.”

Bea nodded at me in agreement and we took off towards the city. As we got closer, I noticed a large number of trainers around that are battling with each other or training their pokemon. They must be getting ready for their gym challenge. Trainers are able to start from just about any gym for their journey, except for a few, but most trainers decide on starting in Pewter City as they feel it is the easiest gym. 

My mouth opens in shock at the sheer amount of trainers that are doing the gym challenge. The forum never said exactly how many trainers participate in the circuit each season  but it is said that nearly forty percent never make it past the second badge and another thirty percent never progresses past the third badge. We walk past the different trainers and head towards the closest Pokecenter.

Finally made it to Pewter City. Next up, Badge Battles!

If you can believe it, I'm already at 30k words! It's the most I have ever written but I have really enjoyed writing about Frost's adventure. Here is to the next 300k!

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