Pokemon: An Icy Path

Chapter 1

You know what’s great? Turning eighteen. It’s the age that most people look forward to. I know that I was. I was super excited because my birthday fell on a saturday this year so it meant no school and we could spend all day celebrating. My parents had planned to take me to the Canadian Falls so that I could celebrate in style with a few drinks just like they did when they turned 18. It was nearly midnight when I laid down in bed after packing a few things for our trip in the morning and I figured I would do a little bit of reading one of my favorite fanfics about a certain perverted cakester ice goddess until midnight so I could wish myself a happy birthday. As the clock clicked closer to midnight, I felt I could hardly keep my eyes open, I just felt so tired. I checked the time and finally it read 12:00. 

“Happy birthday to me.” I whispered to myself before giving into the intense sleepiness and heading into my dreams. 



You know what’s not so great? Opening your eyes to a room you don’t know, followed by the world's most intense headache. It felt like my head was going to be split open from the inside. I pressed my face into my pillow to suppress the sobs and screams while this headache of eternity kept scrambling my head. After what felt like forever, the headache started to subside yet my issues were not over. What the headache brought were memories, twelve years of them. Or was it eighteen, I don’t really know how it works as it seems like everything was merged together in the most inconvenient way. It’s not like I have two sets of memories now, but that sort of deja vu feeling of something happened but you are not sure it truly did.

It seems like I am ever so lucky to be the recipient of the legendary reincarnation trope. Joy. I start to breathe rapidly while I realize what is going on, I have been reborn into the Pokemon world. As my mild panic attack starts to wane I realize that on top of being brought into the Pokemon world, I went from being an only child to having two siblings. My oldest sibling is May Oak, her name doesn’t ring any bells for me, but my twin brother? It’s the goat, Gary Mother-fucking Oak. The spoiled grandson of Professor Samuel Oak in Pallet town. As for me? My name is Frost Oak, a girl that lives up to her name with her icy personality.  On the plus side, my current self seems to have had the same personality I did back on Earth so I shouldn’t have much issue fitting into my new family.

After spending some time to calm down I decide that it is time to bite the bullet and get out of bed. I looked around my room, which is colored in all sorts of whites, silvers and blue tones that make the room feel cooler, like a winter day. There are a few plushies around of ice type pokemon, one of which is on my bed of an Alolan Vulpix. Vulpix has always been one of my favorite pokemon as far as I can remember and when the adorable Alolan variant was released I fell in love with it at first glance. I mean, how could you not love the fluffy tails? Fluff is life! I quickly pick it up and hug it with a small squeal of joy before making my way to the full body mirror on my door. 

I took a deep breath before turning towards the mirror and taking in what I saw. My reflection showed a teen girl of about 13 years old, standing about five foot five with mid back length silver-white hair with streaks of various shades of blue throughout it. One bang was colored a glacial blue color, similar to how Rogue from X-men has one white bang. My face had an anime-esque look to it and was vaguely heart shaped, but my eyes drew all my attention. 

They were naturally phoenix shaped with one of the most intense ice blue color I have ever seen and they seemed to almost glow in the low light of my room. My pupils were not perfectly round but slightly pointed at the top and bottom, like a mix between a cat’s pupil and a human pupil. This gave me a slightly intimidating look, leaning more towards valiant or heroic than roguish. As I continued to stare into my own eyes, I naturally started to stand a little bit taller, trying to match the same air my eyes gave. 

I cracked a small smile when I failed, finally pulling my gaze to the rest of me. I can’t say that I was glamorous or sexy, I mean I am only in my early teens, but I was starting to develop curves and I could only hope they would continue to grow. My body itself was in good shape as my memories told me I had a habit of doing some light exercise to build some endurance but nothing hardcore currently. Glancing down I finally came to the second best part of my new body, my legs. I had legs for days and they were absolutely perfect. Smooth thighs that look inviting to touch and perfectly shaped calves. 

“I look good,” I whispered to myself quietly. My voice was smooth but had a slight husky nice to it that would send shivers down anyone's spine. With a satisfied nod, I stopped admiring myself. I gave my Vulpix plushie another squeeze before setting it down on the bed and leaving my room. As I went down stairs I could hear the TV on as someone was listening or watching the news. Once I reached the first floor I saw my grandfather, Professor Oak, sitting on the couch.

-In recent news, the starting age for trainers has been increased again. Just two years ago, the starting age was raised to thirteen but starting this year, all trainers must be at least sixteen years of age to compete in the Gym circuit, regardless of region. This change has come about do to push back from parents and the due to the rise of violent crimes acro-…-

“Ah Frost! Good morning to you. Did you sleep well?” Professor Oak asked me while muting the TV.

“Good morning Grandpa. I slept like a baby, I need to keep myself beautiful after all.” I replied with a cheeky smirk. “Is Gary out?”

“He went off to go train with Ash again. I swear those two see each other as rivals or something.”

“Either that or he has a crush on him.” Grandpa Oak just chuckled at my quip.

I glazed at the TV looking at the headline only to be shocked about the age requirement for the Pokemon League. I mean, it is a good thing, like seriously, whose bright idea was it to allow 10 year olds to go out into the wild, with little to no survival training to capture creatures that when trained are able to reshape the map. Not to mention that trainers are also seen as the military force of the region when hired by the league. But that also means that I have to spend the next three years prepping for a journey. This caused me to sigh internally with relief.

“Oh yes Frost, I almost forgot! I recently received a present for you from my cousin in the Alola region.” Grandpa Oak stood up from the couch and walked over to the table where a box sat. He picked it up and handed it to me with a warm smile. “Go ahead and open it, it is a late birthday present from my cousin who couldn’t make it this year.”

Intrigued by his statement and happy for the gift and I slowly opened the box.

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